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00:00 That's some Fallout accuracy dude, we love to see it.
00:26 It was swearing, it's more get f***ed bro.
00:51 Dude.
00:53 Goodbye shockwaves, nobody cares about you anymore.
01:05 Oh brother.
01:17 Marshmallow!
01:24 Two, count em, two!
01:42 Oh wait, in a way my AI is jumping over.
01:49 Bro what the?
01:59 My man's got the moves bro, you see that sh*t?
02:01 Oh my god the tribune laser rifle.
02:08 Alright infinite ammo.
02:14 They're like a...
02:30 Looks like first shot accuracy.
02:32 Oh here we go, AI perfect.
02:43 Okay uh...
02:51 I'm not really sure what to make of that.
03:06 Yeah good on cars, the bloom is terrible.
03:11 70?
03:14 I mean that's okay.
03:39 Is the boss just like sitting here?
03:54 Oh dude, you have to survive the nitro dome?
03:58 I don't even land it here?
04:15 Where the hell is this, what are these, where is this person?
04:44 Am I being trolled?
04:55 Someone already killed her bro.
05:04 Get me out.
05:27 Alright I'm basically not gonna carry healing so I gotta have a good gun and use this sh*tty
05:38 rifle for Grumbe.
05:39 Grumbe, Ash, this is all for you in the content bro, this gun is terrible.
05:42 Oh maybe it's not too bad.
06:03 Easy there buddy, your talent is oozing from your pores, you're such a good player.
06:10 Dude, instantly seat swapped.
06:30 This guy is just... oh my gosh bro.
06:59 F*cking idiot.
07:05 I mean that wasn't too bad right?
07:19 That was a quick 80 damage right there right?
07:22 What the f*ck?
07:26 That guy just f*cking headshotted me I believe.
07:48 Okay guys, you see what I'm seeing here?
08:12 Hammering it, hammering it, hammering it.
08:31 I'm not really sure what's going on here.
08:34 That's some fallout accuracy dude, we love to see it.
08:41 Realizing how bad the accuracy is of this gun is just gonna piss me off when I die to
08:44 it.
08:45 Because knowing that somebody just got, somebody just oozing with luck.
08:50 Guys if you're wondering, am I a f*cking genius, the answer is quite simple.
09:00 I just am.
09:03 Those guys just got outplayed so hard, it was... like it's all, it's crazy.
09:10 You know?
09:11 Right, like this guy boogies this guy, I was gonna rock this guy but then I took this guy
09:15 out and finished the guy boogied.
09:17 Like they don't make them like me anymore bro.
09:21 They just don't.
09:22 Let's do this for the video.
09:27 Guys let's find out if we can mob the brand new rifle.
09:29 Let's hop down here, come on give me some, give me some.
09:34 Dang it.
09:36 You weren't here first guys.
09:37 You can't mob the new tri-beam laser rifle.
09:40 Aw man.
09:49 What's that health bar that I'm looking at?
09:57 The cow catcher has it's own health bar?
10:01 But the turret doesn't.
10:29 This is a lot of damage to vehicles.
10:31 Imagine in duos too, you got two of these things.
10:44 Shawty like a melody in my head.
10:47 Yeah, it overheats very quickly, it doesn't seem very good.
10:50 I don't really like it.
10:52 That's my initial reaction.
10:53 I think it's fun though.
11:00 Like Luke's just.
11:04 Bro.
11:05 This is an AI, that's an AI by the way.
11:14 You have coffee and a fridge.
11:18 Okay alright and we're done.
11:21 I'll just grab you down here.
11:35 This is the worst gun they've ever added.
11:56 I almost just died to fake players because this thing just doesn't hit.
12:07 Best part of the game, I'll stand by it.
12:09 Best part of the season is drinking that Nuka Cola.
12:11 It's not even close.
12:16 Yeah it's the most infuriating gun I've seen bro.
12:18 I'm dead, I'm point blank on this guy.
12:20 Aiming right at him.
12:23 Medical's on him and it's not hitting.
12:26 It's so aggravating.
12:29 Yeah the cap in the pocket animation is the best part about it.
12:44 Not me thinking I could make that bro.
12:46 Who am I?
12:47 I think I am.
12:55 I gotta be careful, I'm very easily boogied in a vehicle.
12:59 I'm actually gonna hop out.
13:11 I'm gonna keep these out in case he tries to wombo me.
13:22 I need to stay in the air.
13:27 There's a new gun, it's a tri-laser gun.
13:28 It's not very good.
13:29 70 to the body on a vehicle, 39 to a real player, 59 if it's a headshot.
13:35 Good luck getting a headshot because it's completely random.
13:43 It's not hit, there's no like, it's not accurate.
13:55 Or is it?
13:56 I don't know man.
14:00 I don't know.
14:05 ♪ Making my hands up to breathe ♪