• 5 months ago


00:00:30🎵Που πριν ανοίξει ο σαλαθός🎵
00:00:40🎵Και πριν ο σκότωσης🎵
00:00:50🎵Τη βρύχια γέρας🎵
00:00:56🎵Και καπνός🎵
00:01:01🎵Και χαπριανέμοζα🎵
00:01:26''Συμφωνώ απολύτως αυτό ακριβώς σκέφτομαι και εγώ να σου προτείνω''
00:01:30''Ε κατάλαβες δεν σου είπα''
00:01:31''Απόλυτα, να συνεχίσουμε να φυλάμε την αναποργιά είναι επίσημα''
00:01:34''Ναι και συμφωνείς''
00:01:35''Στο είπα μόλις, συμφωνώ απολύτως αυτό σκέφτομαι και εγώ''
00:01:38''Με λες σοβαρά μωρέ''
00:01:40''Γιατί έχει πλήσης''
00:01:41''Γιατί από τη μια μεγιά αποσύρει στα περιπληκά από το χωριό ρε Χρυστόκια''
00:01:45''Αντώνη έπρεπε να το κάνω αυτό το πράγμα''
00:01:47''Ήμουν αποχρεωμένος να το κάνω''
00:01:48''Δεν γίνεται να έχουμε εκεί αστυνομικούς, υγικούς φορούς''
00:01:51''Και ένα χωριό εκατό κατοίκων''
00:01:52''Αυτό τώρα που προτίμησε είναι διαφορετικό''
00:01:54''Ναι, δεν ξέρω τότε αν είναι το ίδιο υποτελεσματικό''
00:01:57''Και κάνουμε μια τρύπα στο νερό αυτή μπορεί να είναι ακροβολισμένη παντού''
00:02:00''Και με το που βγουν τα περιπληκά να γιαγέρουν στο τμήμα να κάνουμε το του''
00:02:03''Αυτοί ούτως ή άλλως μουντάκι δεν είναι ευθύνη του Ραγγλίου''
00:02:06''Ναι, αλλά η αναποχή είναι δικιά μας και οι ανθρώποι απειλούνται''
00:02:09''Τεφάν, πες μου τι γίνεται με τον Ανδρέα Βουλάκη''
00:02:13''Έχω μάθει ότι είναι στην Ολλανδία''
00:02:15''Αυτός πια είναι πανευρωπαϊκός''
00:02:18''Κάτσε τον Ολυμπιακό ένα πράγμα''
00:02:20''Καλά θα θα λέει, αλλά δεν μπορεί''
00:02:22''Αλλά όταν το πιώσει στα χέρια μου αυτός θα την πληρώσει για όλα''
00:02:24''Γιατί ο τρόπος που λειτουργεί είναι σαν να μας πετάει στα μούτρα ό,τι μας τα ανήκανε''
00:02:27''Εμάς μόνοι χα''
00:02:28''Βρε ολόκληρο είναι τερπόρ και δεν μπορεί να τον κάνει ζαύτη''
00:02:32''Άσε που, οι σταματάκιδες φοβούνται ότι μπορεί να έχει παρεδώσει με τις μουντάκιδες''
00:02:37''Και να μεθοδεύει τις επιθέσεις του εκ του μακρόφερ''
00:02:40''Σου θυμίζω το πλαστικό πολυβόλο που πήγανε και αφήσανε στον υπεργολία του Μιτσο''
00:02:46''Ας πω όταν παίρνει τηλέφωνο, τι ακριβώς λέει''
00:02:48''Το μόνο που την ενδιαφέρει είναι αν έχει φρέσκα λουλούδια ή ο τάφος της έβασης''
00:02:54''Ο έρωτας λοιπόν είναι ισοτικής σημασίας και για τους εγκληματίες''
00:02:58''Ας τη έβεσαι''
00:03:00''Για τα ζώα, για τη φύση''
00:03:03''Χωρίς έρωτα δεν υπάρχει ζωή''
00:03:06''Για πες μου εδώ που το πιάσαμε το θέμα, κύριε Σαντζελέα''
00:03:10''Εσύ με τη δικηγορία μας, πως πάει την εμπειρία στηλέφωνο''
00:03:14''Τρεις φορές και δεν έχει πατήσει''
00:03:17''Και τι θα σκοπεύει δηλαδή να κάνεις τέτοια φύση έτσι''
00:03:19''Τι να κάνω Αντώνε, το παιχνίδι έχει χαθεί''
00:03:21''Πράγμα δεν έχει χαθεί βρε''
00:03:23''Χρήστο, θα κάνεις αυτό που πάνε''
00:03:27''Δεν ακούω βρέκα, σε παρακαλώ πάρα πολύ''
00:03:30''Στον έρωτα πρέπει να είσαι και λίγο ελαφρύ εσύ''
00:03:33''Δεν πρέπει να κάνεις το χιούμο σου γιατί κάτσαμε τη βάρκα''
00:03:36''Ακούς μιλεί ο μέτρο του έρωτα''
00:03:39''Δημόγου θα ακούς από εδώ και πέρα τους ειδικούς''
00:03:42''Και θα σε οδηγήσουν στην καταστροφή''
00:03:45''Στον παράδεισο''
00:03:54''Γεια σας''
00:03:55''Γεια σας''
00:03:57''Θες το τηλέφωνο ναι για να το απαντάμε''
00:03:59''Όχι για να το κοιτάμε''
00:04:00''Το απαντάμε όταν έχουμε κάτι να πούμε''
00:04:02''Έχω κάτι να πω, όταν να πω το είπα''
00:04:03''Μπορεί να έχει αυτός να σου πει κάτι''
00:04:05''Τι να μου κάνει πρώτα σιγά με το τηλέφωνο''
00:04:06''Ε όχι από το τηλέφωνο''
00:04:07''Δα μην του γελάς αυτός μέχρι και από mail μπορεί να μου κάνει''
00:04:10''Ρε Στέλα μου ο Χρήστος σε θέλει''
00:04:13''Δεν το δείχνει όμως το δωρά''
00:04:15''Εγώ πως το είδα''
00:04:16''Γιατί προφανώς το δείχνεις εσένα και στο μπαμπά μου''
00:04:18''Σε μένα το παίζει άνετος''
00:04:19''Α τώρα μιλάς σωστά''
00:04:20''Γιατί τι είπα''
00:04:21''Ότι το παίζει άνετος δεν είναι''
00:04:24''Ρε παιδί μου είναι καψουρεμένος ο άνθρωπος''
00:04:26''Ποιος είναι μωρέ καψουρεμένος που τον ενδιαφέρω''
00:04:30''Δεν ακούς τι σου λέω δεν μπορεί να πει σε αγαπώ''
00:04:32''Δεν είναι εύκολο να πεις σε αγαπώ''
00:04:34''Εγώ γιατί το είπα''
00:04:35''Τι έκανες''
00:04:40''Είπα αγάπη μου''
00:04:42''Αγάπη μου είπες''
00:04:45''Ρε Στέλα αγάπη μου λέω εγώ σαν σκυλάκια που βλέπω στον δρόμο''
00:04:47''Πάλι καλά που δεν είπα σε αγαπώ να λες τώρα θα κλαίγαμε''
00:04:51''Μας στέλνει και μηνύματα''
00:04:54''Διαβάσέ το καλά τι περιμένεις''
00:04:55''Έλα, έλα, έλα''
00:04:56''Έλα διάβασέ το''
00:04:58''Σόρρυ, ναι''
00:05:06''Έτσά όπως μου φέρεσαι''
00:05:09''Σταμάτα, σταμάτα''
00:05:11''Έτσά όπως μου φέρεσαι λέω''
00:05:13''Με σπρώχνεις προς την Άβυσσο''
00:05:15''Μας άθορο τα μάθια σου''
00:05:17''Βρίσκομαι στον Παράδεισο''
00:05:20''Τι είναι αυτό?''
