Big Bad Husband Please Wake Up Part 1

  • 3 months ago
Big Bad Husband Please Wake Up Part 1
00:00:00 You're awake.
00:00:02 You really have no shame.
00:00:14 Was everything a lie?
00:00:15 Let's never see each other again.
00:00:17 Breaking news, Adria Lewis, the heir to the Lewis Corporation, is set to be married this week to Flora Mitchell.
00:00:26 Some believe the Mitchell family is selling out their daughter.
00:00:30 I can't marry him, father.
00:00:32 Oh, you can, and you will.
00:00:34 It's time to pay me back for raising you, Sierra.
00:00:37 You'll go as the replacement bride.
00:00:39 But Adria Lewis is in a coma.
00:00:41 Exactly. Which is why I can't let Flora marry him.
00:00:44 Don't worry. He'll be dead soon enough, Sierra.
00:00:47 We get the money, he dies, and you're free.
00:00:51 [footsteps]
00:00:53 It is your honor to marry that half-dead man in place of me.
00:01:01 You're just... a bastard child.
00:01:06 Oh, unless you want us to stop paying for your grandfather's medical bills.
00:01:11 Fine. You keep your promise, and I'll marry Adria Lewis.
00:01:19 [dramatic music]
00:01:21 So, you're the new sister-in-law.
00:01:28 We purchased you. Know your place. Do your job.
00:01:33 [phone ringing]
00:01:37 Flora.
00:01:42 Today you are officially married to Adrian. Welcome to the family.
00:01:47 So, you're the new sister-in-law.
00:01:51 Must be pretty desperate if you're willing to marry a man who might not ever wake up.
00:01:54 Andrew, stop that.
00:01:56 Hi, Andrew. And hi, Mrs. Lewis. It's a pleasure to meet both of you.
00:02:03 You should call me mother by now. Are you not married to my son?
00:02:07 No, no, that's not what I--
00:02:08 Let me be perfectly clear, Flora. We purchased you.
00:02:12 By contract, you are required to produce an heir for Adrian.
00:02:17 Know your place. Do your job.
00:02:21 If you're having second thoughts about this, you can get out of my house.
00:02:28 You want vows, you got vows.
00:02:37 [phone beeping]
00:02:39 Jeez, Mother, don't be so harsh.
00:02:50 She didn't get the wedding, she didn't get the ring, she didn't even get the vows.
00:02:54 I wouldn't want to be here if I were her either.
00:02:56 Andrew, stop that.
00:02:57 I can't get sent back.
00:02:59 If I get sent back, they'll stop paying for Grandpa's bills.
00:03:02 I have to do this.
00:03:04 No.
00:03:06 I know what I came here to do.
00:03:11 And I agreed to marry Adrian, and I'm not going to go back on my word.
00:03:16 You want vows, you got vows.
00:03:20 [sighs]
00:03:22 Adrian, I don't know if you can hear me, but I came here today to marry you.
00:03:33 To have and to hold. For better or for worse. For richness and poor.
00:03:39 For sickness and in health.
00:03:42 To love and to cherish.
00:03:45 Till death do us part.
00:03:48 [alarm clock beeping]
00:03:52 [car engine]
00:03:59 [alarm clock beeping]
00:04:03 [alarm clock beeping]
00:04:05 You're awake.
00:04:09 [alarm clock beeping]
00:04:13 This is Flora Mitchell, daughter of Richard Mitchell, your new wife.
00:04:21 I didn't agree to any of this.
00:04:23 [alarm clock beeping]
00:04:27 Doctor, will my son be alright?
00:04:30 Nothing short of a miracle. He's out of danger. And now...
00:04:33 I can't feel my legs, Doc.
00:04:35 [alarm clock beeping]
00:04:36 Will he ever walk again? Money is not an issue.
00:04:40 It's not about the money, miss. Adrian's been in a coma almost six months.
00:04:44 His legs will take time. I need to talk with a specialist.
00:04:47 [alarm clock beeping]
00:04:49 Who are you?
00:04:54 Oh, this is Flora Mitchell, daughter of Richard Mitchell, your new wife.
00:04:59 I didn't agree to any of this.
00:05:01 Son, you've been in a coma. Why did you never woke up?
00:05:05 I need to make sure that you have a legal heir.
00:05:09 I want a divorce.
00:05:11 Now.
00:05:14 I didn't know Mitchell's family had two daughters.
00:05:20 Why did you decide to marry me in her place?
00:05:28 I want a divorce. Now.
00:05:31 Son, now is not a good time. We just held a press conference.
00:05:36 You just woke up. You need time to recoup.
00:05:39 By all means, Adrian. Get a divorce.
00:05:43 Make the Lewis family a laughing stock. That would be so fun.
00:05:47 Ginger, get out of my room. Now.
00:05:51 Come, Andrew. Let's give them some privacy for their wedding night.
00:05:56 You two rest up, okay?
00:05:58 You're not Flora Mitchell. Who are you?
00:06:07 I didn't know Mitchell's family had two daughters.
00:06:12 Why did you decide to marry me in her place?
00:06:19 I have my reasons.
00:06:23 We're legally married now. And I won't leave your side.
00:06:28 So an imposter and a gold digger, huh?
00:06:36 She slept in the guest bedroom.
00:06:45 Her family practically sold her.
00:06:47 Mr. Lewis wouldn't actually care for someone like her.
00:06:52 [phone buzzing]
00:06:54 Grandpa, how are you feeling?
00:07:03 Good. I'm glad he kept his promise to get into your treatments.
00:07:08 Don't worry, Grandpa. We got the money. You don't have to worry about anything else.
00:07:12 Uh, Grandpa, I gotta go.
00:07:18 I'll come visit you soon, okay?
00:07:21 So an imposter and a gold digger, huh?
00:07:24 It's not what you think.
00:07:26 Mr. Lewis says you'll be taking care of his legs from now on.
00:07:38 [knocking]
00:07:40 Can you please knock first?
