Actress Nia Sharma had an exclusive interview with IANS, she is appearing on the recently released TV shows ‘Laughter Chefs Unlimited Entertainment’ and ‘Suhagan Chudail’. Talking about her experience with comedy show Laughter Chefs Nia said she finds Comedy shows ‘challenging’ as she is more comfortable with acting. She also talked about her impact on the fashion industry.
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00:00 Obviously, laughter shows are more difficult for me because I don't belong to that genre.
00:10 I am more of, you know, I'm comfortable acting, you know, that's my forte.
00:15 But when I come on a set like a Laughter Chefs or any comedy show, I feel very lost because
00:20 this is not my forte.
00:22 And no matter how funny we are in our real life, but somewhere here, Sudeshji, Krishna,
00:27 Abhishek and Arjun Karan, they've all seen camera and they're very cool with it.
00:32 But I'm not.
00:33 If you say something empty, I don't know what to do.
00:36 There was a time when I was not on TV at all.
00:44 Now has come a time where I'm Monday to Friday on a daily and then Saturday, Sunday on a
00:48 non-fiction, same on Colors.
00:50 So what better time would there be, you know, to be coming back all seven days on television.
00:55 So I'm happy.
00:56 I don't consider myself the, oh, I've got, you know, I've built fashion here or anything.
01:06 I'm somebody who's followed her own guts when it comes to styling herself.
01:09 And I'm very comfortable in what I wear and I think that's been acknowledged.
01:13 I think nothing.
01:13 [MUSIC]