00:05:23''Ω Χριστέ μου, τι τον έχει βρει τον άνθρωπο''
00:05:26''Όπω απ' το κακό στο χειρότερο το πάει ο Χριστός''
00:05:28''Ε, όχι απ' το κακό στο χειρότερο''
00:05:30''Α, δε είπε ότι βλέπει τον Παράδεισο στα μάτια σου''
00:05:34''Η Μαντινάδα το λέει, μέχρι κι αυτή την έκλεψε''
00:05:36''Σε τέτοια λόγια μόνος του δεν μπορεί να πει''
00:05:38''Έλα τώρα, ηρέμησε, να σου πω''
00:05:40''Μήπως ψάχνεις λόγο να το λήξεις?''
00:05:42''Τώρα θα βρω εγώ τον πελά μου?''
00:05:44''Σε χρειάζονται δύο για να γίνει παρεξήγηση''
00:05:46''Κι αυτός προφανώς προσπαθεί να τη λύσει''
00:05:49''Εσύ τι θα κάνεις?''
00:05:51''Για πες τι κάνουμε, το λύνουμε ή το αφήνουμε και πάμε παρακάτω''
00:05:55''Εγώ μένω εδώ που είμαι, μια γραήμα''
00:05:57''Καλά το κατάλαβα''
00:06:06Φύγανε τα περιπουλικά. Ποιος θα μου σφιλάει τώρα?
00:06:32Ποιος? Εκείνος σας που προσεύχεσαι τώρα.
00:06:38Μόνο εκείνος μας απόμεινε.
00:06:42Όχι μας απόμεινε παιδί μου. Ο Θεός πάντα ήταν εκεί απέρα και είναι για να μας προστατεύει.
00:06:51Δεν θα μας αφήσει ούτε ακάλυπτος ούτε απροστάτευτος.
00:06:59Τέλος φάτω, τέλος φάτω. Ας τα αφήσουμε τώρα όλα αυτά.
00:07:03Για πες μου, δεν τα κάνει η Μική.
00:07:07Πρέπει να είσαι στις ημέρες τώρα έτσι, ένα.
00:07:11Ώστα τέλος του μήνα την περιμένουμε να βγει σε αυτόν τον κόσμο.
00:07:15Ο ερχομός της παπά μου θα είναι η αρχή και το τέλος.
00:07:20Γιατί με τον ερχομό της θα έρθει και ο χαμός του ματιού.
00:07:26Όχι χαμός του ματιού, μια προσωρινή αναχώρηση.
00:07:32Έτσι και λιώσω. Απ' την αρχή χαμένοι ήμασταν.
00:07:37Μια ζωή χαμένοι ήμασταν.
00:07:39Όχι, μην το λες αυτό παιδί μου.
00:07:43Εδώ είναι που χρειάζεται δύναμη και κουράγιο.
00:07:47Και να τη δίνουμε το κατέχεις πολύ καλά.
00:07:50Όλοι εμείς έπαμε στο χωριό, τη δίνουμε και θα τη δίνουμε και σε σένα και στη μική σου.
00:07:57Το ξέρω παπά Μιχάλη.
00:07:59Ξέρω ότι είστε όλοι δίπλα μου και ότι θα είστε δίπλα στο κοριτσάκι μου.
00:08:03Και αυτό πραγματικά μου δεν είναι κουράγιο και σας ευχαριστώ γι' αυτό.
00:08:06Ωραία. Πορεύσου λοιπόν με αυτό το κουράγιο και όλα θα πάνε καλά.
00:08:15Στην ευχή του Θεού παιδί μου.
00:08:17Για πίστη, πίστη.
00:08:49Άρε Βασιλική, μια χαρά κοπέλα είναι παιδί μου.
00:08:52Αλλά εδώ μας άναψε μεγάλες φωτιές.
00:08:54Τι είναι αυτό που λες μου ρε Παντελή.
00:08:56Ποιο Βασιλική είμαστε τώρα.
00:08:58Ή ο Μακαρίδης που πήγε έτσι άτιμα και τη σκότωσε το παιδί της εδώ μπροστά στα μάτια μας.
00:09:02Αφήστε εδώ τώρα αυτά.
00:09:04Τώρα τι κάνουμε.
00:09:06Ως ο ζωνεαυτός σωθείτε τώρα.
00:09:09Ο γιατρός έρχεται.
00:09:11Τι κάνει γελάει.
00:09:13Χαρούμενος φαίνεται.
00:09:14Δεν θα κατέει τα μαντάτα ακόμη.
00:09:16Αχ να χαρείς.
00:09:17Μην του πεις τίποτα.
00:09:18Ας υπάρχει και ένας χαμογελαστός σε αυτόν τον τόπο.
00:09:20Καλημέρα σας.
00:09:22Πότε να δεις την καλημέρα μου ρε γιατρέ.
00:09:24Δεν μας λες κι εμάς.
00:09:27Γιατί Παντελή μου.
00:09:28Τι έγινε.
00:09:29Δεν έχεις πάρει χαμπάρι γιατρέ.
00:09:32Τι συνέβη.
00:09:33Δεν σου λείπει τίποτα από το χωριό.
00:09:36Το όλοι.
00:09:37Αυτό που μου λείπει έρχεται.
00:09:41Και δεν κατέμενε και πότε θα ξανάρθει.
00:09:44Ήρθε η Σάντρα και έφυγε.
00:09:46Ποια Σάντρα.
00:09:47Η κόρη μου.
00:09:48Τώρα η Σάντρα που κουλάει με τα δικά μας τα βάσανα δεν καταλαβαίνει.
00:09:52Ποια βάσανα Παντελή.
00:09:53Τι λες.
00:09:54Για τα περιπολικά λέει.
00:09:55Που μας φύγανε.
00:09:56Αλλά μετά έρθει και ένα άλλο.
00:09:57Και έφυγε κι αυτό.
00:09:59Γι' αυτό λέτε τόση ώρα.
00:10:01Είπα κι εγώ πότε ήρθε το παιδί μου.
00:10:02Πότε έφυγε.
00:10:05Έρχεται η Σάντρα.
00:10:06Ε, μα τι λέω τόση ώρα.
00:10:08Ήταν να πάω να την πάρω εγώ από το αεροδρόμιο.
00:10:10Αλλά είχε στείλει ένα μήνυμα στο Βαγγέλη.
00:10:13Και του είπε να πάει να την παραλάβει αυτός.
00:10:16Καλώς τα δέχτηκες γιατρέ μου.
00:10:20Ε, Παντελή σταμάτα.
00:10:21Τι είναι αυτό που λες τον άνθρωπο.
00:10:22Από ευδιαφέρον ρωτάω μωρά γυναίκα.
00:10:24Ανά δεν πειράζει άστονα.
00:10:28Πήγε πολύ καλά.
00:10:29Έκανε με επιτυχία όλο το πρόγραμμα της απεξάρτησης και επελευθερώθηκε.
00:10:34Και τώρα έρχεται στο χωριό για να ζητήσει συγγνώμη από όλους όσους αναστάτωσε.
00:10:40Α, εγώ δεν ξέρω αν μπορώ να τη συγχωρήσω.
00:10:42Είχα επενδύσεις σε αυτή και με απογοήτευσα.
00:10:45Τι έχεις επενδύσει και εσύ μωρέ Τόλι.
00:10:47Με τοχή είναι κοπέλα.
00:10:48Καλλιτέχνης είναι.
00:10:49Και νόμιζα ότι βρήκα την αδερφή ψυχή μου.
00:10:51Αλλά είχα προσδοκίες εγώ και μετά μου της ματέωσε όλες.
00:10:55Τόλι, το κορίτσι είχε σοβαρό πρόβλημα.
00:10:59Και ειδικά εσύ, ειδικά εσύ δεν πρέπει να κρίνεις.
00:11:03Καλά, ας μου ζητήσει συγγνώμη και θα το σκεφτώ.