00:07:54 Mr. Lewis says you'll be taking care of his legs from now on.
00:07:58 But I have no idea how to...
00:08:00 What? You better learn these well then, huh?
00:08:04 [knocking]
00:08:07 [music]
00:08:34 You know, if the nights ever get too long here, you're more than welcome to come spend them at my place.
00:08:40 [gasp]
00:08:46 Andrew, what are you doing here?
00:08:51 I just had to talk to my brother.
00:08:53 And I wanted to see you. What are you eating here? It smells delicious.
00:08:57 You can have the rest of it.
00:09:02 You know, if the nights ever get too long here, you're more than welcome to come spend them at my place.
00:09:07 After all, I am the eldest son of the Lewis family, so one day, all of this is gonna be mine.
00:09:13 Including you.
00:09:15 Hey, boss. He's trying to take your wife.
00:09:18 If she's that easily taken, let him.
00:09:25 That impotent wuss can't satisfy you.
00:09:28 I can.
00:09:31 [gagging]
00:09:33 [thud]
00:09:35 [music]
00:09:37 [thud]
00:09:43 Stay the fuck away from me.
00:09:48 If I ever hear you call my husband an impotent wuss again, I'm gonna make sure you're a dickless for the rest of your life.
00:09:59 Get out of my house. Now!
00:10:02 Feisty.
00:10:07 Boss.
00:10:08 Didn't you say you wanted to get rid of her yesterday?
00:10:11 Did I?
00:10:13 I don't remember that.
00:10:15 She really kicked him where the sun don't shine.
00:10:18 Yeah.
00:10:19 Maybe she is a wet material after all.
00:10:23 Hmm.
00:10:26 [thud]
00:10:27 You do realize I can divorce you anytime, right?
00:10:31 Adrian, I wouldn't wish death upon my worst enemy.
00:10:34 Tell me.
00:10:38 How come your dad suddenly let me sign up in this hospital?
00:10:45 I, uh, I persuaded him.
00:10:47 Does he treat you well?
00:10:50 Yes.
00:10:52 [music]
00:10:54 Takes two to make a marriage.
00:10:59 Remember that, sweetheart.
00:11:02 Remember, sweetheart.
00:11:04 [music]
00:11:07 [sigh]
00:11:13 Well, it looks like you're not taking your wife duty seriously, huh?
00:11:19 You do realize I can divorce you anytime, right?
00:11:22 What's with the long face?
00:11:24 I thought you said you will be by my side in sickness and health.
00:11:27 Is that a lie? Hmm?
00:11:29 No, of course not.
00:11:31 Of course I want you to get better.
00:11:33 I mean, why would you?
00:11:34 The sooner I die, the sooner you're going to get your freedom back.
00:11:37 Adrian, I wouldn't wish death upon my worst enemy.
00:11:42 Not to mention...
00:11:45 Not to mention what, Sarah?
00:11:47 [music]
00:11:49 What are you doing?
00:11:53 Practicing what I learned.
00:11:55 Not to mention what, Sarah?
00:12:01 Not to mention you are my husband.
00:12:03 And I want you to live a long and healthy life.
00:12:16 What are you doing?
00:12:17 Hmm?
00:12:19 Practicing what I learned.
00:12:21 Please be careful where you're placing your hands, okay?
00:12:31 I am not using that much strength.
00:12:33 Sorry, did I hurt you?
00:12:39 You should have learned fast, Sarah.
00:12:43 Really? Did you feel something?
00:12:45 Oh, yeah.
00:12:46 I felt something.
00:12:49 I thought the darkness was really before us.
00:12:59 You thought I'd never wake up.
00:13:01 [music]
00:13:04 [music]
00:13:06 [music]
00:13:34 Stop thinking, Ruby. Stop, Sarah.
00:13:36 Okay.
00:13:39 Boss.
00:13:42 Got the darkness you were looking for.
00:13:44 Illegitimate child of the Mitchell family.
00:13:51 Richard Mitchell is a cunning old fox.
00:13:53 Didn't want to marry off Flora, so he used the Duke.
00:13:56 You thought I'd never wake up.
00:14:03 Too bad.
00:14:04 Just gotta pay for it now.
00:14:06 You got this, boss.
00:14:20 [music]
00:14:22 [music]
00:14:42 [music]
00:14:44 Where could she be this early in the morning?
00:15:01 [music]
00:15:03 Did she stay up all night reading this?
00:15:13 [music]
00:15:21 [music]
00:15:23 Well, good morning, my beautiful wife.
00:15:46 Why don't you help me get dressed?
00:15:49 [music]
00:15:51 Sorry, did I wake you?
00:16:01 I just figured since you didn't have any sensation in your legs, it wouldn't wake you.
00:16:05 I read somewhere that if you massage in the morning...
00:16:11 Good morning, my beautiful wife.
00:16:12 Did you just call me wife?
00:16:14 You must be in a good mood.
00:16:16 Now as my beautiful wife.
00:16:19 Why don't you help me get dressed?
00:16:21 I... I... I... I don't know how I...
00:16:26 Don't know how or don't want to?
00:16:28 I guess you're gonna learn today, right?
00:16:32 Hmm?
00:16:35 [music]
00:16:41 [music]
00:16:43 Did I do something?
00:17:04 [music]
00:17:06 Just getting back for what you did.
00:17:17 It's nice out. Why don't you go up to the physical theater?
00:17:24 I know this place.
00:17:32 This is the best physical therapy in the northern hemisphere.
00:17:35 I hear it's obscenely expensive.
00:17:38 Nah, it's okay.
00:17:41 It's owned by a loose corporation.
00:17:44 Adrian! There you are.
00:17:47 How are you feeling?
00:17:49 Did your brother suspect anything?
00:18:01 Oh, I worry about you.
00:18:03 Oh, I'm sorry I didn't see you there.
00:18:08 I'm Victoria. I'm Adrian's primary physical therapist.
