I Kissed a Girl - Season 1 Episode 04

  • 3 months ago
I Kissed a Girl - Season 1 Episode 04


00:00 Previously on I Kissed A Girl, five new couples met with a first kiss.
00:06 She's a beautiful girl. It was perfect.
00:08 Some relationships thrived, whilst others did not survive.
00:15 Do you feel like you don't want to be with me?
00:17 I'm living with that girl!
00:20 What are you kind of at?
00:23 I do wish there was a bit more raw sexual attraction from my part.
00:26 Maybe I'm just looking for a princess and she's giving me crimps.
00:29 And just when the girls were finding their feet...
00:32 I'm attracted to you, very much.
00:34 I do feel quite connected to Meg.
00:37 Classic Amy move where she starts getting crushes from her friends.
00:41 Do you owe someone?
00:43 Get it with you some time.
00:44 The path to love took an unexpected turn.
00:47 These pillows, they were chosen by three new girls.
00:53 Girls!
00:55 Shut up.
00:56 Oh my God.
00:59 What the hell?
01:00 What the hell?
01:02 Welcome to I Kissed A Girl.
01:05 Well girls, now you've all made your choice.
01:15 I have something to tell you.
01:17 I didn't choose these pillows.
01:21 They were chosen by three new girls.
01:27 Oh my God.
01:29 Who are about to enter the matzah-ria right now.
01:35 Oh no.
01:36 I am gagged.
01:38 Girls!
01:39 Alright, we're good.
01:43 My name's Leila and I used to play football professionally.
01:46 My name's Beth and I'm a paralegal from Bath.
01:50 My name's Em and I'm a scientist from Surrey.
01:52 One, two, three, take my hand and come with me because you look so fine that I really wanna make you mine.
01:57 For your dating scene, I find that everyone's dated each other.
02:00 Everyone knows everyone and everyone's best friends with their ex.
02:03 Four, five, six, come on and get your kicks now you don't need the money when you look good.
02:07 I've been dating, dating, dating, but I haven't found anyone yet.
02:11 These matzah girls are like gold dust.
02:13 Where are they hiding?
02:14 I've had a very fun year dating lots of lovely girls.
02:18 That sounds bad.
02:20 Girls often think that I'm a pillow princess, someone who just doesn't do any work in the bedroom,
02:25 but I love to make my partner feel great.
02:28 Can't wait to get in there and hopefully someone wants to kiss me.
02:32 Alright, let's find myself a wife.
02:33 Hiya.
02:36 The shock of my life, there was three.
02:38 Three new girls.
02:40 I said, "Are you gonna be my girl?"
02:44 Hey girls.
02:45 Welcome to the matzah-ria.
02:48 When I seen the girls come in, bloody loved her.
02:51 And then my next kind of thought, if I'm being honest, was like, "Does my egg fancy enough though?"
02:56 I'd like you to go and stand by your pillar now.
02:58 I like the way she looks, like she's my type.
03:07 To a T.
03:08 So, Leila, why is communication key for you?
03:12 Because I think no matter what you and your partner are going through,
03:14 if you can talk it out, then usually it ends up being alright.
03:17 She seems confident, like she just kills a cucumber.
03:20 M, adventure is key for you.
03:22 That is.
03:23 Just someone free-spirited, ready up for a laugh.
03:26 And so just, yeah, open to travel.
03:28 M is a darling.
03:30 I think she's got a gorgeous face.
03:32 Beth, sexual chemistry.
03:34 For me, it's one of the things that differentiates it from being really good friends.
03:39 Takes you out of the friend zone.
03:41 I get ya.
03:42 As you'll see, for the new girls, you're not alone.
03:45 And what better way to get to know them than with a date?
03:49 So, Leila, M and Beth,
03:54 I will let you choose someone who's standing next to the pillar that you're at.
03:59 I will go for...
04:03 you.
04:04 Mirenza!
04:06 Me and Fia are just getting close.
04:10 And bloody Beth goes and asks me out on a date, but I don't blame her.
04:12 I mean, Fia is hot, as hell.
04:15 I'd like to take this girl on a date tonight, please.
04:17 OK, Abi. Meet M, M, meet Abi.
04:20 You going on a date night tonight?
04:22 I'm excited to go on a date. It's pretty cool, to be fair.
04:27 I would like to take on a date this girl.
04:30 Kara, me and Leila.
04:33 I hope it starts, like, raining and storming and they're just sat outside with no shelter.
04:42 Right, girls, I hope you enjoy your dates this evening.
04:45 I'm excited.
04:46 I'm out of here.
04:48 (ALL CHEER)
04:50 Go!
04:51 # Tooth for the music, let's get out and enjoy... #
04:54 Welcome, honey!
04:56 Three new girls, three first dates.
04:58 But first...
04:59 Fit wherever you please.
05:01 ..one big lesbian boat that's about to be rocked.
05:05 They're all gorgeous girls. You know, M, she's got those piercing blue eyes.
05:09 You've got Leila, who's just beautiful.
05:11 And then you have Beth, another gorgeous femme.
05:14 Who doesn't love a femme? We love a femme.
05:17 How are you all feeling?
05:19 Excited. We are.
05:21 Excited for the fresh meet.
05:23 Excited to get to know them, make sure that they feel welcome.
05:26 What's, like, the vibe with the couples?
05:28 Some couples are coupling and some couples are flirting.
05:31 OK.
05:32 I'm with Kara.
05:34 I'm sorry.
05:35 (LAUGHTER)
05:37 Can you both flip with us?
05:39 (LAUGHTER)
05:41 What position?
05:42 Er, centre-back or left-back?
05:44 Centre-back.
05:45 (LAUGHTER)
05:47 It seems like me and Georgia have a lot in common.
05:50 We both play football.
05:51 And the fact that I've chosen a girl to go on a date, it's not great.
05:54 What are you guys' types?
05:55 Typically, I go for more feminine-looking women with, like, kind of a tomboy edge.
05:59 My type is definitely more masc, vibe, short hair, tattoos.