00:11:07Τόλι, δεν θέλω να είσαι αυστηρός μαζί της.
00:11:11Το παιδί μου έκανε ένα μεγάλο αγώνα και τα κατάφερε.
00:11:15Θέλω λοιπόν όλοι να το αναγνωρίσουμε.
00:11:18Μην ανησυχείς Δημήτρη μου.
00:11:20Τους βλέπεις τώρα κάνουν τους σκληρούς,
00:11:22αλλά μόλις δουν τη Σάντρα βούτυρα θα γίνουνε.
00:11:26Μα πού είναι, έπρεπε να έχουν ήδη έρθει γιατί αργούνε.
00:11:48Εδώ είμαστε.
00:11:50Στα γνώριμα εδάφη.
00:11:52Πώς σου φαίνεται εεε.
00:11:56Δεν ξέρω Ευαγγέλη.
00:11:58Είναι πολύ δύσκολο τώρα.
00:12:00Αποφάσισα να έρθω να πω συγγνώμης
00:12:02και δεν ξέρω πώς θα το πάρουν.
00:12:04Δεν ξέρω αν με έκανα καλά.
00:12:06Μην ανησυχείς καθόλου γιατί στο εγγυόμενο
00:12:08δεν θυμούνται τίποτα.
00:12:10Τα έχουν ξεχάσει όλες.
00:12:11Ξεχνούνται αυτό που έκανα.
00:12:12Ξεχνούνται γιατί είναι καλοί άνθρωποι
00:12:14και ξέρουν ότι δεν ήσουν καλά.
00:12:17Δεν είχες θέμα.
00:12:19Δεν ήσουν εαυτός.
00:12:21Αυτό το ξέρουν.
00:12:22Στο λέω γιατί ζω σε αυτό το τόπο τόσο καιρό.
00:12:25Τους έχω πάθει πια.
00:12:26Είναι καλοί άνθρωποι.
00:12:30Θα δούμε.
00:12:31Ο Αστέρις τι κάνει?
00:12:33Μην μου αρχίσεις τώρα για τον Αστέρι.
00:12:35Όχι, όχι. Δεν το λέω γι' αυτό.
00:12:36Σε παρακαλώ.
00:12:37Δεν το κάνω. Τον έχω ξεπεράσει.
00:12:38Έχω βρει και άλλον.
00:12:39Σωπα από εκεί.
00:12:42Θα μου το αφήσω.
00:12:44Άντε έλα τώρα να δούμε τον μπαμπά μου.
00:12:46Δεν μπορώ τώρα αγάπη μου.
00:12:47Δεν μπορώ.
00:12:48Πρέπει να πάω να πω τον Πάβολο στο Ιννοποιείο γιατί έχουμε πολλούς λύσεις.
00:12:50Θα έρθω όμως το απόγειο με λίγο καφετάκι.
00:12:56Καλώς όρισες.
00:12:57Σε ευχαριστώ.
00:12:59Πάρε αυτό.
00:13:04Να σου πω όλα καλά εδώ.
00:13:06Δεν με περιμένουν τίποτα εκπλήξεις.
00:13:08Τράβα τώρα στον πατέρα σου και θα τα πούμε.
00:13:11Έλα, έλα.
00:13:14Παναγιά μαζί μας.
00:13:15Μόνο αυτό έχω να σου πω.
00:13:27Γεια σου Χριστό.
00:13:32Καλησπέρα Χριστό μου.
00:13:33Σε φώναξα να βρεθούμε να πούμε κάποια πράγματα.
00:13:36Μπορεί να μην σου αρέσουν αλλά πρέπει.
00:13:47Σε φώναξα να βρεθούμε να πούμε κάποια πράγματα.
00:14:17Σε φώναξα να βρεθούμε να πούμε κάποια πράγματα.
00:14:56Με το σπίτι του Ρούσου τι έγινε τελικά?
00:15:01Σταμάτησε να μας ενοχλεί μια μέρα.
00:15:05Έχει και δεν να τον αναφέρει.
00:15:07Δεν θα γίνει τίποτα για να μην έρθει τελικά.
00:15:10Να σου πω κάτι.
00:15:11Δεν με ενδιαφέρει.
00:15:12Το τελευταίο πράγμα που ασχολεί αυτήν τη στιγμή είναι ο Ρούσος.
00:15:14He's not Russian, he's got other things going on in his mind.
00:15:19Sifakogiorgis, come here.
00:15:21What happened?
00:15:23Did you lose your job?
00:15:25He's going to be homeless again.
00:15:27What are we going to do now?
00:15:29Because it's a job.
00:15:33If I find something, I'll come and replace it.
00:15:37Good. Come here.
00:15:40Sifakogiorgis, do we have a job to go to?
00:15:42Take a look at these.
00:15:45Take two or three of these.
00:15:50Take this one.
00:15:52If you see it, cut it there.
00:18:38My love.
00:18:39My love.
00:18:40I'm going to pick up the kid from kindergarten.
00:18:42You know, I couldn't keep him awake last night.
00:18:44Do you want me to bring him to you so you can see him?
00:18:46No, don't bring him to the garbage dump.
00:18:48Go home and rest. I'll come later.
00:18:51We'll go to the Reithen to have ice cream.
00:18:54Great idea, yes.
00:18:56Yes, I'm hanging up.
00:18:57I'll get out of here as much work as I can,
00:18:59so I can come back soon.
00:19:32Have you heard what the black man has to say?
00:19:35No, not yet. I'm waiting for her to hear about the developments.
00:19:43What's going on, Edina? Did you get rid of Mavraki?
00:19:46I did, but we have a problem.
00:19:48What problem?
00:19:49A big one.
00:19:51The executor of Eva's murder order is your agent.
00:20:06Marina, what's going on?
00:20:09Sit down, I'll tell you.
00:20:15Kaliopi, I heard you were invited to the board meeting.
00:20:18But you didn't invite me.
00:20:20And I wanted to ask you.
00:20:23If there's a war, do you think I'm not involved?
00:21:06Marina, I invited all the men in your family.
00:21:09And I also invited your men in your family.
00:21:14I want to remind you.
00:21:16I saw what happened so far.
00:21:18They executed my son, my son-in-law.
00:21:22And his mother, my daughter-in-law,
00:21:25was involved in the murder of Lazaros Mundakis.
00:21:29And they want to pay back the blood that was shed.
00:21:33And they want to pay back the blood that was shed.
00:21:35And if I'm not mistaken, Vasiliki,
00:21:39it's about the Matakides, Marina.
00:21:42And I hope you don't get involved,
00:21:44but you get involved because my son-in-law got married to your daughter-in-law.
00:21:48That's the only reason.
00:21:51That's why I didn't invite you.
00:21:53And I told our men to come for the unnecessary Marina.
00:21:57To protect our families.
00:21:59They will get their weapons.
00:22:02And I say,
00:22:04if it is necessary,
00:22:07to get our weapons,
00:22:09to defend ourselves,
00:22:11to protect our children,
00:22:14our grandchildren.
00:22:16Yes, Marina, we will do it too.
00:22:18But the two of us.
00:22:20I don't want to involve your mother-in-law, who is a mother-in-law,
00:22:24or Vasiliki, who is a mother-in-law.
00:22:27Just the two of us.
00:22:29If it is necessary,
00:22:31we will do it.
00:22:33But in order to get to Marina,
00:22:35a great evil must have happened.
00:22:39Blood must have been shed by our men.
00:22:42And we wish that it doesn't happen.
00:22:46Right, Marina?
00:22:56Ah, my dear girl.
00:22:58You know how much I missed you.
00:23:00But the wait was worth it.
00:23:03Your mustaches are laughing.
00:23:05Eh, Pantelis, our children.
00:23:07We have nothing better in the world than our children.
00:23:10That's why we live and breathe.
00:23:13Alexandra, I see you much calmer.
00:23:16I am, Mrs. Anna.
00:23:18I have understood what I did and I came to apologize to all of you.
