Wanted Dead or Alive S01E35

  • 4 months ago
00:00 Men of goodwill are what we want.
00:03 Men of spirit and courage,
00:05 whose blood boils at the thought of injustice.
00:08 If you can't stand for the human spirit to be chained,
00:11 to be whipped, to be starved, then join us.
00:14 Sign up now for decency in the love of your fellow man.
00:18 We've all been told of the unfair slavery that exists below the border.
00:22 We've all heard of the terror that is visited nightly on our borders.
00:25 That boy sure can talk.
00:27 More than that, Greg.
00:29 He believes what he's saying.
00:32 Faith.
00:34 That's what it takes to sell everything.
00:39 Faith.
00:40 Well, he's got it all right.
00:42 Send a man across the border with ease and have him hang one on everything standing up.
00:47 What do they say?
00:54 Rise against your masters.
00:56 Throw off your chains.
00:58 Become free men.
01:00 The liberators are coming.
01:02 That's us, huh? The liberators.
01:04 That's us.
01:06 All we can liberate is golden sewer.
01:09 [laughing]
01:12 [dramatic music]
01:14 [dramatic music]
01:16 [thunder]
01:20 [dramatic music]
01:22 [dramatic music]
01:42 [dramatic music]
01:44 Sir, there are two men here to see you.
01:55 Gentlemen, come over here.
01:57 [dramatic music]
01:59 Gentlemen.
02:11 Greg, you remember my friend the sheriff?
02:13 Morning, Mandeville.
02:15 This is Senor Ribeiro, the Mexican consul to Arizona.
02:18 Pleased to make your acquaintance, sir.
02:20 You enjoy the wine I sent over?
02:23 The consul has something he wants to say.
02:25 Of course, sir.
02:26 Do you still intend to follow through with this expedition of yours?
02:29 Sir, my heart bleeds for the oppressed people of lower California.
02:35 It's my honest intent to raise the poor peon from the depths of bondage
02:38 to take his proper place in the society of man.
02:41 I admire your sentiments, Senor.
02:44 I could admire them even more if they had only a hint of honesty.
02:48 I have been instructed by my government to inform you
02:51 that if you cross the border, you do so as an invading army.
02:55 The government of Mexico will not stand by and see this happen.
02:58 Do you think for one moment, sir, that men of such high purpose
03:00 will be stopped by the threats from a government which has kept the people--
03:03 The consequences of such an action will be on your head.
03:07 You asked me to see him. I have.
03:10 All right, Senor. I will notify my government
03:13 and ask for a suitable welcome for you and your troop of liberators.
03:17 He means it, Mandeville.
03:23 You'll have the whole Mexican army on your necks.
03:25 Why don't you call the whole thing off?
03:26 Because I'm an American.
03:28 I can't stand by and see slavery practiced on my fellow man.
03:31 All right, have it your way. But you won't even get near them.
03:34 There's a detachment of U.S. troops on their way here right now to stop you cold.
03:38 Grant, we can't fight the army.
03:53 We're not going to. Get them ready to move out.
03:56 I don't want this paper army to fall apart before we get to the border.
04:00 Get those men ready to move. We're going out right away.
04:02 Line up right here, gentlemen.
04:16 You men won't regret this. You're fighting for a great cause.
04:20 That's him.
04:22 Much obliged.
04:26 Want to keep an eye on the horse for me?
04:28 Sure.
04:29 Hey, Wilson.
04:30 Yeah?
04:31 Hi, my name's Randall.
04:33 How do you do, Mr. Randall? Have you come to join us?
04:36 No, no. I got a message from your father. He wants me to bring you on home.
04:41 A thousand miles away and he's still trying to tell me what to do, huh?
04:45 I'm sorry, Mr. Randall.
04:46 What do you want, mister?
04:47 I'm, uh, I'm here to see my father.
04:50 I'm here to see my father.
04:51 I'm here to see my father.
04:52 I'm here to see my father.
04:53 I'm here to see my father.
04:54 I'm here to see my father.
04:55 I'm here to see my father.
04:56 I'm here to see my father.
04:57 I'm here to see my father.
04:58 I'm, uh, taking this man home.
05:00 Join us, my friend.
05:02 The rewards, both to the flesh and spirit, are prodigious.
05:05 Yeah?
05:06 You like the rewards you got when you were riding with Quantrill's raiders?
05:09 They're a liar.
05:10 General Mandeville is one of the finest men I know.
05:12 All right, Arnold.
05:13 I was with Quantrill till he turned bad.
05:16 And I left him because I couldn't stomach his actions.
05:19 You, sir.
05:20 Why do you turn your back on our enterprise?
05:22 Is there anything more glorious than liberating your fellow man?
05:25 Well, there has to be liberation.
05:27 Is there?
05:28 How can they ask when they're chained together in the fields like animals?
05:32 You know, the Mexican graveyards are just full of liberators who try to pull a stunt for the war.
05:36 Well, that's your business.
05:38 Come on, boys.
05:40 I'm going down to help the peons.
05:45 Listen.
