Ranger Suarez on starting in London and Bryson on enjoying the London Series

  • 3 months ago
Ranger Suarez on starting in London and Bryson Stott on enjoying the London Series

London Stadium, London, UK
00:00Do you want me to wait for a ranger, Kevin?
00:17Wait for a ranger?
00:18Alright, we'll get started with Bryson, first question for Bryson, we'll start on the side
00:25How's the field after your workout session, how are you finding it?
00:29It's different than anything we've played on for this year at least, it reminds me of
00:34Tampa Bay with the turf and the dirt, but it's playing pretty good.
00:40I'm bouncing around in my shoes on there, so good luck this weekend.
00:48Hey Bryson, some people have been asking Bryson about baseball and learning about the game
00:54of baseball and one of the questions was what kind of drew you into baseball as a kid and
00:58I'm wondering what kind of hooked you on baseball as a kid?
01:04I mean I played everything growing up, football and basketball and baseball, I was never just
01:09a baseball player and as I got older I wasn't growing, so football was kind of out of the
01:14question and definitely basketball, so I always really liked baseball, I played year round
01:20and just kind of stuck with it and I had a bunch of fun, all my friends played baseball
01:27and it was a giant hangout for me when I was younger and just continued to do it and fell
01:34more and more in love with it as 10, 11, 12, that's all I wanted to do and went from there.
01:40Is there anything specific about the game itself that you just love so much?
01:45Yeah, the game as a whole obviously, but I think outside of the actual game it's what
01:52you get to do playing, growing up playing club ball you see a bunch of different states,
01:57you guys play for teams and go to different countries and we're in a different country
02:02now and just the overall kind of what you get to do and what you get to see, people
02:08you get to meet, it's things like that that makes this game pretty, pretty special.
02:23Bryson, you guys have obviously played a lot of games on the big stage the last two years,
02:30does that make this all feel more natural or is this experience still unique?
02:33I think it's unique, I mean the amount of cameras and media and stuff is very similar
02:40to the playoffs, but I think just the overall feeling is a little different than say going
02:48into the NLCS or World Series, but it's a ton of fun and we've had a blast so far.
02:55And then Ranger, how are you doing, how are you feeling, did you throw today?
03:07I'm good, yes, I threw today, I'm ready for tomorrow.
03:11And then the dimensions of this ballpark, last year a lot of runs, have you paid attention
03:16at all to the games that took place in prior years or are you just kind of tuning that out?
03:47No, I haven't paid attention to that and I don't pay attention to that usually,
03:52just focus on getting here tomorrow and do my job and try to get a win, that's what we're here for.
04:01Ranger, you're a former soccer player, I think you're a pretty big soccer fan,
04:06what was it like to walk into a Premier League stadium on the field and know that you're
04:12going to be playing there, is that different for you, does that mean anything to you?
04:43It's actually the first time that I've come to a football stadium and I was really impressed
04:48the first time that I watched the stadium from outside and another thing is that I've always
04:53wanted to attend a football game here in Europe and I'll try to do that this year.
05:13Hi Ranger, to talk to you, tonight there's a football game between England and Iceland
05:21that's happening at 8.45pm, are you going to watch it or are you going to see if you can go to Wembley
05:27to watch that game there in the stadium?
05:31It would be nice to go, I don't know, I think I have to be ready for tomorrow,
05:40but I'm going to think about it for the rest of the day.
05:45And what have you enjoyed the most here in London?
05:50I'm going to go out now, I'm going to walk around and get to know the city a little bit
05:56and see what I can take from here in London.
06:19My question is what was he going to do tonight or if he was ever doing something in London
06:26and I'll try to walk around the city, see a few places and see what I can take home
06:34to bring from London as well.
06:39Hey Bryson, just a quick question, last year I was in Philadelphia and I tried your sandwich,
06:45the sandwich that was named after you, so did you take part of the creation or how it all happened?
06:54Being able to team up with Primo was fun and I got to sit down and be the worker for a day
07:01and whatever I made that was my sandwich and I hope you liked it, I mean I like it.
