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The Greatest Adventure: Stories from the Bible is an animated film series produced by Hanna-Barbera that tells of three young adventurers who travel back in time to biblical events, released between 1985 and 1992. Music by Hoyt Curtin.

This is an unofficial soundtrack for each episode of the series.

01. Joseph [Main Theme] 0:00
02. Chariots (Hitchhikers) 1:24
03. Joseph's Dream (The Moon & The Stars) 2:00
04. Sons & Brothers (Rachel) 2:34
05. Joseph's Gift (A Coat Of Many Colours) 3:23
06. Shepherd's 3:56
07. A Spy 4:14
08. The Pit 4:58
09. Selling A Brother 5:42
10. The Joseph (My Brothers) 6:29
11. Sold To Mideanites (Lambs Blood) 7:20
12. Potiphar 7:57
13. Potiphar's Wife 8:42
14. Sandstorm (The Door To Time) 9:34
15. Egypt 10:17
16. The Butler & The Baker 11:01
17. Pharaoh's Birthday (Strange Dream) 12:31
18. The Meaning Of Dreams (Pharaoh's Dream) 13:47
19. 7 Years Of Plenty (7 Years Of Famine) 14:31
20. A Wise Man (Joseph) 15:18
21. Bounteous Harvest 16:12
22. Praise Be To Joseph (Brothers - Spies) 16:59
23. Benjamin Brother 19:05
24. Grain 20:11
25. Brother At Dinner 20:47
26. A Silver Cup 22:11
27. Evil For Good (Revelation) 23:28
28. Jacob & Joseph (12 Tribes - Another Nation) 25:50
29. Joseph [End Credits] 26:36

Total Running Time: 27:59
