Shortland Street 7943 14th June 2024

  • 3 months ago
00:00Previously on Shortland Street.
00:02When was the last time you went on a date?
00:04Ella is interested.
00:06How about we take a pause?
00:08Try again.
00:09Go for a second.
00:10I'm not really sure I want to.
00:11The first divorce is always the toughest.
00:13I'm gonna end up like you, mate.
00:15So, son?
00:16This mask is the doting mum, the loving wife.
00:20Is that really what you want?
00:21Playing with Ehi isn't enough for you, so you're playing with me and my marriage.
00:24It's a two-way street.
00:25I'm not the one flirting with you all day at work.
00:27Then you can go.
00:28Leave. The door's there.
00:30Hey, thanks, Trisha.
00:40All you want.
00:41And could you tell Mrs Lennon that her husband called and she's on her way?
00:44Oh, hey, you guys.
00:45Is there a phone charger in here?
00:47I left mine at home.
00:48My brain's been all over the place.
00:49I think there's a spare one in the nurse's station.
00:52My God, of course.
00:53All right.
00:54See you, guys.
00:56Oh, my God.
00:58That was close.
01:01Don't mean to relax.
01:02It's fine, Sage.
01:03Didn't see anything.
01:04He could have.
01:05Next time, we won't go to pubs.
01:06No, there won't be a next time.
01:08Because you weren't into it?
01:09That's not the point.
01:10Isn't it?
01:14Come on.
01:15Yeah, I hear you.
01:16I can't.
01:24Honey, take a breath, okay?
01:27She's probably just busy.
01:28Doing what?
01:29She has stage four cancer.
01:31Oh, it hasn't stopped her yet.
01:34Mum, where have you been?
01:36Oh, darling.
01:37Were you worried?
01:39You haven't replied to my messages.
01:40I've been with my Reiki master, aligning my chakras.
01:44I never take my phone into a session.
01:46Right, of course.
01:48How was it?
01:49Fantastic, as always.
01:52I'm very tired.
01:54I'll go and lie down.
01:56You all right?
02:01Thank God she's getting actual treatment tomorrow.
02:04Nick, Reiki gives her comfort.
02:07But it's not going to remove her tumour.
02:09Well, surgery's no miracle cure either, babe.
02:12It's going to treat the problem, though,
02:14and give her more time with us.
02:18I'm just so surprised she asked Drew to do it.
02:22I'm not.
02:23Nick, are you sure this is what Leanne wants?
02:26What, the surgery?
02:28I mean, she was so against it.
02:30I'm just a little surprised by her sudden change of heart.
02:35I'm sure.
02:37And I'm behind her.
02:39Hey, look, I'm sorry about earlier.
02:41Are you ready to talk about it?
02:45Come on.
02:46I'm managing it.
02:49Look, I've been dealing with this thing for a long time now.
02:52And, yeah, I was all over the show in the beginning.
02:55But I'm on the right track now.
02:57That's good.
02:58Yeah, it is.
02:59I've worked damn hard to get to where I am.
03:02So you questioning me, that's a no.
03:06Sorry if I overreacted.
03:08I overstepped.
03:10I knew you were just trying to help.
03:12Yeah, but it's not my place anymore.
03:14That's why you have Phil.
03:18She is supportive, right?
03:20So you don't need to worry about Phil.
03:22Lehiya, does she know?
03:24She doesn't need to know.
03:27Lehiya, she's your partner.
03:28It's none of her business.
03:31Look, I know I didn't handle things very well in the past.
03:35I told you, I'm doing fine on my own.
03:38You're not on your own.
03:40You have me.
03:41Look, this stays between us.
03:44Okay, look, I promise to keep this between us.
03:48I promise to come to me if you need help.
03:55I'm not interrupting, am I?
03:58What's the gossip?
04:00Nothing, we're just talking work.
04:02Are we going to get a drink?
04:04I'm going to have an early night, actually.