00:23:22Ah, not with a team mission of apology, girl?
00:23:25I want my own personally.
00:23:27Tolis, you say it, you say it again.
00:23:29Tell us, what has the girl done to you?
00:23:32I had placed my hopes.
00:23:34What hopes, Tolis?
00:23:36That I found a man of my level
00:23:38and that I can communicate in another sphere.
00:23:41Don't talk about spheres, especially at this moment, Tolis.
00:23:45Tolis is right, I disappointed him.
00:23:48Tolis, he didn't do it on purpose.
00:23:51And Tolis told me so.
00:23:53The innocent first-class Tolis Favaleto.
00:23:55No, okay, don't be upset.
00:23:57He is right, I apologize personally.
00:24:00And because you are a very important person,
00:24:02it would be my honor to apologize.
00:24:04In words, you are very good, but let's see you in action.
00:24:09Ah, Apostle, everything and everything.
00:24:11Alexandra can't prove anything with actions.
00:24:15Why can't she?
00:24:17I came for a very short time, just to apologize
00:24:19and to rectify in any way I can.
00:24:21To rectify with me, that is.
00:24:23I know it.
00:24:25Okay, I'll think of a way and I'll let you know.
00:24:29Drink your orange juice now.
00:24:31We had it in the morning with Anna.
00:24:33I'll take it for the road.
00:24:35Where are you going, my child?
00:24:37I'm going home to leave my things
00:24:39and to pass by the people I revived.
00:24:41Okay, and I'm going to pass by Karpathaki's uncle.
00:24:45Aren't we going to have lunch together?
00:24:47Are you going to eat again?
00:24:49Yes, I have made sausages with sausages
00:24:51and the cousin of Pantelis, Angelakis.
00:24:53We will honor you then.
00:24:55So, I kiss you.
00:24:57We'll talk later.
00:25:01Bye, my man, bye, my child, bye.
00:25:03Ah, my girl.
00:25:07What do you say, doctor?
00:25:09Or doctor?
00:25:11Come on.
00:25:13I don't want to spoil her, but
00:25:15there was no worse time to choose her daughter
00:25:17than to come to the family.
00:25:19Why do you say that?
00:25:21The bullets will start to fall here,
00:25:23it will spoil you.
00:25:25I will find her a servant.
00:25:33What happened, my dear?
00:25:35Why did you hang up the phone?
00:25:37My dear, as I was returning from the church,
00:25:39a car was coming towards me
00:25:41that I have never seen before.
00:25:43And there was a strange guy inside.
00:25:45You say strange, what do you mean?
00:25:49looked at me very intensely
00:25:51as they approached me.
00:25:53Intense, that is, wild?
00:25:55He smiled at me.
00:25:57But this smile was not normal,
00:25:59it was, how can I tell you,
00:26:01bad, right? Ironic.
00:26:05And where did they go?
00:26:07What can I say? They were going up.
00:26:09They could have gone to the church,
00:26:11they could have gone to the coffee house,
00:26:13I have no idea. But, my dear,
00:26:15what happened?
00:26:17What happened, my dear?
00:26:19I don't know, my heart is beating very fast here,
00:26:21probably because I got upset.
00:26:23Well, you shouldn't get upset
00:26:25in your situation.
00:26:27Let's go upstairs to relax,
00:26:29I'll make you a sandwich, we don't have anything else.
00:26:31Should we call Anton now?
00:26:33I'll call him, come on.
00:26:35Let's go now to relax.
00:26:37Where is Basteris?
00:26:39Basteris is in the store.
00:26:41If you call him now, he should have his note.
00:27:11And, as we said,
00:27:13Yes, Marina,
00:27:15that's right.
00:27:17So, I'm going.
00:27:23What's wrong?
00:27:25What's wrong?
00:27:27Are you dizzy?
00:27:29No, no.
00:27:31I'm fine.
00:27:33I'm fine.
00:27:35I'll bring you some water.
00:27:47Look at me.
00:27:49Look at my children.
00:27:53Look at them.
00:27:55Look at them.
00:28:15Look at them.
00:28:17Look at them.
00:28:26I didn't expect you to misunderstand me.
00:28:29I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
00:28:31From what you said,
00:28:33what did I misunderstand?
00:28:35You didn't talk about my dream.
00:28:37Yes, I did.
00:28:39This is not my dream.
00:28:41I'm sorry, you misunderstood.
00:28:43Not me.
00:28:45If my desire is your motivation
00:28:47to take the next step,
00:28:49then I'm sorry,
00:28:51but I don't give it to you.
00:28:53What do you want?
00:28:55I wanted you,
00:28:57but not like this.
00:28:59Then explain it to me.
00:29:01I didn't want anything more
00:29:03than anyone's father would want
00:29:05for his daughter.
00:29:07I asked my father,
00:29:09I called him,
00:29:11I asked him what his expectations
00:29:13were for the man
00:29:15he was going to give you.
00:29:19my father's expectations were broken.
00:29:21What are you doing?
00:29:23No, no.
00:29:25I'm not comparing you to a father.
00:29:27I'm saying the opposite,
00:29:29that you are honorable.
00:29:31It's good that you recognize me.
00:29:33You told my daughter
00:29:35that you don't love her,
00:29:37but that you care about her.
00:29:39Yes, Christos.
00:29:41He told me everything.
00:29:43You know, it's very difficult
00:29:45for a father to accept
00:29:47that in his daughter's life
00:29:49this happens.
00:29:51He wants strict rules.
00:29:53Can I listen to them?
00:29:55Just one rule.
00:29:57That I want my son-in-law
00:29:59to love my daughter
00:30:01the way I love her.
00:30:03Not in the same way,
00:30:05but with the same intensity.
00:30:07Thank you very much
00:30:09for your interest,
00:30:11but it's not enough for me.
00:30:15if I tell you
00:30:17that I love your daughter
00:30:19the way I've never loved
00:30:21any other woman in my life,
00:30:23then let's discuss it.
00:30:31Are you sure,
00:30:35that everything went well
00:30:37in the village,
00:30:39or should I worry about what Mathios told me?
00:30:41What can I tell you?
00:30:43What did Mathios tell you?
00:30:45That he saw a strange car
00:30:47and he lost his mind.
00:30:49Antonis, they are all in jail now.
00:30:51The least they can do
00:30:53is to get out of the usual
00:30:55and lose their minds.
00:30:57Should we send an ambulance?
00:30:59What will we do with the prosecutor?
00:31:01Someone should go there
00:31:03and inform him about the developments
00:31:05regarding the murder of Eva.
00:31:07Should we do it at the same time?
00:31:09Should I go back to the village
00:31:11and inform the prosecutor?
00:31:13Come on, let's go.
00:31:15Antonis, we have a problem.
00:31:17What's the problem?
00:31:19A car with a two-wheeler
00:31:21left the village a while ago.
00:31:23Ok, ok, I'm coming.
00:31:25So, what happened?
00:31:27What did he say?
00:31:29Both of us.
00:31:31Do you know the prosecutor?
00:31:33What will he do when he sees you?
00:31:35He won't do anything.
00:31:37I'm in a hurry.
00:31:39Let's go.
00:31:45What happened, Mironas?
00:31:47Did they expect you to leave?
00:31:49Of course.
00:31:51If I'm in front of them,
00:31:53no one dares to get in the way.
00:31:55You're laughing, aren't you?
00:31:57I won't tell you anything.
00:32:05Ok, you're in a hurry.
00:32:07Antonis, why didn't you take seriously
00:32:09what you told him?
00:32:11He told me that he can't send
00:32:13too many people
00:32:15every time a stranger appears in the village.
00:32:17He has tourists.
00:32:19Someone, anyway,
00:32:21because of the location.
00:32:23I know how many strangers I see
00:32:25every day on the street.
00:32:27This man, Mathios, looked at me
00:32:29in a very bad way.
00:32:31What else can I say to make you believe me?