06:04 Tick, tick, tick!
06:06 (LAUGHTER)
06:08 I'm wearing this long sleeved top and I just started, like, rolling them off.
06:10 I was like...
06:11 They're into the fast mover.
06:14 I thought you were into Amy.
06:16 Everyone that I've dated looks a bit different, so...
06:18 More on the person and whether they're fun, outgoing,
06:21 just going to have a laugh and just a bit genuine.
06:23 OK.
06:24 Love that.
06:25 Literally a kid in a candy shop.
06:26 Everyone's good-looking.
06:27 Too much choice.
06:28 Too much choice.
06:29 We'll see how it unfolds.
06:31 Fun, guys!
06:32 # I'm with you, baby
06:33 # I go out on my nerves
06:35 # And I just can't get enough
06:37 # And I just can't get enough... #
06:38 Get yourselves comfortable, girls.
06:40 You so wet!
06:41 Maybe not that comfortable, Ayesha.
06:43 Yeah, I'm a bit too wet, baby.
06:45 Abi's just across the pool.
06:47 Oh!
06:48 (LAUGHS)
06:49 They're literally, like, all over each other.
06:51 Oh, they are, certainly.
06:54 Yeah.
06:55 It just makes me feel a bit awkward.
06:56 Disrespecting.
06:57 I'm such an over-thinker.
06:59 No, you're not an over-thinker,
07:00 you're just thinking the way everyone would normally think.
07:04 Ayesha and Meg are all over each other right in front of me.
07:07 It does make you feel shit.
07:09 I guess that it could be just a friendship thing,
07:11 but I would just rather know if it's a bit more than that.
07:15 Don't over-think it.
07:16 (CHEERING)
07:17 I think you call that pose the flying lesbian.
07:20 # That don't impress me much... #
07:22 Well, Abi, maybe tonight's date with Em might take your mind off things.
07:26 Though I can't quite say the same for Amy.
07:28 I am slightly jealous that Beth and Phi are going on a date.
07:31 I think I'd regret it if I didn't kind of say to Phi what I was feeling.
07:36 I have a wee crush on Phi, Renzo.
07:39 Do you have a wee crush on me?
07:42 Maybe a wee crush.
07:44 Maybe not.
07:45 No, but I did hear that.
07:48 I have a wee crush.
07:49 Do you?
07:50 Yeah, maybe a wee crush.
07:51 Maybe a wee crush.
07:52 Yeah, that's what I'm feeling.
07:55 Is that what you're feeling?
07:57 That's what I'm feeling.
07:58 Friends and benefits.
08:00 Amy's not, like, my usual type at all.
08:04 But we've built up this, like, friendship and, like, we do flirt a lot
08:08 and it's kind of like, where is this going?
08:11 Hope you have a shit day.
08:13 Do you need to help out?
08:14 Yeah, I do.
08:15 # Your love invention
08:17 # Got my attention now... #
08:20 These new girls are definitely creating a buzz.
08:23 I'm so excited for my date.
08:25 I can't wait to get to know Forenza.
08:27 It's going to be good.
08:29 But is everyone buzzing about them?
08:31 I wasn't bothered about the new girls.
08:33 I know where me and Eva stand, so I wasn't worried.
08:36 That's a nice bit of me.
08:38 Bit of you.
08:40 # ..everything
08:42 # Everyone... #
08:44 What's your thoughts on Beth? Do you find her attractive?
08:47 She's so bad.
08:49 Oh, my God, I really like her.
08:51 How do you feel about Amy now?
08:52 Do you think there's still, like, potential, like, friendship?
08:55 Yeah, I think I do.
08:56 I think I'm having a bit of a crush on you.
08:58 And she told me that she had a crush on me.
09:00 I can't deal with... This is a lot.
09:02 Let's just draw it. It's so confusing.
09:04 I think because we've just always been fighting each other.
09:07 Go on a date with Beth and just see if the chemistry there
09:11 is talking-wise.
09:13 And I think that'll help you decide between Meg and Beth.
09:16 And then just see where it goes from there.
09:18 Not Amy and Beth. Oh, sorry.
09:20 That chapter is closed.
09:24 Amy and Beth.
09:26 You've got Fee, you've got Meg, you've got Amy, you've got flipping Beth.
09:29 Oh, my God, I cannot keep up.
09:31 # Do you wanna go to the moon? #
09:34 OK, let me help.
09:36 Beth's off on a date with Fiorenza, who may still have a crush on Amy.
09:40 Cara has a date with Layla.
09:42 And Abi is getting glammed for her date with Em.
09:45 I'll wear red lipstick tonight so you can tell if I've had a kiss or not.
09:50 This is me keeping under toes. Is it working?
09:53 Amy's like, "Just fucking treat it like...
09:56 "This sounds awful, but treat it like you're not here
10:00 "and see what happens.
10:02 "And then I'll definitely know."
10:04 Who knows?
10:06 Sometimes when I hang out with Leesh and Meg,
10:08 I do feel like a third wheel.
10:10 So, yeah, I'm excited to go on a date and, yeah, explore it a bit more with Em.
10:14 Ready for our date?
10:21 Shall we link? Oh, wait, let's switch, let's switch.
10:24 What the fuck?
10:26 I'd fucking... I hate this shit.
10:28 Like, I felt rattled and I felt weird.
10:30 I've been trying to, like, chill it out, but then I'm like,
10:33 "I'm not chilling out too much." I don't know, I fucking love you.
10:36 I wouldn't have children!
10:38 Yeah.
10:39 Cara being on a date with someone else definitely makes me feel a bit weird.
10:43 I've always thought I'd be, like, chill about it,
10:46 but I don't feel very chill about it.
10:49 I'm actually feeling excited to go on a date.
10:51 I feel like I'm just going to have to pick up on the vibes.
10:54 I don't know how it's going to go.
10:56 This is so cute.
10:58 This is so cute.
11:00 Oh.
11:02 Oi!
11:04 You good?
11:06 That was so elegant. So elegant, yeah.
