Prabowo Akan Pelajari dan Cari Solusi Iuran Tapera

  • 3 months ago
Presiden terpilih Prabowo Subianto memastikan akan mempelajari dan mencari solusi terbaik terkait Tabungan Perumahan Rakyat (Tapera) yang menuai polemik.

"Kita akan pelajari dan kita cari solusi yang terbaik," tegas Prabowo yang saat ini masih menjabat sebagai Menteri Pertahanan (Menhan) usai bertemu Presiden Joko Widodo di Istana Negara, Jakarta, Kamis (6/6/2024).


00:00Meanwhile, President-elect Prabowo Subianto
00:02assessed the polemic of the People's Welfare Savings, or TAPRA,
00:07which cuts the salaries of officials.
00:09Of course, it is quite burdensome for the people,
00:11so it raises actions in favor of the rejection of the government's policies.
00:15For that, Prabowo, who is still the Minister of Defense,
00:19insisted that he would learn and find the best solution
00:24related to the cutting of TAPRA's interest.
00:30An action in favor of the rejection of the People's Welfare Savings, or TAPRA,
00:34which is carried out by the workers,
00:36is a matter of consideration and evaluation for the government,
00:39where an action in favor of the rejection of the obligation
00:43to cut the TAPRA's interest from the salaries of workers,
00:45workers, private workers, and self-employed.
00:50The Minister of Defense, who is also President-elect Prabowo Subianto,
00:53insisted that he would learn the government's rules
00:56regarding the cutting of TAPRA's interest, which is polemic,
00:59and that Prabowo would find the best solution related to the cutting of TAPRA's interest.
01:03As it is known, the People's Welfare Savings interest program
01:05has become a long-term polemic.
01:07Many parties, especially the public,
01:09disagree with the program that cuts the salary of the month.
01:12From Jakarta, Tim Limputan, ADS Channel.
