Chapter 57-58.THE SEVEN-STAR APOCALYPSE#short movie

  • 3 months ago
Chapter 57-58.THE SEVEN-STAR APOCALYPSE#short movie
00:00:02Volume 1 Chapter 57
00:00:05As soon as the black leopard rushed into the closet his purple eyes glanced over and saw Truong Thursday HAC's wet short black hair his upper body was a light gray and white two-tone goat fur coat and his lower body was a pair of wide leg pants made of pure cordon on his feet was a cotton slipper then he looked at the large black basin of water in the refrigerator.
00:00:28Seeing the water his black eyes moved slightly he had a bad feeling he wanted to turn around and withdraw.
00:00:34As he retreated he was grabbed and dragged by Truong Thursday HAC.
00:00:40For the past half a month no one has cleaned its fur.
00:00:44Moreover it has been running wild in the zombie herd.
00:00:48From a domestic pet it has turned into a wild animal.
00:00:52Its fur which was previously maintained and shiny now feels like it has been beaten.
00:00:57Its rough here a little dry there a little wet the four legs are covered in zombie blood a lot of yellow fluid is also splashed under the head on the zombie s body.
00:01:07Although black leopards like to be clean bathing in the harsh winter will make their fur feel cold.
00:01:13The current size of the black leopard is not small anyway Truong Thursday HAC cannot hug it like he did when he was a child because even grabbing it is difficult if it weren't for this bear not daring to resist.
00:01:26I soon lost my grip and ran away.
00:01:29Currently although the water resources in Truong Thursday HAC's hand are abundant they cannot be used indiscriminately.
00:01:37If they can save they should save so they still use cloudy water.
00:01:42After bathing Truong Thursday HAC pressed the black newspaper inside and took it.
00:01:48The water soaked scrubbing table begins to scrub.
00:01:51Bathing the black leopard is a physically demanding task and the black leopard is a bit unwilling.
00:01:58After a while a layer of fine sweat appeared on Truong Thursday HAC's forehead but in the end the soaking softened and smoothed the sticky fur.
00:02:07His entire body was covered with dirt.
00:02:10Finally he opened the bucket of clean water and rinsed it from head to toe once and it was considered a clean bath.
00:02:17He took a large towel to wipe the black leopard once then went to the refrigerator.
00:02:23Truong Thursday HAC threw the torn flower cushion on the bed to the corner then took out a thick feather mattress and silk blanket from the bed space.
00:02:33The fur on the black leopard's whole body has been wiped half dry but in the peach tree although it is surrounded by branches it is not a living room after all the wind is blowing on all four sides and when the damp fur comes out of the refrigerator it becomes cold.
00:02:48Looking at the black leopard who reluctantly came out at this time the hair all over his body stood up extremely like a dog falling into water his eyes looking towards Truong Thursday HAC were also filled with anger and unhappiness.
00:03:02However a moment later Truong Thursday HAC lifted up the silk blanket and waved at the black leopard.
00:03:09The black leopard hesitated and looked at him then like a shadow suddenly rushed into the blanket.
00:03:16At noon one person eats a full meal gets under the soft blanket takes a nap and wakes up feeling full.
00:03:22The black leopard did not rest for long then ran out of the tree hole to kill the zombies.
00:03:28Truong Thursday HAC looked at the aura in the peach tree again it was obviously still very rich this surprised him a bit but thinking about the time the peach ripened and the ratio of nutrients made him feel more relaxed.
00:03:42Next check the condition of your body the condition is very good the essence in the body is full even the blood and flesh contain rich spiritual energy if the peach tree will not wither in a moment then the safety issue is temporarily protected what he needs to do now is make some preparations to be able to rush out of the siege.
00:04:01Along the way from City S to City B there were not many reserve talismans left in space.
00:04:07Truong Thursday HAC needed to draw talismans for a while to prepare for any situation and the killer move in his hand was the seven stars sword.
00:04:17With four coins left the power has also decreased.
00:04:21Even if it is barely attached to a peach wooden sword the increase in power is limited.
00:04:27At that time Truong Thursday HAC disintegrated that star sword because he no longer saw hope for survival but this time after finding a way to live in death weapons obviously became a problem.
00:04:40However thinking too much won't do anything.
00:04:43Right now he has no money in his hand remaking the seven stars sword is already impossible so it's best to calm down and draw a symbol first.
00:04:53Thinking of this Truong Thursday HAC moved a section of the supermarket counter out of space placed it on the flat ground next to him sat on the bed the height of the counter was just right took out cinnabar paper and a jade pen condensing the aura at the tip of his finger he began to calm down and draw the amulet.
00:05:11In the blink of an eye three days past Truong Thursday HAC completed a set of seven low level seven star talismans while the black leopard hunted and killed zombies while helping Truong Thursday HAC collect red residue.
00:05:26At this time the jade peach in his hand had branched into five branches and two more fruits had formed.
00:05:32There were five fruits on the tree all as big as cherries.
00:05:37In a short period of time Truong Thursday HAC was not in a hurry because in his hand he still had a jade fruit that had not yet been refined and had not yet been collected so he let it grow slowly and had to draw each piece.
00:05:51Everything cannot be rushed.
00:05:53At the same time living under the peach tree these past few days has been more comfortable than before in the apartment.
00:06:00Although it is simple the aura between the branches of the peach tree is full extremely suitable for cultivation if if there weren't zombies attacking outside it would be as free as living in the mountains and forests it could be said to be a fairyland full of natural breath.
