10 Video Game Bosses That Made You Cheat To Win

  • 3 months ago
How else were you going to beat Dante?? #devilmaycry #DMC #gaming


00:00 So I think it's fair to say that if you're into the medium of video games, then you, my friend,
00:04 love a good boss battle. Something that pushes you to your limits, and sometimes a little bit
00:09 beyond there, and offers up refreshing and new experiences as a little bit of a break from the
00:13 regular gameplay. But equally, as much as we can love them, we can sometimes absolutely hate bosses
00:19 that are utterly cheap, unfair, and played downright dirty. Well you know what, we're
00:24 gonna flip the tables on them today. As I'm Jules, this is WhatCulture.com, and these are
00:28 10 Video Game Bosses That Made You Cheat To Win.
00:32 10. The Computer Controlled Players - Mario Party 1
00:36 Now in theory, the CPU players in a game of Mario Party should operate as totally individual
00:41 figures. They're intended to emulate human players, after all. So you'd obviously expect
00:45 them to mostly just look out for themselves, like a competitive game would entail. Only,
00:49 if you play this game for long enough, you start to see that things are a little bit more suspicious.
00:54 The AI players always seem to 'win' certain minigames. But maybe that's just my paranoia,
00:59 right? I mean, they clearly wouldn't make the AI unbeatable at minigames when they're 90% of the
01:04 game, right? Wrong, my friend, because these robots are made to be better than you. And yes,
01:11 it's okay to be mad at that fact. In the first game especially, the AI is literally capable of
01:16 pushing buttons faster than your controller can physically register them. This is especially true
01:20 for the god-awful minigames that require you to rotate the joystick with your palm, since you
01:25 could literally tear the skin off your hand if you did it too fast. Whereas the computer, well,
01:29 it's got no hands, and thus no issues. As such, nobody can blame you for almost definitely forming
01:35 a sketchy and also sort of unfair alliance with other human players against the robotic threat.
01:40 Sacrifices have to be made, after all.
01:42 9. Every Opponent - Godzilla - Destroy All Monsters Melee
01:48 When the AI does things that qualify as cheating, it's not exactly immoral to exploit this to your
01:53 own benefit, right? Even if it does only create an unfair playing field that is instead in your
01:58 favour. And this is exactly the case for a game known as Godzilla - Destroy All Monsters Melee.
02:04 In it, the AI suffers from a rather bad case of omnipotence, as it's able to know where items are
02:10 without being within viewing range of them, and automatically runs to collect them. While this is
02:14 absolutely bogus, it is easy to use against it. By running in the opposite direction to your foe,
02:20 you can get it stuck on the edge of the screen, and thus it's unable to get the precious item.
02:25 And since it keeps running to pick up said item, you can use this time to just wail on it,
02:30 throwing whatever it is nearby to mess up its day. Throwing a building at a stuck opponent
02:34 isn't exactly an incredibly moral fighting tactic, but you know what? The AI started this war of
02:40 cheating, you're just ending it.
02:41 8. Cheating the Cheater - Digimon Digital Card Battle
02:46 Now Digimon Digital Card Battle actually introduces a cheating AI by having your arch enemy
02:51 literally hack the game in order to get some OP cards every time. However, hilariously,
02:56 you can actually play this in your favour. Now, Analog Man can cheat by hacking to get specific
03:01 cards, but you can also cheat by using the hacking card to swap his buffed Digimon's health with that
03:07 of your own monsters, so long as they're a lower level. This isn't exactly a trouble either,
03:12 as his monsters are usually so powerful that you likely won't ever have to worry about yours being
03:16 of a higher level. Admittedly, this isn't exactly the same type of cheating as you'll find in other
03:20 games on this list, as the hacking card is totally legitimate and not obtained by skullduggery,
03:25 and Analog Man's whole shtick is that he's hacked his way in to fight you in the first place.
03:30 But it is fun to see that cheating against an also-cheating CPU boss is such a well-established
03:35 trope that games like this almost parody it in a strange, meta sort of way. Were this game to
03:41 have the same kind of rep that the Pokemon card game did, this battle would likely be infamous.
03:46 As it is, it's still entertaining to feel like you're caught in something of a hacking battle
03:50 against a really dangerous rogue.
