Jelang Libur Panjang, IHSG Melemah ke 6.734

  • 3 months ago
Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) hari ini ditutup ke zona merah pada sesi terakhir perdagangan. IHSG ditutup terkoreksi 96,73 poin atau 1,42 persen ke level 6.734,83.

Pada penutupan perdagangan, Jumat (14/6), terdapat 140 saham menguat, 451 saham melemah, dan 180 saham stagnan. Transaksi perdagangan mencapai Rp9,7 trillium dari 21,7 miliar saham yang diperdagangkan.


00:00I will try to deliver the trade closure update in the second session today and also some graphic information that was successfully collected by our team.
00:09And the shareholding index of Samkabungan in the second session closure is still under pressure, above 1%, precisely at 1.42%, and the shareholding index is closed at 6734.832,
00:23where this level is not much different from the lowest position throughout today's approach at 6713.272.
00:31The highest level at 6840.197, the opening position this morning was in the green zone at 6831.976.
00:41Let's just go straight to the first graph, viewers, we will try to see how the closure update of several other indexes is in the middle of pressure in the shareholding index.
00:51Viewers, the first graph shows that MNC36 is under pressure at 1.95%, Jakarta Islamic Index is also weakening at 1.22%, LQ45 is weakening at 1.53% along with the weakening of the Samkabungan shareholding index throughout today's approach.
01:08Let's move on to the next graph, what is the sectoral movement rotation like? Technology is leading the weakening at 2.23%, infrastructure is weakening at 2.03%, property is also weakening at 0.41% and health is weakening at 0.26%.
01:26Next, we will try to see today's stocks that are still able to survive in the middle of the Samkabungan shareholding index weakness and join as a supporter so that the correction that occurs is not too deep.
01:38The first is Aman Mineral, closed and strengthened at IDR 12,100, Unilever today rose to IDR 3,200, Mika also strengthened at IDR 3,000 and Nasi, strengthened and closed at IDR 181 per share.
01:52Meanwhile, today's stocks are a burden for the Samkabungan shareholding index, which is in the top loser range.
02:00Dominated by BK Bank, there is BBRI, which we also reviewed earlier, closed and weakened at IDR 4,180, BMRI pressed at IDR 5,750 and Telkom also weakened at IDR 2,720.
02:13Meanwhile, BBRI also weakened at IDR 4,310 per share.
02:18Trading closure update in the second session today and hopefully it can be a reference for you, especially in terms of trading in the coming weeks.