Follows Jeremy O. Harris as he workshops and mines Slave Play, the play that thrust him into the spotlight. | dG1fd2ljN0NGZG1SYm8
Short filmTranscript
00:00Oh, Philip. This is beautiful. This is so beautiful. What's it called?
00:14Um, I don't know. It's just come to me.
00:18Your mere presence is biological warfare.
00:33Am I even supposed to be talking?
00:39I don't want to hear that white people are the fucking planet.
00:43What do you think this documentary is about?
00:52Slave Play. Slave Play. Slave Play.
00:54Slave Play was recently nominated for a record-breaking 12 Tony Awards.
00:58I'm making this thing that's in part about Slave Play, but also in whole about me.
01:03Over the next few hours, things are falling to the horror.
01:06I'm an actor, okay? I'm not white.
01:09I wanted to invite us to truly imagine all of the ways slavery still lives with us.
01:15Philip! Like a dog? Yes, like a dog.
01:20No, motherfucker. I'm the pride.
01:36Okay, so, um, let's, like, process.
01:47What's your documentary about?
01:49Um, you have to wait and see. It's a surprise.
02:05It's a surprise.
02:06It's a surprise.
02:07It's a surprise.
02:08It's a surprise.
02:09It's a surprise.
02:10It's a surprise.
02:11It's a surprise.
02:12It's a surprise.
02:13It's a surprise.
02:14It's a surprise.
02:15It's a surprise.
02:16It's a surprise.
02:17It's a surprise.
02:18It's a surprise.
02:19It's a surprise.
02:20It's a surprise.
02:21It's a surprise.
02:22It's a surprise.
02:23It's a surprise.
02:24It's a surprise.
02:25It's a surprise.
02:26It's a surprise.
02:27It's a surprise.
02:28It's a surprise.
02:29It's a surprise.
02:30It's a surprise.
02:31It's a surprise.
02:32It's a surprise.
02:33It's a surprise.