00:32:33While you were smiling at me,
00:32:35you said...
00:32:37You're affected by the situation.
00:32:39We're all affected.
00:32:47Who is it?
00:32:51What does he want?
00:32:53We'll see.
00:32:55Mathios, I'm Asteris.
00:32:57I'm at home.
00:32:59Where is Asteris?
00:33:01In the shop, I guess.
00:33:03He's probably at work.
00:33:05I sent him a message.
00:33:07I called him five times.
00:33:09He said he was going to work for a while
00:33:11and then he'd come to pick up the kid.
00:33:13He'll see your call and pick you up.
00:33:15Don't worry, Mathios.
00:33:17I have the kid. I can't go to the shop.
00:33:19I'll go and see what's going on.
00:33:21Tell him to pick me up.
00:33:23Ok, bye.
00:33:25Asteris won't pick you up, will he?
00:33:27I'll go and see what's going on.
00:33:29Of course you'll go.
00:33:33Do you want me to call my mom?
00:33:35No, I'll call her.
00:33:53Pick up, Asteris.
00:33:55Pick up.
00:34:01Pick up.
00:34:17Kalliopi, what's going on?
00:34:21Why is your blood pressure so high again?
00:34:23Who made you so nervous?
00:34:25It was fine. It just happened.
00:34:27Are you having a fight with the kids?
00:34:29It's not good, Kalliopi.
00:34:31It's not good.
00:34:33I don't care.
00:34:35I'm worried
00:34:37about my daughters.
00:34:39I'm worried.
00:34:41Calm down.
00:34:43Look after yourself and your kids.
00:34:45They're fine.
00:34:47I just saw Mathios on his way here.
00:34:49He's on his way to the hospital.
00:34:51What's wrong?
00:34:53What's wrong with you?
00:34:55Marina, I'm losing my mind.
00:34:57I'm losing my mind.
00:34:59And when I lose my mind,
00:35:01my daughters are not well.
00:36:15Asteris, talk to me!
00:36:19Christos, if you say so,
00:36:21then you have a serious problem.
00:36:23Thank you for understanding me.
00:36:25I understand you,
00:36:27but look what you're going to do
00:36:29about it.
00:36:31Tassos, as many times
00:36:33as I've tried to do something,
00:36:35I can't. We lack experience.
00:36:37You know, it's not a matter of experience.
00:36:39No, it's a matter of perspective
00:36:41that you have in some things.
00:36:43You justify your feeling.
00:36:45You don't let it happen.
00:36:47You strangle it.
00:36:49Unfortunately, you betray your logic.
00:36:51How does it look to you that you're married
00:36:53to a psychologist anyway?
00:36:55Let me do it.
00:36:57And you're going to do it,
00:36:59because you're not going anywhere.
00:37:01At least not with Stella.
00:37:03She wants everything or nothing.
00:37:05Symmetry is not enough
00:37:07and she doesn't deserve it either.
00:37:09I'm trying, I'm trying.
00:37:11I'm going to say something else.
00:37:13Look, I just want one thing.
00:37:15To be happy.
00:37:17Can you make her happy?
00:37:21I can.
00:37:23Then do it.
00:37:25Do it.
00:37:49I'm sorry, I'm late.
00:37:51But it's not his fault, I'm trying.
00:37:55Don't say anything. Asterix!
00:37:57The ambulance! Can you hear me?
00:37:59They blocked the door. They locked him in.
00:38:01Who? I don't know.
00:38:03He's here.
00:38:05Everything's fine.
00:38:07Asterix, can you hear me?
00:38:09Hurry up!
00:38:17Who is it?
00:38:27I can't see anything.
00:38:29Go, go.
00:38:39Go, go.
00:38:49Go, go.
00:38:53Go, go.
00:38:55Go, go.
00:38:59Go, go.
00:39:09A film by Giorgos Papadopoulos
00:39:23Sirens again?
00:39:25What is this?
00:39:27Come in.
00:39:28What's going on?
00:39:29We'll find out.
00:39:31This is a village, not New York.
00:39:34So, to celebrate our success,
00:39:38we managed to convince all our neighbors.
00:39:40Vangelis, we also had poor people.
00:39:43Yes, Vangelis turned out to be a robber of the nests.
00:39:58To me.
00:40:04Well done, Vangelis. I didn't lose you.
00:40:07You know how it is. It's my talent.
00:40:09It comes naturally to me.
00:40:11I don't take it like a bicycle.
00:40:12You have it once, you have it forever.
00:40:14So, I'm in a hurry.
00:40:15I have to go to the nursery.
00:40:17See you later.
00:40:20Hello, girls.
00:40:21Is dad here?
00:40:23We didn't come either.
00:40:28He's not here.
00:40:29Where is he? When was he supposed to be here?
00:40:31He could have started here, but why?
00:40:34Because I was coming and I ran into a traffic jam.
00:40:37He was coming down in a hurry and he had the sirens on.
00:40:40And how did he see Tassos?
00:40:42Because he told me he was supposed to be here and he's not here.
00:40:45Go call him.
00:40:46Yes, I will.
00:40:51I don't care at all.
00:40:57No, he won't pick up.
00:40:58What should I do?
00:40:59I'll call Dimitris.
00:41:00He'll tell me who went to the hospital.
00:41:01Dimitris is not at the hospital.
00:41:03He was waiting for Sandra.
00:41:05Okay, he'll find out from the hospital.
00:41:22What's going on?
00:41:23Let's go together.
00:41:25Let's go.
00:41:27Let's go.
00:41:33Someone knocked on the door.
00:41:35Someone knocked on the door.
00:41:37Let's go.
00:41:47Wow, how much did he want to get beaten up now?
00:41:50You're wonderful.
00:41:52You ate five.
00:41:54That's what I'm talking about.
00:41:55You're counting my bites and I can't stop eating.
00:41:57She's right.
00:41:58Let her enjoy her food.
00:42:01Of course.
00:42:02Something's not right.
00:42:05Kalliopi didn't make it this time.
00:42:06Marathos beat her even more.
00:42:08It's not Kalliopi.
00:42:11Why, Manolis?
00:42:12I told you Kalliopi is the best.
00:42:14My love, Kalliopi doesn't cook anymore,
00:42:16for whom Mr. Rini has replaced her.
00:42:20I think it's temporary.
00:42:21Where can you find the will to cook, woman?
00:42:23Come on, man.
00:42:24It's good that you're here and you don't live in the village's agony.
00:42:28Yes, but I'm also missing the tours.
00:42:30I'm sorry, my dear.
00:42:32I'm sad that I'm leaving you alone.
00:42:34It's okay.
00:42:35I miss the truth, but...
00:42:37I'm taking all the glory on my own now.
00:42:39And you deserve it.
00:42:41Tell me, what's going on in the village, in Metopo?
00:42:44Nothing yet, but everyone is ready.
00:42:47Your brother has second thoughts.
00:42:50About what?
00:42:51About whether we should go to America or not.
00:42:53He says he's afraid.
00:42:55He doesn't want to leave your parents alone.
00:42:59What are you saying, Manolis?
00:43:01You're given such an opportunity and you're going to throw it away?
00:43:04Thodora, you're protected here.
00:43:06You don't know what's going on in the village.
00:43:08Think about it.
00:43:09Fragiadakis went against the will of the prosecutor
00:43:12and he sends his men to Peripolika every now and then
00:43:14to control the situation.
00:43:16Yes, I know.
00:43:17Giorgos told me.
00:43:18But he didn't go against the will.
00:43:20He didn't agree either.
00:43:24Even worse.
00:43:25For Diapovakis to agree,
00:43:27things are not very dangerous.
00:43:39We've put her in bed to rest.
00:43:41Yes, I gave her a pill too, of course,
00:43:43and it helped a bit.
00:43:45Don't worry, she's fine.
00:43:48Wait a minute, I have a second line.
00:43:53Come on.
00:43:54Stella is here.