00:06:16Under this type of breath it is easy to enter the realm of self forgetfulness forgetting oneself the output is much higher than before when living in an apartment but this is also related to the improvement of jade peaches.
00:06:29Improve meridians circulating in the body.
00:06:32Every time at noon the black leopard will definitely return on time holding a silk bag in his mouth in case of rain.
00:06:40The bag is roughly half full which is almost the amount of zombies that Lu Hai hunted and killed in two days.
00:06:47With the black panther it was said that one morning we had to deal with it.
00:06:52Pulling the bag to the hole in the door he acted lazy and didn't pull it anymore knowing Zhuang Thursday HAC would handle it himself then immediately rushed to the drawer to draw the talisman.
00:07:03Seeing that he was drawing a talisman he turned around twice but instead did not speak but bowed his head with a thud sound a lump of green clay fell from his mouth to the ground and at the same time a green pearl rolled down and then lay down prone on the ground guarding the green pearls and green residue sometimes raising his head to look at Zhuang Thursday HAC's face.
00:07:25Currently the probability of Zhuang Thursday HAC drawing a waste talisman is getting lower and lower.
00:07:33Of the 10 low level 7 star talismans there is probably only one waste talisman.
00:07:39Maybe the one in his hand right now is a waste talisman but he absolutely won t.
00:07:45Stop drawing at the scraped area but continue drawing this scrap until the end.
00:07:50After the final stroke was finished the entire talisman suddenly flashed a dim light.
00:07:56Even though it was a talisman it still had one or two degrees of magic power.
00:08:01Thousands of times these waste talismans should not be underestimated.
00:08:07After all they were all drawn using magic power and they are definitely not as unusable as one might imagine.
00:08:14Previously at the newspaper shop that was besieged by zombies the talismans on Zhuang Thursday HAC's body were all used up.
00:08:23The last formation arranged on the roof of the room was to use the waste talismans that he had not thrown away before out.
00:08:30The magic power of one talisman probably requires 10 talismans to be equal.
00:08:36The last layer of the 7 star talisman could not stop level 3 zombies and when the roof collapsed it crushed a fiber in it but still saved Zhuang Thursday HAC a lot of time.
00:08:48If it weren't for that time I'm afraid he wouldn't even be able to burn a gasoline tank let alone accidentally discover it.
00:08:56Peach seeds thus find a way to live in a place of death.
00:09:00Although the potion has been crippled the magic power in it is still there.
00:09:05Although the value is a little smaller it is not to the point of being ineffective.
00:09:10Sometimes it can even be a lifesaver in the last moment just one breath.
00:09:16Throwing 10 talismans can still kill several zombies.
00:09:20After finishing drawing Zhuang Thursday HAC put down the pen the cinnabar ink dried very quickly the drawing was basically dry and the Fuji paper absorbed water there was no color fading at all.
00:09:32Turning around he saw the black leopard leaning at his feet.
00:09:37Seeing that he had finished painting the black leopard suddenly roared at him then used its claws to scratch the back of his pants.
00:09:44Zhuang Thursday HAC put down his pen and then guided his whole body s energy back to Dan Dian.
00:09:52Only then did he look at the black leopard.
00:09:55On the contrary his body was not dirty.
00:09:58His four legs were stained with a bit of zombie fluid.
00:10:02Fortunately his current body was black leopards are not ordinary wild animals and if they are exposed to corpse fluid they will not be infected.
00:10:11He just wanted to get up and take it to clean it up and eat something but he noticed the black leopard jumping to the side spinning around in a circle his mouth still roaring this shout was obviously showing off even though even Lu Hai can hear it.
00:10:25Zhuang Thursday HAC looked at the place where it was smelling saw a small handful of green residue suddenly changed color then reached out to take it.
00:10:35The pure green bead is a level 3 zombie that has successfully evolved.
00:10:40There is no mixed color which means that the zombie has a very complete evolution.
00:10:45This is the same principle as cultivating perfect merit according to Taoist teachings.
00:10:52Such a level 3 zombie only needs one chance to evolve into a level 4 zombie.
00:10:57The absolute energy is much greater than the interwoven green and white beads so it is the same as a level 3 zombie the ability is also the same absolutely will not be the same standard.
00:11:09Having killed a few level 3 zombies before Zhuang Thursday HAC had not yet had time to collect the corpse residue.
00:11:17Now he had the green residue of a level 3 zombie in his hand.
00:11:22He used his hand to rub it a bit and pressed it a few times with his hand.
00:11:27Soft foam about a handful you can try to collect it on the peach tree in your hand I don't know how many times more fertile it is than the red residue.
00:11:36After thinking about it he turned his hand slightly and the fist sized green residue disappeared but that green pearl Zhuang Thursday HAC looked at it remembered that there were two green pearls in the space took them all out compared them and then took them one pill in there.
00:11:51Although the black leopard had already digested the green bead once on the road it still had to be digested a few more times to strengthen it before it could swallow the level 4 zombie s bead anything involved.
00:12:04If you eat too much you won't be able to chew it.
00:12:08Suddenly eating a fourth level zombie s bead will do more harm than good to the black leopard.
00:12:14The black leopard knows that all the pearls are his and even though Zhuang Thursday HAC helps him hold them they will still end up in his stomach so by bringing them to Zhuang Thursday HAC he also wants him to preserve them for him.
00:12:28When I saw him withdraw I didn't pay attention I just stayed in place and swept my tail my eyes looking everywhere.
00:12:36At this moment he saw Zhuang Thursday HAC put a pearl in his mouth he didn't even look at it and immediately rolled it into his mouth then smacked his mouth it was more delicious than red pearls in fact he had already secretly eaten it outside.
