Let's Get Married My Billionaire Full Movie

  • 3 months ago
Let's Get Married My Billionaire Full Movie
00:00 St. Louis' most famous bachelor is set to take over as the CEO of Morgan Corp.
00:05 You better find me a daughter-in-law within six months.
00:08 Otherwise, I will sign these papers.
00:10 I will donate all the stocks intended for you.
00:13 My name's Jackie. I'll be your server this evening.
00:16 Let's get married.
00:18 Why me?
00:19 Because you're not interested in me.
00:22 I would love to introduce my beautiful wife.
00:24 I didn't know Eric was married.
00:26 And what's even crazier is that it's to you.
00:33 Starting today, I'm the new CEO of the Ford Gallery.
00:36 And you work for me now.
00:38 I just want this fire!
00:43 What a pair of hypocrites.
00:45 To talk about her recent controversial marriage scandal.
00:49 Your marriage is fake.
00:51 There's no love between you and her.
00:53 The company's stock is free-falling since the news broke.
00:55 Is everything a lie?
00:59 Hey, Jackie, don't be late.
01:01 I tried so hard to persuade my manager to get you this job.
01:04 Think about Matt's bills and stop playing hero this time, okay?
01:07 Okay, okay. Copy that. I'll be right there.
01:15 Hey.
01:18 What's your favorite radio station?
01:21 I just wish you could be here to listen to it with me.
01:28 Breaking news today.
01:30 Los Angeles' most famous bachelor, Eric Morgan, is set to take over as the CEO of Morgan Corp.
01:36 From his mother, Maria Morgan.
01:50 If Mr. Eric Morgan succeeds, he will also become the youngest CEO in the history of Morgan Corp.
01:57 Good morning, son.
01:58 Let's talk about your marriage.
02:04 You're here to talk about the marriage with the Monroe family.
02:07 You already know what my answer is.
02:11 Close the door, Tom.
02:12 Okey-dokey.
02:19 Yes, sir.
02:25 What's this?
02:26 You don't want to marry Joanna Monroe? Fine.
02:29 But if you want to lose the rights to inherit the Morgan Corporation,
02:32 you better find me a daughter-in-law within six months.
02:37 I'm serious. Otherwise, I will sign these papers.
02:40 And I will donate all the stocks intended for you to the African elephants.
02:45 You know how much I love their giant ears.
02:48 They're much cuter than you.
02:52 So unless you want to be scooping poop in the middle of the rainforest for the rest of your life to survive,
02:58 you better do what I say.
03:08 She can't be serious.
03:11 That's good. That's gross.
03:18 Sir, I don't think that's the point.
03:27 So how is your date with George?
03:30 Well, don't tell me you brought him to see Matt again.
03:37 This is the third date you've messed up this year.
03:40 You shouldn't rush to tell him the truth.
03:42 No man will get into a serious relationship with a girl whose brother's medical bills are due at the end of every month.
03:49 If they think Matt's a problem, they're not the one.
03:57 That asshole again.
04:02 What can I get for you?
04:04 You know what I like about yours?
04:08 Hey, Alice, the manager's calling for you.
04:11 I can take it from here.
04:17 Hi, my name's Jackie.
04:19 I'll be your server this evening.
04:21 Can I start you off with anything to drink?
04:24 What do you recommend?
04:28 Would you like to try our signature cocktail?
04:32 We use classes old to make tequila.
04:35 How about a pink lady served by a pretty lady?
04:41 Anything else?
04:44 Yeah, I'll take your phone number.
04:52 Anything from the menu?
04:56 You think I spent $3,000 here tonight for some boring food on a menu?
05:07 You messed with the wrong girl.
05:18 Who the fuck are you?
05:20 Do you have any idea who I am?
05:23 Where's the damn manager?
05:27 What the fuck is going on around here?
05:30 Hey, sit down, okay?
05:32 Hey, listen, that is the Mr. Morgan, okay?
05:36 Don't fuck this up for all of us.
05:40 Mr. Morgan, if you would like, we can seat you in the VIP section of our restaurant.
05:46 I'll eat here.
05:48 I'm ready to order.
05:49 Absolutely.
05:50 I'll be your server for tonight.
05:52 I prefer her.
05:59 Thank you, sir, for what you just did.
06:04 Passion fruit ceviche?
06:06 Pardon?
06:08 Apparently you're not familiar with the menu.
06:12 Top one on the second page.
06:14 Make it two, please.
06:15 And he means you're welcome.
06:20 What is wrong with these people?
06:22 Sister, how do you know Eric Morgan?
06:26 Why does everyone treat him like he's such a big deal?