11:08 Oh, my gosh.
11:10 I've got the vibe that Cara and Georgia are kind of like this,
11:12 but I'm going to test the waters with Cara.
11:14 If I feel like she's a bit flirty,
11:16 then obviously I'll give it back.
11:18 Cheers. Eye contact.
11:20 And you looked away. I can't do it!
11:22 "I can't do eye contact."
11:24 She's fresh!
11:27 Out of everyone here, you're definitely my type.
11:29 Yeah, I'd say the same back to you.
11:31 I was waiting for someone like you to come in. Really?
11:34 Yeah, that much.
11:36 What do you do for work?
11:38 I am a scientist in cancer research.
11:40 Yeah, so I'm like a biologist.
11:42 I sit in the lab all day with cells and...
11:45 like, work on different cancer therapies.
11:47 So I actually went to uni to do sport and exercise science,
11:50 so I'm quite sporty as well.
11:52 How are you laughing at that?
11:54 I just love a sporty girl.
11:56 Abby might like a sporty girl,
11:58 but Leisha's not playing ball tonight.
12:00 She walked out of the room without saying bye. Really?
12:03 It's something that I wouldn't do. Yeah.
12:05 And she's been saying some things like,
12:07 "I'm just going to pretend that you're not here
12:09 "and just see how it goes. Like, don't say it in front of me."
12:12 Do you know what I mean? Yeah.
12:14 Cos she was dead-arse serious as well.
12:16 # Don't feel like a girlfriend... #
12:18 I am anxious for Abby to come back from her date.
12:21 I don't know what's happening.
12:23 Abby is keeping me on my toes, definitely.
12:26 Let's figure out who's more adventurous. OK.
12:30 Would you go in the rocket ship up to space? Yeah.
12:33 Would you? Would you? No! What?!
12:35 Would you jump out of a plane? No.
12:37 No? No. I've already beaten you on adventurous.
12:40 No, that's not fair! Fair enough, fair enough.
12:43 Start again, start again.
12:45 The date was so lovely.
12:47 Em, it's an unreal girl.
12:49 The conversation flowed.
12:51 Well, great, Abby.
12:52 Looks like good combo is the key to a girl's heart around here.
12:56 # We can get this over with... #
12:58 I think knowing that you pick communication was really nice.
13:05 Yeah, I just want someone that I can talk to, I think.
13:08 Especially, like, not just having superficial chat.
13:10 Yeah, like, deep stuff too. Yeah.
13:13 I want to be able to actually open up.
13:15 We're not just always taking the piss. Yeah.
13:17 I came out when I was, like, 14.
13:21 That was all fine, I was so lucky, like, you know.
13:23 So you're at 14. Mm.
13:25 You're new from a young age. Yeah.
13:27 You're, like, feeling it. Yeah, I've got my game hard.
13:30 Yeah.
13:31 Would you say, like, you just want to put all your energy into Georgia, or...?
13:35 I'd say she's definitely my focus right now.
13:38 It seems like Cara's definitely going to Georgia.
13:40 It's definitely friend vibes.
13:42 I've finished my Masters in Law.
13:45 Oh, so smart.
13:48 I'm a paralegal, so work involves shadowing solicitors.
13:52 But I love having fun, being stupid, and, yeah, just living for the moment.
13:58 You've got such a nice laugh, though.
14:00 Really? I feel like everyone's, like, "God, I sound like a witch's cackle."
14:05 Beth's whole vibe is laid-back, chill vibe,
14:08 but it's also, like, really sexy at the same time.
14:11 Are you worried about the date that they're on?
14:14 Not worried, but, like, a little bit jealous, a little bit grim.
14:18 I think the telling thing would be, like, if we kiss,
14:21 like, if there's that raw...
14:23 Raw... You know, like, when you kiss...
14:25 Wait, I've never kissed you. No.
14:27 I'm not a pillow princess.
14:34 When she said she wasn't a pillow princess, I was like, "Tick."
14:38 A girl's got needs as well, so...
14:40 # You're extra special, something else... #
14:43 Well, are we wrapping up with a kiss?
14:46 Come here, then.
14:47 # Um, you're a serious guy
14:51 # And you know I think you're so cute when you get high
14:56 # Never been good at this nice shit
14:59 # But I could try if you let's say
15:02 # I'm not a pillow princess... #
15:04 I feel like the kiss could have gone on all night,
15:07 but, um, we had to make moves.
15:12 # You're extra special, something else, maybe it's you... #
15:18 I've got someone on my arm that I'm, like, actually like,
15:21 and actually, like...
15:23 ..I'm feeling it could go somewhere.
15:26 Come spill the tea!
15:29 My heart kind of sank when I saw Fia and Zahra come back
15:32 with Beth on her arm and they were giggling and they kind of sat down
15:35 and, like, were all entwined in each other.
15:37 Guys, look who's back! Look who's back!
15:39 OK! Let's go!
15:41 How was the date?
15:43 I think it was good. Yeah, it was good, actually.
15:45 Like, good vibes. It was good, yeah.
15:47 Cara's, like, the best, so...
15:49 Did anyone kiss? Fia and Beth did.
15:51 Wait, what? Did you?
15:53 Did you see that? Huh? Did you see it?
15:55 No, Fia told me! Oh!
15:57 Not in a million years did I think they would have a kiss.
16:00 But maybe that was naive.
16:02 No, she just went like a little...
16:08 Ah! But look! That's the eyebrows, innit?
16:11 Yeah.
16:13 Yeah, there was a wee bit of, like, awkwardness there
16:16 between me and Amy.
16:18 Hey! How are you? OK?
16:20 How was your lovely date?
16:22 Hey! Hello! How are you?
16:24 Ab, she looked unreal! Hey, is it Dave?
16:27 When I came in, I didn't immediately go straight over to Lish,
16:30 cos Lish and Meg are very touchy-feely.
16:34 Come sit, come sit. How was it?
16:36 Erm, we had a cute date. It was...
16:39 Very romantic. We just, erm, sat, had a bit of Prosecco.
