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Independent presidential candidate, RFK Jr. joined Brittany Lewis on 'Forbes Newsroom' to discuss deescalating tensions with other nations.

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00:00I know you said that for this type of conversation we need to start talking and by we I mean America needs to start talking to
00:06President Xi President Putin the leaders of Iran. What would those conversations look like. Because right now U.S. relations with
00:14those countries are frosty at best. I think we need to de-escalate tensions with those countries.
00:23I think you know we I think you know our country. Our big mistake has been projecting military power abroad rather than
00:34economic power. We shouldn't be scared to compete with those countries economically and all around the world. But instead
00:44we've spent a trillion dollars over the past 20 years bombing bridges ports schools in war after war after war. Every
00:54country that we've acted in is worse off than we found it. Americans are less safe in our own country and all around the
01:02world. We have fewer freedoms because of our military activities abroad. Our economy is now threatened because of bricks
01:11and because of the refugee crisis that we created in Europe through this very through the Syrian and Iraqi war. We've sent
01:20four million refugees into Europe and and destabilize every every government and all the Western democracies in Europe. We
01:30ended up creating Brexit with Britain leaving the European Union all as a result ultimately of the Iraq and Syrian war. We
01:40created ISIS. We drove Iraq into the proxy posture with Iran. Exactly the foreign policy outcome that we've been trying to avoid
01:50for 25 years. A war has not served us well. It has been a catastrophe for our economy. We have hollowed out the American
01:58middle class at home. We should be spending 65 billion dollars not in Ukraine enriching Northrop Grumman and Boeing and
02:07Lockheed but bringing that home and and paying for child care for which which the returns of an investment for child care
02:17are every million dollars you spend on child care. There's 18 jobs created for every million dollars you spend on the military.
02:24There's two jobs created. We need to invest that money we're spending on things that actually grow our economy rather than things
02:31that shrink it. And war does not grow it or is an orphaned investment. The Chinese today. Well we've spent eight trillion
02:39dollars bombing bridges and ports and roads. They've spent eight trillion dollars building them and they now have friends all
02:48over the world. They're the principal creditor in virtually every nation in Latin America every nation in in Africa. And
02:57they're making friendships and investments and getting returns on investments in those countries. And we ought to be doing
03:04that. Not them. We we ought to be competing with them which would be good for everybody in the world. Nobody wants to see a hot
03:10war between us and China between us and Russia. People want to see competition and that will be good for the whole world.
