Soir infos (20:00) - 02/06/2024

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MEDI1TV Afrique : Soir infos (20:00) - 02/06/2024


00:00 Good evening and welcome to Mediain TV. Thank you for joining us for the news. Here are the titles.
00:18 His Royal Highness Prince Erytimleil Hasen is the winner of the 23rd Hassen II Trophy of the Traditional Orchestra of Tboreda.
00:38 Morocco is eager, capable and ready to contribute to a substantial and pragmatic partnership with Korea, a statement made by the head of Moroccan diplomacy during his visit to Seoul.
00:49 Eight members of the OPEP+ alliance will extend their voluntary reduction of oil production for a few months before gradually removing them, details announced by the Saudi Ministry of Energy in a few moments.
01:05 His Royal Highness Prince Erytimleil Hasen is the winner of the 23rd Hassen II Trophy of the Traditional Orchestra of Tboreda.
01:13 The competition was held on May 27th to June 2nd at the Royal Complex of the Tboreda of Dar Selem under the patronage of His Majesty the King Mohammed VI.
01:21 The prestigious competition was organized by the Royal Federation of Moroccan Sports and Cases. His Royal Highness Prince Erytimleil Hasen won the gold medal in the Casablanca region,
01:34 the silver medal in the Benin-Al Kharefra region, the bronze medal in the Oriental region.
01:48 The head of Moroccan diplomacy in Seoul said that Morocco is eager, capable and ready to contribute to a substantial and pragmatic partnership with South Korea,
02:05 which is part of the ambitious Africa Agenda, while being adapted to meet the specific needs and challenges of African countries.
02:12 During the ministerial meeting organized as part of the work of the First Korea-Africa Summit,
02:18 Nasser Boletha mentioned the Royal Initiative to promote the access of Sahel countries to the Atlantic Ocean,
02:23 a project that would put the roads, ports and shipping networks of Morocco at the disposal of the enclaved Sahel states.
02:29 This strategy would also strengthen the union of the Sahel countries around the project of gas in the Moroccan-Nigerian Duke.
02:37 Nasser Boletha is in Seoul today with his counterpart of the Republic of Korea, Sho Taetsul.
02:42 On this occasion, the two ministers agreed to optimize the existing bilateral consultation mechanisms
02:47 by holding the 8th session of the mixed commission and the 6th session of political consultations.
02:53 The two counterparts have also signed three agreements, including a social security convention,
02:59 with the aim of initiating close cooperation between Morocco and South Korea,
03:03 a framework for cooperation on climate change,
03:07 and finally, the third agreement is related to the Korean Cooperation Fund for Economic Development.
03:13 On a business trip to South Korea, the Moroccan Foreign Minister also signed with the Minister of Commerce of the Republic of Korea,
03:23 Kim Kyo-shang, the joint communiqué on the launch of exploratory discussions for the establishment of a legal framework on trade and investment.
03:30 The two ministers agreed to pursue high-level economic cooperation,
03:34 to launch and finalize exploratory discussions as soon as possible in order to start negotiations.
03:40 The Liberian reaffirms its support for sovereignty and territorial integrity of Morocco.
03:47 The position of the Liberian is the same.
03:49 Our support for the territorial integrity of Morocco is constant.
03:51 The Liberian Foreign Minister reaffirmed this.
03:54 A statement made in the wake of the ministerial meeting organized as part of the work of the First Korea-Africa Summit,
04:00 Sarah Baysoul Onyanti also praised Morocco's key role in strengthening South Korea-Africa relations.
04:07 Omar Hilal addressed a letter to the President and members of the UN Security Council.
04:13 The permanent representative of Morocco to the UN denounced the attitude of his Algerian counterpart,
04:18 who is hiding behind his mandate to the Council to plead or to speak of the Moroccan Sahara,
04:26 while he should defend the Palestinian cause.
04:29 Back on the main lines of this letter with Souheil Gelil.
04:32 Omar Hilal describes the Algerian instrumentation of his mandate to the Security Council.
