Future References To Robocop, Aliens & Predator In 1959 Vincent Price Horror Film The Tingler?

  • 12 days ago
Here I point out possible future visual references to the Robocop, Aliens & Predator horror media franchises present in the 1959 film The Tingler.

*Due to the graphic violence content of some of these movies viewer discretion is advised.*

One link between these movies is the Ennis House located in Los Angeles, California, designed by architect Frank Lloyd Webber and used as a backdrop for location shooting of many movies TV series. Alien (1979) director Ridley Scott used it for Blade Runner in 1982 and Black Rain in 1989. Scenes for Predator 2 (1990) were shot here and Director William Castle used it as a backdrop for the original House On Haunted Hill in 1959 with Vincent Price. What appears to be interior shots from the location may also be seen in (their second collaboration) The Tingler in 1959.

Science fiction / horror franchises Alien, Predator, Robocop & Terminator share the same fictional universe in the comic book world. Titles based on these works were published by Dark Horse.

Other links in the Tingler:
- The creature appears as a severed human spine.
- The setting of the first Predator movie was in central America. A serpent warrior (similar to that of the Mayan indians) piece of stone sculpted artwork can be seen in The Tingler.
- At one point in The Tingler the creature enters a crowded movie theater revealing some of the chairs of the movie audience. The feet of the chairs are similar to the 3 toed foot of police droid ED-209 in Robocop (1987).
- Actress Winona Ryder was in Tim Burton-directed Edward Scissorhands in 1989 with Johnny Depp & Vincent Price. She was later in Alien Resurrection, the 4th film with actress Sigourney Weaver.