00:18:11 Uh, Flora. Nice to meet you.
00:18:13 I'm, uh...
00:18:15 Wife. She's my wife.
00:18:17 Oh.
00:18:20 I have some private doctor-patient matters to discuss with Adrian.
00:18:24 So, if you would excuse us.
00:18:27 [music]
00:18:29 Did your brother suspect anything?
00:18:35 No, I mean, why?
00:18:37 I'm here often and I'm in a wheelchair all the time.
00:18:41 He doesn't suspect a thing.
00:18:43 Good.
00:18:44 And does, um, she know?
00:18:48 No.
00:18:49 Not yet.
00:18:55 [music]
00:18:57 Don't upset her.
00:19:03 I'm talking to you, Victoria.
00:19:05 Sir.
00:19:14 You're my wife now.
00:19:20 You shouldn't be leaving my side.
00:19:23 Victoria, from now on I want you to schedule all my future sessions directly with my wife.
00:19:29 And don't upset her.
00:19:33 I'm talking to you, Victoria.
00:19:37 Let's go, Flora. Let's go.
00:19:51 [phone buzzing]
00:19:53 Yes, Father?
00:19:58 Come home now.
00:20:00 Uh...
00:20:03 Took you long enough.
00:20:17 You came back empty-handed.
00:20:19 How ungrateful.
00:20:21 And what exactly should I be grateful for?
00:20:24 For selling me to the Lewis family?
00:20:26 Or for threatening to stop my grandparent's treatment?
00:20:28 You should feel lucky that you married Adrian Lewis.
00:20:31 If he wasn't in coma, a lowlife like yourself would have never married into the Lewis family.
00:20:36 Then why didn't you marry him when you had the chance?
00:20:38 You bitch. You dare to talk back to me?
00:20:41 Enough!
00:20:42 Sierra, you need to learn to be more like your sister.
00:20:45 Make yourself useful to the family.
00:20:48 Useful?
00:20:49 You mean acting like a leech and living off of other people's hard work?
00:20:53 Flora, let go!
00:21:05 Get your hands off my wife!
00:21:07 So if that's all you can say, then...
00:21:18 I'll be leaving.
00:21:19 How dare you? I wasn't done talking.
00:21:21 Okay, Father.
00:21:23 I'm all ears.
00:21:25 Now that you're married to Adrian, and he's awake,
00:21:29 the Lewis Corporation is leading a project.
00:21:32 Tell your husband to share their project with us.
00:21:35 That's right.
00:21:36 Make yourself useful.
00:21:38 No.
00:21:39 What did you say?
00:21:41 I said no.
00:21:43 I'm done.
00:21:46 Both of your bullshit.
00:21:48 I'm done being a pawn and letting you walk all over me.
00:21:51 I'm done letting you use my grandpa against me to blackmail me.
00:21:56 From now on, I'm not relying on either of you.
00:22:00 I'm fucking done.
00:22:02 Then you are no longer my daughter.
00:22:04 If that is your ultimatum, then so be it.
00:22:11 Where the hell are you going?
00:22:14 Flora, let go!
00:22:15 Get your hands off my wife.
00:22:17 If you ever lie to me again, if you ever put your hands on my wife,
00:22:24 I'll make sure I burn everything to the ground you have.
00:22:27 Understand that?
00:22:28 Get your hands off my wife.
00:22:32 Mrs. Lewis, it's just a sister's name.
00:22:36 They've done it for years.
00:22:38 I was just teasing my sister.
00:22:41 Sweetheart, come here.
00:22:43 You don't have to pack anything. I'll buy everything here for you.
00:22:46 I just wanted to grab my mother's belongings.
00:22:49 Is that it?
00:22:50 Yeah.
00:22:53 Joy.
00:22:54 Listen, you two.
00:22:56 You think I'm a cripple, that's why you can treat me and my wife with disrespect.
00:23:00 No, no, no. Mr. Lewis.
00:23:02 I would never ever...
00:23:03 You know what I'm capable of.
00:23:05 If you ever lie to me again, if you ever put your hands on my wife,
00:23:08 I'll make sure I burn everything to the ground you have.
00:23:11 Understand that?
00:23:12 Good.
00:23:15 Let's go.
00:23:17 Enjoy.
00:23:19 This is your house now, too.
00:23:27 Thanks for standing up for me back there.
00:23:35 I'm sorry.
00:23:39 It's okay.
00:23:40 Well, you helped me out with Andrew, so...
00:23:44 My mother never married my father.
00:23:52 She helped him build the company from the ground up, and once it started running, my father met Flora's mother.
00:24:00 And she was the daughter of a wealthy family.
00:24:06 So your father left your mom and married Flora's mother instead?
00:24:10 I don't know what my mom saw in him, but...
00:24:15 I know that she loved him with her whole heart.
00:24:18 And at the time, she was sick.
00:24:22 So when she found out the news of my father's marriage...
00:24:28 It broke her heart even more.
00:24:36 And she... she left.
00:24:39 Good.
00:24:40 I was 12.
00:24:42 This... this is your house now, too.
00:24:55 Yeah?
00:24:59 Yeah.
00:25:00 Are you ordering her around?
00:25:10 Have you lost your goddamn mind?
00:25:14 Oh, Ms. Lewis, since you're already in the kitchen, do you mind washing these dishes as well?
00:25:26 Sure, just put them in the sink.
00:25:28 And the counter and stuff will be wiped down, too.
00:25:31 Are you ordering her around?
00:25:34 Have you lost your goddamn mind?
00:25:38 Sorry, Mr. Lewis, I was just--
00:25:40 Now get the fuck back to work.
00:25:42 I didn't know you were feisty. The way you kicked me the other day.
00:25:51 That's different.
00:25:53 You know, the staff at my house is properly trained.
00:25:56 They treat you like royalty.
00:25:58 A queen.
00:25:59 Don't you think you'd rather be there?
00:26:02 I haven't been able to stop thinking about you.
00:26:07 Disgusting.