00:43:55I'll call her in a bit.
00:43:56Okay, Mathios.
00:43:57We won't say anything.
00:43:59I'm telling you the truth.
00:44:01Don't worry about Asteris.
00:44:03I'll go to the hospital in a bit.
00:44:05Be brave.
00:44:06Be brave and everything will be fine.
00:44:08You'll see.
00:44:10It's done.
00:44:14Dimitris, what happened to Asteris?
00:44:17She caught fire.
00:44:18It's all my fault, Marina.
00:44:19Oh my God.
00:44:21Is he okay?
00:44:22He's fine, but he's under the influence of the smoke.
00:44:25They're taking him to the hospital.
00:44:27Oh my God.
00:44:28What are we going to do now?
00:44:29What are we going to tell Kalliopi?
00:44:31Marina, Mathios swore to me
00:44:33that his mother wouldn't find out anything.
00:44:35Yes, but I have to go now.
00:44:37I have to go to my daughter.
00:44:38You have to go to the hospital.
00:44:39How are we going to leave her alone?
00:44:42Maybe we should get someone to stay with her.
00:44:44Should I get Pavlos?
00:44:47Kalliopi, why did you get up from your bed?
00:44:53Why should I get up?
00:44:55Where are my girls?
00:44:57We were just talking to Mathios.
00:44:59Everything is fine.
00:45:00Calm down.
00:45:04It was the sirens we heard.
00:45:06Come on, who knows?
00:45:08And I didn't know Mathios either.
00:45:11Did you ask Asteris?
00:45:13Did you talk to him?
00:45:14Kalliopi, go to your bed right now
00:45:17and lie down.
00:45:18Calm down, please.
00:45:20Calm down.
00:45:21How are we going to leave you alone in this situation?
00:45:24Why would you leave?
00:45:26I have to go to Petrakis.
00:45:29I'm going home.
00:45:31I took her from work
00:45:32because they said they have to gather at the hotel.
00:45:35They have a meeting.
00:45:36Because they're going to open.
00:45:37And my daughter came to me
00:45:39and we decided to have lunch together.
00:45:41I'm sorry, Mary.
00:45:44Sit down.
00:45:46You're both lying to me.
00:45:49Why are you hiding from me?
00:45:51Bad things happen and you don't want to tell me.
00:46:00What was that pie?
00:46:03Did you like it?
00:46:04She said she liked it.
00:46:05Maybe they all went crazy.
00:46:07Stop it.
00:46:08Where's mom?
00:46:09What happened to her?
00:46:10Did she get a heart attack?
00:46:11She got a heart attack.
00:46:12She's in the hospital.
00:46:13Is she okay?
00:46:14Yes, she's okay.
00:46:15They're taking her to the hospital.
00:46:16Where's mom?
00:46:17She went to Kalliopi.
00:46:18She's not okay.
00:46:19The doctor is there.
00:46:20She's in a panic attack.
00:46:22I know.
00:46:23I'll leave the child here.
00:46:24Will you be okay?
00:46:25Yes, my daughter.
00:46:26Don't worry.
00:46:27We're here for you.
00:46:28I'm going to get her out of the car.
00:46:29I'll be back.
00:46:30Don't worry.
00:46:31Come on, Panagia.
00:46:32Don't worry.
00:46:33Don't worry.
00:46:34Don't worry.
00:46:35Don't worry.
00:46:36Don't worry.
00:46:37Calm down, calm down.
00:46:38Not to be upset again, please.
00:46:39It's okay.
00:46:40Everything is going to be okay.
00:46:41Panagia, what is waiting for us?
00:46:44Bad things coming from above.
00:46:46Calm down.
00:46:47It'll pass.
00:46:48Get me out of there.
00:46:55Here's your spaghetti, Your Majesty.
00:46:59Thank you very much, my golden girl.
00:47:01You're gorgeous.
00:47:02I know.
00:47:03If you want, you can hire me as an intern to cook for you.
00:47:07It wouldn't be a bad idea.
00:47:08No, not at all. I won't delay the US.
00:47:11Okay, let's leave first.
00:47:13Manolis, we'll go, we've agreed.
00:47:15How can I do it, Eleftherodora? Tell me.
00:47:17How? I don't even have the mind to read.
00:47:20Half. When are you leaving, we said?
00:47:22In September.
00:47:23So, what are you?
00:47:24After three months, Yannis Poryathas is still in a very bad condition.
00:47:27Does anyone know for sure?
00:47:29Okay, Manolis, and what will you do? Will you take up arms?
00:47:31You haven't even gone to the army.
00:47:33Come on, that's what I'm telling him too, but he doesn't listen to me.
00:47:36And can I tell you something?
00:47:38If you don't go, I won't talk to you again.
00:47:41I live to see my brother conquer America.
00:47:44Okay, I'm not that stupid.
00:47:46I live to see my nephew be born.
00:47:49That's another new one.
00:47:53Your nephew knows that his uncle will send him
00:47:56gifts, toys and clothes from America.
00:47:59No other kid will have them.
00:48:01Okay, what does he prefer?
00:48:02Toys and clothes or grandma's shoes?
00:48:05What did you just say?
00:48:08Why, Manolis, are our parents in danger?
00:48:10What's their relationship with the angels?
00:48:12Manolis, why are you scaring her now?
00:48:15I'm sorry, guys.
00:48:17I'm just scared of everything that's happened.
00:48:28Come on, Manolis.
00:48:29Are you still on the phone?
00:48:32Okay, stay there until I get back.
00:48:35Something happened.
00:48:37We had a fight at the airport.
00:48:45In the aluminum room.
00:48:47No, sir.
00:48:49What about Mathios?
00:48:53What about Mathios?
00:48:56He's fine.
00:48:57Asteris is the problem.
00:48:59Did she get hurt?
00:49:00I don't know.
00:49:01I don't know.
00:49:02It's an inflammation.
00:49:03I hope she'll be okay.
00:49:04I don't believe it.
00:49:05Anyway, please, don't take the news.
00:49:06Something will happen to her.
00:49:08What should I do?
00:49:09Hang up the phone.
00:49:10Don't take any steps and tell her anything.
00:49:13It's not a bad idea to hang up.
00:49:14Anyway, hang up the phone.
00:49:15You, because people tend to transfer bad news first.
00:49:20Where are you?
00:49:21Here, in the aluminum room.
00:49:22We're trying to do something.
00:49:23There's a lot of damage.
00:49:24Anyway, stay there until I come back.
00:49:27Okay. Bye.
00:49:35Who was it?
00:49:36Karelis, my professor.
00:49:38What happened? What did he want?
00:49:39The same, the same.
00:49:42I don't believe you're still thinking about it.
00:49:45No, it's okay.
00:49:46We're eating now.
00:49:47It'll get cold.
00:49:58Let me tell you something.
00:49:59I can't mix it up with the Evala.
00:50:00There was a time when the fire was big.
00:50:02The fire department came and fought to save as much as they could.
00:50:05Oh my God.
00:50:06Are the kids okay?
00:50:09Mathios is here, helping.
00:50:11He was not inside.
00:50:12But Asteris...
00:50:14What about Asteris?
00:50:15Don't talk nonsense. Tell us.
00:50:16He was inside, dude.
00:50:18and he smoked a lot.
00:50:20The ambulance came and took him unconscious.
00:50:23And who called the ambulance?
00:50:27She saved him.
00:50:29The boy is fine.
00:50:30He's better.
00:50:32He looks different from there.
00:50:34Antonis, are we sure it wasn't an accident?
00:50:38How can we not be sure?
00:50:40It was an attack with a gun.
00:50:42To kill a star.
00:50:43Seriously now?
00:50:45What do you mean?
00:50:48How did he shut himself in?
00:50:50There was a fire.
00:50:51How did he not know?
00:50:53The door was locked.
00:50:55He couldn't get out.
00:50:56They wanted to leave him in there
00:50:58and let him die.