16:42 Yeah, happy-go-lucky. It was good.
16:44 I think we got a lot to talk about, yeah.
16:46 How did the date end? Like, any kiss or...?
16:49 No!
16:51 Straight in there. No!
16:54 I feel like my emotions are all over the place.
16:56 Like, I don't know how I'm feeling.
16:58 And then these girls rock in,
17:00 and then they're with our girls on the date.
17:03 It's just really hard.
17:05 # There's a big black hole where my heart used to be... #
17:09 There was some good vibes there with Abi, for sure.
17:12 But I think there was a bit of a lack of a romantic connection.
17:15 # So it's not easy... #
17:16 I want to know about your date.
17:18 Ours felt like a good vibe, like, friendly, so you...
17:20 I did feel like a kiss was going to happen.
17:22 But there was a vibe there?
17:24 Yeah, she's definitely attractive, and, yeah, obviously had a kiss.
17:27 Oh, OK. That's good.
17:28 I feel like you got something to, like, build off of. Yeah.
17:31 The date with Fiorenza was really good.
17:34 There was lots of eye contact, and we had a little kiss.
17:37 Hopefully there will be many more kisses to come.
17:40 As Beth dreams of more snogs,
17:43 Cara and Georgia have finally got the chance for a date debrief.
17:47 To be fair, she actually is really nice.
17:49 Like, she's, like, really just... No, she seems cool.
17:52 So cool. Yeah. So cool.
17:54 But... Friends.
17:56 Yeah. Yeah.
17:58 So, what's your thoughts? Feelings?
18:00 I was riled. But, like, I knew she was going to pick you.
18:04 I don't know why I thought I'd be chill about it.
18:07 But then I feel like that made me realise that, like, I do like you.
18:11 Cos, like, I don't want to, like, be too much,
18:14 cos I'm fucking sensitive and shit.
18:16 Mm.
18:17 I'm going to cry.
18:19 Aw.
18:20 And, like, I don't... Like, I don't like crying.
18:23 At all.
18:25 And then sometimes I think I've said something, but I actually haven't.
18:29 Do you know what I mean? Yes.
18:31 So, like, in my head I've already told you that I like you,
18:33 but I actually haven't. Do you know what I mean?
18:35 I feel like Georgia was vulnerable tonight,
18:37 and that definitely, I'd say, has brought us closer together.
18:41 I'm glad we talked about this.
18:43 Yeah.
18:44 I don't think I've been, like, hiding from my feelings,
18:46 but, like, I've not, like, been addressing them either.
18:48 I think I just need to keep, like,
18:50 actually saying how I feel, like, all the time.
18:52 # But you were part of me
18:55 # And I'm a part of you
18:57 # But you were part of me... #
19:00 What are you saying, then?
19:02 What am I saying? Yeah.
19:04 Erm...
19:05 You've forgotten about me.
19:07 We have such, like, flirty banter all the time. Mm-hm.
19:11 Like, that's... I feel like that's, like, the foundation... Yeah.
19:14 ..of, like, what we have.
19:15 And, like, bar me is, like, if we...
19:19 Don't want to ruin that friendship vibe.
19:21 Yeah, if we cross it.
19:22 It's weird, because, obviously, like, I had that wee date with...
19:26 Is it, like...? With Faith, and I'm feeling, like, a bit giddy.
19:30 I feel like Fiorenza's eyes are locked on Beth.
19:34 Obviously, I really get along with Fiorenza,
19:36 so it's just kind of sad that we don't get to explore
19:39 where that goes, for now, anyway.
19:41 What if we cross that barrier, and then, like...
19:45 We don't get that funny teasing back. Yeah.
19:49 Think I've just got a rejection thing, you know? Classic.
19:53 It keeps happening.
19:55 So, what are you thinking? Erm... What am I thinking?
19:57 You'll always fancy me. Yeah, I'll always fancy you, babes.
20:00 The situation's definitely made me feel like I'm second best
20:03 to the new, fresh me, you know? I'm old me.
20:06 You'd think I'd have a thicker skin, but...
20:09 ..I guess not.
20:12 # Now the silence is part of me and you... #
20:16 They say absence makes the heart grow fonder.
20:19 # I never thought you knew what love was... #
20:22 But time apart tonight seems to have had the opposite effect
20:27 for Abi and Leisha.
20:29 # With the way that you treat me
20:32 # I had to reach my own conclusion... #
20:36 Did you enjoy it?
20:38 We... Yeah, it was actually really nice.
20:41 Erm... Yeah, it was a pleasant date.
20:44 You want a flirty banter? I didn't have a flirty banter with her.
20:47 No? No.
20:49 I just want to know exactly where you're at,
20:51 cos I'm scared of hurting myself. I'm scared of hurting myself.
20:54 And I want to be real with you.
20:56 Like, I've just seen some stuff.
20:58 I just put two and two together and I'm like, "Fuck."
21:00 Is that with Megan? Yeah. OK.
21:03 I'm not flirting with her. You're all over her.
21:06 You are all over each other.
21:08 But she's, like, my best friend in here.
21:10 When I see Megan Leash flirt in front of me,
21:12 like, it does make me feel like shit.
21:14 I can't lie, like, it is very uncomfortable to watch.
21:17 That has made my head go a little bit like,
21:19 "I think she's into Meg," which is absolutely fine if you are,
21:22 but I'd rather know.
21:24 Do you see a spark there and want to progress on that side?
21:26 No. That's absolutely fine. I don't.
21:28 OK. I just didn't want, like...
21:30 I didn't want to feel... Or, like, get mugged off.
21:33 I'd rather just be, like, told straight to my face,
21:35 because, like, I'm shit-scared of, like, my heart getting broken.
21:39 I feel like when me and Abi are good, we're really, really, really good,
21:42 but she does worry, so I feel like I'm trying to be as positive as I can,
21:47 because I really want things to work out.
21:50 If I wanted to explore things with Meg,
21:53 I think I would have done it by now, but... Yeah. OK.