00:12:51After giving these two green pearls to Zhuang Thursday HAC it was the third level zombie he burned.
00:12:58It was quite a waste of his effort.
00:13:00Giving Zhuang Thursday HAC in addition to asking him to preserve it was also more or less valuable a little boastful seeing Zhuang Thursday HAC look closely for a long time then retracted finally proudly moved his ears swept his tail back and forth face down on the ground looking like he was in a good mood.
00:13:20A smile appeared in Zhuang Thursday HAC's eyes.
00:13:24Then he squatted down and touched its head.
00:13:27He got used to touching it.
00:13:30The black leopard finally half squinted his eyes enjoying the process of Zhuang Thursday HAC caressing it.
00:13:37Next Zhuang Thursday HAC took out a pot of fragrant steamed chicken pieces from the space and sprinkled some chili.
00:13:45At first the spicy black leopard was extremely unaccustomed to eating but after a little bit of it he slowly adjusted and now finally not spicy not fun.
00:13:55Smelling the smell the black leopard immediately stood up and rushed over using his paw to see if there were chicken thighs inside that he liked to eat the most.
00:14:05In this pot Zhuang Thursday HAC used three fat chickens dried off the grease knowing that black leopards like chicken thigh meat he specially marinated them left them in the sauce to absorb the flavor before taking them out no wonder how fragrant they were.
00:14:20When the black leopard saw a chicken thigh he suddenly became alert took out a piece and started smelling it then opened his mouth and began to bite and tear.
00:14:29It was delicious to eat.
00:14:31Zhuang Thursday HAC stood up and closed the cinnabar lid.
00:14:36He also took out the cooked food and ate some.
00:14:40After each person told him to eat and drink he rested for a while and then started all kinds of work.
00:14:47Zhuang Thursday HAC drew a talisman the black leopard went to hunt zombies to eat red pearls and collect red residue one person one leopard the assignment was extremely clear.
00:14:58A few months passed in the blink of an eye Zhuang Thursday HAC had absorbed the last peach in space.
00:15:05During this period of time because of drawing amulets I calm down every day to nourish my body and purify my mind which in turn causes my cultivation method to be one step higher my sense of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is a bit vague.
00:15:21Now it is clearer when cultivating you can also see the entire process of spiritual energy being sucked into the body and can even clearly distinguish the density of spiritual energy.
00:15:32Last month the peach tree had a withering phenomenon.
00:15:36Zhuang Thursday HAC planned to put spiritual energy into the peach seeds but it was successful.
00:15:43At this time the peach tree was still green and lush at least it could last for about half a year.
00:15:49And those third level zombies obviously never relaxed towards him for a moment.
00:15:55Zhuang Thursday HAC had some doubts.
00:15:59They continuously commanded countless zombies that had gathered here for more than half a year without dispersing.
00:16:06It's just for a level four corpse speed but it's not enough to do it to this extent.
00:16:11I don't know if there is anything else that attracts them here or not.
00:16:16Thinking back and forth he instead laughed mockingly no matter what if he couldn't kill him before then now his life and death must be decided by himself even if he is surrounded by zombies.
00:16:28What about siege?
00:16:30If he really wants to compete for a long time Zhuang Thursday HAC is not afraid at all.
00:16:36On the contrary he can't ask for it.
00:16:39There are still a few peach seeds in his hand and five jade peaches and space was as big as a plum.
00:16:46Under the protection of the peach tree there is enough spiritual energy safety and no worries.
00:16:52At the same time he discovered that cultivating under the peach tree requires little effort
00:16:56daily food is not lacking and there are also countless zombies flowing out up to seek death every day there are countless red pearls supplied equivalent to an excellent Feng Shui treasure.
00:17:08The previous danger turned into a blessing in turn helping Zhuang Thursday HAC it to him the zombie tide can be said to be a fertile fish pond.
00:17:17He spreads a net inside.
00:17:20No need to do anything there will be a series of fish brought in front of him.
00:17:25Every day drawing talismans and practicing two activities without interruption on the contrary it is very peaceful.
00:17:32In the past few days a black leopard can probably kill a level 3 zombie every month because the black leopard is not human so it does not attract the attention of zombies too much so it is extremely easy for it to sneak attack.
00:17:46But the probability of encountering level 3 zombies is very low.
00:17:51Being able to kill one a month is not bad.
00:17:55After eating about 8 or 9 level 3 zombie beads Zhuang Thursday HAC gave it the bright red level 4 zombie beads.
00:18:03This time the black leopard slept the longest a full six days.
00:18:08Sleeping deeply is because the black leopard s body after receiving the forbidden technique of refining and fusing beast crystals will perform a one time fight against foreign foreign objects and at the same time need a fixed time to decompose the energy inside.
00:18:24After decomposing it once the body will get used to this type of material and will no longer need to sleep deeply to be able to digest it.
00:18:33Even though he knew that the energy of a level 4 zombie was not small the black leopard after evolving still made Zhuang Thursday HAC stutter in horror.
00:18:43If we say that before the black leopard s body was about the same size as that of an adult male leopard and its appearance was still quite similar to that of a normal leopard but after evolving I'm afraid that even Liu Hai and Old Man Wei wouldn't recognize it.
00:18:58Regardless of the skin hair bones or body shape there are changes.
00:19:03If you look at it at a glance the body is no different from an adult tiger extremely brave the four legged body does not have any excess flesh strong and powerful force.
00:19:13The entire tail is made of golden feathers each strand is thick and rough as if one swipe could sweep down a wall.