03:52 7. The MK Walkers - Mortal Kombat 3
03:56 It goes without saying that the highest difficulty level in a fighting game is pretty much always
04:00 going to be the most devilishly tricky one. This is especially true for the Mortal Kombat series,
04:05 which coined the term 'MK Walkers' to describe the crazy challenging top difficulty the series'
04:10 CPU possessed. In order to make battles more troublesome, the AI's reaction time is simply
04:15 improved by incredible amounts, meaning that they can do basically perfect blocks and attacks all
04:20 the time, since the speed that they can realise what to do is almost infinitely faster than you
04:25 are. So, how did players combat the cruelty of combat? Well, in most games you'd need to learn
04:30 to outsmart and outmanoeuvre your enemy, except for Mortal Kombat 3. In the third instalment,
04:36 your enemy had an indecipherable weakness - uppercuts. Thus, you can either painstakingly
04:41 develop tactics by being brutalised by various robots, or instead just uppercut them into
04:46 oblivion. Now, it's a tactic that would be slated if you used it against a human player,
04:50 but it feels a little bit less cruel to use against a ruthless robo-opponent.
04:54 6. Car Troubles - Simpsons Hit and Run
04:58 Since a whole lot of people played Simpsons Hit and Run when they were young, or otherwise getting
05:02 into games, it might seem like this was where the difficulty of the game arose. As anyone who's
05:07 recently played it again can tell you, this is not the case. There are just certain portions of
05:11 this game that are really, really hard. This is doubly true for the races that you can do in each
05:16 and every level to get yourself a new car. These are basically designed to be a huge trouble for
05:20 you to beat as you race against the car that you would unlock in the next level, which is often
05:24 infinitely superior to the one you currently have. It's at this point where many guides would
05:28 recommend that you wait until you're a level or two past this mission before you actually play it,
05:33 otherwise it can often be a lesson in humility. But we're not ones to wait around, so of course
05:38 some tactics that weren't exactly kosher in any other driving game suddenly became almost a
05:42 necessary evil if you wanted to beat these races when you first got to them. Getting other cars
05:46 stuck on environments, taking shortcuts that weren't actually meant to be shortcuts, anything
05:51 is game when you've been demolished in a race against Marge Simpson for the umpteenth time.
05:55 Eggs for Bart, indeed.
05:57 5. Dante - Devil May Cry 4
06:00 Now many games have uber hard, extra difficult modes that brave players will battle their way
06:05 through. And Devil May Cry 4 has perhaps one of the hardest of these outside games that actively
06:10 market themselves on being difficult, that is. And there's a reason that their most difficult
06:14 mode is called Dante Must Die. And that's because Dante will provide you one of your
06:18 most challenging fights. And that's because regular attacks just don't seem to ever get
06:22 through to this guy. You can deflect, dodge, and parry, but being able to actually hit him
06:26 without being blocked is seemingly impossible. And while players have beat Dante on this
06:31 difficulty without using more sketchy methods, there is a popular way to cheese this boss.
06:36 Should you grow tired of suffering, you can merely just parkour your way onto the altar in this room.
06:41 Dante, in all of his infinite wisdom, will attempt to jump up, only for you to get an
06:45 opening attack to him, swatting him back down. Then just rinse and repeat this until his untimely
06:50 demise, leaving you either relieved to finally get through this fight, or a little ashamed of
06:54 how you did it. 4. The Rhinoc Race - Spyro, Year of the Dragon
06:59 Now the race for the dragon egg in Spyro, Year of the Dragon isn't impossible by a long shot.
07:04 However, it can be really dang annoying, as your enemies are able to use their speed boosts
07:08 whenever they want, and automatically know their way around the course, whereas you have to build
07:13 up your boost via tricks. And since this isn't the most integral part of the game, it's pretty
07:17 reasonable to just want to get past it as quick as possible, and to get back to the fun levels
07:21 and boss fights. So instead of repeating the race after you lose it, you can take a slightly
07:26 different tactic. If you instead walk to one of the boost panels and just stand on it for a couple
07:31 of minutes, you can stack up the boost that you'd otherwise have to work to get. As such, you can
07:36 literally then go into the race and just constantly boost your way around the entire thing, making it
07:40 so that your enemies have zero chance of ever catching up with you, let alone passing you.