00:26:08 You should have seen Adrian before he was a cripple.
00:26:11 What now, Andrew?
00:26:15 When I saw that my baby brother was in the office, I thought you might be here.
00:26:19 I'm starting to like you.
00:26:22 Yeah, well, I'm your sister-in-law. Go like someone else.
00:26:25 Can't.
00:26:27 Besides, everything, all of this, is going to be mine one day.
00:26:34 Including you, Lucy Hara.
00:26:36 You know.
00:26:39 Of course.
00:26:40 Your father's kind of an idiot for trying to think he can fool us.
00:26:44 Though I do have to admit, you're much better than your sister.
00:26:50 I haven't been able to stop thinking about you.
00:26:52 In bed.
00:26:54 Disgusting.
00:26:56 You think that's disgusting?
00:26:58 You should have seen Adrian before he was a cripple.
00:27:00 Watch your mouth, Andrew.
00:27:02 Why are you like this to your brother?
00:27:03 Like what?
00:27:04 Like you two are mortal enemies.
00:27:05 We are.
00:27:06 But you're brothers. Born from the same parents.
00:27:08 He's not my fucking brother!
00:27:10 We only share a mother.
00:27:15 But the news...
00:27:16 Fuck the news. The news doesn't know shit.
00:27:18 But the news says that...
00:27:20 What do you mean?
00:27:28 We only share a mother.
00:27:31 But the news says that...
00:27:34 Fuck the news. The news doesn't know shit.
00:27:36 My mother was pregnant with me when she met Adrian's father.
00:27:44 My... father died. He was a veteran.
00:27:48 I'm sorry to hear that.
00:27:52 It's whatever. I didn't even know the guy.
00:27:55 But Adrian's dad didn't want anybody to know, so everybody just assumes that we're brothers.
00:28:01 But his dad played favorites.
00:28:04 How'd you guess?
00:28:07 Because it was the same with me.
00:28:09 Well, just so you know, my offer still stands.
00:28:18 There's a spot in my bed whenever you want it.
00:28:22 You know...
00:28:25 You're not that bad, Andrew.
00:28:28 I'm not that bad.
00:28:30 I'm just a little bit more...
00:28:34 Bad, Andrew.
00:28:36 Why don't you drop the act? Live a little.
00:28:39 You don't know me.
00:28:41 I know enough.
00:28:42 I know that you want...
00:28:45 Whatever Adrian has, you don't actually want me.
00:28:48 Word of advice...
00:28:53 Maybe you and Adrian just have a misunderstanding.
00:28:58 Maybe you could be brothers, instead of enemies.
00:29:03 It was nice seeing you today.
00:29:05 I'll see you soon.
00:29:07 No, thank you. I would prefer if you didn't stop by randomly.
00:29:12 Well, just so you know, my offer still stands.
00:29:16 There's a spot in my bed whenever you want it.
00:29:20 What are you doing?
00:29:30 What are you doing?
00:29:32 Hey, Adriana. Baked some salmon.
00:29:35 It's on the stove, so dinner will be ready soon.
00:29:38 What are you doing?
00:29:55 What are you doing?
00:29:56 Why aren't you eating?
00:30:07 I'm not hungry.
00:30:10 Why? Is it because I saw you naked?
00:30:14 Can we please not talk about that?
00:30:19 I don't know. There's not much to see anyway.
00:30:22 Hey!
00:30:23 I'm just teasing you.
00:30:26 How about this? I'll let you see me naked and we'll call it even.
00:30:31 Who wants to see you naked?
00:30:33 You know what I was thinking?
00:30:35 We haven't had a proper wedding night yet.
00:30:38 How about I'm going to make it up to you today?
00:30:41 What do you think?
00:30:43 Oh my gosh, did you see that? Your leg just moved.
00:30:51 So I don't know if you could be walking or if you could be so awkward.
00:30:53 Adrian?
00:30:55 Adrian, I'm going to go unpack and you finish eating first.
00:31:10 Hey, you still need to massage my leg by the way.
00:31:16 By the way?
00:31:17 Oh my gosh, did you see that? Your leg just moved.
00:31:28 Stop, Sierra.
00:31:30 Maybe my massages are working.
00:31:32 Stop, stop, stop, stop, Sierra.
00:31:34 I don't know. I think I'd make a great physical therapist.
00:31:37 Stop.
00:31:39 Who would have thought, right?
00:31:41 I mean, soon enough you could be walking, which would be so awesome.
00:31:46 Adrian?
00:31:47 Breathe, Sierra.
00:32:00 I mean, my legs might not work, but
00:32:14 this does.
00:32:15 But
00:32:19 I mean, my legs might not work, but
00:32:23 this does.
00:32:25 And I can still make you feel good.
00:32:28 Adrian, you pervert.
00:32:30 Oh my god, it is so hard to identify this.
00:32:33 [Laughter]
00:32:34 Why did you marry a man like Adrian Lewis?
00:32:54 You think I'm a gold digger.
00:32:59 [Ding]
00:33:00 Sam.
00:33:04 Hey.
00:33:06 Hi.
00:33:07 Sierra. Well, the hospital is sending me on an exchange program for a couple months.
00:33:10 I'll be leaving next week.
00:33:12 But I'll be back soon and we should totally hang out again then.
00:33:16 Anyways, you said you wanted to discuss something with me?
00:33:21 Yes, yeah.
00:33:24 It's about my husband.
00:33:27 I'm sure you've already heard I'm married to Adrian Lewis.
00:33:30 I did.
00:33:32 Yeah, well, he's in recovery and
00:33:35 Sam, I know you specialize in this field and
00:33:39 I was wondering if you
00:33:42 happen to know anything that could help him recover faster?
00:33:45 Sierra, let's be honest.
00:33:50 Why did you marry a man like Adrian Lewis?
00:33:53 Is it because of money?
00:33:55 [Scoffs]
00:33:56 You think I'm a gold digger.