06:30 And who is this Eric guy, anyways?
06:32 You don't know him?
06:34 Gosh dang it.
06:36 He is the most famous bachelor in L.A.
06:41 Erica Morgan Corp.
06:42 His family owns like 500 luxury malls and hotels around the world.
06:47 You and I, we will never get the chance to live or even visit a life like that.
06:53 Gosh, look at his cute face.
06:56 Who doesn't want to marry him?
07:02 You're fired.
07:06 Jacqueline, you're fired.
07:08 What? Why?
07:09 Do you have any idea what you just did?
07:12 You punched a customer.
07:14 You are so lucky that Mr. Morgan was here and that customer will not press charges because of him.
07:19 But I cannot allow that type of behavior in my restaurant.
07:23 So yes, you are fired.
07:25 But Leo, I didn't do anything wrong.
07:27 You can't just fire me like this.
07:28 I have rent to pay.
07:30 I have student loans.
07:31 And you know that my brother...
07:32 And you should have thought about that before you did that.
07:36 Next time, you should think before you raise your fist.
07:40 Finish up serving Mr. Morgan and you're free to go.
07:50 It's fine, Jackie.
07:51 You can just get another job.
07:53 You did the right thing.
07:56 I think.
08:01 Oh, oh.
08:05 Oh my God, I'm so sorry.
08:06 Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop.
08:10 I'm so sorry.
08:11 It's a culture shock.
08:25 Oh my God.
08:27 My lipstick's on your shirt.
08:30 Are you serious?
08:45 Here you go.
08:55 I'm so sorry.
08:57 Jacqueline.
09:00 Let's get married.
09:06 Excuse me.
09:07 Sir, did you just say let's get married?
09:11 Yeah.
09:12 I mean, you're probably a little low on cash right now, right?
09:16 Oh, okay.
09:20 Mr. Morgan, thank you so much for helping me earlier.
09:24 And, yes, I do need money.
09:27 But that does not mean that you can just buy me like this.
09:32 You picked the wrong girl.
09:34 No, no, no, no.
09:35 Hey, sir.
09:36 You got me all wrong.
09:38 I don't want to buy you.
09:40 You probably just need money right now.
09:42 And I need a wife to get my mom off my back.
09:45 So, bada-bing, bada-boom, that's it.
09:53 Here's your tip.
09:54 Call me.
09:59 My number's on the back.
10:06 $10,000?
10:07 I'm sorry.
10:23 I'm sorry.
10:46 Why hasn't she called yet?
10:49 I'm sorry.
10:50 Are you laughing at me?
10:51 Absolutely not, sir.
10:52 You're laughing because I'm the young lady you want to marry?
10:54 You know, Tom, look at me.
10:57 I'm 30 under 30, unforced.
11:00 It's been a week.
11:01 That's like seven days and nights.
11:03 She still hasn't called.
11:04 I mean, that doesn't sound right.
11:08 Yeah, exactly.
11:09 You know what?
11:10 Something must be wrong.
11:12 You should go and find out.
11:15 You're right.
11:17 Let's go to the office.
11:20 I'm going to get you a drink.
11:22 I'm going to get you a drink.
11:23 I'm going to get you a drink.
11:24 I'm going to get you a drink.
11:25 I'm going to get you a drink.
11:26 I'm going to get you a drink.
11:27 I'm going to get you a drink.
11:28 I'm going to get you a drink.
11:29 I'm going to get you a drink.
11:30 I'm going to get you a drink.
11:31 I'm going to get you a drink.
11:32 I'm going to get you a drink.
11:33 I'm going to get you a drink.
11:34 I'm going to get you a drink.
11:35 I'm going to get you a drink.
11:36 I'm going to get you a drink.
11:37 I'm going to get you a drink.
11:38 I'm going to get you a drink.
11:39 I'm going to get you a drink.
11:40 I'm going to get you a drink.
11:41 I'm going to get you a drink.
11:42 I'm going to get you a drink.
11:43 I'm going to get you a drink.
11:44 I'm going to get you a drink.
11:45 I'm going to get you a drink.
11:46 I'm going to get you a drink.
11:47 I'm going to get you a drink.
11:48 I'm going to get you a drink.
11:49 I'm going to get you a drink.
11:50 I'm going to get you a drink.
11:51 I'm going to get you a drink.
11:52 I'm going to get you a drink.
11:53 I'm going to get you a drink.
11:54 I'm going to get you a drink.
11:55 I'm going to get you a drink.
11:56 I'm going to get you a drink.
11:57 I'm going to get you a drink.
11:58 I'm going to get you a drink.
11:59 I'm going to get you a drink.