04:39 The permanent representative of Morocco to the United Nations
04:42 said that instead of addressing the eight humanitarian situations raised by the High Commissioner of the United Nations for Refugees,
04:48 Filippo Grandi, during his briefing, the Algerian ambassador was the only one among the Council members to focus on the Moroccan Sahara.
04:57 Responding to the counter-truths conveyed by the Algerian ambassador during this meeting,
05:02 which was reserved for the only member of the Security Council,
05:04 Omar Hilal pointed out that Algeria does not welcome the populations of the Chindouf Cones.
05:09 On the contrary, it has been sequestering them against their will for more than five decades
05:14 and instrumentalizing them in its policy of constant hostility against the territorial integrity of the Kingdom of Morocco.
05:20 And to add that Algeria denies the sequestered populations the choice between the three sustainable solutions
05:26 that international humanitarian law offers them,
05:29 in this case, the freely consented return, local integration or re-installation in a third country.
05:35 In the same vein, Hilal pointed out that Algeria unfortunately politicizes international humanitarian law
05:41 by subordinating the return of the populations of the Chindouf Cones to the Moroccan Sahara to the so-called referendum.
05:47 Yet the freely consented return, as well as the other sustainable solutions,
05:51 is a humanitarian requirement that cannot be conditioned to any other consideration.
05:57 The claim of the Algerian ambassador that his country does not make any effort to meet the needs of the Sahrawi refugees
06:03 is a pure lie, which is proven by systematic distortions confirmed by the European Office for Anti-Fraud of the European Union
06:12 and by the UN Food Programme in its January 2023 report entitled
06:19 "Evaluation of Algeria, WFP Anterim Country Strategic Plan 2019-2022".
06:26 The permanent representative of Morocco to the United Nations concludes his letter
06:30 hoping that the Algerian ambassador will focus more on the urgent crisis of peace and security
06:36 that concerns the international community than on the promotion of the political agenda of his country against his neighbor Morocco.
06:43 Note that the letter addressed by Ambassador Hilal to the President and members of the UN Security Council
06:49 will be published as an official document of the UN.
06:54 New police raid in Casablanca, an operation launched in coordination with the services of the General Directorate of Surveillance of the Territory
07:03 has allowed the seizure of 3 tons and 900 kilograms of shiras.
07:07 This security operation was carried out at the entrance of the city of Casablanca.
07:11 The search operations carried out inside a utility vehicle have allowed these seizures.
07:16 An investigation conducted by the competent parquet to determine the possible ramifications of this criminal activity has been launched.
07:24 The services of the General Directorate of Surveillance of the Territory,
07:29 in coordination with the elements of the Prefectural Service of the Judicial Police of Fes,
07:33 have arrested yesterday an 41-year-old woman for her involvement in a possession and trafficking case of psychotropic drugs.
07:40 The questioning was interpelled at the Fes railway station.
07:43 Immediately after arriving on board a train from a city in northern Morocco,
07:48 the search operation carried out has allowed the seizure of 1,620 psychotropic drugs.
07:53 The prevention was placed at the disposal of the judicial investigation carried out under the supervision of the competent parquet.
07:59 The elements of the Prefectural Service of the Judicial Police of Fes have arrested yesterday an 51-year-old woman for her involvement in a possession and trafficking case of psychotropic drugs.
08:06 The search operation carried out at the Fes railway station.
08:13 The questioning was interpelled at the Fes railway station.
08:20 The search operation carried out at the Fes railway station.
08:27 The questioning was interpelled at the Fes railway station.
08:35 In the Middle East, the incessant bombardments of the Israeli army have targeted several areas of the Gaza Strip.
08:42 The city of Rafah still remains the Israel's intense theater.
08:46 Yesterday, a pressing call from international mediators in Israel and Hamas was launched to finalize an agreement to cease fire.
08:53 A recent report states that more than 36,400 Palestinian civilians have been killed in the Gaza Strip since October 7.
09:00 The UN is warning of a famine risk in the Gaza Strip, where the majority of the 2.4 million citizens are displaced.
09:08 Hezbollah announces new attacks against northern Israel.