21:56 I do know that she likes me and she wants this to work,
21:59 but it is difficult when we don't see eye to eye.
22:02 Where's your head at? With you.
22:05 OK. So, we're on the same page.
22:08 Give me a kiss.
22:10 You're very touchy tonight.
22:22 I'm not even trying, Abi. It's all right. Yeah. OK.
22:26 Obviously, the bed's still warm with Fee,
22:28 but I think it's really good that me and Eva do have each other in here,
22:31 because we do fancy each other and we have that deep connection there.
22:35 Who wants to hear me and Neha have sex tonight?
22:38 What?!
22:40 I mean, all the girls are complaining that they could hear us kiss,
22:43 but, you know, apparently we're allowed kisses.
22:45 Yes, sir.
22:47 The sleeping arrangements weren't ideal.
22:51 My bed is, like, at the end of Fee's feet.
22:54 Night, night, everyone.
23:03 Sun's up at the Maserat.
23:05 Morning!
23:07 It's a good day to be gay.
23:09 That's every day. Amen to that.
23:11 And here's to a great day for new girls, Leila, Em and Beth.
23:15 Fee just said to come here, so I just slipped into bed with her.
23:19 I love a little morning cuddle.
23:21 Right, can we get a song going?
23:24 What song do you want?
23:26 # Da, da... #
23:28 Why can't I feel fresh, you know?
23:30 I think maybe me and Fraser would actually be better off as friends,
23:33 cos we do have a real special platonic connection.
23:37 But excited to kind of sit down and have a chat to the new girlies,
23:40 see what they're all about.
23:44 When I think of Amy, I think of boots.
23:48 Just a hype girl, like, she's just in everyone's corner,
23:51 she's just full of so much positivity.
23:53 There's something definitely intriguing about her.
23:56 When I think of Amy, I think, "Does she sleep in those things?"
23:59 Anyway, time for brekkie.
24:01 And no, gossip is not optional.
24:04 OK, you don't have to tell us who, but is there someone in the materia
24:07 that you have had your eye on?
24:09 I literally haven't had my morning coffee.
24:11 I don't know whether right now there is that romantic connection
24:15 with anyone, but I do want to get to know everyone and see,
24:18 cos I think it takes a while to form that connection.
24:26 With the kiss off tomorrow, you better not wait too long, Em.
24:30 And over in the snug,
24:32 Leila's wasting no time in exploring her connection with Amy.
24:36 So, what are you liking, really?
24:38 I, like, love so deeply and have so much love to give,
24:41 and I fall really hard really quick.
24:43 I tend to be, like, more logical and I think a lot.
24:46 Yeah, I'm the opposite.
24:48 Yeah, so I feel like the combination of the two might be good.
24:51 Sounds like perfect, some would say.
24:53 Just observing you a little bit more. OK.
24:55 I like your personality. Mm-hm.
24:57 And you were looking at me quite a bit.
24:59 Leila's... She's just... Her face.
25:02 I'm literally, like, I kept staring at her
25:04 cos I was just staring at her, like, beautiful features.
25:07 Are you a bit of a looker, you are.
25:13 OK, well, now I know you were actually looking at me,
25:15 it feels a bit better. Yeah.
25:17 I just wanted to know if you liked me back, that's all. OK, OK.
25:20 Trying to get a feel of whether she was liking me too,
25:24 but I think just the confirmation that, yeah,
25:26 she's looking at me the way I'm looking at her, it's... Yeah, it's good.
25:29 So you said you thought fast. How fast were you talking?
25:32 Well, with my ex, it was really quick.
25:34 It was, like, maybe, like, a month.
25:36 But we knew each other before, I was her lacrosse captain.
25:39 Oh, you played lacrosse? Yeah. You played lacrosse?
25:41 You are a posh girl. I know.
25:43 I am a bit of a posh girl.
25:45 I went to a private school in the heart of Surrey,
25:47 but going to a private school as a queer woman was not great, you know.
25:51 I wasn't out either, so it just made it very hard, you know.
25:54 Many, many nights at parties crying,
25:56 cos I just wanted to be who I was,
25:58 but felt like I couldn't tell anybody,
26:00 because there was a lot of judgement.
26:02 I came out late and I was, like, at the dinner with my mum and my little sister.
26:06 And I was like, "Oh, Mum, I have to tell you something."
26:08 She was like, "You're not gay, are you?"
26:10 Yeah, not good, not good. So it was a bit of a shock.
26:13 But she's good now. Yeah.
26:15 My mum grew up in a very different generation,
26:17 but she's done amazing, she's come such a long way,
26:19 and, like, now she just wants me to be happy.
26:22 I'm definitely, like, getting more and more confident with who I am,
26:25 and, like, growing up, like, realising who I am. Mm-hm.
26:27 And I love... I, like, genuinely love that a lot.
26:29 Getting to know Amy, it's cool to see that she's got another side to her,
26:32 cos she's very much out there, which is great.
26:34 But I think when someone's got layers, it is really nice.
26:37 I'm very insecure. It's very, like, a front.
26:40 I realise that about myself, not in the same way.
26:42 But I feel like we've all got something like that. 100%.
26:44 That is great about us, but the reason we're that way... We're that way, exactly.
26:47 ..is because we're insecure. Yeah, exactly.
26:49 If I could speak to Amy, you know, young Amy who's crying at the parties
26:52 cos she's so insecure about her sexuality,
26:54 I honestly would tell her to just keep her chin up
26:57 and be proud of who she was,
26:59 because it was the most, like, uplifting and freeing experience to come out.
27:03 Like, the first thing I do when I meet people is tell them I'm a lesbian.
27:07 It's my defining personality trait.
27:10 Well, Amy, I'd say you've picked the best place to be out and proud.
27:15 # Feels like some kind of rush
27:18 # Yeah, yeah... #
27:20 No, we Irish, Jack.
27:24 This is so not Irish.
27:26 Things got heated last night.
27:32 Abi told me that she wasn't very happy with the way that me and Meg are.
27:37 But I also feel like me and Meg, honestly, we're mates.