12:00 I'm going to get you a drink.
12:01 I'm going to get you a drink.
12:02 I'm going to get you a drink.
12:03 I'm going to get you a drink.
12:04 I'm going to get you a drink.
12:05 I'm going to get you a drink.
12:06 I'm going to get you a drink.
12:07 I'm going to get you a drink.
12:08 I'm going to get you a drink.
12:09 I'm going to get you a drink.
12:10 I'm going to get you a drink.
12:11 I'm going to get you a drink.
12:12 I'm going to get you a drink.
12:13 I'm going to get you a drink.
12:14 I'm going to get you a drink.
12:15 I'm going to get you a drink.
12:16 I'm going to get you a drink.
12:17 I'm going to get you a drink.
12:18 I'm going to get you a drink.
12:19 I'm going to get you a drink.
12:20 I'm going to get you a drink.
12:22 Your fiancé, Jacqueline.
12:24 That bitch.
12:27 That's impossible.
12:28 Alright, come with me.
12:37 Look man, don't make this harder than it has to be.
12:42 So, why didn't you call him?
12:49 It's Eric Morgan.
12:51 There must be a catch or something.
12:53 Listen, based on what you told me, he's a billionaire and all the women in town are dying to marry him.
13:00 So, why me?
13:02 Yeah, girls.
13:03 These rich people are like flames.
13:05 Don't get burned.
13:06 Also, I heard this rumor that he's very picky about girls and never dates publicly.
13:11 Just another reason for me to stay far away from him.
13:14 But the check is real, right?
13:16 That's why you might call him and see what's what.
13:19 Plus, Matt's bill is due at the end of this month.
13:23 I know, but I can't just take his money.
13:26 It's weird.
13:27 I mean, marry a guy for his money?
13:29 It works for my parents.
13:31 Well, it doesn't work for me.
13:33 I can pay Matt's medical bills on my own.
13:36 I've been doing it for years.
13:37 I just need to find a new job now.
13:45 He's here.
13:46 Who's here?
13:48 The Walkington brand.
13:50 What are you doing here?
14:03 The sign outside says you're open.
14:06 That doesn't answer my question.
14:09 I'm sorry, is this a coffee house?
14:11 Am I not allowed here?
14:14 Fine.
14:15 What can I get for you?
14:20 Ukes.
14:23 I'm sorry, Mr. Morgan.
14:30 I know that you probably don't understand this,
14:33 but ordinary people like me actually have to work to make a living.
14:37 So...
14:39 Twenty thousand dollars.
14:41 Twenty thousand dollars.
14:42 I will give you twenty thousand dollars to close this store for five days.
14:51 Have a seat.
15:04 What now?
15:08 What now?
15:09 This is a contract.
15:15 A contract for what?
15:17 Our marriage.
15:19 One thousand and forty-eight pages and two lines.
15:21 Now, my lawyers have reviewed it,
15:23 but there's several ground rules that you need to know about before signing it.
15:26 Tom?
15:27 Sir.
15:28 So, first, there is no kissing, hugging, or even touching, Mr. Morgan.
15:33 He is not a fan of closeness or any intimate behavior, really.
15:37 Secondly, you will not date anyone while in the marriage
15:40 or bring any scandal that could affect Morgan Corp's stock price.
15:44 And third, you will move into his home,
15:46 but you will have separate bedrooms because he cannot share a bed with you.
15:49 Now, look.
15:50 I get it.
15:51 I'm handsome.
15:53 I'm hard to resist, but rules are rules.
15:56 I normally don't say things like this to other people's faces, but...
16:06 Are you out of your fucking mind?
16:08 Do you really think that money can just buy you anything?
16:13 Yeah.
16:15 Get the hell out of here, and don't you dare come back,
16:18 or I will make sure to punch you in the face!
16:22 You know I can do that.
16:26 [Music]
16:52 Did she just reject me?
16:55 Me?
16:56 Eric Morgan?
16:58 Yeah.
17:00 Loud and clear.
17:02 [Phone ringing]
17:08 Hello?
17:09 I know. I'm going to pay the bill soon.
17:13 I promise.
17:14 [Phone ringing]
17:21 I said I'm going to...
17:22 Open the door.
17:23 [Music]
17:38 So, this is where you live.
17:41 [Music]
18:02 I know your brother's in the hospital,
18:04 and I'm willing to cover all of his medical bills until he wakes up.
18:09 So long as you sign my contract.
18:13 [Music]
18:21 Why me?
18:22 Why me?
18:24 Because you're not interested in me.
18:27 You don't know who I am either.
18:29 That's the last condition, and I want you to keep it that way.