00:33:59 No, no, no. That's not it.
00:34:01 Sorry.
00:34:02 That came out wrong.
00:34:03 I just thought maybe you married him because you were in a tight spot.
00:34:07 You know, with your grandpa and everything.
00:34:09 If you don't like him, we don't have to have this conversation.
00:34:12 Oh, no, no, no, no.
00:34:13 Well, there is a new med that the hospital research team has been working on that
00:34:18 might help.
00:34:20 Really?
00:34:24 Yeah.
00:34:25 Yeah.
00:34:27 You know, why don't you come back to my place and I can show it to you?
00:34:30 Yeah, no, I would love that.
00:34:33 Boss.
00:34:51 I checked.
00:34:53 Madam went to see a guy today.
00:34:55 Samuel Wood.
00:34:56 They went to a coffee shop.
00:34:58 And then they went back to his place.
00:35:01 Together.
00:35:02 Wait, your wheelchair!
00:35:07 Get...
00:35:18 Please!
00:35:19 Get...
00:35:20 Stop!
00:35:21 Please!
00:35:22 Stop!
00:35:23 Calm down, Sam!
00:35:25 Cute.
00:35:26 Scary.
00:35:27 Hey.
00:35:33 Hey, hey, hey.
00:35:34 Hey.
00:35:35 Hey.
00:35:36 It's my sister.
00:35:37 Come here.
00:35:38 Come here.
00:35:39 Come here.
00:35:40 It's my sister's baby.
00:35:42 You messed with the wrong girl.
00:35:43 Boss, don't let me take madam.
00:35:45 It's okay.
00:35:46 I can take care of my wife.
00:35:48 I...
00:35:49 I had a dream that you picked me up at Hydalstar.
00:35:58 Seems like madam went to see Samuel Woods because he's a doctor specializing in paralysis.
00:36:12 I did a background check.
00:36:14 They went to college together.
00:36:17 Stupid girl.
00:36:18 Joey.
00:36:21 I want you to teach this guy a lesson.
00:36:24 Make this the biggest mistake of his life.
00:36:28 What happened?
00:36:40 Well, he got drunk.
00:36:42 He beat up a guy.
00:36:45 And ran a fever.
00:36:47 Oh, my God.
00:36:49 I only have one glass of wine.
00:36:52 Don't worry.
00:36:53 I took care of that guy, Samuel Woods.
00:36:56 I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you worry.
00:37:00 It's all right.
00:37:01 I had a dream that your legs were covered and that you picked me up at Hydalstar.
00:37:09 Come here.
00:37:15 Mmm.
00:37:16 Mmm.
00:37:18 Thank you, Eva.
00:37:28 My pleasure.
00:37:31 Come in.
00:37:35 I gotta head out today, okay?
00:37:41 Just a little bit.
00:37:42 Victoria's gonna be here to make sure you're okay, all right?
00:37:45 I'm feeling better.
00:37:48 I know, but you got really sick last night.
00:37:51 I wanna make sure you're okay while I'm gone.
00:37:53 Okay?
00:37:56 Rest up, okay?
00:38:01 Victoria, please take care of my wife while I'm gone, okay?
00:38:07 You got it.
00:38:08 Will do.
00:38:09 Will do.
00:38:10 She's allergic to hazelnuts.
00:38:19 You're sure?
00:38:20 Positive.
00:38:21 Thank you, Eva.
00:38:25 My pleasure.
00:38:29 A girl like you, how could you ever be with a man as great as Adrian Lewis?
00:38:39 [Dramatic music]
00:38:41 Here.
00:38:47 This should help you feel better.
00:38:49 What is it?
00:38:53 It's, uh, root vegetables and fruit.
00:38:55 Thanks.
00:38:58 Was there anything else you wanted to say?
00:39:07 No.
00:39:08 I was just thinking.
00:39:10 A girl like you, how could you ever be with a man as great as Adrian Lewis?
00:39:16 Doesn't matter what you think, it matters what Adrian thinks.
00:39:21 You really have no shame.
00:39:23 Adrian is my husband.
00:39:25 What do I have to be ashamed of?
00:39:28 You, on the other hand, you should learn where the back off from a man is taken.
00:39:33 [Dramatic music]
00:39:35 Sierra, what happened?
00:39:41 I don't know.
00:39:42 It was like a dream.
00:39:45 That bitch.
00:39:50 I didn't think Floro was capable of this either.
00:39:53 They are sisters after all.
00:39:55 But Samuel said it himself.
00:39:57 Floro was the one who put him up to it.
00:40:02 I can take care of this.
00:40:03 No.
00:40:04 No.
00:40:06 We're going to play the long game here.
00:40:11 Stop scratching.
00:40:16 You'll only make yourself uglier.
00:40:19 Sierra, what happened?
00:40:23 I don't know.
00:40:25 It was itchy.
00:40:27 And this only happens when I have hazelnuts, but I didn't eat any.
00:40:32 People develop new allergies all the time.
00:40:34 I can run a full allergy exam for you next time you come by the hospital.
00:40:38 I can't stand this anymore.
00:40:40 I'm going to go take a cold shower.
00:40:42 To what do I owe the pleasure?
00:40:59 To what do I owe the pleasure?
00:41:01 Adrian, we could have gone out to eat.
00:41:09 You didn't have to go through the hassle of preparing food for me.
00:41:12 But thank you.
00:41:14 Just for you, Victor.
00:41:18 Adrian, you know I'm allergic to peaches.
00:41:28 Just like you knew Sierra was allergic to hazelnuts.
00:41:31 Eat it, Victoria.
00:41:35 Don't make me ask you twice.
00:41:38 You can't get rid of me.
00:41:43 I know all about your legs.
00:41:44 Are you threatening me?
00:41:47 How could you do this to me?
00:41:48 I've known you since we were kids.
00:41:51 This is how you treat me?
00:41:53 Over a girl you just met?
00:41:55 Exactly.