00:51:00That was the first blow, Antonis.
00:51:02Oh my God.
00:51:03We're so sorry.
00:51:04I told you.
00:51:06As soon as the cops find us unguarded,
00:51:08they'll beat us mercilessly.
00:51:10There he is.
00:51:11Calm down.
00:51:13Don't be so hasty.
00:51:15Who did it?
00:51:17Didn't you say that he was trapped in there
00:51:20to become a carbon?
00:51:22Pantelis is right.
00:51:24It was them.
00:51:25How did you agree with me?
00:51:28Like you said,
00:51:29to say the right thing.
00:51:30Stop arguing.
00:51:32The world is on fire
00:51:34and you're on fire too.
00:51:36What's going to happen now, Antonis?
00:51:38What do you want?
00:51:40Let's find out.
00:51:42It had to be them.
00:51:44I saw them in the car.
00:51:46They were drunk.
00:51:47How are we going to find them?
00:51:49That's the job of the police.
00:51:53I want you to describe the car you saw to me.
00:51:56Color, brand, everything.
00:51:59You don't have to.
00:52:00Why not, dad?
00:52:01How can the police find you
00:52:02if we don't even know what car it was?
00:52:04You don't have to.
00:52:06I'm telling you.
00:52:08I kept his car number.
00:52:15I can't find my daughters.
00:52:17I can't find them to talk to.
00:52:20How many times do I have to tell you?
00:52:22They went to help in the fire.
00:52:24Don't talk to me.
00:52:25When something happens,
00:52:26they always call me.
00:52:28They don't leave me alone.
00:52:29I told you that the thief took me.
00:52:33Calm down, please.
00:52:35I want to go see my son.
00:52:38you better go.
00:52:39I'll stay here.
00:52:41If we need anything,
00:52:42I'll call you.
00:52:46I'm leaving.
00:52:49Calm down.
00:52:50Everything is under control.
00:52:58It's good that they say I'm missing.
00:53:01You too.
00:53:03I'm dying the way you understand me, dad.
00:53:07I wanted to tell you to calm down, Calliope.
00:53:09Tell me the truth.
00:53:11I can't stand it.
00:53:14How can I separate you from the others?
00:53:16They will see that they can protect me
00:53:19if they lie to me.
00:53:22Tell me the truth.
00:53:23I didn't expect it from you,
00:53:25you little liar.
00:53:28I'm listening to you.
00:53:30Okay, okay.
00:53:31I'll tell you the truth,
00:53:32but please stay calm
00:53:34and wait for us to be informed.
00:53:44first of all,
00:53:45is everyone okay?
00:53:47Yes, I'm listening to you.
00:53:50the fire we were talking about
00:53:54went into the lamp.
00:54:00The star.
00:54:06The star.
00:54:23The aliens.
00:54:25That's how they always strike, the birds.
00:54:27They are men.
00:54:29Fortunately, we managed to put out the fire.
00:54:31It left a big destruction behind it.
00:54:33Very big.
00:54:35Fortunately, it will be safe.
00:54:37The point is that the star is okay.
00:54:39The star will be fine.
00:54:41Everything will be fine, as long as it's tight.
00:54:43It lost its breath,
00:54:44and they will bring it back with the smoke.
00:54:46Sandra tried, but she didn't make it.
00:54:49Sandra is not a doctor.
00:54:50Now she's in good hands.
00:54:51You'll see, everything will be fine.
00:54:53Well, I have to go to the hospital.
00:54:54I'll come with you.
00:54:57I have to stay with my mother.
00:54:58She's not well.
00:54:59Did she get the news?
00:55:01But she doesn't have to.
00:55:03She had a heart attack at 18.
00:55:05The doctor came and gave her a pill.
00:55:07And did she leave her alone now?
00:55:10She's with her.
00:55:11Marina was there too,
00:55:12but she left when she found out everything.
00:55:14Okay, I'll go to the hospital.
00:55:15You're right.
00:55:16I have to go.
00:55:17Okay, let's go.
00:55:30Sandra, how is the star?
00:55:32They're putting him in the oxygen chamber.
00:55:34Is he burning up?
00:55:35No, fortunately.
00:55:36He was poisoned by monoxide.
00:55:38He must have caught an illness.
00:55:40He fainted.
00:55:41I found him almost unconscious.
00:55:42Why didn't he leave?
00:55:44He was trying to save the shop.
00:55:46He couldn't leave.
00:55:47What do you mean?
00:55:49He was trapped.
00:55:51Someone had blocked the door from the outside.
00:55:54The mutants?
00:55:55Who are they?
00:55:56Your father will explain.
00:55:58It's a long story.
00:55:59Is he in danger?
00:56:00No, of course not.
00:56:01The oxygen works as an antidote.
00:56:04Can I see him?
00:56:05No, wait.
00:56:07The doctors will talk to us first.
00:56:09They won't be long.
00:56:10Alexandra, thank you very much.
00:56:12God sent you.
00:56:13If you weren't there...
00:56:14Thank you, Mrs. Marina.
00:56:16How can I thank you?
00:56:17If the star wasn't there,
00:56:18he wouldn't be alive now.
00:56:19We owe you.
00:56:21No, Argyro.
00:56:22You don't owe me anything.
00:56:24And none of you.
00:56:25I entered your life,
00:56:26I resurrected it,
00:56:27without having any right.
00:56:29I humiliated you.
00:56:31And I found out that you never said
00:56:33anything bad about me.
00:56:35You asked my father
00:56:36about my addiction.
00:56:38I'm sorry.
00:56:39I'm really sorry.
00:56:40And you, Mrs. Marina.
00:56:41We entered your home.
00:56:43I told you, my child.
00:56:44It's in the past.
00:56:45We'll forget about it.
00:56:49What happened to the doctor?
00:56:50We gave him oxygen.
00:56:52He's starting to recover.
00:56:53I want to see him.
00:56:54It's his wife.
00:56:55Just for a while.
00:56:56Please wear a mask.
00:56:58A mask.
00:56:59If you want anything,
00:57:00ask me.
00:57:01Thank you.
00:57:04I'm going.
00:57:10Everything is fine.
00:57:12You can't see her.
00:57:13I'm the doctor's wife.
00:57:15I'm sorry.
00:57:18I'm going.
00:57:22What happened, my love?
00:57:25Come on, tell me.
00:57:29Don't leave me.
00:57:40I'll take care of it.
00:57:41As soon as we get a prefect
00:57:42here in Teposi
00:57:43with our forces
00:57:44from the village,
00:57:45I'll go.
00:57:46And I told you
00:57:47that I can't arrange
00:57:48so many people for the village.
00:57:49It can't be done.
00:57:50You promised me
00:57:51that some people
00:57:52will go unofficially
00:57:53and I'll see what happens.
00:57:54But it's a matter of time.
00:57:56I called Miro
00:57:57but he didn't see anything suspicious.
00:57:58Yes, but as soon as he left
00:57:59the bad thing happened.
00:58:00But they were watching us,
00:58:02All our movements.
00:58:03How did the fire get in?
00:58:04Did we find out?
00:58:05The alarm clock said
00:58:06that someone
00:58:07broke the cathode.
00:58:08And the explosions?
00:58:09How did it happen?
00:58:10It was full of
00:58:11metallic objects,
00:58:13Yes, we also found
00:58:14an air leak.
00:58:15I don't know if it was
00:58:16placed there
00:58:17or they put it there themselves.
00:58:19I'll tell you later.
00:58:20Is the alarm clock still on?
00:58:21Yes, yes,
00:58:22at least for now.
00:58:23How is Asteris?
00:58:24I called the hospital
00:58:25and they told me
00:58:26that he came
00:58:27but there was no family.
00:58:28Ok, I want you
00:58:29to check all the cameras
00:58:30of the village
00:58:31and to check
00:58:32every car
00:58:33that entered
00:58:34and left the village
00:58:36Do you have any witnesses
00:58:37that could tell us something?