18:33 What way?
18:35 You cannot fall in love with me.
18:38 [Music]
18:42 Fine.
18:43 But I have conditions too.
18:47 Fair enough. What are they?
18:50 First, aside from my brother's medical bills,
18:54 I don't want any other financial assistance from you.
18:56 Secondly, the minute my brother wakes up,
19:01 this fake marriage is over, so you better get what you need before then.
19:05 Deal.
19:08 [Music]
19:10 Pleasure doing business with you, my wife.
19:13 All right.
19:15 I'm looking forward to having a great business partnership, hubby.
19:19 [Music]
19:26 Wow!
19:27 It isn't Jacqueline Quinn.
19:30 How dare they let you wear such ratty clothes into this luxury store?
19:34 Ma'am, do you mind waiting?
19:37 You know, you should really check people's credit balance before letting them in here.
19:40 I feel like I'm in Target right now.
19:42 Give me that one.
19:45 Perfect on me, isn't it?
19:53 Right where it belongs.
19:54 Can I try this one on, please?
19:57 This brand isn't just for everyone to casually wear.
19:59 Ma'am, I can help you later. Right now I'm assisting Miss Quinn in that one.
20:02 [Music]
20:07 If you want it, beg me for it.
20:09 I can give it to you as a charity donation to the poor.
20:12 [Music]
20:17 Whatever my wife wants, she can have it all.
20:21 Eric Morkan... Mr. Morkan!
20:25 Jacqueline is your wife?
20:27 [Music]
20:33 Here.
20:34 [Music]
20:41 Gorgeous.
20:42 Wow, yeah. Whoever designed this must be a genius.
20:47 I meant you.
20:49 You know her?
20:54 Mr. Morkan, I went to college with Jacqueline. I'm her...
20:57 We're not close at all.
20:59 That necklace, are you going to take that?
21:03 Well, yeah. The total is going to be $500,000.
21:07 Will that be debit or credit, Miss Wilson?
21:10 You know, I just remembered I have a really similar one at home, so...
21:15 Please wrap up everything you have for this season.
21:18 Except for that one. I'm allergic to germs.
21:23 [Music]
21:34 Here's the dress I asked Mom to pick for you.
21:38 That's not usually her kind of thing, but just this once.
21:42 Oh, wow. I mean, thank you.
21:48 But, I mean, we're just meeting your mom, right? I don't have to wear this.
21:54 Well, we're actually having a soiree at home tonight.
21:57 A what?
21:59 I told you we're having a soiree. Would you have come with me?
22:04 Hell no.
22:06 Then you leave me no choice.
22:08 The marriage is fake, but I wanted you to have a real demo.
22:16 [Music]
22:30 Time to go.
22:32 [Music]
22:49 A masterpiece. Ruined by a cracked and ugly hand. Oh, what a pity.
22:54 [Music]
23:06 Ready for this?
23:08 [Music]
23:20 Hello, everyone. Thank you so much for joining us tonight.
23:25 Today's a huge day for the Morgan Corps.
23:28 I would love to share some personal information with all of you.
23:32 I recently got married.
23:34 I would love to introduce my beautiful wife, Jacqueline Quinn.
23:40 Oh, my son, this is huge.
23:47 Eric, my dear, why didn't you share this great news earlier?
23:52 Hey, it's you again. I didn't know Eric was married.
23:56 And what's even crazier is that it's to you.
23:59 How do you two know each other? I've known Eric my entire life and I've never heard your name.
24:03 At summer camp.
24:09 Well, what's your favorite piece from this whole?
24:14 Oh, it's the Porte de Baggio Milanese by the Renaissance painter Pietro Perugino.
24:23 Pietro Perugino? My favorite artist as well.
24:27 Jo, will you please show Jackie a picture?
24:31 I'm sorry, Jacqueline, can I borrow you for a moment?
24:41 Eric, I'm so pleased that you finally found the love of your life.
24:46 You will get what I promise you soon.
24:49 But don't let me catch you playing any more games with me.
24:52 You can find someone else to scoop out.
24:55 Jacqueline, Maria mentioned there's another Pietro Perugino painting in the storage room.
25:10 You wouldn't mind helping me look for it, would you?
25:13 Yeah, sure.
25:15 Joanna, I don't see any paintings in here.
25:30 Oh, that's a reminder for me to take my medicine.
25:36 Jacqueline, you stay here and keep looking and I'll be right back.
25:40 Okay, I guess.
25:42 Joanna? Joanna, are you there?
26:05 Joanna?
26:07 Oh my God, I love your necklace. Where did you get it?
