Laba dan Kredit Himbara Diprediksi Tumbuh Single Digit

  • 3 months ago
Wakil Menteri BUMN, Kartika Wirjoatmodjo memproyeksikan, kinerja pertumbuhan kredit dan laba bank BUMN di tahun 2024 sedikit melambat. Meski demikian, Wamen BUMN optimistis kinerja BUMN di kuartal III dan IV dapat terakselerasi, didukung ekspektasi membaiknya likuiditas dan peningkatan kualitas kredit.


00:00We are still in IDX Session Closing, and next we will invite you to discuss the topic of choice that was successfully collected by our team.
00:08Where the Deputy Minister of BUMN, Kartika Wiriwatmojo, projected that the growth of credit and BUMN banks in 2024 was slightly slower.
00:18Nevertheless, the BUMN Committee is optimistic that BUMN's growth in the third and fourth quarters can be accelerated,
00:25supported by expectations of improving liquidity and increasing credit quality.
00:34Many of the challenges that occurred during almost the first half of 2024 have made banking performance slightly slower.
00:42The growth is smaller compared to the previous year with potential to occur, including the BUMN Bank.
00:48The Deputy Minister of BUMN, Kartika Wiriwatmojo, projected that the BUMN Bank's growth this year is slightly slower,
00:55both in the growth of credit and interest rates.
00:58This is due to an external situation that is indeed unfavorable.
01:05Not without reason, the BUMN Committee said that the banks have indeed encountered many challenges,
01:10such as the increase in the flower population, leading to an increase in the cost of funds.
01:17Nevertheless, the BUMN Committee is still optimistic that BUMN's performance in the third and fourth quarters can accelerate more quickly,
01:25especially if the flower population and liquidity conditions improve with the addition of appropriate credit quality.
01:34Related to the celebration of the first quarter of 2024, the growth of the first quarter is recorded as still single-digit.
01:41Beri, for example, printed a clean sheet of 15.9 trillion rupiah or grew 2.6% year-on-year.
01:47Then, Bang Mandiri printed a clean sheet of 12.7 trillion rupiah, grew 1.13% annually.
01:56Next, Benny celebrated a clean sheet of 5.3 trillion rupiah, increased by 2.03% annually.
02:03And finally, Beto printed a clean sheet of 860 billion rupiah, grew 7.4% annually.
02:12Meanwhile, from the side of credit transfer until March 2024,
02:17Bang Beri recorded a credit transfer of 1,308.65 trillion rupiah or grew 10.89% annually.
02:26Then, Bang Mandiri recorded a consolidation credit transfer of 1,435 trillion rupiah or increased by 19.1% year-on-year.
02:38Meanwhile, Benny recorded a consolidation credit transfer of 695.16 trillion rupiah per quarter of 1,2024 or grew 9.6% year-on-year.
02:50Meanwhile, Beto opened a consolidation credit transfer and financing of 344.2 trillion rupiah,
02:57increased by 14.8% annually compared to the same period the previous year.
03:02For more information, go to IDX channel.