09:14 The Lebanese party has specified that these attacks are counter-attacks against the Israeli enemy's attacks against southern villages,
09:20 including in Hula, where two unarmed civilians have been killed in the past two days.
09:25 Israel has also attacked southern Lebanese villages, where two civilians and two fighters were killed on Friday.
09:31 Hezbollah has claimed a series of attacks against Israeli military positions and announced that it has shot down a drone.
09:38 Nearly eight months after the outbreak of the conflict, Israeli raids have killed at least 451 people in Lebanon.
09:44 Egypt welcomed this Sunday a meeting of Israeli and American officials devoted to the reopening of the border crossing of Rafah.
09:54 This passage is crucial for the entry of humanitarian aid to Gaza.
09:57 On the occasion of this meeting, the CAIR reiterated its refusal to see the Palestinian side of the Rafah crossing, controlled by Israel.
10:04 According to the media responsible, cited by Egyptian media,
10:08 Egypt reiterated the need for an Israeli withdrawal from the Palestinian side of the Rafah crossing for a resumption of activities.
10:16 The Egyptian delegation also accuses Israel of being fully responsible for the blockade of humanitarian aid that does not arrive in Gaza.
10:24 Voting day in Mexico after a violent election campaign.
10:30 Nearly 100 million Mexicans are called to vote for these general elections.
10:34 A woman could become the first president in the country's history.
10:38 Claudia Sheinbaum, a left-wing candidate in power, is the big favorite of this poll.
10:43 She leads the poll with 17 points.
10:46 Her rival in the center-right, Xochitl Galvez, is supported by a coalition of three parties.
10:51 In India, the time is now in the waiting for the results of the legislative elections.
10:59 Results are expected on Tuesday.
11:01 But one thing is certain, the party in power is largely in the lead.
11:04 Narendra Modi is about to take off his third historic mandate at the head of the country.
11:08 Nearly a billion citizens, including 471 million women, are called to the polls for the 18th legislature of the Indian Parliament.
11:16 The results of the legislative elections in South Africa confirm the ANC's debate in power for 30 years.
11:25 The party of the former president lost its absolute majority at the assembly at the end of the general elections.
11:31 The ANC has obtained only 40% of the votes.
11:33 A bloody drawback that will force the party to call for the support of the largest opposition formation,
11:39 namely the Democratic Alliance, which has collected more than 21% of the votes.
11:43 According to Henri Nzouzi, geopolitical expert and director of the diplomatic committee,
11:50 several causes seem to precipitate the fall of the ANC.
11:53 We listen to him.
11:54 There are many causes.
11:56 There are economic causes, with a strong rise in crime, a failure in infrastructure.
12:04 We have recently observed, or for several months,
12:08 a slump in power cuts, inequalities have been dug up,
12:15 but there has also been a kind of moral failure in the behavior of certain important players in the ANC,
12:23 which means that some of those who had supported them from the start have turned their backs on them
12:28 and have preferred to throw their hands on other parties.
12:31 We are obviously thinking of the party that is considered the real winner,
12:35 Oukonto We Siswe, which is the MK party formed just a few months ago by Jacob Zuma
12:41 and which should, in my opinion, be courted by the ANC.
12:45 Eight members of the OP+ alliance have extended their voluntary reduction of oil production for a few months
12:51 before gradually removing them.
12:53 The Saudi Energy Ministry announced cuts of 2.2 million barrels per day
12:58 for Saudi Arabia, Russia, Iraq, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Kazakhstan, Algeria and Oman,
13:05 and will be extended until September 2024,
13:07 then will be gradually removed by September 2025.
13:11 Previous voluntary cuts of 1.65 million barrels per day announced in April 2023
13:17 are extended until the end of 2025.
13:20 A clean Senegal, without floods,
13:24 this is the ambition of the President of the Senegalese Republic, Basirou Dioumaifay,
13:28 who initiated this Saturday a national cleaning day.
13:31 The goal is to prepare the country for the rainy season
13:34 by ensuring cleanliness and hygiene in the different communities of the country.
13:38 Marie-Madiop and Cher Dao took part in watching.