05:48 You might think these are liberators.
05:50 They're just a bunch of thieves looking for a pocketbook to pick.
05:52 Now, you hear me?
05:53 Ah, you wouldn't understand.
05:56 Yeah, well, maybe I don't.
05:57 But I'm taking you back to El Paso.
05:59 I have 50 men who disagree with you.
06:01 Now, what do you want to start trouble for?
06:03 One man more or less could mean anything to you.
06:05 This one does.
06:07 You call these men rabble.
06:09 You're right.
06:10 That's why I need Arnold here with me.
06:13 You want to turn this rabble into an army?
06:15 Morale.
06:16 That's what this soldier gives them.
06:20 I'm still taking them back.
06:22 [music]
06:40 How are you feeling?
06:43 You've got yourself quite a lump there, haven't you?
06:46 Oh, that's what I like.
06:48 A man can size up a situation.
06:51 [music]
07:04 They take off for the border?
07:05 Yeah, and they won't be coming back either.
07:07 Not under their own power.
07:10 [music]
07:23 Hey, where are you going?
07:26 Mexico.
07:27 [music]
07:56 [music]
08:16 [music]
08:38 You are arrested for invading the Solomenco.
08:41 Find him through the tree.
08:48 Why do we take him prisoner?
08:49 Let's kill him now.
08:50 We are not barbarians like the rest of his group.
08:53 I got nothing to do with the rest of any group.
08:55 You're a gringo.
08:57 Yeah, is that a crime nowadays?
08:58 Since Grant Mandeville it is.
09:00 I got nothing to do with Mandeville.
09:01 Can you prove it?
09:03 Ha, man, there's no reason for me to believe you.
09:06 I said I got nothing to do with the man.
09:07 I saw you with my own eyes following them.
09:10 Yeah, I was looking for someone.
09:12 Yeah, we know what you were looking for.
09:13 Gold, silver, anything you could steal.
09:15 We met your men by the river, asked them to stay away.
09:17 We were 15, they were 50.
09:20 That's got nothing to do with me.
09:22 All my life I have lived in the village of Las Puntas.
09:26 Yesterday, Americanos came, and they said they would liberate us.
09:31 From what, we ask?
09:32 From our government, they said.
09:35 We told them we were contenders, we were.
09:38 They burned our homes and killed our people.
09:42 Today there is no more village of Las Puntas.
09:45 [Grunts]
09:47 Listen, that's not the way.
09:49 He'll be taken to Mexicali and tried.
09:51 He'll be hung in a legal and proper fashion.
09:53 And in the meantime, the gringos plan to attack Ensenada and take the silver from the Mayas.
09:57 What about them?
09:58 We will be ready for them.
09:59 We'll get the men we need and be waiting for them.
10:02 You take the prisoner to Mexicali.
10:05 Will you ride with me to fight the gringo?
10:07 [All] Si!
10:09 To reach Ensenada, your friends must pass through Verde Canyon.
10:14 I give you my word, none of them will get out alive.
10:18 Look after him.
10:20 Vamanos, amigos.
10:28 [Hooves clopping]
10:31 [Horse neighing]
10:38 [♪♪♪]
10:41 [♪♪♪]
10:44 [Horse neighing]
11:02 You move an inch and I'll kill you.
11:09 [♪♪♪]
11:12 [♪♪♪]
11:15 Easy, mister.
11:42 I wouldn't if I were you.
11:44 Take it out with your fingertip and toss it on the ground in front of you.
11:47 Up, up.
11:53 Come on, up.
11:56 Where's Mandeville?
12:02 I don't know.
12:03 You were with him.
12:05 I'm not now.
12:10 You're in a lot of freight.
12:12 Prospecting equipment I picked up.
12:15 Get off that horse.
12:17 Go on, sit on that rock.
12:21 Freight, huh?
12:37 Where'd you get it?
12:39 Figure it out for yourself.
12:41 I asked you nice.
12:43 Los Puntes. I got it there.
12:46 Where are you taking it?
12:48 Back to the States.
12:52 Mandeville and me were gonna split it up after this expedition was over.
12:56 Well, suppose you and I take it back to Los Puntes.
12:59 Get it together.
13:02 Come on.
13:04 All in.
13:18 Are we gonna wait here until dark?
13:34 We're gonna have a little talk with Mandeville.
13:36 Get off your hands.
13:40 [♪♪♪]
13:42 I'm telling you, kid, there's nobody in this world regrets more than me what happened.
13:53 Just had to be done that way.
13:55 Why?
13:57 I thought we came down here to free the people, not to kill them.
14:01 I didn't even know what we wanted or why we came.
14:05 Now, listen, son.
14:08 In every great movement of this kind, there's bound to be some killing
14:11 that on the surface seems to be unnecessary.
14:14 But it just seems to be that way.
14:16 Look what happened during the Revolution.
14:18 We had to kill the British, didn't we?
14:21 Well, that was a declared war. This one isn't.
14:24 I'll try to explain again.
14:28 Get out.
14:35 Now listen to me.
14:37 We're gonna walk straight into Mandeville's tent.
