Man Gets Run Over by People on Another Tube While Tubing

  • 4 months ago
A group of friends were tubing on the water when a man on another tube collided with theirs, as the same boat was pulling both tubes. After colliding for a while, the man was run over by the other tube.

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00:00 So this morning I got up and I decided, I'm gonna have a good day today.
00:04 Instead of waiting around for a good day to happen, I'm gonna go out there and make it happen myself.
00:09 And so can you. Yeah!
00:12 Because we are in control of our own happiness.
00:15 So get up! Come on! Let's have a good day together. It's up to you!
00:19 We're gonna have a good day. And all my homies gonna cry today.
00:23 And all these mommies gonna cry today. And all we wanna do is get by today.
00:28 Bye, everybody!