00:19:21The golden fur spread out more and more and faint golden patterns appeared on the body like a leopard but not a leopard like a tiger but not a tiger but there was no sense of disharmony at all.
00:19:32Just felt more courageous.
00:19:35After the evolution was complete the golden light of its entire body suddenly disappeared.
00:19:41The black leopard raised its face to the sky and roared loudly shaking so much that the entire peach tree trembled.
00:19:48However after roaring it lay on the ground and glared.
00:19:52Purple eyes looked at Zhuang Thursday HAC and growled lowly twice.
00:19:58The sound sounded inappropriate Zhuang Thursday HAC quickly got down from the bed and went to the ground to check.
00:20:06In the past after black leopards went through an evolution from deep sleep they would give birth to dragons and tigers.
00:20:13Very rarely did they lie face down on the ground unable to get up and their voices were not as excited as they are now.
00:20:20Sure enough he stroked the black leopard's head and didn't he lit Zhuang Thursday HAC's hand like before he just didn't he have the spirit to raise his head.
00:20:31Zhuang Thursday HAC checked the black leopard's limbs again.
00:20:36Although it was strong it was as if it was injured.
00:20:39Before when it was raised and dropped it would stop in the air for a moment before falling to the ground.
00:20:45I relaxed my hand and it fell obviously without any internal strength.
00:20:50Looking back at the black leopard's suddenly larger figure Zhuang Thursday HAC looked at it for half a day before withdrawing his hand.
00:20:59Even though he let the black leopard eat a few level 3 zombie beets before letting it evolve using level 4 zombie beets it was still obviously rude and evolved too early for any human or animal.
00:21:11Everything is absolutely not a good thing burning the stage ripening the raw fruit has a certain hidden danger perhaps at that time it still looks shiny on the outside but usually the inside is piled up wounds even causing deformities.
00:21:26At this time the black leopard is injured by bones and internal organs.
00:21:31It's like eating rice.
00:21:33For people who have eaten a lot for a long time they will have to eat a little more than others to be full but thin people eat a lot.
00:21:41When that amount runs out it will be detrimental to the body.
00:21:45The bigger the stomach the more rice it can eat the smaller the stomach wants to eat a big pot of rice the direct consequence is a cracked stomach.
00:21:53The main reason is because the internal organs are injured so the spirit of black leopard can be opposite to before.
00:22:01If it were an ordinary leopard Zhuang Thursday HAC would probably be at a loss but fortunately the black leopard was refined using forbidden magic and there was still a way to heal its body.
00:22:13Zhuang Thursday HAC looked at the black leopard with its head resting on its front legs without spirit.
00:22:19To treat the injury in the black leopard s body in addition to using forbidden magic to heal it again he thought of another way.
00:22:27Using forbidden magic to repair is like resetting a computer system the effectiveness of the level 4 zombie bead will be lost 8 tenths.
00:22:36At the same time Zhuang Thursday HAC has always been afraid of using forbidden magic one is black payback.
00:22:44I have to endure the pain of body refining again.
00:22:48Second every time I heal the resentment sealed in the black leopard s body will also secrete a little more stored to a certain extent and will also react.
00:22:57The tide pushes the boat.
00:23:00The way Zhuang Thursday HAC thought about it was to take advantage of his current understanding of aura to set up a spiritual gathering array to use the aura to wash away the injuries in the black leopard s body.
00:23:13Spiritual energy is the best spiritual medicine for injured people.
00:23:18It not only blesses heaven and earth but also exists in all things.
00:23:23It is the purest and most harmless material.
00:23:26Of course it is the most harmless to the black leopard s injuries.
00:23:31You do not have to say.
00:23:33I just have to try my best to think about this spirit gathering array.
00:23:38Zhuang Thursday HAC s time drawing talismans is not short he has come into contact with 7 star talismans a lot and has memorized the entire structure of the talisman and this type of spirit gathering formation is not absent in the pile of books his father left behind.
00:23:56But if you want to display the spirit gathering array it absolutely cannot be done anywhere.
00:24:02It requires harmony between the weather and the earth and the people and you can't lack one thing.
00:24:08There were fewer and fewer corpses in the wasteland.
00:24:11Zhuang Thursday HAC thought for half a day still took out the silk cloth studied for half a day and spent an afternoon to research it himself appropriate law.
00:24:22The reason why Zhuang Thursday HAC only took such a short time to research a spirit gathering formation was entirely because of the 7 small moles on the palm of his left hand because as he practiced for longer and longer when having a feeling for the spiritual energy of all things he discovered that his left hand was actually a weak spirit gathering array.
00:24:43Moreover he was born without the need to consume magic power he could condense spiritual energy 24 hours a day.
00:24:51This could also be the reason why peach seeds would take root and sprout in his left hand.
00:24:56And this formation is very likely related to the 7 small moles on his hand so Zhuang Thursday HAC did not waste any effort researching the talisman that each of the necessary spiritual gathering formations in the book this is basic are all the same then draw the surrounding black leopards one by one according to the direction of the 7 small moles on the hand arranged correctly.
00:25:20From researching to drawing to arranging continuously busy until the evening the black leopard raised his purple eyes and leaned on his leg to look at Zhuang Thursday HAC's busy movements.
00:25:32Maybe his stomach was also injured.
00:25:35Zhuang Thursday HAC gave him a pot of meat he just tried to move with his feet but he couldn't get the food into his mouth.
00:25:43He fed it a few pieces just slurping it in his mouth and not swallowing it down finally pieces of meat fell out of his mouth and he said to Zhuang Thursday HAC extremely pitiful.