04:06Oh, baby, you don't have to leave.
04:08Have a good time.
04:09Yeah, no wonder you're spiraling.
04:11I am not spiraling.
04:12Do you think she'd treat you differently if she knew?
04:15Look, she can't find out about this, okay?
04:32Sorry, I didn't mean to come in.
04:34I didn't mean to scare you.
04:36You all right?
04:37Yeah, just tired.
04:39Been with Nick?
04:40No, is she okay?
04:42What do you think?
04:44Yeah, I'll call her.
04:46Where have you been?
04:47Ah, just at work.
04:48Got held up, but I'm making your favourite for dinner.
04:51Oh, thanks.
04:54You worried about Leanne?
04:59It just...
05:02It doesn't feel right.
05:04I don't even know if I should do the surgery.
05:06If it's Leanne's decision, then it's the right one.
05:08I mean, was it Leanne's decision?
05:11She wouldn't have agreed to it if she didn't want to do it.
05:15She is going to be put through the ringer.
05:18Well, neither of us could sway Nick on this,
05:20and, you know, you just need to remind yourself
05:23that you're respecting your patient's wishes
05:25and doing your job,
05:26and you're the best surgeon that we have.
05:28Now, that's the one thing I am sure about.
05:30So try not to psych yourself out.
05:32I'm not.
05:33It's just...
05:35I don't want Nick coming out the other side of this
05:37regretting what she's pushed her mum into.
05:41If Minerva was going through the hell of recovery
05:43and I knew I'd put her there,
05:45I wouldn't be able to live with myself.
05:48He's terrified of shame.
05:50He actually admitted it?
05:52Those exact words?
05:54Look, if he can't say it to you, he's not going to say it to the cops.
05:57He will walk everything back,
05:58and you're not even supposed to be visiting him.
06:00I had to ask him to reach out for other help.
06:01Look, we get it.
06:02It's just the issue is she's not going to be impressed.
06:04The pressing question is, what do we do?
06:06Will needs to be protected.
06:07Shane can't be allowed to visit.
06:09Well, that's tricky.
06:10No police, it is tricky.
06:12Have you filed a police report, or do you want me to?
06:14Now that we know it wasn't accidental.
06:16He's so scared if he talks to the police,
06:17there could be reprisals at home.
06:19Well, the police aren't going to act on your word
06:20if Will hasn't confirmed.
06:22So what do we do?
06:24Keep talking to Will?
06:25Do you think he would agree to no visitors?
06:27And then we could turn Shane away without singling him out.
06:30Good idea.
06:31You up for it?
06:35He's confirming mum's surgery for tomorrow.
06:39I'm going to ask if I can assist.
06:42Um, do you...
06:44I mean, do you think that's a good idea?
06:46Yeah, why not?
06:48Is this really happening?
06:49Oh, my God.
06:52Honey, now might be a good time to talk to Leanne
06:54about whether she wants to be resuscitated.
06:58There's no need.
07:00You don't think so?
07:01Drew has done countless tumor resections.
07:04This is just routine.
07:06Isn't it smart to talk about it, though?
07:08I've got this.
07:09Thank you, Cassie.
07:10We do have to be practical, though, honey.
07:12As awful as it is.
07:14Okay, I will bring it up, but can we drop it now?
07:17This is a win.
07:19I wanted to celebrate it.
07:21I thought you guys would be supportive.
07:23We are.
07:24Yeah, we are, we are.
07:25We're just worried about her.
07:28We're just worried about her.
07:30Yeah, we're all really worried.
07:33It's awful.
07:34Honey, it's just that I get the feeling
07:36that maybe she's not that into it.
07:40And I want us to be completely sure, Leanne,
07:42and didn't feel pressured.
07:43Mum has come to realize that time is more precious
07:46than anything right now.
07:48And surgery's gonna give her the best outcome.
07:52I thought you guys would be on board.
07:54We are, we are, we are.
07:56Yeah, of course.