07:07That's great, thank you.
07:15I just want to know what you guys did yesterday on the off day and have you enjoyed the experience so far?
07:22You slept?
07:23Sleep, all day.
07:24All day?
07:26You didn't leave the room?
07:29Okay, what did you do Bryson?
07:30I rode the tube around and I didn't want to take a nap when we got here in case I didn't sleep at night
07:37so me and Kyle walked around quite a bit and I've been here before so just kind of seeing everything again
07:46and kind of playing tour guide-ish for Kyle was fun, going to see stuff and ride the tube and eat and stuff like that.
07:55Where did you take him?
07:56We went to the Buckingham Palace, he wanted to see the guards and we ran into the fanatic there
08:02so we were kind of incognito for a second there but saw the Big Ben and the London Eye.
08:09We're going to go again so we'll see a bunch of stuff I think.
08:23Just a quick one on the parallels I guess between Philadelphia and London.
08:27Obviously you heard the fans out there, a lot of people came out to bat and practice just to see you guys.
08:32Is there anything that you've noticed in your time here, whether it was last time or this one,
08:36that compares to Philadelphia, whether it's just the people or the culture?
08:40Yeah, I think the people's fandom is very similar.
08:45I was able to go to a game, I went to the Arsenal Crystal Palace game in 2020
08:51and just kind of seeing how the love for the team is crazy and it's just like Philadelphia.
08:59Obviously they cheer for one certain team and the Philadelphians cheer for four
09:05but just the overall fandom is very, very similar.
09:10When looking at your experience in London, I know it's been hard to balance the downtime versus relaxing and it's been a big topic.
09:17I mentioned to Bryce earlier, how much does the cohesion and you guys getting on with each other so well really make that job easier?
09:29Yeah, I mean we all love each other and we all hang out and just being able to walk around with five, six, seven of us
09:38and there's a lot of us whose wives and kids didn't make the trip so we're kind of all just messing around
09:45and trying different things and except for him, he just sleeps all day but being able to do that
09:51and kind of enjoy each other's presence is fun and you never have two off days in a row throughout the year
09:59so being able to kind of kill time but also enjoy it has been fun.
10:04And last one, have either of you had a cup of tea yet?
10:14Only coffee.
10:17No, not for me either.
10:26With the size of the stadium here, if it's packed out, is 55, 60,000, do you think it's going to add an extra dimension to the games
10:33given the size of other stadiums in Major League?
11:03The Citizens Bank Park fits like 45,000 people and when we have a whole house it feels like it's 100,000, 80,000 people
11:22so I think we're going to be just fine if we go and have a sell out this weekend
11:30because we're basically used to that atmosphere around us.
11:40Rangers, since you slept all day yesterday, are you going to do anything fun while you're here?
11:44Are you going to go out after tonight at all and walk around?
12:00I didn't sleep all day, I just couldn't get much sleep in the plane so I tried to get as much sleep as I could yesterday
12:12but definitely after we finish here I'm going to go out and do something fun.
12:16Ranger, a question in Spanish. You've had an excellent start to the year, what do you think is due?
12:30Are you starting to think about individual awards like the Saiyan or is there still a lot to do?
12:38Yes, I think the credit is for the team in general. Obviously if my team didn't have those numbers, the support they give me defensively and offensively
12:52I think that's why I have those numbers right now. It's too early to think about that, I'm just focused on doing my job and the most important thing is that the team wins.
13:22I'm not thinking about any performance-wise trophies at the end of the year, maybe the best pitcher of the year Saiyan award.
13:31He said that we basically have our whole team to credit for that. He has a lot of support both offensively and defensively when he's pitching.
13:42The whole team has made him have a great start of the season. He's just not thinking about any trophies just yet or any prizes because we're basically focused on winning right now.
13:59Thank you very much for coming in, I appreciate the time. That concludes the interview room for today. Tomorrow we'll get started in here with the Mets at 2.15 and the Phillies at 3.10.