00:25:55The most favorite meat can only be seen but not eaten the body cannot be moved and pain of course goes without saying.
00:26:03In his heart Zhuang Thursday HAC also felt pity and stroked its head to calm it down for a while.
00:26:10He used a flashlight to try a few times in the dark and finally arranged the amulet.
00:26:16He also used the body s blood essence to support three parts of the amulet s power.
00:26:22I don't know if it was an illusion or not.
00:26:25In the blink of an eye when he thought of the seven spirit formation and arranged it he only felt that the sky was a little brighter.
00:26:33It is currently a hot summer at night the sky is filled with bright stars.
00:26:38Although the sky is covered with peach tree branches between the leaves of the tree one can still clearly see seven points of light shining down falling on the surrounding array around black leopard.
00:26:49Roughly for about a moment Zhuang Thursday HAC began to feel a slight reaction in the aura around him.
00:26:57Ordinary people cannot see the aura even though Zhuang Thursday HAC felt that his current practice had some achievements.
00:27:05I can only close my eyes and feel like small gentle white dots like dandelions blown into the midsummer sky by the wind but extremely small.
00:27:14Spiritual energy began to slowly flow towards the formation where the black leopard was.
00:27:20Although it was very slow two hours later a lot of spiritual energy had gathered in the formation.
00:27:27Because of the binding of the formation these spiritual energies were all one after another poured into the black leopard's body.
00:27:35After a few more hours the black leopard fell into a coma and the spiritual energy in the air continued to flow at a leisurely pace towards the formation.
00:27:44Tonight Zhuang Thursday HAC did not practice.
00:27:49He was afraid that as soon as he practiced those spiritual energies would be sucked into his body so after sitting together for a few hours he leaned against the dry peach tree and fell asleep.
00:28:00Waiting for the next day the sky was clear Zhuang Thursday HAC was suddenly surprised his eyes fell on the formation on the ground and he saw the black leopard licking and eating yesterday's leftover meat.
00:28:13It had never eaten food.
00:28:15The next day was cold he was obviously very hungry at this time and his spirit was much better than before his tail often moved slightly.
00:28:24Seeing this Zhuang Thursday HAC's heart also relaxed.
00:28:29It seems that this trick of the spirit gathering array is still very good for treatment perhaps the effect is slow but the victory is in a safe place so he is impatient.
00:28:39Vang stood up and walked to the front of the formation to examine it.
00:28:44When the black leopard saw Zhuang Thursday HAC his purple eyes suddenly turned from his base into his body growled lowly at him then staggered to stand up and go to his side.
00:28:55Zhuang Thursday HAC grabbed the thick hair on its body again placed it back on the formation and let it lie face down.
00:29:03Although the effectiveness of spiritual energy during the day is not as good as at night a little bit is better than nothing standing in the formation is much better than being somewhere else and then taking a pot of hot stewed rabbit from space.
00:29:17Go out and let it quench its cravings.
00:29:20The black leopard originally wanted to be strong but after seeing the meat he followed suit and licked Zhuang Thursday HAC's hand.
00:29:29Knowing that this was also for his own good he buried his head in the pot of meat and started eating although it was worse than the meat a little bit with the usual look of aggressively stealing food and protecting food but compared to yesterday's look of chewing and spitting until finally spitting it out I don't know how many times better it was.
00:29:48Zhuang Thursday HAC could barely draw many talismans all day his time was spent taking care of the black leopard and at noon he even moved the gas tank from space.
00:29:59After half a year the large amount of cooked meat stored in space for the black leopard has become less and less so I have to cook a little more.
00:30:07Now because of illness I have to eat four nutritious meals a day Zhuang.
00:30:12Thursday HAC of course made many dishes to take turns eating.
00:30:17The black leopard was again lying in the formation his purple eyes were always directed towards Zhuang Thursday HAC watching him there take the pot and hold the shovel seriously washing vegetables and chopping meat a busy afternoon it was rare for him to be able to lie down quietly.
00:30:34Looking down there he usually jumped a little east and west hoping to attract Zhuang Thursday HAC's attention and ask for a piece of meat to eat.
00:30:44For five consecutive days the black leopard was in the spirit gathering array.
00:30:49Zhuang Thursday HAC did not know how its body was but its diet was obviously much better from one pot of meat divided into four meals a day to one meal a day.
00:31:00Eating four pots of meat a day the amount of rice eaten is even larger than before.
00:31:05On the fifth day no matter what it said it refused to stay in the formation anymore.
00:31:11Zhuang Thursday HAC took some water to wash the basin and it ran to the side to look off and showing off its shiny golden tail.
00:31:19If he couldn't attract Zhuang Thursday HAC's attention he would use his claws to scratch his earlobe.
00:31:27When Zhuang Thursday HAC looked over his earlobe immediately drooped down.
00:31:32Zhuang Thursday HAC was suddenly stunned only to see that round earlobe suddenly became smaller one big and one small.
00:31:39Seeing Zhuang Thursday HAC's surprise the black leopard's purple eyes revealed a proud look then he used his front paw to scratch his remaining ear after which that ear also suddenly became smaller.
00:31:52What is this?
00:31:54Zhuang Thursday HAC threw the basin used a handkerchief to wipe his hands then pulled the black leopard's earlobe to examine it.
00:32:02The black leopard saw that Zhuang Thursday HAC was interested in its earlobe so it suddenly turned big and small for Zhuang Thursday HAC to see.
00:32:12Zhuang Thursday HAC originally thought that the black panther's injury had not yet healed.
00:32:19After looking for half a day he finally saw a bit of the way.
