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WondLa Season 1 Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: "WondLa" centers around Eva, voiced by Jeanine Mason ("Roswell, New Mexico"), a curious, enthusiastic and spirited teenager being raised in a state-of-the-art underground bunker by Muthr, a robot caretaker, voiced by Emmy Award nominee Teri Hatcher ("Desperate Housewives"). On her 16th birthday, an attack on Eva's bunker forces her onto the Earth's surface, which is now inhabited by aliens and covered with otherworldly fauna, and there are no other humans to be found. In fact, it's no longer called Earth, but Orbona. Otto, a lovable giant waterbear with whom Eva shares telepathic powers, voiced by Emmy Award winner Brad Garrett ("Everybody Loves Raymond"), and Rovender, a cantankerous alien with a troubled past, voiced by Gary Anthony Williams ("Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows"), join Eva as she leads the team on a dangerous quest to find humans, her home and her true destiny.

starring Jeanine Mason, Teri Hatcher, Brad Garrett, Gary Anthony Williams, Chike Okonkwo, D.C. Douglas, Alan Tudyk

release date June 28, 2024 (on Apple TV Plus)


00:00This is me, Eva.
00:06And this is Mother.
00:10I was raised underground, in a bunker.
00:14The Earth was sick and needed time to heal without us.
00:19Now, after years of training, I am finally ready to meet other humans.
00:25What's on the other side of this?
00:27I don't have information on restricted areas.
00:35Juan de la...
00:38Is someone looking for me?
00:41Intruder in sanctuary.
00:43What is that thing?
00:44I do not know. This vent shaft leads to the surface. Go!
00:55Where am I?
00:58She is a human.
01:01Okay, someone had a little too much to drink.
01:05No one has seen a human for a long time.
01:07If this is Earth, what happened? And where is everybody?
01:13You are looking for answers.
01:15I want to know what happened to the humans.
01:17Oh my.
01:18Oh my.
01:20Something so fragile should not be so bold.
01:24Perhaps that is why you're the last of your kind.
01:28What if I'm alone? What if I'm the only one?
01:31Oh, Eva, you're not alone.
01:35Someone out there wants me to find them.
01:38Time to jump!