The Bold and the Beautiful FULL EPISODE 06/03/2024 | B&B FULL EPISODE June 03 2024

  • 3 months ago


00:00 [Music]
00:04 [Music]
00:07 I'm sorry that I, that I didn't tell you both the truth sooner.
00:10 You have nothing to apologize for. Your priority has always been your daughter.
00:17 I hope our daughter. I hope so too.
00:22 We can find out right away.
00:28 So after denying that Luna was Bill's daughter, Poppy just had a change of heart?
00:35 Maybe she didn't want the public scrutiny of people saying that she was after him
00:40 for his money and she didn't want her character questioned.
00:43 How long have you known her, RJ?
00:47 Come on in.
00:49 Hi. Sorry to interrupt. I'm looking for Steffi.
00:55 Hi. Steffi. Yeah, she's in a meeting. She's in a meeting right now.
00:58 Do you want me to get her for you? Is it pressing?
01:00 No. Not pressing. I was driving by. Thank you.
01:03 Oh, hey. Hold up just a second. I, um, I want to talk to you about something.
01:07 It's about your sister.
01:09 Apparently she's claiming that Bill is Luna's father?
01:20 To even consider cutting Hope for the Future today is both impulsive and foolish, Fridge.
01:26 I believe that your daughter has taken whatever issues she has with me too far.
01:31 It's not personal hope. It's business. In order for a business to be successful,
01:36 you need to make profits, not lose them.
01:38 Hope for the Future's in a transition.
01:41 Okay, Carter, will you tell them how bad the numbers are?
01:43 They're not good.
01:45 Yeah, they're not good. That's why we need to pull the line.
01:48 Can't watch this, Tank. Those profits could go towards something better, more reliable lines.
01:54 Oh my God.
01:55 Fridge, are you hearing this? You have to do something.
02:02 [Music]
02:32 [Music]
02:44 Oh, hey. Hi. How was, uh, your workout?
02:48 It was amazing.
02:49 Yeah?
02:50 I got a lot done. I really accomplished a lot.
02:52 I think I've earned myself three extremely dry martinis.
02:55 Ah.
02:56 All right. Just one.
02:59 One martini.
03:00 So, anything happen while I was gone?
03:02 Well, um, Hope came here really upset because, uh,
03:08 [inaudible]
03:10 for the future.
03:11 What?
03:12 Yeah. Obviously, Hope is devastated. I mean, she's not going to give up, but
03:17 she is determined to try to save her line.
03:21 Brooke, Hope, I understand your frustration, but no decision has been made.
03:26 I advise we have a
03:27 [inaudible]
03:29 FTF.
03:30 I agree.
03:31 Yeah. Brooke, will you excuse us? You're asking me to leave?
03:36 I'll handle it.
03:38 I hope you do.
03:40 I know I haven't played an important part in this company for quite some time.
03:46 Maybe that was a mistake.
03:48 You know how I feel. You know where I stand.
03:53 [music]
04:04 Okay. Let's not waste any more time.
04:06 We need to discuss the fate of Hope for the future.
04:10 [music]
04:18 My sister's claiming Bill Spencer's Luna's father?
04:22 I would have thought that would be something that you would have known. I mean, that's,
04:27 I would never keep anything like that from my sisters.
04:29 Your sisters aren't manipulative opportunists.
04:33 What are you saying?
04:35 My sister's a gold digger.
04:39 We don't have to wait much longer to learn the truth.
04:45 We can find out today.
04:51 I know how important it is to you to finally find out who your father is.
04:54 But you have to be ready.
04:57 And if you are, I hope with everything in me that it proves that you're my daughter.
05:06 [music]
05:18 A tense relationship, but to call Poppy a gold digger, that's not-
05:21 It's true. It's true.
05:23 My sister's very manipulative. Don't trust her.
05:27 So you think she's making this up? That Bill isn't really Luna's father?
05:33 Yes. And I'm going to make sure this ends today.
05:37 Do you know where my sister is?
05:40 Yes. She and Luna are at Bill's.
05:47 [music]
06:04 Uh, yeah, maybe this will do.
06:06 Oh, all right. All right. I'll wait. I'll wait. I'll wait.
06:09 Nothing new, but-
06:10 Thank you.
06:11 Oh, hey. What? You're back early. I-
06:16 I just told Eric that, um, Steffi wants to cancel Hope for the Future.