00:32:23It was a bit like the S.U.C. Caught Kong in the martial arts movie he had seen before maybe shrink the bone to its smallest size to fit through the hole.
00:32:33After absorbing the level 4 zombie bead there was only one chicken tendon move like that and he even pretended to brag to himself.
00:32:41Zhuang Thursday HAC wanted to laugh a few words at the black leopard but just as he was about to open his mouth his mind suddenly turned around.
00:32:51Thinking of something suddenly his eyes changed he looked twice again then pulled the black leopard's ear and asked retract your tail for me to see.
00:33:01It is estimated that the black leopard just twitched his ears and after hearing this his tail quickly swept twice but there was no reaction.
00:33:09Seeing this Zhuang Thursday HAC was a bit disappointed but still comforted and stroked its head.
00:33:16The black leopard couldn't pull out its tail its purple eyes looked a little sad it turned its head to stare at the tail for half a day roared then raised its body and brought its tail in front of Zhuang Thursday HAC.
00:33:29Zhuang Thursday HAC saw that rabbit like tail and wanted to laugh but after thinking about it he became serious and told it to shrink its limbs one after another.
00:33:39Rolling back and forth for half a day Zhuang Thursday HAC hugged it to his chest his face changed a few times and finally burst into laughter.
00:33:49At this time the black leopard had turned into the size when it was first practiced into forbidden magic only slightly larger than a black cat still the appearance of a cub before but this was definitely not the effect of the bead.
00:34:02The fourth level exam is here.
00:34:05Because Zhuang Thursday HAC remembers that day when the forbidden magic became great when the leopard cub came out he transformed into an adult fierce leopard his whole body carrying golden flames but his ability was limited.
00:34:19A few seconds later turned into a leopard cub again.
00:34:23Obviously this kind of ability like the animal essence is self-contained.
00:34:28After fusion it can be obtained.
00:34:31The black leopard just happened to absorb the energy of a level 4 zombie bead causing it to fuse again.
00:34:38By adding a part to the animal essence in the body it has the ability to be as big or small as it is now.
00:34:45Zhuang Thursday HAC looked at the black leopard retreating in his arms perhaps uncomfortable kicking his feet and wanting to jump up to the ground to return the corner of his mouth couldn't help but reveal a smile although he didn't know if this was an animal.
00:35:01Legendary caught gong or not but no matter what kind of gong it is it is very wonderful what is called pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.
00:35:10If you want to imagine it it's probably the one in front of you.
00:35:14The black leopard swallows a level 4 zombie bead obviously its ability cannot be compared to before this can be seen from the sharp and ferocious pure gold claws on the black leopard's paws which appear every day eating wild food outside the next day the red residue and red pearls were obtained several times more and even killed three level 3 zombies in a month.
00:35:36Green soil residue as fertilizer for jade plants is not known how many times better than red residue.
00:35:43Zhuang Thursday HAC originally thought that jade peaches would take at least half a year to ripen but a month later they were already ripe.
00:35:52After ripening it will automatically fall down and be picked up by the peach seed space.
00:35:58Zhuang Thursday HAC was almost overjoyed at this moment he took a jade peach and started practicing earth loading.
00:36:06Currently the black leopard can absorb large amounts of corpse pearls.
00:36:11Before when living in the old apartment if he ate a few pearls a day he would no longer eat them because he had reached the limit of what his body could absorb unless he lost them.
00:36:22When the body runs out of energy it can eat a few more pills.
00:36:26Now it is possible to eat more than half a pot of red pearls at a time.
00:36:31Even if you don't eat meat you can temporarily fill your stomach but it's due to nature it remains as faithful as one to meat.
00:36:39Black reported that Zhuang Thursday HAC wanted to practice.
00:36:44Although he was dissatisfied with not having any meat to eat he still quietly protected him and did not go far only blocking the tree hole to kill zombies.
00:36:54More than 20 days passed quickly.
00:36:57As soon as Zhuang Thursday HAC opened his eyes a happy look appeared.
00:37:02The quality of the five peaches this time was much higher probably related to the extremely high nutrients in green residue.
00:37:10In addition to using a part to remove dirt from his body he also used a large amount of spiritual energy to clean his left hand.
00:37:19At this time his left hand was a thick layer of black oil residue visible from afar like wearing a glove.
00:37:26The weather was hot his whole body was black and dirty and full of a foul smell that was really unpleasant.
00:37:33Zhuang Thursday HAC got up and went to take a shower first.
00:37:38When he came out he looked at his left hand.
00:37:41His whole hand was a little whiter than before as if but not the same.
00:37:46In the past Zhuang Thursday HAC used the spiritual energy contained in jade to scrub all dirty parts of his body but this time he only scrubbed a small part.
00:37:56He planned to completely remove all the oil residue and impurities present in the body bones and muscles of the left arm.
00:38:04Originally a jade fruit was absolutely impossible to clean but because normally the left hand always absorbs the spiritual energy of heaven and earth so the dirt is less than other places so cleaning is relatively easy.
00:38:18Zhuang Thursday HAC looked at his hand for half a day then condensed the magic power in his body in his left hand conveniently broke a peach branch then waved his hand only to see the peach branch in the blink of an eye stuck to the tree trunk opposite.
00:38:33The tree branch is one and a half meters long only leaves half a hand long are left on the outside the rest are stuck in the trunk.
00:38:41Zhuang Thursday HAC couldn't help but be surprised one hand leaned on the edge of the bed jumped over the bed and then checked pulled out the branch again all the branches were not damaged at all.