00:41:56 I'm letting you off the hook this time because I've known you for years.
00:42:00 I just want to know what you're thinking.
00:42:02 I'm not afraid of you.
00:42:04 I'm not afraid of you.
00:42:06 I'm not afraid of you.
00:42:08 I'm not afraid of you.
00:42:10 I'm not afraid of you.
00:42:12 I'm not afraid of you.
00:42:15 I've known you for years.
00:42:16 I trusted you.
00:42:17 I made you my doctor.
00:42:19 If you ever try to pull something like this again,
00:42:22 I'm not going to go easy on you.
00:42:24 Adrian.
00:42:26 Oh yeah, oh yeah.
00:42:27 One more thing.
00:42:29 Starting from today, you're no longer my doctor.
00:42:32 You're firing me?
00:42:34 You can't get rid of me.
00:42:37 I know all about your legs.
00:42:39 Are you threatening me?
00:42:42 I have no tolerance for anyone who hurts Ciara.
00:42:45 Oh yeah, if anybody finds out about my legs before my plan is carried out,
00:42:50 you'll be done for.
00:42:53 I'm so sorry, madam.
00:43:00 I'm so, so sorry.
00:43:01 I'll let you decide.
00:43:04 I'm in.
00:43:05 No, I want you to tell Ciara what happened.
00:43:10 I'm so sorry, madam.
00:43:13 I'm so, so sorry.
00:43:14 I should not have told the doctor that you were allergic to hazelnuts.
00:43:18 And I shouldn't have accepted that bribe from her.
00:43:22 I'm sorry.
00:43:26 I'm sorry.
00:43:28 I'm sorry.
00:43:30 I'm sorry.
00:43:33 I'll let you decide.
00:43:34 I can throw her body in the lake behind the mansion.
00:43:38 Look, I know you don't like or respect me, but I treated you with respect.
00:43:46 I'm sorry, madam.
00:43:48 Please, please.
00:43:49 If this happens again, you're fired.
00:43:57 Stop crying.
00:44:01 Stop crying. Get back to work.
00:44:02 Thank you, madam. Thank you, madam. Thank you.
00:44:05 What?
00:44:09 Can you reach my back? I'm dying.
00:44:11 Yeah.
00:44:12 Come here.
00:44:14 Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop.
00:44:17 God, you're pathetic.
00:44:20 Are you seriously going to let your woman get harassed by some random guy?
00:44:30 I heard about Ciara.
00:44:31 Wars travel fast.
00:44:33 God, you're pathetic.
00:44:37 Are you seriously going to let your woman get harassed by some random guy?
00:44:42 Well, that's what you're talking about.
00:44:45 What else would I be talking about?
00:44:49 Well, what do you suggest I do?
00:44:51 Leave it to me.
00:44:54 It's not like there's a whole lot you can do about it anyway.
00:44:57 That's right.
00:44:59 I'm going to stay home with my wife and I'm going to let you take care of it.
00:45:01 Useless.
00:45:05 Joey?
00:45:21 That fish has taken the bait.
00:45:23 Do me a favor.
00:45:25 Keep an eye on Andrew.
00:45:28 Keep an eye on Andrew.
00:45:29 I have a surprise for you at the hotel.
00:45:40 So, Andrew, what brings you here today?
00:45:57 I heard Ciara had a gorgeous sister.
00:45:58 It seems I misunderestimated her beauty, though.
00:46:02 I also heard you were supposed to marry my brother.
00:46:06 Who wants to marry that cripple when his brother is so much better?
00:46:11 We should get to know each other.
00:46:20 How do you want to get to know me?
00:46:23 Tomorrow night, 9pm.
00:46:26 Dinner on me. You in?
00:46:28 Go on.
00:46:30 And then, I have a surprise for you at the hotel.
00:46:38 I'll text you the address.
00:46:41 Cheers.
00:46:45 Clients are canceling contracts left and right.
00:46:55 Who are you seeing?
00:46:56 Someone who can help our company.
00:46:58 Why are you so pissed this early in the morning, Dad?
00:47:06 Clients are canceling contracts left and right.
00:47:09 The Coens, the Clarks, the Johnsons.
00:47:13 All on the same day.
00:47:15 That's weird.
00:47:17 You didn't piss anyone off. Recently.
00:47:21 No, I didn't do anything.
00:47:25 I have to go and get my hair done.
00:47:27 I have a very busy day today.
00:47:29 Who are you seeing?
00:47:31 Someone who can help our company.
00:47:33 Are you playing hide and seek?
00:47:43 I like that.
00:47:45 I like that.
00:47:46 Andrew?
00:47:56 Are you playing hide and seek?
00:48:00 I like that.
00:48:02 I like that.
00:48:03 Nikki. Andrew Lewis.
00:48:21 I've got an exclusive for you. Why don't you give me a call back?
00:48:24 What the fuck?
00:48:31 Four Hut!
00:48:32 Flora Mitchell of Mitchell Enterprises has been caught in bed with a man.
00:48:41 In an unexpected twist, the man turned out to be her cousin.
00:48:45 What the fuck?
00:48:47 Four Hut!
00:48:49 I was just following Andrew towards Carlton.
00:48:52 He said there was some kind of present and the next thing I know...
00:48:56 Andrew Lewis! Why would you go see that guy?
00:49:00 He's nothing but trouble.
00:49:01 Where's Will? Tell that dumbass to come here now!
00:49:04 I don't know!
00:49:06 He ran away as soon as he woke up and so did Paparazzi.
00:49:10 How could you two be so stupid?
00:49:13 Who the fuck is it now?
00:49:17 Who the fuck is it now?
00:49:18 I think it's time we pulled the net.
00:49:38 He said these will help you recover from your rash.
00:49:40 Jesus. Two thousand dollars each?
00:49:43 Two thousand dollars each?
00:49:44 I'd say only your brother could pull this off.
00:49:54 This is gross.
00:49:56 Their cousin?
00:49:58 I didn't expect any less from him.