06:21 They're having a meeting about it as we speak.
06:23 Well, what's Rich saying about this?
06:26 Steffi asked me to leave before Rich was able to say anything.
06:30 Wait, what? Steffi asked you to leave?
06:33 I don't know what Steffi's thinking, but she is in for a rude awakening
06:40 if she thinks she can cancel Hope for the Future without a fight.
06:44 You're making this personal, Hope.
06:46 This is about what's best for the company. Its legacy.
06:49 But I shouldn't expect anything less coming from-
06:52 From what? A Logan?
06:56 You want to talk about respecting the Forrester legacy.
07:00 Uh, Carter, what is one of the biggest money makers for Forrester to this day?
07:07 Something that was created in a lab here decades ago?
07:11 Brooke's belief formula continues to pay huge dividends even all these years later.
07:16 And what else continues to be highly profitable?
07:19 The bedroom line.
07:22 Exactly. Both created by my mother.
07:26 Who you essentially just kicked out of this meeting.
07:30 The disrespect that you have continued to show my family is ridiculous.
07:35 I mean, you want to eliminate the Logan influence from your family.
07:39 You want to eliminate the Logan influence from Forrester when it's our influence that has made Forrester the highly successful company that it is today.
07:48 So, does that sound like strong leadership to you?
07:52 Or someone who has a personal vendetta against my family and me?
07:56 Any news?
08:08 No.
08:09 Look, I know that Lee had a lot to say about Poppy, but it doesn't change the fact that Bill could still be Luna's dad.
08:16 How do you feel about that?
08:18 I don't know. I don't know. I mean, it's-
08:23 It's my girlfriend's dad, and I'd be really happy for her if she got to know him.
08:31 Because she's wanted to for a long time. But on the other hand, come on, it's Bill.
08:36 Of all people, it's Bill. And I just-
08:40 How can I not worry if it turns out that he is Luna's father?
08:45 Okay, well, it's pretty simple. We just need a swab from both of you.
09:03 Um, before we get started, I just- I just need to let you know that if you really do end up being my father,
09:10 there are no expectations or obligations or anything like that.
09:14 Luna, I already told you. You're my daughter. There is nothing I wouldn't do or give you.
09:19 If the test says that I'm your dad, that makes me one hell of a lucky man.
09:26 All right. Okay, let's do it.
09:32 Hold it right there.
09:33 I know what you're up to.
09:38 Hi, Grandma. I played baseball today. Oh, I realize that hope for the future's numbers haven't been up to snuff, but-
09:44 But for Steffi, you want to cancel the line? No. I cannot believe she actually asked you to leave.
09:50 I mean, along with Eric, you practically made Forrester Grations, Brooke.
09:54 I mean, you've done more for that company than Steffi ever has. Unbelievable. I appreciate you saying that, sweetie. But all I can think about right now is hope. She put everything into that line. And now Steffi wants to kill it? It's just not right. It's just not right.
10:03 I mean, along with Eric, you practically made Forrester Grations, Brooke. I mean, you've done more for that company than Steffi ever has. Unbelievable. I appreciate you saying that, sweetie. But all I can think about right now is hope. She put everything into that line. And now Steffi wants to kill it? It's just not right.
10:26 My mother's contributions to Forrester are invaluable. So please tell me what revolutionary, highly profitable contributions you've made, Steffi.
10:33 All right. Let's all take a step back. Can we do that? Guys, we're here to make an unbiased, objective decision about hope for the future.
10:41 And how can an unbiased decision be made when the co-CEO is purposefully looking past the success that my mother and I have brought to this company?
10:50 Hope, we're well aware that the belief formula on the bedroom line had been integral to Forrester. And so is hope for the future.
10:56 So what? You're siding with hope and Brooke?
11:09 I can understand your concern about Bill being Luna's father, but I'm more concerned about Poppy. For her sister to say those things about her?
11:19 I know that you say that Poppy is a strong, independent woman, but has she done anything or have you heard of anything that would cause you any alarm?
11:30 No. Poppy has her faults, yes. And yeah, she's made some mistakes. But is she this conniving woman that her sister's making her out to be? No, I don't think so.
11:43 Looks like I got here right on time.
11:48 Lee, what's going on?
11:49 Well, I heard about Penelope's claim about you being Luna's father.