14:40 If we run into anybody on the way, you tell them we're old friends.
14:43 And you open your mouth and I'll kill you.
14:46 You understand me?
14:48 Go on.
14:50 No!
15:03 I don't care what you say. I just won't believe that you had to kill women and children.
15:07 I won't believe that for any reason.
15:09 Well, let me tell you, I don't much care how you look at it. I...
15:12 I know what's got to be done for this glorious cause we're on.
15:17 Drop your gun, Mr. Randall. Right now.
15:22 Your young friend's life depends on it.
15:26 (GUNSHOT)
15:28 What are you doing here?
15:39 Found the gold and silver from Las Puntas.
15:41 Well, I really walked into it, didn't I?
15:44 What do you think of your great liberator now?
15:47 If I get out of this in one piece, you think you'd be ready to go home?
15:52 I sure am.
15:54 I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to permit that.
15:56 Yeah? Well, you're not going much farther anyway.
15:59 How do you think you can stop us?
16:01 Me? I'm in no position to stop anybody.
16:03 But how do you think that army here is going to feel when they find out you've been stealing them blind?
16:08 I don't imagine they'd be very happy.
16:10 But they're not going to hear about it.
16:13 Because if you so much as open your mouth, Arnold here will be the first to die.
16:17 And just so you'll remember it, we're keeping you here with us.
16:21 Alive.
16:23 Listen, Mandeville, you'll never make it to Ensenada, you hear me?
16:26 Really?
16:27 How do you know?
16:29 Those Mexicans are going to be waiting for you.
16:33 And they're going to cut you to ribbons, mister.
16:35 I've already thought of that, Mr. Randall.
16:37 It's possible, but hardly probable.
16:41 I said my piece.
16:43 You do what you want.
16:45 That's a load I think I can carry.
16:48 Keep your eye on them.
16:49 If either of them tries anything, they'll give us two more horses.
16:53 Why not do it now anyway?
16:55 Why take them at all?
16:56 Because when we leave Ensenada, the Mexicans will want somebody to take out their grievance on.
17:01 Can you think of anybody better?
17:04 We move out first thing in the morning.
17:07 Forward!
17:14 Ho!
17:17 Ho!
17:19 Ho!
17:21 Ho!
17:23 Ho!
17:25 Ho!
17:27 [Hooves clopping]
17:29 [Hooves clopping]
17:58 [Hooves clopping]
18:00 Ho!
18:28 Matt! Bob!
18:30 Better scout that pass.
18:34 [Hooves clopping]
18:36 No, amigo, wait.
19:02 [Hooves clopping]
19:04 All right, sir.
19:21 Men, just through that pass is what we've come for.
19:29 Keep your eye on me.
19:32 Why?
19:33 Stay close to me, you hear?
19:35 Forward!
19:46 Forward!
19:49 [Hooves clopping]
19:51 [Hooves clopping]
19:54 [Hooves clopping]
19:56 [Hooves clopping]
19:59 [Hooves clopping]
20:01 [Hooves clopping]
20:03 [Thunder]
20:17 [Thunder]
20:22 [Thunder]
20:25 [Thunder]
20:29 (thunder rumbling)
20:31 (rain pattering)
20:34 (thunder rumbling)
20:58 (thunder rumbling)
21:02 (guns firing)
21:04 (horse whinnying)
21:09 - Don't break, don't break!
21:24 (guns firing)
21:27 (guns firing)
21:30 (guns firing)
21:32 (guns firing)
21:35 (guns firing)
21:37 (guns firing)
21:40 (guns firing)
21:42 (guns firing)
21:49 (guns firing)
22:00 (thunder rumbling)
22:03 (dramatic music)
22:06 (dramatic music)
22:09 (dramatic music)
22:11 (dramatic music)
22:14 (dramatic music)
22:17 (dramatic music)
22:19 (dramatic music)
22:22 (dramatic music)
22:32 - Hello, Arnold.
22:46 - Hi, Dad.
22:48 (dramatic music)
22:51 - Thank you, Mr. Randall.
23:05 - My pleasure.
23:06 - I hope this will in some part repay what I owe you.
23:10 Something wrong?
23:17 - Well, you said I could name my own price.
23:20 - Of course.
23:21 What is the full price?
23:23 Well, I'll take this, and I think you'll let your son
23:27 make his own decision.
23:28 He's earned it.
23:30 - Yes.
23:33 - You know, Mr. Wilson, nobody's always right,
23:35 and nobody's always wrong.
23:37 Say, do you think I could get a drink of your water?
23:41 (dramatic music)
23:43 (dramatic music)
23:46 (thunder rumbling)
23:59 (dramatic music)
24:02 (dramatic music)
24:05 (dramatic music)
24:07 (dramatic music)
24:10 (dramatic music)
24:13 (dramatic music)
24:16 (dramatic music)
24:19 (dramatic music)
24:22 (dramatic music)
24:25 (dramatic music)
24:27 (dramatic music)
24:30 (dramatic music)
24:34 (dramatic music)
24:36 (upbeat music)