00:58:38The priest
00:58:39said that
00:58:40he saw a car
00:58:41running out
00:58:42of the village
00:58:43and luckily
00:58:44he got the number
00:58:45and I sent him
00:58:46to the headquarters
00:58:47to find out
00:58:48who it was.
00:58:49Ok, did you talk
00:58:50to Heraklion?
00:58:51I assumed that you
00:58:52were closely watching
00:58:53the mutants.
00:58:57I saw them.
00:58:59Ah, I got it.
00:59:01Ok, ok,
00:59:02thank you.
00:59:05They told me
00:59:06that the car was stolen
00:59:07and an hour ago
00:59:08it was reported to the police.
00:59:13Don't worry,
00:59:14I finished the game.
00:59:15I brought your only mutant
00:59:16here now.
00:59:25You shouldn't have, Pablo.
00:59:26You shouldn't have
00:59:27told her anything.
00:59:28I'm sorry,
00:59:29but I don't know
00:59:30your mother at all.
00:59:31If she knows the truth,
00:59:32no matter how strict she is,
00:59:33she can't
00:59:34face her.
00:59:35She can't face
00:59:36the darkness.
00:59:37They drive her crazy.
00:59:38But we can't
00:59:39treat her well.
00:59:40We won't.
00:59:41She wants to go
00:59:42to the hospital.
00:59:43It's better
00:59:44to go see the child
00:59:45than to pressure her
00:59:46at 20,
00:59:47at 18 she's already
00:59:48being pressured.
00:59:49What are you going to do?
00:59:50Go to a convent
00:59:51and ask for a bribe?
00:59:52I don't want
00:59:53to go without a reason.
00:59:54What do you mean
00:59:55without a reason?
00:59:56All the aluminum
00:59:57was destroyed,
00:59:58did you understand?
00:59:59Okay, Pablo,
01:00:00we'll fix the aluminum.
01:00:02The star is fine,
01:00:03that's what matters,
01:00:05Forget it now.
01:00:06Whatever happened,
01:00:08The star is fine
01:00:09and I hope
01:00:10my mother is fine too.
01:00:11She will be fine.
01:00:12I want to come with you,
01:00:15don't say anything.
01:00:16I don't want you to get tired.
01:00:18Let's go.
01:00:20Come on, let's go
01:00:21to my child.
01:00:22Let's go,
01:00:24don't go to the hospital.
01:00:25I don't want to talk to you.
01:00:26What will you do to me?
01:00:27You will protect me
01:00:28with your lies.
01:00:29You are doing me
01:00:30worse harm.
01:00:31He doesn't say it
01:00:32only to you,
01:00:34he hasn't said it
01:00:35to me either.
01:00:36Who will go to me?
01:00:38Or should I call
01:00:39Patsakon Anaki?
01:00:40Okay, okay,
01:00:41I'll go to you.
01:00:42I'll make a stop
01:00:43before we go
01:00:44to the hospital.
01:00:46I want to go
01:00:47to the hospital.
01:00:48Let's go,
01:00:49hurry up.
01:00:53I was there
01:00:54when I went up.
01:00:55I was guarding.
01:00:56Isn't it a coincidence
01:00:57that they hit me
01:00:58as soon as I left?
01:01:00shouldn't you have
01:01:01stepped back?
01:01:02A big foul.
01:01:03And think
01:01:04what will happen
01:01:05if the court's decision
01:01:06is unfair
01:01:07for Vasiliki.
01:01:08Oh, oh, oh,
01:01:09then they will
01:01:10listen to you more.
01:01:11You should have seen it,
01:01:12you should have seen
01:01:13for your mother.
01:01:14What are you talking about?
01:01:15He was for me,
01:01:16not me for him.
01:01:18you too.
01:01:20my mother
01:01:21doesn't answer
01:01:22on the phone
01:01:23nor can anyone
01:01:24find him.
01:01:25Did you talk
01:01:26to Heraklion's manager?
01:01:27What are you talking about?
01:01:28He is ready.
01:01:29What are they doing
01:01:31They are supposed
01:01:32to guard them.
01:01:33How did he escape?
01:01:34I don't know,
01:01:35but we can't wait
01:01:36for them to take
01:01:37this responsibility.
01:01:39take Anestis,
01:01:40go to Heraklion,
01:01:41find him
01:01:42and bring him to me.
01:01:43Get up.
01:01:44Ok, I'll go,
01:01:45but what will I do
01:01:46to my colleagues?
01:01:47Do what I tell you
01:01:48and don't ask questions.
01:01:49Ok, Mr. Manager,
01:01:50don't go back
01:01:51until you bring him.
01:01:52I'm here.
01:01:55send a signal
01:01:56to airports,
01:01:58and other exits
01:01:59not to leave anywhere.
01:02:13What are you doing?
01:02:14Why didn't you follow
01:02:15the plan
01:02:16as I told you?
01:02:18Why are you saying this?
01:02:19Everything happened
01:02:20as we planned.
01:02:21And you didn't go
01:02:22and it didn't work.
01:02:24Why didn't it work?
01:02:26The fire alarm
01:02:27went off.
01:02:28Who notified it?
01:02:29And where can I go?
01:02:30Someone had to pass
01:02:31through there
01:02:32and see the smoke.
01:02:33And how did Stamatakis
01:02:34go through there?
01:02:35I told you to block
01:02:36the exits.
01:02:37As you said,
01:02:38that's how we did it.
01:02:39Minas set the fire
01:02:40on one side
01:02:41and I locked
01:02:42the door on the other.
01:02:44This is the point.
01:02:45As we did it,
01:02:46he couldn't get out.
01:02:48And why the hell
01:02:49are they looking for me?
01:02:50How the hell did they
01:02:51understand that
01:02:52we were the ones
01:02:53who caused the fire?
01:02:54They didn't understand, Manos.
01:02:56We are just the first
01:02:57in the list of suspects.
01:03:02I'm telling you
01:03:03for the last time.
01:03:05I hope you don't
01:03:06mess up again
01:03:07because this is
01:03:08not the last time.
01:03:10I swear.
01:03:18Tell me now,
01:03:19how do you feel?
01:03:20A man was about
01:03:21to lose his life
01:03:22because you couldn't...
01:03:26What is this?
01:03:30Something I wanted
01:03:31to give you
01:03:32under different circumstances
01:03:33but you didn't have time.
01:03:34Is it about a woman's job?
01:03:36I put the poison in him
01:03:37and you put it
01:03:38in his food and dessert.
01:03:39As we speak,
01:03:40Stamatakis is a brother.
01:03:42They say
01:03:43he could escape.
01:03:44But no one
01:03:45got out of
01:03:46Manos' mouth.
01:03:48So if you were
01:03:49on the other side
01:03:50of the world, Manolis,
01:03:51what difference
01:03:52would it make
01:03:53if you were here
01:03:54and if you were here
01:03:56would you save him?
01:03:58You're right, father.
01:03:59I didn't help you.
01:04:01Where are you going?
01:04:02To help.
01:04:04come back, my son.
01:04:06They are looking for you everywhere, sister.
01:04:08The police are everywhere.
01:04:10They have her
01:04:11outside our houses.
01:04:12And why did you come
01:04:13to Paemore?
01:04:14To threaten me?
01:04:17this is not a war,
01:04:18this is a democracy.
01:04:19Either way,
01:04:20we'll get caught.
01:04:22There are two sides
01:04:23to this, mother.
01:04:24They'll catch them
01:04:25at some point.
01:04:26This was the last blow,
01:04:27I'm sure.
01:04:28Manolis thinks
01:04:29he's worried
01:04:30about everything
01:04:31that's going on
01:04:32up north.
01:04:33Can you imagine
01:04:34him thinking
01:04:35about cancelling
01:04:36his trip to America?
01:04:37And for whom,
01:04:38in other words,
01:04:39was the jelly
01:04:43we wanted to poison
01:04:44the star.
