Perception Trailer

  • 3 months ago
A trailer for Perception
00:00 I see it in my dreams.
00:17 Night after night, the same house.
00:20 A thousand sketches, a million hours of research, and finally, I found it.
00:30 The estate at Echo Bluff.
00:35 Hello?
00:38 Alyssa, I need to do this.
00:55 I'm at the door.
00:58 See you soon.
01:03 Okay, now why am I here?
01:15 Hello?
01:16 I probably should have worked out a plan if someone is, you know, here.
01:24 What was that?
01:25 The pipes.
01:26 That's gonna throw me off.
01:27 Well, I'm not gonna be here.
01:28 The pipes.
01:33 That's gonna throw me off.
01:34 Well, I'm pretty good with a wrench.
01:35 Come on, house.
01:36 Show me what you got.
01:37 Freaking butterfly wannabes.
01:56 Guess I'm gonna have to take the scenic route.
02:10 Have you come to play?
02:20 I'm not playing.
02:30 I'm not playing.
02:50 I'm not playing.
03:18 Hello?
03:24 No.
03:28 No.
03:34 What do you want from me?
03:36 No!
03:38 No!
03:42 No!
03:46 No!
03:47 No!
03:48 No!
03:49 No!
03:50 No!
03:51 No!
03:52 No!
03:53 No!