26:12 Oh, thanks. It's actually Eric's mom's.
26:15 It's Eric's mom's. Oh, right. Well...
26:18 Where's Jacqueline?
26:20 I don't know. Eric, I was thinking you and I could...
26:23 I was thinking you and I could get... Eric!
26:26 Jackie?
26:29 Eric?
26:31 Eric! Eric, I'm in here!
26:34 Eric? Jackie?
26:36 What are you doing in here?
26:40 Hey.
26:43 Thank God.
26:44 What's going...
26:45 You okay?
26:50 Yeah, yeah, I'm fine now.
26:52 You sure?
26:53 Thank you.
26:55 Thank you.
26:56 Oh, my God.
27:09 Tom!
27:12 Hey, hey, Jackie.
27:17 Hey, what's going on?
27:20 Hey, it's okay. Breathe with me.
27:23 You're gonna be fine. You're fine.
27:25 Listen.
27:30 Okay, now breathe through it.
27:36 Oh, I lost you for a second.
27:52 I'm fine now.
27:53 Yeah.
27:54 Have you always been claustrophobic?
28:00 When I was a kid, my parents used to fight a lot.
28:04 And I used to lock myself in the closet to avoid hearing it.
28:09 And ever since they abandoned me, I...
28:15 I've always been scared of small spaces.
28:19 Wow.
28:22 It's fine. It was ancient history.
28:25 No matter what reasons led us to this marriage,
28:34 I'm your husband.
28:38 Legally.
28:39 So you have family.
28:42 And I got your back. Okay?
28:45 I'm sorry.
28:46 I finally found you two.
28:57 Wait. Did I interrupt you?
29:01 No.
29:02 Should I leave? Should I stay?
29:05 Where is he?
29:07 You know what? I'm gonna leave you two in here.
29:09 Tom, Tom, Tom, no.
29:10 I swear to God. Just kidding.
29:13 Hilarious.
29:14 Take you to bed?
29:21 Yeah.
29:22 Oh, my God.
29:43 Tom, I brought you something.
29:45 I brought Miss Quinn's luggage.
29:47 Is it all she packed?
29:50 Tom, come on.
29:53 Yes.
29:54 [♪♪♪]
29:56 [♪♪♪]
29:58 [♪♪♪]
30:01 [♪♪♪]
30:03 [♪♪♪]
30:05 [♪♪♪]
30:07 [♪♪♪]
30:13 [♪♪♪]
30:25 [♪♪♪]
30:27 Like what you see?
30:37 I didn't see anything.
30:39 Didn't get a chance to welcome you to our new home.
30:42 It's gorgeous, right?
30:45 Oh, hear that?
30:47 That's Mozart.
30:48 11 p.m. every night.
30:50 The perfect time for his symphonies.
30:52 I mean, when the city lights come on and his symphonies start playing,
30:57 oh, it is just a masterpiece.
31:00 [♪♪♪]
31:06 [♪♪♪]
31:10 [♪♪♪]
31:12 Were you waiting for me?
31:31 Me?
31:32 Get out of here.
31:34 Then why are you standing outside my room?
31:38 You're stretching.
31:40 Yeah.
31:42 Go on, say what?
31:45 Yeah, yeah, I'm--
31:47 I have an interview with the biggest gallery in the city.
31:51 I don't-- I don't think I'll get it, but fingers crossed.
31:56 I really have to pee. Can you hold this?
32:00 Sure.
32:01 Wish me luck.
32:02 Good luck.
32:07 Is that Ford County?
32:09 Hey, Ford?
32:17 Yeah, that's me.
32:19 I got an artist coming to you today.
32:21 For an interview?
32:23 Yeah, she's fantastic. Her name's Jacqueline Quinn.
32:26 I'm gonna send you her portfolio, all right?
32:29 All right. Peace.
32:33 [♪♪♪]
32:35 What is your schedule looking like starting tomorrow?
32:45 It's completely open. I-- very available.
32:48 Would you like a job here?
32:50 Yes.
32:53 Welcome aboard.
32:54 Oh, my gosh, thank you so much, Tina. I won't let you down.
32:57 Okay. Thank you, Jacqueline.
32:59 Thank you.
33:00 I look forward to working with you.
33:01 Me, too.
33:03 [phone ringing]
33:15 I can't believe Eric Morgan called Mr. Ford himself
33:21 to get me to interview a moron.
33:24 Cut the crap.
33:26 Her name is Jackie something. I don't-- nobody.
33:29 I bet she fucked him.
33:32 [laughs]
33:34 Okay, guys, okay.
33:36 Hey, hey, you big artists.
33:41 How'd the interview go?