00:38:53After being surprised Zhuang Thursday HAC began to sniff think carefully.
00:38:59The tree was born from peach seeds.
00:39:01After being infused with spiritual energy by Zhuang Thursday HAC it endured eight months before finally absorbing all the spiritual energy and withering away.
00:39:11Because Zhuang Thursday HAC had experienced it once it was a little bit different.
00:39:17There is no panic just wait for the peach tree to completely dry in the blink of an eye then retract the tree into space.
00:39:25Obviously the zombies surrounding the peach tree were shocked when they saw the tree suddenly disappear.
00:39:31A few third level zombies came from nowhere and saw Zhuang Thursday HAC.
00:39:37They all focused on him with yellow eyes.
00:39:40The blue sky appeared greedy rushing towards him from a high place.
00:39:45During the eight months of the third level zombies there were more and more which was truly unusual.
00:39:51Although the zombie dynasty was killed by a lot of black leopards there were still others joining in from time to time so on in reality it's not much less.
00:40:01The level four zombies had been completely absorbed by the black leopard.
00:40:06In addition to being unwilling those level three zombies persisted for so long and did not go away still ordering the low-level zombies to surround him as if there was a other purposes but at this time Zhuang Thursday HAC absolutely did not go away.
00:40:21He did not pay attention to the zombie tide.
00:40:24For him as long as he had peach seeds in his hand in reality the zombie tide was not worth mentioning at all.
00:40:31A few level three zombies had not yet come close to Zhuang Thursday HAC's side when they saw a golden silhouette flash past claws swung towards them only to see a flame suddenly appear in the air breaking through the air.
00:40:45Attacking them that fire was golden yellow.
00:40:48Before it could get close it was already drying up causing the corpse's skin to dissolve.
00:40:53If once encased in it I'm afraid not even the bone residue would be left.
00:40:58Several level three zombies howled strangely in the air running for their lives.
00:41:03One of them escaped slowly let out a mournful scream on the spot and fell to the ground leaving behind only a green pearl and a large block of green residue fist size.
00:41:14Zhuang Thursday HAC from behind called it out his figure suddenly flashed using his mouth to hold green pearls and green residue and rushed back to his side.
00:41:24Next from Zhuang Thursday HAC's hand a sprout suddenly grew.
00:41:29In an instant the green sprout grew into a giant tree enveloping them inside blocking the zombies from outside.
00:41:36For Zhuang Thursday HAC whether he leaves here or not whether he goes to the base or not is no longer important.
00:41:44He just wants to continue to practice here for a while and absolutely does not want to rush leave quickly.
00:41:51The black leopard feels very satisfied with the ideal life of being able to eat meat every day and being able to kill all the zombies present it also doesn't want to leave this place.
00:42:03So one person and one leopard had a good understanding and created a peach tree as their fortress continuing to lock themselves inside one person practiced and researched spell formations all day and one leopard went dancing every day.
00:42:17Fighting zombies every day they won hundreds of battles brought back a large pile of trophies and was extremely proud.
00:42:25In the space there was wood from two withered peach trees.
00:42:29Zhuang Thursday HAC had always ignored the stump of the tree before.
00:42:34Although he didn't throw it away he didn't pay much attention but the second tree caught his attention.
00:42:41He discovered that peach jade is actually a treasure the fruit's skin and flesh are filled with spiritual energy and the seeds are also magical treasures that protect life.
00:42:51Even if they wither they must also have many uses and they are definitely not the only ones able to make firewood and firmly grasping this idea Zhuang Thursday HAC began to think carefully.
00:43:03Needless to say the peach tree has completely exhausted the aura and moisture in the peach seeds turning into a dry stump but Zhuang Thursday HAC discovered that the dry wood is harder than normal peach wood and at the same time it is dry.
00:43:18There is no more aura but the skinny camel is still bigger than a horse the aura in the tree is still five times higher than normal peach wood in other words even if it is a dry block of wood it is still dry wood with aura.
00:43:30Regarding this point Zhuang Thursday HAC suddenly thought of how to make paper talismans because it is used to exorcise evil spirits the wood used to make paper is not the same as normal paper wood the wood used to make paper of low grade and high grade talismans are also not the same.
00:43:48Regarding the different ingredients which is how much aura the wood contains Zhuang Thursday HAC looked through the books stored by his father inside were written about talisman paper and some other talisman making materials.
00:44:01The reason why paper is most widely used is first it can be produced in very large quantities the price is not high second it is convenient to carry easy to fold and easy to store but in fact it is used as a conductor.
00:44:15Magic power except for the void talisman is the weakest talisman drawn in the air can be used at most three times in comparison the talisman made on jade is the most stable and has a long time to use longest.
00:44:28However the price of jade is so expensive that not everyone can use it.
00:44:33At the same time it is not easy to draw amulets on jade.
00:44:38These two points are also the reasons that limit the development of jade amulets it is something that can only be used.
00:44:45In a small population large amounts are unlikely to be used.
00:44:50Except for the paper and jade Zhuang Thursday HAC looked at the wooden block in his hand his eyes suddenly flashed and he suddenly had an idea in his heart.
00:45:00In fact for making talismans peach wood is the most suitable it is the best material used to exorcise evil spirits and it is countless times better as a conductor of spiritual energy than paper but peach wood has a slight amount of spiritual energy is an old type the quantity is too small except for being used to make peach wood swords then some exorcism tools there is not much left over it like jade has limited materials so people used very little.
00:45:28However this point is not a problem for Zhuang Thursday HAC.
