Wakil Menteri Luar Negeri (Wamenlu) Pahala Mansury menggarisbawahi pentingnya pengembangan sektor pariwisata. Industri tersebut berkontribusi sebesar 4,1 persen terhadap produk domestik bruto (PDB) dan mempekerjakan 22 juta orang.
00:00The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy
00:02until June 2024
00:04recorded the role of the tourism sector
00:06is very important in the life of Indonesian people
00:09where it is noted that this sector contributes
00:11to employ more than 22 million people
00:18Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Leman Syuri
00:21said the importance of the development of the tourism sector
00:24Mr. Leman said tourism plays an important role
00:27in the economy and life of Indonesian people
00:30This sector contributes 4.1% to GDP
00:34and employs more than 22 million people
00:37In addition, this sector is also closely related to the creative economy
00:41If combined, the contribution to the Indonesian economy
00:44will be more significant
00:46The Minister further stated four key points
00:49regarding the development of the Indonesian tourism sector
00:52First, he stated that the tourism sector
00:55must continue to innovate through diversification
00:58While related to the second thing,
01:00Mr. Leman said the importance of expanding
01:02tourist customer base to traditional markets
01:05such as South and Central Asian countries
01:07as well as Eastern Europe
01:09Third, regarding customer experience
01:12Mr. Leman stated that there is a shift
01:14trend to tourism based on experience
01:16or tourism experience
01:18which makes tourists emotionally connected
01:20with culture and nature
01:22In addition, now tourists are also more interested
01:24in the development of tourism
01:26Reporting for IDX Channel