33:43 Did you have something to--
33:58 --position?
34:00 Do you know Mr. Ford?
34:02 Okay.
34:04 Hold some strings. I made a call.
34:06 So you-- hired.
34:09 How could you do that?
34:11 I just sent your portfolio.
34:15 You're an asshole.
34:16 I don't need you meddling in my business.
34:19 That I didn't ask for.
34:21 I'm sorry. I was just trying to help you.
34:24 I--
34:26 I'm upset.
34:28 Hey, no, you-- you got the job because you're talented,
34:31 not because of me.
34:33 It's been a long day.
34:37 I should go.
34:40 [music playing]
34:44 [music playing]
34:47 [music playing]
34:50 [music playing]
34:53 [music playing]
34:57 [music playing]
35:01 [music playing]
35:04 [music playing]
35:07 [phone ringing]
35:33 Jacqueline Quinn?
35:35 Yes?
35:36 Where the hell are you?
35:37 It's your first day at work.
35:38 If I don't see you in 15 minutes, you are fired.
35:41 I thought we had--
35:42 Signed in at 9.
35:43 Hello?
35:45 You're late.
35:49 It's 8.15.
35:51 Am I not 45 minutes early?
35:53 Don't you know this is a gallery?
35:55 And we need to be on standby for our buyers 24 hours, 7 days a week.
36:00 I make the rules here. I get to decide when it is considered early and when it is late.
36:05 Our new CEO will be here today, so you better behave well.
36:08 Bite your tongue.
36:09 We hired you, but we can also fire you.
36:13 We hired you, but we can also fire you.
36:18 Long time no see, Jacqueline.
36:24 I heard you were hired at the company yesterday.
36:27 I forgot to tell you, starting today,
36:29 I'm the new CEO of the Ford Gallery, and you work for me now.
36:33 I heard you would come in today to welcome us around.
36:37 I appreciate you educating the employees, but I'm the boss and the only one who can direct her at this company.
36:44 You people are like my puppies, going wherever I direct you to go.
36:48 I have a very important task for you, dear Jackie.
36:56 The first thing I want to do for the gallery is acquire a painting called Riverside by the mysterious artist X.
37:03 And I want to give this very important task to you, Jacqueline.
37:07 Can you find out the true identity of X and acquire the painting for us?
37:11 X? As in the artist who never appears publicly?
37:16 It's a challenging task, but I believe in you. You can do it.
37:22 I guess if you can't find X, there's really no reason for you to come back.
37:28 She thinks she can get rid of me. She's got something else coming.
37:37 I just want to get fired!
37:46 Fuck you, Mr. X.
37:52 [Sighs]
37:54 I'm going to screw up this beautiful painting.
38:08 What are you doing?
38:10 Oh my God, um, I'm so sorry I shouldn't be coming to your things.
38:15 No worries.
38:20 So, do you like my work?
38:23 You made this?
38:28 Oh my God. Oh my God, are you X?
38:35 Well, I'm not surprised you didn't notice.
38:37 I mean, you know you're a painter and you've lived here as long as you have.
38:40 There's a lot about me you don't seem to notice.
38:43 Why wouldn't you tell me about this? And shouldn't you sell your work?
38:48 I'm rich. I don't need the extra money.
38:51 Besides, I don't want people to focus on who made the painting.
38:57 I just want them to focus on the painting.
39:00 Which is why I appreciate this could be our little secret.
39:06 Jacqueline Quinn, do you see these resumes?
39:11 What are you trying to say?
39:14 I already told you I couldn't find X. It's an impossible mission.
39:18 I've done my homework on you.
39:20 Dropping out of art school in Italy, juggling shifts as a waitress,
39:24 playing caretaker to a non-biological brother in the hospital.
39:28 You were a hot mess before Eric married you.
39:31 Do you really think you can compete with candidates with these types of resumes?
39:35 You bitch! I don't know what spell you put on Eric to get him to marry you,
39:40 but you're nothing without him. And you've proven that by failing the one simple task that I gave you.
39:47 So you're fired. Get out, Jacqueline.
39:51 Enough, Joanna. I brought the painting you wanted.
39:56 I brought the painting you wanted.
39:58 Eric, what are you doing here?
40:01 You want the identity of X. Fine. Jackie already found it.
40:07 That's impossible. No, she didn't.
40:10 I'm X.
40:12 What? That's impossible. I've known you for 20 years.
40:23 How could you be X? You never told me you were X.
40:28 Why would I? Cut the games, Joanna.
40:32 Yes, we grew up together. Yes, you know my mother.
40:35 And you're close with my family.
40:37 That does not mean I'm going to keep taking your bullshit forever.
