• 4 months ago
Presiden Joko Widodo memperbolehkan, organisasi kemasyarakatan keagamaan untuk mengelola tambang di Indonesia. Aturan tersebut tertuang dalam pasal 83 A PP nomor 23 tahun 2024.


00:00 Thank you for joining us.
00:02 We now enter the viral issue.
00:03 President Joko Widodo allows religious organizations to manage mining in Indonesia.
00:09 The regulation was passed in Article 83A of the 23rd Constitution of 2024.
00:16 President Joko Widodo allows religious organizations to manage mining in Indonesia.
00:28 The regulation was passed in Article 25 of the Government's Constitution of 2024.
00:33 It is about the change of the Government's Constitution of 1996/2021
00:37 about the implementation of mining activities in mineral and coal.
00:41 The bill was officially passed on May 30, 2024.
00:45 The regulation allows religious organizations such as TUL Ulama and Muhammadiyah
00:50 to manage mining in the Article 83A of the Government's Constitution of 2025/2024.
00:57 Religious organizations can now have a special mining permit area or WUPK.
01:02 In order to improve the welfare of the community,
01:05 WUPK can make a priority offer to business entities owned by religious organizations.
01:12 Although it is recommended to manage mining,
01:14 religious organizations are not allowed to move their permits or shares in the business.
01:20 There must be a ministerial agreement first.
01:23 This is all for today. Thank you.
01:28 For more information, visit www.fema.gov.uk
