Brad Wheal previews Scotland's group B wc game with Namibia

  • 3 months ago
Brad Wheal previews Scotland's group B wc game with Namibia


Kensington Oval, Bridgetown, Barbados
00:00 Hi Brad, morning after the night before, how's the feeling about that game that
00:06 got away from you and denied you what looked a pretty good chance of a good
00:10 result? Yeah I mean obviously a bit of a frustrating result in the end for us.
00:16 The boys went into that game with a lot of confidence, we've had a pretty
00:21 decent run up over the last couple weeks and we feel like we're in a good
00:24 position to win some games out here. I think obviously we showed a small
00:28 glimpse of what we could have done yesterday against the current world
00:33 champions. So a frustrating one but unfortunately as is the way with the
00:37 weather here at the moment. But yeah I think all in all we're happy to come
00:44 out here and play our cricket and do what we do so all good.
00:48 The target last night was gonna be 1-0-9 off 10 overs, partly it's gonna be your job
00:54 to stop them getting that. With a view to getting that ball in your hand
00:58 did you feel like that was something you guys gonna get over the line? Yeah
01:02 definitely I mean obviously we were not overly going out there thinking
01:07 we're just gonna walk over them. I said these are the reigning world champions.
01:11 Understanding that we probably would have had tough conditions to bowl in
01:15 with wet ball, wet outfield. We knew that there was some more weather coming in so
01:19 that was always something we were looking at. But definitely a defendable
01:23 target I mean they would have been chasing 11 and over, yes they would have had 10
01:26 wickets in hand. But definitely something that our bowling lineup could have
01:30 defended and I think we're pretty confident going into that that was
01:33 definitely something we could do and achieve. I appreciate only two of your
01:37 guys actually played cricket yesterday to any meaningful extent but you know
01:43 first impressions kind of counted these tournaments that you can you can build
01:46 on things and do you feel like your first 10 overs at this tournament have
01:51 showed that this is a Scotland team that's that's up for the up for the
01:54 fight here? Yeah I mean definitely looking looking at the game yesterday
01:58 you said there's only 10 overs bowled but we definitely took some confidence
02:03 out of that. Those two guys Munns and Jones are going out there and and just
02:08 sort of putting us putting up the right foot forward. I think it's just giving
02:12 the rest of squad some good confidence to to go on through the rest of this
02:16 tournament and sort of believe that we're good enough to be here and we're
02:19 good enough to compete and and beat the best teams in the world. So yeah
02:23 definitely a good starting point and hopefully we can build off that and get
02:26 the ball rolling for the rest of the tournament. And looking forward to Namibia next with
02:30 it with a point from England have you started to look and say win here win
02:36 there there's a there's a route to the Super 8s is does it help to to look at
02:41 qualification because it meant maybe your door has opened up? Yeah potentially
02:44 I mean obviously we were coming into this tournament looking to get into that
02:48 Super 8 regardless of the the rest of the teams in our group. I said obviously
02:53 it's something that guys look towards but we're just taking it one game at a
02:58 time on it's cliche but realistically our best chance of getting into that
03:02 Super 8 stage and competing and turning some big teams over is is looking at
03:07 tomorrow's game and then the Oman game after that so so just one game at a time
03:12 we'll take the belief in in what we've done yesterday into those games. How do
03:17 you view the the Namibia contest you know I guess it's psychologically a
03:22 slightly different thing going in against an England team the sort of the
03:27 the skills are slightly different in terms of their resources their depth of
03:31 squad it's maybe a little bit of a tighter game and does it change how you
03:34 go in and how you think about the match? Not necessarily I think at the end of
03:38 the day every game at a World Cup is a big game regardless of who the opposition is
03:42 so nothing changes in terms of process and preparation guys are still gonna
03:46 turn up to training today and do what we do as if we're playing England or India
03:51 or whoever it may be tomorrow so I don't think that changes anything obviously
03:56 the mindset might be not slightly different but you might turn up and yes
04:00 we might not have as big a crowd watching us but we still know it's just
04:04 as big a game and we need to win to really compete here. England were the
04:08 favorites certainly before the game they were. Are you favorites tomorrow? I don't
04:14 know I said obviously we're going into the game with a belief that we're gonna
04:17 win. Namibia have obviously come off a win in their first game so they'll be
04:22 riding hard and they've got a really good strong squad but I think in our eyes
04:26 we definitely see ourselves as as favorites because we know that these are
04:30 games we can and we should win. And you know these parts quite well you've
04:35 played here before can you tell us a wee bit about your experiences over here in
04:38 the Caribbean? Yeah I mean I've obviously been lucky enough to come out here on
04:41 some preseason tours with Hampshire and it's beautiful place to play I mean
04:45 Barbados is one of my favorite places on earth the culture the food everything
04:48 about it's just incredible the people love their cricket chair all the locals
04:53 you speak to just just love cricket and they want to learn about what's going on
04:57 and get involved as much as they can so it's it's quite refreshing to come here
05:00 and and see the love and the passion for the game and hopefully we can put on a
05:04 pretty good show for them. And this is your third T20 World Cup in pretty short
05:09 space of time I mean what does it mean to you to to get these opportunities in
05:14 international cricket to be here at the only show in town at the minute
05:19 really in cricket is this tournament and you're you're here wearing the shirt?
05:22 Yeah I mean it's amazing every opportunity to put the Scotland shirt on
05:25 is an incredible one and one that I'll cherish forever so you've just got to
05:30 enjoy the moments that you're living in we said that there's one thing we said
05:33 yesterday in the game enjoy the moment enjoy the the atmosphere the pressure
05:38 the crowds live in those moments and and obviously World Cups provide us those
05:42 opportunities unfortunately we haven't had a huge amount opportunity to play
05:45 against some some full-strength teams over the last few years but these T20
05:50 World Cups and the 50-year World Cups definitely give us the opportunity to
05:54 show people what we can do and hopefully gain the respect of some other big
05:59 nations that we can compete and win against them and potentially give us
06:04 some more opportunity to play against them. Obviously there are guys in your
06:07 squad and a couple outside the squad who you have to do a bit of negotiating
06:11 about county contracts and when you can play for Scotland you know with that in
06:16 mind about how important is to you to get the chance to play on a stage like
06:19 this was there any debate with Hampshire about whether you would be coming was it
06:23 did they seek your input about whether you what you wanted to do how did it
06:28 play out? Yeah obviously it's a bit of a tricky one because primarily guys will
06:32 be contracted with with your counties but I mean I was pretty open and honest
06:37 with them I said listen I want to go to the World Cup I want to be available for
06:40 selection and and they were pretty happy with that obviously they understand that
06:44 it's an opportunity to go out there and and play against the best of the best so
06:48 if anything it's a learning experience and I can take these experiences and
06:52 these learnings back to Hampshire and hopefully make them a better side so
06:55 they've been pretty open and I've been very lucky that that they have been it's
06:59 not always the case with with some teams but yeah so it's set me in a pretty good
07:04 stage. Brad just asked you a bit more about when you came over and played you
07:12 were mentioning before some of the guys that you came up against can you tell us
07:15 about what that was like for you and the boys? Yeah I mean obviously I said lucky
07:20 to have played in those preseason sort of camps out here for Hampshire mentioned
07:24 that we played in their 50 over comp in 2018 which is an amazing experience and
07:29 just
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