40:41 I'm sorry, but you're like a little sister to me. At least you were.
40:48 And if you ever insult my wife again, there will be consequences. You understand me?
40:55 Why are you so mean to me? It's Eric and Joanna. Everybody knows that. It's always been.
41:01 The board has already terminated your role, C. You're fired.
41:08 Eric Morgan, after everything I've done for you, this is how you repay me?
41:14 By kicking me out of your life? You belong to me. This is not the end.
41:29 This is my thank you to you.
41:33 What's wrong? Nothing. This is my first time trying.
41:45 What? Trying a taco or eating at a food truck?
41:52 Both.
41:56 You are such a prince.
41:59 So, I know you said you wanted to keep your identity as an artist a secret.
42:07 It was very important to me.
42:10 And now everyone knows.
42:13 It's okay. I have something a lot more important.
42:18 [Music]
42:41 Yo.
42:43 Now?
42:48 My mom is on her way to our house.
42:52 What?
42:54 [Music]
42:56 Oh my God, she's going to be so mad.
42:59 Hey, that's natural.
43:06 I am. Okay, breathe.
43:08 Hello. Hello.
43:16 [Music]
43:20 How's Mary life?
43:22 Oh, it's perfect.
43:24 That's awful.
43:26 [Music]
43:35 Keep it up, son.
43:37 [Music]
43:49 Where are you going?
43:51 Oh, I just thought since Maria left, I should just go to the guest room.
43:57 Oh, no. You can stay too.
44:01 What? What?
44:05 Maria could be back any second, because she's like that.
44:10 Maybe it's time we start living like a real couple.
44:14 What do you say?
44:16 [Music]
44:45 [Music]
45:00 [Music]
45:20 Making breakfast? Should we dance yet?
45:23 [Music]
45:25 [Phone ringing]
45:28 Hello?
45:30 [Music]
45:36 Oh my God. Oh my God, are you serious?
45:40 Oh, of course. I'm on my way.
45:43 What's going on?
45:45 My brother. My brother's awake.
45:49 Oh my God.
45:50 He's awake.
45:52 [Music]
45:57 Matthew. Oh my God, you're awake.
46:02 I thought I'd never see you awake again.
46:06 Do you have any idea how much I worried about you?
46:09 Jerk.
46:11 I'm sorry I made you worried for so long, but I'm fine now. It's just my legs.
46:16 Doctors say I might not be able to stand up anymore.
46:21 No, there must be something they can do.
46:26 Uh, Jackie, is he your friend?
46:30 Hi, I'm Eric Morgan, Jacqueline's husband.
46:35 You're married?
46:40 Matthew, you've been in a coma for three years. A lot has changed around here.
46:47 Nice to meet you, brother-in-law.
46:54 Eric, Matthew can't move freely quite yet, so I think I'm going to stay here, take care of him for a while.
47:01 Jackie, my arm's a little sore from the drip. Can you help me with the food?
47:04 I'll feed Matt.
47:05 What?
47:06 Yeah, no, I, he's family now. But as your husband, it's my duty to help take care of him.
47:13 Are you sure you can handle this?
47:15 Absolutely. Actually, Ford called, said he needs your help at the gallery.
47:20 So don't worry, I got your brother covered.
47:23 All right. Thank you.
47:28 I'll be back to visit you after work, okay?
47:33 Okay.
47:39 (music)
48:03 Eric, I need to pee.
48:05 What, are you serious? You just went?
48:08 I'm your brother-in-law.
48:14 Okay, all right. We'll count to three, okay?
48:18 All right, let's go.
48:20 One, two, three, go.
48:22 Yes, on three. That is what I said.
48:24 One, two, three.
48:28 (fart)
48:32 Eric.
48:36 Eric.
48:38 Eric.
48:41 Hey, you're Jacqueline's husband.
48:43 Yeah, yeah.
48:45 What, you want to pee?
48:47 No, come here.
48:50 Look, Eric, you seem like a nice guy, so I'm going to be straight with you.
48:54 Jacqueline and I grew up in the same orphanage. She's practically my baby sister.
48:59 She seems to like you a lot, but if you dare to break her heart, I might not be able to walk right now,
49:07 but I will hunt you down in my wheelchair and kick your ass.
49:22 What is so funny?
49:27 You know what, man?
49:30 I was expecting a much different story.
49:34 Yes, hey, I swear I will never, ever do that to her.
49:43 All right?
49:45 (phone chimes)
50:08 If I can't have you, then nobody can.
50:15 You destroyed my life, you heartless asshole.
50:22 I'm not even a friend. You don't even like me a little bit?