07:45 3. Most Late Game Opponents - Yu-Gi-Oh! Rechef of Destruction
07:50 In Yu-Gi-Oh! Rechef of Destruction, you face dragons, demons, and ancient Egyptian deities.
07:55 You also face some downright cheating bastards, because nothing apparently is ever easy,
08:00 and some people care a little bit too much about a card game. I say this as I look over at my Magic
08:05 the Gathering collection right now. However, presumably you also care about winning your
08:09 card games, because when you realise that the later enemies you face will know what card you've
08:13 put down even when they're faced down, you're likely going to be a bit more than peeved.
08:17 But you can game the system, by just creating a deck custom built to sabotage the fact that
08:22 the enemy can see the stars and stats of your monsters. By using cards that appear weak but
08:27 have abilities that automatically kill whatever enemy attacks it, you can strategically take out
08:32 your enemy's side of the board, since they aren't able to read abilities quite the same as they are
08:36 stars and stats. Again, it's not entirely immoral, as the minute you realise that your enemy can
08:41 basically read your cards, it's a natural reaction. But it does change the dynamic of
08:46 these fights from desperately holding your own against powerful enemies, to, well, just gaming
08:50 the system. 2. Level 9 CPU - Super Smash Bros Melee
08:55 Showing someone a high-level CPU playing Super Smash Bros is basically a simple way of showing
09:00 how easy it would be for them to eventually take over the world. Trying to duke it out with the AI
09:05 is an experiment in suffering. It can dodge all of your attacks perfectly, counter attack you
09:09 ruthlessly, and just generally use the perfect reaction to whatever you try to throw at it,
09:13 quicker than the blink of an eye. Basically, they're frustrating enough to combat that many
09:17 players choose to take them down via less legitimate means. Which isn't actually difficult
09:23 to do, because these opponents are pretty easy to mess with once you have an idea of how they work.
09:28 Almost every character in Melee has an underhanded way that you can deal with them,
09:32 not even counting the regular sketchy methods like flying under the level until characters
09:36 jump to their deaths trying to catch you. Though learning all of these mechanics almost
09:39 legitimises using them, you're still learning how to cheat instead of learning how to fight.
09:44 But there's only so many times that you can be curb stomped by Donkey Kong before you need to
09:48 do whatever you can to win. 1. Dark Link - Zelda 2 - The Adventure of
09:54 Link The early Legend of Zelda games are a great ancestor of most of the difficult games that we
09:59 have to this day. And this is exemplified in Dark Link, one of the most genuinely challenging boss
10:04 fights in the franchise's history. He automatically attacks whatever you aren't guarding against,
10:09 perfectly counters all of your attacks, and generally makes your life hell in that special
10:13 way that only flawless AI reactions can. However, like most hard as nail bosses,
10:17 players found a way to make this fight easy as hell with a cheesy exploit. As it turns out,
10:22 if you go to the far left and duck, your evil doppelganger will just walk over to you without
10:26 guarding, meaning that you can just hack away at his shins without ever having to worry about him
10:30 blocking or launching a counterattack. Curling up in a ball and jabbing somebody doesn't exactly
10:35 make for the most epic of battles, but your dignity has likely already taken a lot of hits
10:39 by this point in the game. So you know what, we're gonna give this one a pass.
10:42 And there we go my friends, those were 10 video game bosses that made you cheat to win. I hope
10:47 that you enjoyed that, and please let me know what you thought about it down in the comments section
10:50 below. As always I've been Jules, you can go follow me over on Twitter @RetroJWithAZero,
10:54 or you can swing by Liv and Let's Dice where I do all of my streaming outside of work,
10:58 and it'd be great to see you over there my friends. But before I go, I just want to say one
11:02 thing. I hope you're treating yourself well with love and respect, not trying to cheat yourself out
11:06 of that bit of self-care, because it's very important to do that in our day to day. Just
11:10 taking some time out and realizing that we are a massive ledge and we deserve the best things in
11:14 life alright? And trust me, you do. Now go out there and absolutely smash it today my friend,
11:20 I believe in ya. As always I've been Jules, you have been awesome,
11:23 never forget that, and I'll speak to you soon. Bye.