11:54 Yes, I said that it could be a possibility. Not that it's any of your business.
12:00 No, it's my business. Because Bill is Kelly's grandfather. And I'm very protective of Finn's family.
12:05 Finn and his family don't need protection from me.
12:09 So you say. Tell me, why did it take you so long to tell Bill about Luna? Hmm? I think I know why.
12:19 He's your M.O., right? Rich, handsome, rich.
12:27 All right, look, I don't know what this dynamic is between the two of you, but if you think that's what Poppy's doing, you are way off base.
12:34 You don't know her like I do, Bill. You have no idea what she's capable of.
12:40 You are so out of line.
12:44 Maybe. Maybe not. But we'll soon find out. I will oversee that paternity test.
12:55 I'm sure a licensed professional would give you all the strong peace of mind.
12:59 We want to make sure the results are accurate, don't we?
13:02 What? Lose her line? She just, she just can't.
13:16 Steffi's a really good co-CEO. I've been very, very happy with what she's done for a very long time now.
13:23 But Forrester has a strong set of checks and balances in place. Anything she wants to decide,
13:29 Ridge has to agree. Ben, I have to believe he won't.
13:35 There's no way that he's going to let Steffi eliminate Hope for the future
13:40 in a personal attack against my daughter. You do all realize that we're on the same team, yes?
13:47 Are you really going to listen to Hope and Brooke over-- What I want right now is for us to take a--
13:51 Dad, this is business. I know it's business. And you're right.
13:55 I'm sorry. Hope for the future hasn't been performing well.
14:02 But I believe in you and the team you put together, and I think pulling the plug on this is premature.
14:08 Carter. Let's wait and see next quarter's numbers. We can reassess then.
14:19 I agree. All right, we have that meeting with that potential buyer from Elan, Ridge. We should get going.
14:24 You too, Thomas? You're the future of this company.
14:33 If we can't work together, we can't succeed. So do me a favor. Figure this out.
14:48 Load all you want. It's not going to fix the mess that you're in.
14:51 Um, please, Steffi, you know this was never about my line. Look, we don't have to like each other,
14:57 but I at least thought that we could work together. But I was wrong. You have continued to attack me
15:03 and vilify my family, so fine. If you want to pretend that my family hasn't helped make this
15:08 company the huge success that it is today, all right, go for it. But we're going to prove you wrong.
15:19 I just can't believe that Poppy is some gold digger out to trick Bill. I don't believe it.
15:29 And you can say that with 100% certainty.
15:33 Listen, you know, if Poppy is trying to pull a fast one,
15:39 I'm just grateful that Lee is there to stop her.
15:44 We'll use my test instead. This is ridiculous. It's the same exact test.
15:51 Yes, but mine's sealed. I'll administer it from beginning to end.
15:56 This was an intimate moment between the three of us.
16:01 Whatever the results are will have a huge impact on my daughter. Do you get that?
16:08 Oh, yes, I do. But I want to be certain that Bill and Luna get the correct information.
16:15 I know your sister's coming on a bit strong.
16:18 Strong? She's being disrespectful.
16:23 True, but she is a doctor.
16:26 That's right. I'm a professional. I can confidently oversee the test.
16:34 Unless there's a reason why you wouldn't want me to?
16:36 This isn't about you. This is about Luna.
16:40 I love my daughter. I want her to know the truth about her father.
16:46 That's why I'm here, Penelope. To make sure everything stays truthful.
16:51 How dare you? How dare you suggest that I would do something so devious and underhanded?
17:03 Because I know you, Penelope.
17:05 Please.
17:05 I'm so sorry you're in the middle of this. I really am. But this is your mother's doing.
17:14 Because there isn't a chance in hell that Bill is Luna's father. That's why I'm doing the test.
17:22 No, you're not. I want you to leave. Now!
17:28 No. Please stay. We have nothing to hide, right?
17:33 Okay, I don't care who does the test. The weight is killing me. I just...
17:37 I need to know if Bill's my father or not.
17:39 It's settled then. I'll administer the test.
17:42 Soon we will find out if you are definitely Luna's father.
17:48 Or if you're lying.
17:53 [Music]
17:55 [Music]
17:58 [Music]
18:00 [Music]
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18:05 [Music]
18:11 (dramatic music)
18:13 (dramatic music)
