• last year
King Charles sculpture of a goat sells for thousands.
00:00 140A, this is one thing.
00:03 His Majesty King Charles III, the ceramic Highland goat, enameled, handmade by the then Prince of Wales, Circus 67-68.
00:13 Wonderful, wonderful object for the Goat Fathers, the Benefactor of Instruction.
00:18 Got a great cardinal for this one as well.
00:20 We've got £5,000 to bid, £5,500, £6,000, £6,500, £7,000 and £5,000.
00:30 We're looking for £8,000, £8,000, £8,500 in America for £8,500 handmade by the now King Charles III.
00:42 I have £8,500.
00:46 We're asking £9,000 as the next bid. May I say, we are going to rank her otherwise for £8,500.
00:55 I will offer £8,800 as the next bid.
00:58 A wonderful one-off object here.
01:02 £8,500, asking £8,800.
01:07 We have a signed affidavit by our Canadian vendor attesting to the object's history.
01:13 There we go, £8,500 bid.
01:16 All we've all done then, we sell them once, twice, a third and final time then at £8,500.
01:28 Congratulations to you all, see you at £8,500.