00:50:11 I think it's time we pulled the net.
00:50:13 Hi.
00:50:18 What are these for?
00:50:20 Mr. Lewis said your skin is sensitive.
00:50:22 He said these will help you recover from your rash.
00:50:25 Jesus. Two thousand dollars each?
00:50:32 You only deserve the best, madam.
00:50:35 That's right, Sarah.
00:50:38 You do deserve the best.
00:50:41 Adrian?
00:50:42 I'll put these on the table for you, madam.
00:50:44 See, Harry, I wanted to tell you something.
00:50:52 Yeah? What is it?
00:50:55 It's about my legs.
00:50:59 You shouldn't spend so much on me.
00:51:04 Well, maybe I want to spoil my life a little bit.
00:51:07 Fine. I'll let you.
00:51:09 That's what you're supposed to do, right?
00:51:12 Oh, yeah?
00:51:14 What else are husbands supposed to do?
00:51:16 Well, let's see.
00:51:18 Always listen.
00:51:20 Never cheat.
00:51:22 Treat me like a princess.
00:51:26 And no secrets.
00:51:30 Marriage is built on trust.
00:51:33 So I think that's...
00:51:36 the most important one.
00:51:37 See, Harry, I wanted to tell you something.
00:51:43 Yeah? What is it?
00:51:46 It's about my legs.
00:51:50 See, my legs are actually...
00:51:57 Boss.
00:52:02 Boss.
00:52:03 This is not Flora Mitchell.
00:52:09 She is the illegitimate child of an unknown woman.
00:52:12 Mother?
00:52:19 If I didn't come here today,
00:52:24 you would probably spend your entire life thinking she was your wife.
00:52:29 This is not Flora Mitchell.
00:52:32 She is the illegitimate child of an unknown woman.
00:52:35 Mom.
00:52:37 I knew it from day one.
00:52:40 Then why didn't you say something?
00:52:43 Because it doesn't matter.
00:52:45 Because she's the one who married me when no one else would.
00:52:49 But it's different this time.
00:52:51 Have you not seen the news?
00:52:54 Do you not know what her family is doing?
00:52:58 Do you not know what her family is really like?
00:53:00 What news?
00:53:02 Your entire family...
00:53:13 are cheated, lying, scum, a replacement bride?
00:53:18 That's impossible.
00:53:27 Look, I know Flora.
00:53:28 And she may be spoiled rotten, but she would never do anything like that.
00:53:34 Your entire family are cheated, lying, scum, a replacement bride?
00:53:48 I never should have let you marry my son.
00:53:51 Enough!
00:53:53 Ciara is my wife and it's final.
00:53:56 Well, did you know your brother was in the hospital?
00:53:59 What?
00:54:01 Her psycho sister stabbed him with a knife!
00:54:06 You know something about this?
00:54:13 Adrian!
00:54:18 I cannot keep this girl in my family.
00:54:25 No excuses.
00:54:27 Get a divorce.
00:54:29 Get out!
00:54:31 Adrian, how did this all happen?
00:54:33 Ciara, I can explain.
00:54:35 You know something about this?
00:54:37 I can explain.
00:54:42 Ciara!
00:54:44 Adrian, you can stand!
00:54:50 This is a miracle.
00:54:52 Let me explain.
00:54:54 Was everything a lie?
00:54:55 No, of course not.
00:54:57 Of course not. Just let me explain.
00:54:59 Your mother was right.
00:55:01 Let's never see each other again.
00:55:04 Ciara.
00:55:06 Ciara.
00:55:09 Your legs.
00:55:18 Your legs.
00:55:19 I can't find her anywhere.
00:55:29 Her phone is off.
00:55:31 It's like she's off the grid.
00:55:33 Keep looking. I gotta find her.
00:55:35 Where is Adrian?
00:55:38 Your legs.
00:55:39 You faked paralysis.
00:55:49 To keep my guard down.
00:55:52 Why are you here? What do you want?
00:55:54 Are you here to laugh at me?
00:55:56 No.
00:55:58 I'm here to help you.
00:56:00 I'm here to help you.
00:56:02 I'm here to help you.
00:56:05 You're not here to help me?
00:56:06 No.
00:56:08 Ciara is gone.
00:56:11 What?
00:56:13 You have any idea where she can be?
00:56:15 She's not my wife. How the hell would I know?
00:56:17 Mom came in today.
00:56:19 She told Ciara everything.
00:56:21 She told her that Flora stabbed you.
00:56:23 What the hell did you do?
00:56:25 Did you have anything to do with my car accident?
00:56:34 Are you out of your mind?
00:56:35 You'd be the one to gain the most, you know.
00:56:37 You fucking bastard.
00:56:44 I know.
00:56:46 So you're the one that gave Flora the evidence to piss her off?
00:56:50 Yes, but...
00:56:52 I didn't expect her to stab you.
00:56:55 All these years we've been at each other's throats.
00:56:58 Did you have anything to do with my car accident?
00:57:01 Are you out of your mind?
00:57:03 You'd be the one to gain the most, you know.
00:57:04 This is why I hate you.
00:57:10 You can't trust anyone.
00:57:13 You think everybody has an ulterior motive.
00:57:15 I would never try and fucking kill you.
00:57:17 Listen, I...
00:57:20 I'm sorry, dude.
00:57:24 I really am.
00:57:26 About...
00:57:28 About everything.
00:57:30 About Flora and just...
00:57:32 Just everything, man.
00:57:33 All these years...
00:57:42 How many people have we hurt?
00:57:46 Countless.
00:57:49 Now Ciara...
00:57:51 I can't lose her, man.
00:57:53 I gotta find her.
00:57:56 Have you tried her grandpa?
00:58:02 Have you tried her grandpa?
00:58:03 Tell me what's wrong, sweetheart.
00:58:10 He tried to hurt me.
00:58:13 Tell me what's wrong, sweetheart.
00:58:20 Nothing, grandpa.
00:58:25 I just missed you.