13:41 The Senegalese President, accompanied by his two first ladies,
13:45 launched a general cleaning day throughout the country.
13:50 The slogan "Routenu" is the "sounou reou" which means "to make our country clean".
13:56 This day is part of the pre-winter operations.
14:01 "Cleanliness must also be everyone's business.
14:05 Hygiene and cleanliness must also be everyone's business.
14:10 We must internalize it in our daily behavior.
14:15 Avoid dirt, and when we see that it is dirty,
14:19 systematically think about cleaning.
14:22 It is good for our health, it is good for our well-being. "
14:26 Much more is announced this year in Senegal.
14:30 The challenge remains to fight floods,
14:33 the President's call for co-construction to improve the Senegalese's living conditions.
14:40 "We will, with the communities,
14:43 take actions that are sown in each case.
14:49 Either it is to sow seeds to allow a gravitational evacuation of water,
14:55 or to support the populations through pumping in the waters
15:03 where the gravitational passage of the water is not possible.
15:09 But above all, before the winter,
15:12 we support the populations for the curing of all the sewage
15:17 that will allow a correct evacuation of water everywhere in Senegal. "
15:23 "We are always in the activities of cleaning,
15:26 of decomposing to make the living environment friendly,
15:30 then healthy, and then it will favor better public health conditions.
15:36 So we are on it.
15:39 Before, I will also remind you that at the level of the General Directorate of the Living Environment,
15:43 we had initiated days of monthly cleaning
15:46 that we called "communément de subsétal".
15:49 So it's a bit of an extension of this program. "
15:51 A strong human and community investment was noted on this occasion of this day,
15:57 this "Also Nureo" that is to be perennial.
16:00 Citizens of all ages and all backgrounds
16:03 mobilized in large numbers to participate in this presidential initiative,
16:08 which demonstrates a collective commitment
16:11 and a common will to maintain cleanliness and hygiene throughout Senegal.
16:18 Mali has begun its shift to renewable energies.
16:21 In a week, the authorities have just launched the work for three solar plants.
16:26 These projects would reduce the share of the thermal energy and boost the country's energy autonomy.
16:31 Explanations with Mohamed Tanioko.
16:34 The installation of this first solar panel in Tchakadougou,
16:38 a few hundred and fifty kilometers from Bamako,
16:40 is the third in a series that began on May 24 in San Ankorawa,
16:46 with the launch of the work of a 200-megawatt CRET power plant.
16:51 The future San Ankorawa power plant is a solar field of 200 megawatt CRET power
16:58 on a surface of 300 hectares.
17:01 It will include bifacial photovoltaic modules installed on tracker systems
17:08 and equipped with a 20-megawatt-hour energy storage system.
17:13 The 100-megawatt CRET power plant in Safo,
17:17 as well as the last one in Tchakadougou,
17:20 will produce 400 megawatt CRET energy.
17:26 These 400 megawatt CRET power plants will allow us to gradually get out of this energy crisis
17:35 that our country is facing,
17:37 and also to start our energy transition to renewable energies,
17:43 and also to promote the socio-economic development of our country.
17:47 In addition to providing a solution to the energy crisis,
17:51 these power plants will also provide solutions to unemployment,
17:55 especially among young people.
17:57 In terms of employability,
17:59 these three power plants will allow the creation of direct and indirect jobs
18:04 that will have a positive impact on the lives of our citizens.
18:09 These three power plants were built in partnership with Russia, the United Arab Emirates and China.
18:17 Let's take a look at space with the Chinese probe Change 6,
18:22 which landed on the hidden side of the Moon.
18:24 This probe must either collect samples or make progress
18:29 for the ambitious Chinese program that aims to catch up with American and Russian leaders.
18:33 This 53-day mission, launched on May 3,
18:36 should allow, according to the State Agency,
18:38 to make the very first samples on the hidden side of the Moon,
18:42 a region of the Earth's satellite that is rarely explored.
18:46 That's the end of this news.
18:54 Thank you for following it, but stay with us.
18:56 The information continues on Mediain TV.
18:58 [Music]