iBilib: Meet the fastest land animal in the world!

  • 3 months ago
Aired (June 2, 2024): Sa lahat ng hayop sa buong mundo, ano sa tingin niyo ang pinakamabilis tumakbo?


00:00Welcome back, iBelievers!
00:07Earlier, we left you with a question about Cheetahs.
00:11Cheetahs can run at a speed of A, 50 miles per hour, or B, more than 50 miles per hour.
00:21The answer is letter B.
00:24Cheetahs can accompany cars.
00:27Cheetahs can run at a speed of A, 60 miles per hour, or B, 0-60 miles per hour in 3 seconds.
00:35How did Cheetahs become faster than land animals?
00:39They can run 20-25 feet in one long run
00:43because of the different physical aspects of Cheetahs that can't be seen in other big cats.
00:49Cheetahs have long and muscular legs,
00:52small and light bodies,
00:54wide shoulders, and hip joints.
00:56That's why they're fast.
00:57They also have a flexible spine that helps them reach their maximum reach.
01:01That's why Cheetahs are perfect specimens when it comes to running.
01:05Cheetahs are good at following their victims.
01:08Their spikes and golden fur help them blend with tall grass
01:15and serve as a perfect camouflage for other animals.
01:19When a Cheetah feels that it's time to attack,
01:22it will quickly chase its victim.
01:26But Cheetahs are not only fast when it comes to hunting.
01:31Because Cheetahs run out of energy,
01:33they need to rest for half an hour before eating.
01:38In the past, Cheetahs were no longer on the list of endangered animals.
01:43But now, they're becoming extinct again because of poachers.
01:48The destruction of their natural habitat
01:50and rising temperatures due to climate change
01:53are in our hands to make a change in our planet
01:58so that Cheetahs will still have a place to run.
02:04If there's ketchup spilled on your table,
02:07do you know how to quickly clean it?
02:10Ha ha ha!
02:11That's what I'm going to teach you in
02:14Kitchen Hack Attack!
02:18And this is all we need, iBelievers!
02:20Of course, we have a wax paper here.
02:22This is the ketchup that we're going to throw, for example.
02:25And any hard object like this chopping board or chopping boards.
02:30And this is all you're going to do.
02:32For example, you're going to throw it.
02:38Then, you're going to wrap your wax paper here.
02:42You're just going to put the wax paper here.
02:45You're just going to wrap it lightly.
02:47Then, you're going to hold your chopping board
02:51and you're going to pull the wax paper like this.
02:55It's going to go to you.
02:56While you're pushing your chopping board,
03:00it's going to go to the ketchup that you threw.
03:02Here's an example.
03:03This is what's going to happen.
03:16Oh ha!
03:21Did you see that?
03:24The ketchup is gone!
03:26It's all gone!
03:27You just have to use the wax paper.
03:29You're so good!