00:58:27 I've known you your entire life.
00:58:30 I can tell when my granddaughter's upset.
00:58:31 This is something to do with your dad and sister.
00:58:34 No.
00:58:36 I'm just...
00:58:37 I just...
00:58:38 It's that Adrian Lewis, isn't it?
00:58:41 He lied, grandpa.
00:58:47 I thought he loved me.
00:58:55 I thought he loved me.
00:58:56 I was a lie.
00:59:00 He tried to hurt me.
00:59:10 He tried to hurt me.
00:59:12 Ciara.
00:59:16 We're getting a divorce, Adrian.
00:59:25 We're getting a divorce, Adrian.
00:59:26 Get out, Adrian.
00:59:37 Grandpa.
00:59:42 I wish I could come visit you sooner.
00:59:43 I'm Adrian Lewis, and Ciara's husband.
00:59:45 We're getting a divorce, Adrian.
00:59:53 It's just...
00:59:54 Five minutes.
00:59:55 That's all I'm asking for.
00:59:56 I'm going out for some light exercise.
00:59:58 See you later, sweetheart.
01:00:00 What is it you want to say, Adrian?
01:00:08 I don't want to hurt anybody anymore.
01:00:13 Especially you.
01:00:16 Well, it's too late for that.
01:00:17 It's never too late, Ciara.
01:00:18 It's never too late, Ciara.
01:00:19 I pulled a few strings.
01:00:29 That's why all the contracts got cancelled for the Mitchells Corporation.
01:00:32 I leaked to Andrew that you were harassed by Samuel Woods.
01:00:35 It was me who told Flora that Andrew was behind everything that happened to her cousin.
01:00:40 Because I knew he would retaliate.
01:00:42 I kept my leg recovery in secret to let Andrew lower his guard.
01:00:47 I used you as a pawn.
01:00:48 You...
01:00:50 A cold-blooded asshole.
01:00:53 You know, all my life, Ciara, I thought power was everything, and...
01:00:57 The strong one lives, and the weak one dies.
01:01:00 I trusted no one, and no one trusted me.
01:01:05 Ciara, my family is my enemy.
01:01:08 My own mother cares about the company, and then she cares about her own self-well-being.
01:01:15 But then everything changed when I met you.
01:01:17 Yeah, well, I don't believe you.
01:01:19 I've never had anyone in my life who didn't want something from me.
01:01:23 But you showed me that love is unconditional.
01:01:27 Yesterday, I talked to Andrew, like to my real brother, for the first time in years.
01:01:33 I told him I want truth, and that I don't want to hurt anybody anymore.
01:01:37 Especially you.
01:01:40 Well, it's too late for that.
01:01:41 It's never too late, Ciara.
01:01:46 Why the hell were you in jail?
01:01:48 I stabbed Andrew Lewis.
01:01:53 [DOOR SLAMS]
01:01:55 Laura, where did you go last night? I couldn't find you anywhere.
01:02:02 I was in jail. They let me go this morning.
01:02:05 Why the hell were you in jail?
01:02:08 I stabbed Andrew Lewis.
01:02:10 [SLAP]
01:02:12 [SLAP]
01:02:13 I can't believe this whole thing fucking happened.
01:02:18 Hush. Listen to the news.
01:02:20 [MUSIC]
01:02:23 In a strange turn of events, the truth has come to light.
01:02:27 Laura Mitchell was drugged.
01:02:29 And placed in the hotel room by a business competitor.
01:02:33 Mitchell Company stocks have returned to their normal range.
01:02:36 How did it happen?
01:02:37 It's Ciara.
01:02:41 She helped us.
01:02:42 Why?
01:02:44 Your sister is just like her mother.
01:02:48 [SLAP]
01:02:51 Will you please marry me?
01:02:53 I'm sorry too, Ciara.
01:02:59 For what I did to your sister.
01:03:01 You should be resting.
01:03:04 Can't really let my brother lose the love of his life, can I?
01:03:10 Otherwise he might turn back into that asshole.
01:03:12 You know, I always thought that we were just going to fight on forever.
01:03:17 And then you showed up.
01:03:19 He's got the brain of a monkey.
01:03:23 Not his fault when he does dumb things.
01:03:27 You think you could find it in your heart to forgive him?
01:03:31 Ciara.
01:03:36 Will you please give me another chance?
01:03:40 This time, no more lies.
01:03:42 No more secrets, I promise.
01:03:45 Will you please marry me?
01:03:48 [SLAP]
01:03:58 Um, maybe I have another boyfriend.
01:04:00 Who's your boyfriend?
01:04:07 You look ugly.
01:04:09 Shut up.
01:04:11 No, seriously, you can't wear this dress.
01:04:14 I mean, why not? I look cute.
01:04:16 Uh, you look like a millennial stuck in a boomer's body.
01:04:21 Okay, well what do you suggest?
01:04:24 Adrian Lewis is gonna love it.
01:04:36 Oh, who says I'm gonna go see Adrian Lewis?
01:04:38 Well, it's only three weeks until the wedding.
01:04:41 Who else are you gonna see than Adrian Lewis?
01:04:44 Well, maybe I have another boyfriend.
01:04:48 Who's your boyfriend?
01:04:52 Hmm?
01:04:53 I'll make sure he's dead by tonight.
01:04:59 I'm leaving.
01:05:03 I'm leaving.
01:05:04 Well, you look beautiful anyway.
01:05:20 Really?
01:05:21 'Cause I'm starting to think that this dress is making me look old.
01:05:25 I love grandma dresses. What are you talking about?
01:05:29 Hey.
01:05:31 I love you.
01:05:32 I love you.
01:05:34 I love you.
01:05:35 I love you.
01:05:37 I love you.
01:05:38 [kiss]
01:05:39 [kiss]
01:05:41 [kiss]
01:05:43 [music]
01:05:48 [music fades]
01:05:50 [silence]
01:05:52 [BLANK_AUDIO]