08:07Hey, you okay?
08:08Yeah, fine.
08:10Hey, slow down.
08:12I'm good.
08:13You still upset about last night?
08:15What part?
08:16The part where I lost my cool at work
08:19or when you went weird at me and Molly's?
08:21I'm sorry.
08:22You know, having Nat around again makes me anxious.
08:25I shouldn't have taken it out on you.
08:27Hey, you know that there's nothing going on
08:29between Nat and me, right?
08:31Of course.
08:33Come here.
08:37I love you.
08:39I love you too.
08:43You're not still mad at me, are you?
08:45Of course not.
08:56Do you ever think about what happens after?
09:02After that.
09:04Like, after life.
09:07No, she wants to hear her mother's views on the universe,
09:11how times have changed.
09:13I just had to be on my deathbed
09:15for my daughter to take me seriously.
09:17Please don't say deathbed.
09:19You first.
09:22What do you think?
09:24What do you think of the great beyond?
09:28I don't know what's waiting for us.
09:32Well, after years of careful contemplation,
09:37I think it's different for everyone.
09:40It depends on what you hope for,
09:43why you're still here on Earth,
09:46and reincarnation.
09:49It sounds pretty good to me.
09:51Yeah, depends what you come back as, though.
09:54I mean, you could be a puppy.
09:58We could be a blob thing.
10:00We will.
10:02Or maybe I'll just haunt you.
10:05Keep an eye, see what you're up to.
10:10Watch him grow.
10:14I know that it was a hard decision,
10:18the surgery.
10:20No, not really.
10:22Yeah, well, yeah.
10:24A little bit.
10:28It means the world to me.
10:31And then, Billy,
10:33we want as much time with you as possible.
10:38Love, Nena.
10:42I hope it's like this.
10:46Whatever's waiting for us after life, Heaven.
10:51I hope Heaven's just like this.
11:00She's lucky she didn't break her neck.
11:02Yeah, it was a pretty bad fall.
11:04So, when are we going for round two?
11:07I'll make sure I lock the door this time.
11:09Relax, no one can hear us.
11:11I can hear you.
11:14Cute me?
11:15We're good, okay? No regrets.
11:18No regrets, really?
11:19Honestly, no.
11:21Okay, wow.
11:22But if it is just a one-time thing,
11:24then I'll obviously respect that.
11:30I know it was wrong, but
11:32it was pretty great, right?
11:35That's what's bothering me.
11:44I'm sorry, no visitors for Will today.
11:46Oh, what?
11:47Is there a problem?
11:48Has there been a complication?
11:49Um, he's stable,
11:50but his doctors have decided he needs more sleep and less people.
11:53We're family.
11:54I know, and I hate to disappoint.
11:56Maybe you could take this up with his surgeon?
11:58I'm sure you'll be able to visit him soon.
12:00Okay, thank you.
12:01Hey, Shane.
12:04Has this got something to do with you?
12:05We've just been turned away.
12:06Richie would like to see his dad.
12:08I'm sorry, management made the decision.
12:10Why are they involved?
12:11Due to the nature of Will's injuries,
12:13they've decided to make his safety a top priority.
12:15You think I hurt Will.
12:17I love him.
12:19How could you even suggest that?
12:21It's only temporary.
12:22You can't ban me from seeing my husband.
12:24You can't stop my son from seeing his father.
12:26I will take you to court.
12:29Probably best to go through proper channels, yeah?
12:31You'll be sorry about this.
12:33It's out of my hands.
12:34Come on, Richie.
12:35Let's go.
12:36But why?
12:37Your dad's doing really well.
12:38You can come back and see him soon.
12:39Sooner than you think.
12:44I don't know how long we can keep him away for.
12:47Long enough to convince Will to talk to the police?
12:55Is everything okay?
12:56Yeah, I just thought we should check in.
12:58Because I can't stop thinking about you.
13:01Um, I can't do this right now, Phil.
