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The Good Half Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Nick Jonas stars as Renn, an emotionally distant writer who returns to his hometown of Cleveland for his beloved mother’s funeral, after having spent years successfully avoiding interactions with his high-strung sister (Brittany Snow), bumbling but well-meaning father (Matt Walsh), and untrustworthy step-father (David Arquette). In town, he forges a new relationship with a charming, energetic stranger (Alexandra Shipp) who pushes him to realize that he can’t avoid conflict forever — with his family or within himself. The Good Half is directed by American indie actor / producer / filmmaker Robert Schwartzman, director of the films Dreamland, The Unicorn, The Argument, and the doc film Hung Up on a Dream: The Zombies Documentary previously.
00:00Anything out there?
00:04Anything out there?
00:07You're wanting this flight to be all quiet.
00:10Me, someone who's afraid of flights, really wants it to all just turn into a Michael Bay film.
00:14So you're afraid of flying?
00:16You think every action movie from the 90s is a great film?
00:19And yet, I know nothing about you.
00:21Ask away.
00:22Oh, you are gonna regret saying that.
00:27Is that the missus?
00:28My sister.
00:29Home to see the family?
00:30Yeah, ish.
00:32Not really.
00:33My car's here.
00:34If you need a restaurant recommendation, I don't know.
00:36Do you want to?
00:37But I'll have to.
00:38No, give me your phone.
00:41Hey, Dad was gonna get you?
00:44I feel like I should tell you something comforting and profound.
00:47And I can't think of a single thing to say that doesn't sound like I was just Googling how to console a loved one.
00:53Did you?
00:59From here, we go to the hospital to get her things.
01:01Then, we go to meet the priest.
01:03A priest?
01:05A priest priest?
01:06Rick's call.
01:07My stepdad.
01:08Right on cue.
01:09Father Dan has been a true champion for us.
01:12A spiritual hero.
01:13I'm so relieved to hear that you knew our mother.
01:16He'd never met her.
01:17He's more my spiritual hero.
01:21Sorry to get family time was a bit much.
01:24I don't think I'm doing a good job.
01:26I'll never leave you.
01:28I don't think you're supposed to be.
01:35Funeral guy is just setting up some caskets.
01:37Who is the funeral guy? What is his name?
01:39It's Bob.
01:40Hi, I'm Bill. And let me show you what we got.
01:44So, Rick locked us out of the house.
01:46He gets to decide what childhood memories we walk away with in a garbage bag.
01:50Oh my gosh, the parent in this situation is on board with this plan.
01:55Do I wish I didn't wear my loafers to a B&E? Yeah.
01:57But most importantly, it's that you two get closure and personal growth.
02:03Want to think back on that?
02:05I mean, it's a lot of fun.
02:06It's a lot of fun.
02:07It's a lot of fun.
02:08It's a lot of fun.
02:09It's a lot of fun.
02:10It's a lot of fun.
02:12When I think back on it now, it feels like there's two halves of my life.
02:21I wouldn't trade my half for the whole.
02:28Mrs. Donlan, your family is going to love you in that.
02:31It's a forever home.