高额请范冰冰当旅游大使? 马六甲首长这么说

  • 3 months ago
新闻报报看 | 马六甲找国际巨星范冰冰担任旅游大使,马六甲州首长阿都拉勿说,州政府并没有砸重金邀请范冰冰,州政府只需要负责在马六甲的行程和交通安排而已,连机票那些都是由大马一家公司所赞助的。(主播:梁宝仪、黄界錤)


00:00 Before watching the video, let me remind you that there is more content on the Hotpot website.
00:04 This year is the Ma Liu Jia Tourism Year.
00:06 In order to attract overseas tourists to visit Ma Liu Jia,
00:09 the Ma Liu Jia government has invited the international superstar Fan Bingbing
00:13 to be the Ma Liu Jia Tourism Ambassador.
00:16 With his star effect, he hopes to attract Chinese wealthy people to visit Ma Liu Jia
00:21 and stimulate local economy.
00:23 The authorities also announced that next week,
00:25 on the 14th and 15th,
00:27 Fan Bingbing will also appear in Ma Liu Jia to hold a fan meeting.
00:32 As we know, Fan Bingbing will also host a show for the painting of the Five Sisters.
00:38 Yes, in order to welcome the international superstar,
00:42 the Ma Liu Jia government has prepared everything.
00:45 The Ma Liu Jia City Hall has recently specially arranged
00:48 a wall of the old shop in the Fengxing Alley,
00:50 a World Heritage Site,
00:52 to paint the Five Sisters in the form of the Five Sisters
00:55 in the Chinese TV series "The Legend of the Five Sisters".
01:00 The painting will be finished on the 4th of June,
01:02 and will be officially opened today.
01:05 The painting will be finished in less than 4 days.
01:10 After the painting of the Five Sisters is finished,
01:14 many people who went to the ancient site this morning
01:17 were quite surprised.
01:19 Some people took their cell phones and took pictures,
01:22 and were ready to share the good news online.
01:25 They grabbed their phones and took pictures.
01:27 First, they took a picture with the painting.
01:30 After the opening ceremony of the event,
01:33 Ma Liu Jia Governor-General Adulawu
01:36 also went to the painting of the Five Sisters nearby.
01:40 He also left a picture of a thumb up.
01:43 Regarding the opposition party's "public opinion"
01:45 about the "publicity of the painting of the Five Sisters"
01:48 Adulawu explained that the government did not
01:51 ask Fan Bingbing to be the ambassador.
01:54 The government was only responsible for Fan Bingbing's
01:57 activities and transportation arrangements in Ma Liu Jia.
02:00 As for the flight to China,
02:02 it was sponsored by a Danish company.
02:05 He also revealed that he was able to invite Fan Bingbing
02:08 thanks to the Danish manager,
02:10 Fan Bingbing, to help him sign the contract.
02:13 Adulawu revealed that Fan Bingbing was originally
02:16 only planning to visit Ma Liu Jia.
02:19 But his manager suggested to the government
02:21 to let Fan Bingbing help promote Ma Liu Jia's tourism
02:24 during his visit.
02:26 The government was pleased to hear this suggestion.
02:29 The government's budget for tourism promotion
02:32 did not increase because of this.
02:34 It was not a hasty decision to appoint Fan Bingbing
02:36 as the ambassador.
02:38 Adulawu also referred to some netizens' suggestions.
02:41 He believes Fan Bingbing will have a greater impact
02:44 on Ma Liu Jia's global tourism industry.
02:47 That's why he was appointed.
02:49 He hopes Fan Bingbing can inspire his fans
02:51 to attract more people to visit Ma Liu Jia.
02:54 [music]
02:59 [music]