27:40 Everyone flirts with everyone in the massacre.
27:42 She had a conversation with me about Meg.
27:45 She was like, "Me and Meg are really bothering her."
27:47 Oh, really? Really.
27:49 She was like, "I just feel like if you like her, just tell me."
27:52 And I was like, "Listen, I think she's fit, but it doesn't go beyond that surface."
27:56 Yeah, we're consistent, yeah.
27:58 If I wanted to explore things with Meg, I would have.
28:00 With Abi and Leisha, I feel like they've communicated their problems,
28:04 however, there's not much, like, comprehension in it.
28:07 So I feel like they're going round in circles.
28:11 You're right, though.
28:12 It does feel a little bit like déjà vu today, doesn't it?
28:17 Even when I was in nursery and primary school,
28:24 I would only want to wear boys' clothes.
28:27 I remember when it was picture day and my mum would want to dress me up a bit,
28:30 so I'd wear a skirt or something and I'd literally be crying
28:33 cos I didn't want to put it on, but I was literally five.
28:36 And I was like, "Why do I not want to wear these clothes?"
28:38 I feel like I went through, like, a rollercoaster with, like, my identity.
28:43 It takes a while to get to the person you want to be,
28:45 but now I'm at my final form and I cut my hair as well,
28:49 so I've fully evolved into me.
28:51 Wearing, like, feminine clothes for me, like, I've never just felt...
28:54 never felt comfortable. I feel like I'm trying to fit into something that I'm not.
28:57 Yeah, cos it's like you could look so good body-wise,
28:59 but, like, on the inside, you're like, "I don't feel comfortable."
29:02 It's just about being comfortable in your own skin at the end of the day.
29:05 I don't know, I actually had long hair.
29:08 I think the only reason I cut it was to look more gay.
29:11 Yeah, really? I actually think.
29:13 And I... I just felt more myself as well. It felt really right.
29:16 Looking back now, yeah, it was a really uncomfortable time in my life.
29:20 I just decided one day that I wanted to cut it all off.
29:23 It was very cathartic, to be honest.
29:25 I kind of felt like I was tearing it off anyway.
29:27 I was in a heterosexual relationship for four and a half years.
29:30 What? Really?
29:32 I've been a guy for 40 years. Wow.
29:34 I'm bi, yeah. And he was a lovely guy.
29:37 I genuinely thought I was going to marry him and have kids with him.
29:40 Really? Yeah.
29:41 What made you have that, like, realisation that this is what you wanted to do?
29:45 It was just an overwhelming feeling. Like, instinct took over.
29:48 Yeah. And I was just, like...
29:50 The water feeling in my head never went away.
29:52 And I just couldn't get rid of it. Yeah.
29:54 It was the hardest decision of my life. Yeah.
29:56 It's so difficult. You're giving me goosebumps.
29:58 Yeah, same! I'm getting a bunch of goosebumps.
30:01 Is that the wind, though? Yeah!
30:03 Yeah, more virtually.
30:04 But you can just tell, you've, like, pushed through that fear.
30:07 It was so... And then, like, literally,
30:09 I was a completely different person in that relationship,
30:11 and now I've been able to become, like, my true self.
30:14 Aw! I feel like I'm tearing up.
30:16 Yeah, genuinely.
30:17 Like I was Emily before, I think. I know I'm Em.
30:20 It was a lot. It was a lot.
30:24 I was sort of hiding half of my queer personality.
30:28 I lost a lot of that in myself for quite a while.
30:32 Now, being able to express that side of me,
30:34 which I think is a very important side to express,
30:37 I feel a lot more myself.
30:38 And it's nice to be back and feeling comfortable in myself.
30:41 # Maria
30:43 # You've got to see her
30:45 # Uh-uh-uh, tasty
30:51 # Mmm, mmm... #
30:53 Hate to interrupt, girls, but watch out.
30:56 You've got company.
31:00 Hi. Everything OK?
31:02 I was very excited to see Sarah.
31:04 However, I was a bit nervous too, cos I know she's got news.
31:08 Girls, you have a message from Dani.
31:10 Go on, then. Go on, then.
31:11 Enjoy the honours.
31:13 See you soon. Bye.
31:15 Miss you already.
31:16 Belle ragazze.
31:18 This evening, we're celebrating astrological love.
31:21 Yeah.
31:22 As you're all invited to a special dinner party under the stars.
31:27 Everyone's into star signs, right?
31:31 What lesbian isn't?
31:33 A star sign-themed dinner party and 13 queer girlies?
31:38 I wonder if the horoscopes predicted that one.
31:41 Really looking forward to the dinner party.
31:43 Everyone looks amazing.
31:45 # There's a thin line for a round tonight
31:48 # And the stars be my middle guy
31:54 It looks very romantic, very intimate,
31:57 especially for a dinner date of 13 girls.
32:00 Stunning.
32:03 For your dinner under the stars,
32:05 you have been seated close to the girls you're most compatible with
32:09 based on your star signs. Enjoy.
32:11 Oh, my God.
32:13 Oh, my God, these are my matches.
32:15 Oh, these are my matches.
32:17 You know, you turn it over, you see all your matches
32:20 based off star sign compatibility.
32:22 But luckily, me and Nae, we were compatible, so I wasn't worried.
32:26 My most compatible is Nae, Virgo, Beth, Virgo and Priya, Taurus.
32:33 Hi, babe. Threesome.
32:35 I've got Cara, Aquarius.
32:37 Then I've got Eva, Gemini, Abi, Aquarius,
32:40 Leila, Sagittarius and M, Sagittarius.
32:43 I think that means we should be a threesome.
32:45 We're all in each other's top three.
32:47 I mean, I have been waiting for you to suggest it.
32:49 There you go. Watch out tonight, girls.
32:51 Who doesn't have their couple on their card? Hands up.
32:54 OK, so on your cards, who would you go for?
32:58 Ooh!
33:00 There you go. That's Priya!
33:02 Listen, star signs, they're my thing.
33:05 I'd probably say Beth or Meg.