50:28 Well, let's see what secrets you're hiding from me, Eric Morgan.
50:45 A marriage contract?
50:49 Well, well, well.
50:55 I knew it was fake.
50:58 You don't love her, and she's using you for your money.
51:04 What a pair of hypocrites.
51:21 Nick, I got an exclusive scoop, and I think you're going to love this story.
51:36 Breaking news. Eric Morgan, the CEO of Morgan Corp, exposed in a shared marriage with his wife, Jacqueline Quinn.
51:44 Shockingly, the motive behind this charade was to secure shares from the Corp's president, Maria Morgan, who is also Eric's mother.
51:53 The company's stock is free-falling since the news broke.
51:58 Eric, what is happening with you and Jacqueline?
52:02 Is everything a lie?
52:04 Say something. I want to know the truth.
52:11 Or should I just call Jacqueline?
52:14 No. This is all my fault. I...
52:18 Jacqueline's innocent. I coerced her into signing the contract.
52:34 What is going on?
52:37 Eric Morgan, the CEO of Morgan Corp, exposed in a shared marriage with his wife, Jacqueline Quinn.
52:44 Shockingly, the motive behind this charade was to secure shares from the Corp's president, Maria Morgan, who is also Eric's mother.
52:53 It's nothing like that.
52:55 It's not like what they say.
52:57 Jacqueline, you and Eric are two different people from different worlds.
53:03 People will judge you no matter what the truth is.
53:06 Don't be scared.
53:08 I see how much you two love and care about each other.
53:12 I support this relationship.
53:16 Eric needs you right now.
53:18 Go. Go be with him.
53:22 Thank you, Matthew.
53:33 Eric!
53:37 Jessie!
53:39 Come down here. Let's go get married.
53:42 Are you serious?
53:44 Yeah. For real this time.
53:48 I don't have my ID.
53:50 That's alright. I got us covered.
54:06 There's no turning back now.
54:09 I don't want to turn back.
54:18 Why don't you head home first?
54:21 I've got an errand to run.
54:37 What do you want?
54:39 Your marriage is fake.
54:41 There's no love between you and her.
54:43 She's just using you.
54:45 Look at me.
54:46 I'm the one who really loves you and cares about you.
54:49 So you're behind all this?
54:51 Where did you get the contract?
54:52 I searched your whole office.
54:55 There should be no secrets between us now.
55:01 I would never love a person like you.
55:06 You think I'm pathetic?
55:09 I'm pathetic?
55:14 Well, well.
55:17 Son, did you get all the recordings?
55:18 All here.
55:20 Tom, take her away.
55:28 Eric, I'll take over the mess here.
55:31 Why don't you go inside and check out the television and see the little surprise that my dear daughter-in-law has prepared for you.
55:43 Welcome to the news channel.
55:52 I'm your host, Ashley.
55:53 Today we invited Jaclyn Morgan to talk about her recent controversial marriage scandal.
55:59 Jaclyn, in the beginning, can we have you respond to the contract marriage allegations circulating online?
56:07 Wow, it seems the rumors have been debunked by this certificate.
56:16 Well, to be honest with you, our marriage did start with a contract.
56:22 Can you tell us more about it?
56:24 I met my husband, Eric Morgan, completely by accident.
56:29 I was working as a waitress at the time and I was dealing with some creep at the restaurant and he really had my back.
56:37 He stood up for me.
56:39 Well, he actually kicked the guy's ass.
56:42 My first impression of him wasn't that great.
56:46 I kind of thought he was full of himself.
56:49 And then time went on and I got to know him better and I found out that he's a great person.
56:56 And he's kind and respectful and honest.
57:01 And he always stands up for what's right, even if he's a bit stubborn at times.
57:07 So, sure, our marriage might have started as an arrangement, but there's something I need to make very clear.
57:16 Eric Morgan, you are the first thing that I think about when I wake up in the morning.
57:26 And you're the first person I want to call when I have news to share.
57:30 And I love you.
57:33 I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
57:37 [Music]
57:42 Jackie?
57:44 [Music]
57:47 Jackie.
57:49 [Music]
57:58 I love you, too, Jacqueline Quinn.
58:01 [Music]
58:04 When you entered my life, I was alone.
58:08 I never felt the need for anybody.
58:11 I stood clear of forming any close connections.
58:16 The day that I met you, my whole world brightened.
58:22 I discovered how vibrant life could be.
58:27 I cannot live without you, Jackie.
58:30 I love you so much.
58:35 Will you marry me once more?
58:38 Yes, yes, I will.
58:40 Yes.
58:42 [Music]
58:55 (music ends)