13:03Um, Drew's just got so much going on with Boyd and Leanne.
13:07And that's your problem?
13:09I'm his wife, of course it's my problem.
13:11Well, that doesn't sound fun.
13:13Marriage isn't all about fun.
13:15Well, maybe that could be my job.
13:18Look, I wish it wasn't so complicated.
13:21Me too.
13:23Um, I can't do this right now.
13:27I'm sorry.
13:31Why would she do it if she didn't want to?
13:33Because she loves you, Nick.
13:36Because she can see how heartbroken you are.
13:39You don't think that she's heartbroken?
13:41That she wants to stick around?
13:44Not initially, no.
13:46I think she accepted it.
13:49And I think she was making peace with it.
13:52Yeah, and then she found out more about the surgery.
13:55And she changed her mind.
13:57How is that so hard to believe?
13:59It's not hard to believe, honey.
14:01It's just not what she wants.
14:02Right, so I'm the asshole because I want to give my mother more time.
14:05That's not what I'm saying.
14:07I talked to mum about this.
14:09And she made her decision.
14:11She's happy.
14:13Nick, look, I know how hard this is for you.
14:16I do, but...
14:19Honey, I think that your grief might be blinding you to what's best for Leanne.
14:27Hey, Ehan, can you adjust Mr. Peacock's pain relief when you get home?
14:30Where do you think I'm going?
14:32Sorry, I didn't realise you were on it.
14:34Well, surprise, surprise, I can do my job without you breathing down my neck.
14:42I think he knows.
14:46No, he doesn't.
14:47He just went off at me for asking him to increase some pain relief.
14:49Well, how dare you?
14:50I'm serious. Why else would he react like that?
14:52I don't know. I'm telling you.
14:54He's just way too self-absorbed to notice anything outside of his own orbit right now.
14:57What do you mean?
14:58He's been having a time.
15:00He's up and down.
15:02Whatever. It's not you.
15:13Why are you back?
15:15Just checking on you.
15:16You're not my doctor. You said you'd leave me alone.
15:19Look, Shane and Reggie should be here by now. You need to go.
15:22I'm afraid their visit's been delayed.
15:24What? Why?
15:26To help you recover, we decided to restrict your visitors.
15:29You banned them?
15:31You can't do that.
15:32It's for your safety.
15:33I said no to stopping visitors.
15:35You're terrified of him.
15:36I'm not.
15:37You really expect me to believe you've had, what, four falls in the past year?
15:43Look, I know it's hard, and I know you feel loyal to him.
15:47You love him, but you have to find the courage to talk to the police.
15:51That's all I wanted was a family, and you're tearing that apart.
15:54I'm your friend, Will. I'm not the issue.
15:56Shane is. I need you to confirm that for me.
15:58We can't lose Richie. We can't.
16:01Look, I hate to ask, but is Richie in danger too?
16:04From Shane? No, no. He would never hurt him.
16:08But he has hurt you, hasn't he?
16:11I know all your injuries aren't accidental.
16:13I need you to tell me, was it Shane?
16:31Hello, darling.
16:34Well, I asked you if I can assist on the surgery,
16:37so I'm going to be with you the whole way.
16:40Oh, that's a comfort.
16:44You OK, Mum?
16:47I've just been thinking about afterwards and what it'll be like.
16:52I don't want to be a burden or a problem you have to take care of.
16:57You can never be that.
17:00I want to take care of you.
17:03I know I can be a handful.
17:06So I've been looking into the possible outcomes,
17:09and it could be quite painful.
17:13So it might make me a bit different, a little less stoic than usual.
17:18So if I am annoying or if it gets too much,
17:23well, you just do know that you can always ask Eddie to help.
17:27Nothing you could throw at me would be too much.
17:32This is my job.
17:34I know how to take care of you.
17:37You're my mum.
17:42It's going to be OK.
17:44Yes, it's going to be OK.
17:48I'm in the best hands.
17:50And I love you, and I love my grandchildren.
