Why Are Flies So Hard To Swat?

  • 3 months ago
One secret is their specialized hind wings. High-speed cameras show that flies' modified hind wings help with their speedy takeoffs.


00:00 Why are flies so hard to swat?
00:05 A fly buzzes past your head and lands nearby.
00:09 You grab a fly swatter and you strike!
00:12 But no matter how quick you are, the fly escapes unharmed.
00:15 What is it that makes flies so hard to swat?
00:20 Flies have many adaptations that give them extra speed, maneuverability, and perception,
00:25 making them very, very good at detecting and evading your swats.
00:30 And new evidence shows that one of the ways they do that is with vibrations of stick-like
00:35 structures with a knob at the end, called halteres.
00:39 When halteres vibrate during flight, they're sensing body rotations and transmitting information
00:44 to the fly's wings, which helps flies to stabilize their bodies.
00:48 However, houseflies also vibrate their halteres while walking, but scientists didn't know
00:54 why, so they looked at houseflies and their close relatives to see if oscillating halteres
01:00 affected how the flies launch into the air.
01:03 Scientists filmed flies during takeoff using high-speed cameras, recording footage at speeds
01:08 up to 3,000 frames per second.
01:11 They found that houseflies and other closely related flies launched themselves around five
01:16 times faster than other flies, and with just one wingbeat.
01:20 When scientists removed those flies' halteres, it took them longer to take off, and some
01:26 took a nosedive and crash-landed.
01:29 But halteres aren't the only secret weapon in a fly's evasive arsenal.
01:33 Fruit flies can change course in under 1/100th of a second, about 50 times faster than an
01:39 eye can blink.
01:41 Flies also have exceptional vision, which helps them react to a threat and adjust their
01:45 trajectory within milliseconds before takeoff.
01:50 With all these built-in advantages, it's no wonder that the fly you're trying to
01:54 swat can easily escape and just buzz off.
02:00 Aerodynamic flies.
02:02 Just another one of life's little mysteries.
02:04 (record scratches)