33:07 Aw!
33:09 Love you.
33:11 I'd say they're both leashes type, so...
33:14 ..yeah.
33:17 I said Meg's name because if I hadn't,
33:20 I knew that people would know I'd be lying,
33:22 because I've had this conversation with people to say
33:25 that I have got a physical attraction there,
33:27 but I don't think anything could evolve romantically,
33:30 especially where I'm at with Abi.
33:33 I'm not that type of person.
33:35 Mine would be Cara, just cos we're besties.
33:38 What about me?
33:40 I want to say a really juicy question, but I think it's too harsh.
33:43 What? What were you saying? Huh? What were you saying?
33:45 Just having a girly chat. Yeah.
33:48 The atmosphere was...
33:50 Like, it really took the wind out of our sails
33:53 and it was just a bit like...
33:55 Oh...
33:57 How are you feeling?
33:59 We're good.
34:01 We're getting better. Better by day by day.
34:04 Yeah, there's been a few bumps.
34:06 We need to communicate more and I feel like we're doing that now.
34:09 Abi, do you think Leisha's good at communicating?
34:12 Yeah.
34:14 Yeah?
34:17 That was a bit of a gap, babe. Yeah.
34:19 I feel like...
34:21 We'll see.
34:23 Abi and Leisha have kind of a tumultuous relationship
34:28 in that they don't communicate enough
34:30 or they don't listen to each other enough.
34:32 Leave it. Farewell.
34:36 Oh, deus.
34:38 That did not go to plan.
34:40 What's taxi in Italian?
34:42 I expected Abi to say straight away, "Yes, I can."
34:45 I don't understand what that gap was between her giving the question
34:51 and her answering the question.
34:53 She had a bit of a...sweak.
34:56 She thought about it and I was like, "What?"
34:59 Have you been to a dinner with that many lesbians?
35:06 I mean, a football dinner, but... Oh, yeah, fair.
35:08 It's a bit different. It's a bit different.
35:11 Have you? Nope. No?
35:13 Will you do it again? Nope.
35:17 What's the crack with you?
35:21 Romantically, it's difficult.
35:23 Everyone's, like, kind of coupled up. It's hard as hell.
35:25 Sometimes you pull a short straw. Yeah.
35:27 And I think I've been coming to terms with that today. Yeah.
35:30 Feeling like a lucky number 13, right now. Oh, no!
35:33 # I keep going back to when I laid eyes on you
35:37 # Cos ever since then you've been on my mind... #
35:41 So, after dinner, I could say that the mood was kind of off,
35:45 but it didn't really affect me and it clearly didn't affect Amy either,
35:48 which was nice.
35:49 Every time you'd look at me, I'd kind of get excited and it was weird.
35:52 And I was like, "Mm, I should go."
35:54 I think that's kind of what reeled me in,
35:56 cos usually the attraction builds differently for me.
35:58 But I kind of want to see how this one goes. Yeah.
36:00 Cos it is different. But I think it's cos you're different, so...
36:03 Do you want to take that out? Mm.
36:04 You've got nice lips as well. Yeah.
36:07 So, you're going to kiss me or what?
36:09 # You should come over
36:11 # Let me get to know you
36:16 # I'm picturing you under the... #
36:19 I'm glad that tense dinner didn't stop any new connections.
36:23 Some connections, however, need a bit of amend.
36:29 You were asked the question, right? Yeah.
36:31 "Can Alicia communicate with you?" Mm.
36:34 "Does she?"
36:36 That's the whole question. It's either a yes or a no.
36:39 You're making it out to the group like I'm shit at communicating
36:42 and that I don't listen to you when I feel like I fucking do.
36:46 I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, like, pause and hesitate. I'm sorry.
36:52 So much sorry as I can take, babe.
36:55 There is a fine line between communication
36:58 and having to have the same conversation about the same problem
37:01 over and over again.
37:03 # We live in circles
37:06 # And it's so hard to breathe... #
37:09 I feel like you just need to think about this a little bit more,
37:12 if this is what you want.
37:14 With me.
37:16 I don't want you to...
37:18 You're going to walk away? Yeah.
37:20 I just want you to be happy and I feel like you're not.
37:24 Alicia just made me feel so shit before going to bed.
37:27 I just think sometimes I just don't know how to navigate things.
37:31 # Don't tell me our youth is running out
37:39 # It's only just begun... #
37:42 Morning. Morning.
37:54 I slept like a baby.
37:57 Oh!
37:59 It's the morning of the kiss-off,
38:03 where each girl must decide to continue in their relationship
38:06 or save their kiss for another girl.
38:09 How's everyone feeling after last night?
38:12 Got very intense.
38:14 The girls have hard choices to make later tonight.
38:17 It's a good day to have a good day. Yeah.
38:19 But for now, hurry up and finish those oat milk lattes,
38:22 cos you have a note from Dani.
38:24 "Hey, girls, as you know, you are here to find a relationship
38:29 "that will last in the real world.
38:31 "As a group, I would like you to decide.
38:33 "The couple with the strongest connection, please decide now.
38:36 "Love, Dani." What?! Oh, my God!
38:39 I nominate Priya and Nae. Anyone else?
38:44 Yeah.
38:46 I can't say. Oh, OK.
38:48 Is that you, then, is it?
38:52 That was easy.
38:54 Everyone better pick us.
38:56 I know, cos they're always talking about it anyway, so, yeah.
38:59 Do you think you'll be going to, like, a...?
39:02 Oh!
39:04 You're definitely going to the girls' place!
39:07 Don't gas it now, guys, don't gas it.
39:10 I think something round the corner, something nice.
39:13 Something's definitely round the corner,
39:15 but you never know what Dani's got up her sleeve.
39:19 Have you kissed Laila yet? Yeah, we kissed last night.
39:22 What?! Yeah. Did you not know? No!
39:26 But it was a good kiss. Yeah, it was a really good kiss.
39:29 Why didn't you tell me? Sorry, I forgot.
39:31 You seemed like you had stuff going on.