17:53So this is what I have to do.
18:04Have you spoken with your doctor?
18:06Drop it.
18:07Have you spoken?
18:08I said drop it!
18:10Look, I was in the dog box after Phil found us at Molly's, OK?
18:14Answer the question.
18:15I know what I'm doing.
18:16Yeah, you're playing with fire.
18:18And you're trying to control me.
18:19No, that's not what I'm doing.
18:21Is everything OK?
18:24Are you sure?
18:25Everything is great.
18:26Thank you, Harper.
18:28Nat doesn't think I can do my job properly.
18:30That is not what's going on here.
18:33Well, Ehi is a very competent doctor.
18:35I know.
18:36So my advice would be to let him get on with his job.
18:42My advice to you would be to avoid arguing with your ex in ED rooms.
18:48Yes, boss.
18:51Well, that's good progress, mate.
18:53I know it wasn't easy to get Will to talk.
18:55He's inconsolable, but it's an important step.
18:58And Richie?
18:59Will swears he's not at risk.
19:01But just being around family violence, it's psychologically and emotionally harmful.
19:07Well, I was one of the lucky ones.
19:08Missed out on all that.
19:11I need to tell Esther we can trespass Shane from the hospital.
19:15I'll see you soon.
19:29I'm so proud of you.
19:32Proud of me.
19:35I know this is scary.
19:38Who's scared?
19:40I've got the best nurse possible.
19:42Isn't that right, Drew?
19:43That's right.
19:45The surgeon's not too bad, either.
19:47You're in very good hands, Leanne.
19:50This is Dr Kingsley.
19:51You're an esthetist.
19:53I'm going to step back and leave you in his capable hands.
19:56We'll see you on the other side.
19:59I promise you'll be here when I come out.
20:02Of course.
20:03Of course I will.
20:04And no matter what happens to me, remember me like this.
20:09As it was.
20:11What do you mean?
20:13This is me.
20:17As I am.
20:24Good to see you're a bit calmer.
20:26I was calm.
20:27Didn't look like it to me.
20:28Hey, I know you and EI used to date.
20:32So he's with Phil now?
20:34Yeah, I know.
20:35And there's nothing going on?
20:36No, there's nothing going on.
20:37We're just colleagues.
20:38Oh, right.
20:39Because in my experience, people who are just colleagues don't tend to hide in hospital rooms and have intense arguments.
20:45And in my experience, people who are just colleagues don't whisper to one another while they're working.
20:52Sorry, what do you mean?
20:53Oh, you and Phil.
20:55I'm not following.
20:56Sure you're not.
20:57So should we just leave it there then?
21:05Look, it's not too late.
21:07It's time now, Ann.
21:10I'm ready.
21:11I'm not.
21:12It's okay, Natalie.
21:14No, it's not.
21:16I forced you into this.
21:18You didn't want to do it.
21:22It was selfish, and I was selfish.
21:25I just...
21:28I just wanted more time with you.
21:32I wasn't thinking properly.
21:36I want more time with you too, sweetie.
21:40And it has to be on your terms.
21:43Not mine.
21:45You have to live out your days the way you choose.
21:54You have to be free to...
21:58to live by your own choices to the end of your days.
22:03I'll give anything for more time with you and Billy, but...
22:08I don't think that's an option for us anymore.
22:12No, it doesn't.
22:15I don't want to spend my last moments in hospital.
22:23No, I don't want you to do that either.
22:26If we are going to operate, we have to make the decision now.
22:31What do you think you want to do?
22:34I'll support you on it.
22:37I've made peace with it.
22:41I'm going to die.
22:44But I want it to happen on my terms at home with my family.
22:50I can't spend my last moments on this operating table.
22:56I'm so... I'm so sorry, Nicole.
23:00You don't need to be sorry.
23:03Well, let's get you out of here, shall we?
23:07Pop some bubbles.
23:09Anything you want.
23:12Anything you want.