39:33 I don't.
39:35 Big kiss-off tonight. Everyone's excited,
39:44 but everyone's also shitting themselves
39:46 and really don't want to see anyone going home.
39:48 # Crying at the disco club... #
39:51 I couldn't really sleep last night,
39:53 cos all I was thinking about was, like... Me and Leesh.
39:55 We went over to, like, the olive tree, and she was, like...
39:58 I think she was annoyed that I hesitated
40:00 on the communication question on the dinner.
40:02 She was like, "Why did you hesitate?"
40:04 It is just a situation where emotions are so heightened. Yeah.
40:07 You're reading into something so small.
40:09 I felt so bad after that chat. I was like, "Oh, my God,
40:11 "does she actually feel like I'm..."
40:13 She was like, "I just think you don't know what you want."
40:15 Abi, she's been told she's the problem,
40:17 and she's not the problem in this situation.
40:20 I don't think Abi's doing anything wrong.
40:22 # You don't want to die, you just don't want to live like this
40:26 # Another world, so let's go somewhere different... #
40:29 This place is driving me crazy.
40:31 I know.
40:33 How are you feeling?
40:37 Yeah, OK. Emotional today.
40:39 Are you emotional? It's tough.
40:41 It's a shame that it hasn't happened,
40:43 but it's just luck of the draw sometimes.
40:45 It is, it's shit luck.
40:47 I mean, it's not a reflection on you,
40:49 it's just a reflection on the time you come in.
40:51 That just hasn't been that person
40:53 that I've had that romantic connection with in here,
40:56 which has been a tough one to come to terms with
40:58 over the last couple of days.
41:00 There's been a bit of tension between a few couples, I think.
41:04 Absolutely sure we were a bit weird yesterday.
41:06 Yeah, that's what I was going to say.
41:08 I think there's just, like, a lack of communication there.
41:11 There really is. I feel like they're talking about stuff,
41:14 but, like, they're not getting anywhere, do you know what I mean?
41:17 Yeah, do you know what you mean?
41:19 I think there's just something missing there,
41:21 but I can't put my finger on it.
41:23 # I'm so way busy, too
41:24 # I'm on a grind, drink all my air
41:27 # Drink a soda and I'm watching myself... #
41:31 As the sun sets on the Maseria,
41:34 it's time for the girls to face the kiss-off
41:37 and ultimately decide where they stand.
41:40 As much as I have an inkling that she wants to kiss me,
41:45 you actually never know what's going to happen at the kiss-off.
41:48 I'm going into the kiss-off tonight, staying true to myself.
41:52 It's the only way I know how to be,
41:54 and I'm confident in the decision that I've made.
41:57 # Where do we go when we walk on light? #
42:00 Going into this kiss-off, there are some worries there with Leisha.
42:04 I did feel a bit hopeless. There's nothing I could really do.
42:08 I want Abi to be the right girl for me,
42:11 but I do have that speculation and that little thing in my head,
42:15 it's like, "Is this the right thing? Is this what I want?"
42:19 # Don't let me go
42:26 # Hold me in your feelings
42:30 # I want to know
42:33 # For all the reasons... #
42:36 Oh!
42:38 Oh!
42:40 Goddamn! Goddamn!
42:43 Girls, welcome to your second kiss-off.
42:48 Tonight, you will reveal if you want to stay with your current girl
42:56 or if you're saving your kiss for someone else.
43:01 # Oh, oh, oh, oh... #
43:04 Anyone left unkissed will be leaving the Masseria.
43:09 Our new girls, Leila, Beth and Em, will be joining us later.
43:14 For now, Priya and Nay, please step forward.
43:27 Girls, I'm going to ask you to stand back to back and take a moment.
43:31 I'm very happy with how me and Priya are going.
43:36 Each day, we just keep growing and getting to know each other more.
43:39 If you want to stay with your girl, then turn and kiss her.
43:43 If you're saving your kiss for someone else, don't turn.
43:47 Girls, reveal your decision now.
43:53 That's my woman, innit? And, yeah, I just know here I'm going to kiss.
43:57 # Don't it feel good? #
44:07 How are you feeling? I'm feeling great. Yeah, it's amazing.
44:11 I love those smiles.
44:15 It's onwards and upwards for me and Nay from now on.
44:18 We couldn't be doing any better.
44:20 OK, Priya and Nay, get your gorgeous answers over there!
44:26 Personal love seed.
44:28 OK, Cara and Georgia.
44:31 I'm feeling confident, but there's always that little voice in my head that goes,
44:42 "Ooh, imagine if she doesn't turn round."
44:45 Girls, reveal your decision now.
44:58 I just feel like we're in a good space.
45:04 Any excuse to kiss Georgia, I will have, even if it's in front of Dami.
45:08 All right, girls, take a seat!
45:12 Abby and Leisha, please step forward.
45:18 MUSIC
45:21 All right, please step back to back and take a moment.
45:27 I can't keep feeling like this.
45:29 I feel like she doesn't really understand
45:32 how much the things that she does bothers me until I tell her.
45:37 Relationships are all about trust, and once that trust is broken,
45:43 there's no going back.
45:45 MUSIC
45:48 Girls, reveal your decision...
45:51 MUSIC
45:54 ..now.
46:01 Next time on I Kissed A Girl...
46:06 Earlier today, you decided Priya and Nay had the strongest connection.
46:11 There's no room in the Masseria for fake love.
46:15 Which couple are together but their hearts aren't truly in it?
46:20 The couple you choose will leave the Masseria now.
46:23 Savage.
46:26 This is literally the worst thing I've ever had to do.
46:30 Absolutely gobsmacked. There's every chance that we're in the firing line.
46:33 We've not really had the chance to prove to people that we're in here for love.
46:37 It feels like I've broken up the Masseria.
46:41 MUSIC
46:47 MUSIC
46:50 MUSIC
46:53 MUSIC
46:56 MUSIC
46:59 MUSIC
47:02 MUSIC
47:05 MUSIC
47:08 MUSIC
47:11 (upbeat music)