00:45:33The two peach trees in space are available materials and there are probably not many dried peach trees with enough spiritual energy in the whole world.
00:45:42Deciding on his idea Zhuang Thursday HAC immediately took a sharp dagger and arranged the peach wood branches and branches.
00:45:51In fact peach wood can be painted only on the main trunk or half a large branch the full aura is also best but the peach tree has many branches short trunk very little production also fortunately these two trees are both relatively large.
00:46:05Although there are many more branches the trunk is large not short in length and there are several large branches.
00:46:12Using a normal dagger to cut peach branches is very slow but Zhuang Thursday HAC put his energy into the dagger in his hand then cut the peach branch although not fast but not too hard in an afternoon he was able to arrange it.
00:46:27Several large pieces of dry wood can be made into pieces of peach wood.
00:46:32Cut the wooden block into neat sizes then cut into pieces 3 inches thick.
00:46:37Because the wood is smooth the pattern is beautiful the wood is also very dry cut to half a point and does not deform only a little thicker than cardboard very strong folds and does not break and also because it is smooth and the magic power injected into the dagger is very sharp so after cutting there is no need to grind the flat surface is very smooth when touched.
00:46:58After cutting more than 10 pieces of wood I used my hands to arrange them in horizontal rows a bit like a card game with a very good feel but the shape was narrow but long.
00:47:09Zhuang Thursday HAC drew a talisman on a piece of peach wood to try it out first.
00:47:15Not even a little bit of his magic power leaked out.
00:47:19He could still flow according to the peach wood pattern and his usage time was also longer than that of paper.
00:47:26At the same time you can arbitrarily put magic power into it any one plate can be used more than 10 times in the end it will not catch fire it will only turn black when folded and will break very good to use.
00:47:39Zhuang Thursday HAC after testing a few panels and determining that it was feasible cut all the remaining dry peach wood into pieces of wood but absolutely did not use the entire piece of peach wood to draw the talisman.
00:47:53Some of the talismans still used paper to draw.
00:47:57Only that tinfu is painted with a piece of peach wood.
00:48:01The probability of becoming a low level 7 star talisman is that out of 10 pieces there are 3 pieces of waste talisman the other talisman is one piece of waste talisman but after using a piece of peach wood the probability of becoming a talisman of 7 stars can actually be increased.
00:48:19Out of 10 sheets only one will be wasted.
00:48:22After drawing that tinfu for nearly 2 months Zhuang Thursday HAC began to research what the remaining pile of peach branches could be used for.
00:48:32After thinking for 2 days he slowly came up with a way to use the branches.
00:48:37This is a weapon suitable for my left hand.
00:48:40Although the 7 star sword is domineering the mana consumed is also very huge.
00:48:46How can one make a weapon that doesn't waste much mana and can have the effect of restraining zombies?
00:48:53At best it can be used for group attacks.
00:48:56If you are surrounded again at least you have the strength to fight back and you don't need to worry about losing your life in queue twin.
00:49:04Once Zhuang Thursday HAC has an idea in mind he will wholeheartedly start researching.
00:49:11In the peach tree surrounded by zombies Zhuang Thursday HAC was always engrossed in cultivating and researching weapons spell formations and in the blink of an eye 3 years had passed.
00:49:23These 3 years were neither long nor short but to him it seemed like they were always moving forward.
00:49:29Suddenly he turned around and realized that 3 summers had passed surrounded by zombies like like it just happened yesterday.
00:49:37One day a pot in a corner of a peach tree was stewing a mixture of rabbit meat pork and beef steaming hot and emitting a sweet fragrant smell of cooked meat.
00:49:47Zhuang Thursday HAC wearing a long sleeved cotton jacket was facing an iron plate on the opposite side waving his hand only hearing more than 10 sounds ding ding ding ding.
00:49:58After throwing Zhuang Thursday HAC went over to look the iron plate had become a honeycomb there were a few peach nails stuck in the iron plate the others all penetrated more powerful than bullets.
00:50:10At this moment a few peach nails stuck in the iron plate suddenly exploded only to hear a few bang bang sounds the iron plate exploded by those nails bloomed which had already become a sieve and now transformed into a sieve scarp heap.
00:50:25Seeing this Zhuang Thursday HAC conveniently threw it away and turned around to see if the meat in the pot was stewed until soft.
00:50:33While tasting the meat soup he heard an earth shattering angry roar from outside followed by a few hisses.
00:50:40A moment later a majestic leopard whose body was half yellow and half black came from the hole in the tree.
00:50:47Although slow the muscles of the whole body carry a kind of rough and wild beauty when walking and the strong and powerful limbs clearly show the enormous running speed and explosive force in them.
00:50:59Outside one could already smell the smell of meat purple eyes with a much darker color stared at the person tasting the broth in the corner using a ladle to constantly stir the meat in the pot he walked towards that side without haste and compared to the way he smelled the meat that rushed forward before it was eaten.
00:51:17Zhuang Thursday HAC used a spoon to scoop up some soup shake it and put it in his mouth.
00:51:24He only felt the fragrant smell of meat obviously it had just been stewed.
00:51:31Zhuang Thursday HAC after carefully turning over several large beef bones in the pot took out a peach wood tube from space.
00:51:40It is an extremely simple peach wood tube made from a dry peach wood branch as big as an arm.
00:51:47After scraping off the outer bark cutting out the excess inside a simple wooden tube is immediately formed then use a sharpener to smooth the edge of the mouth.
00:51:57On the outside of the peach wood tube a few talismans were also carved with a knife.
00:52:03On top there is a peach wood lid.
00:52:06There is also an engraved talisman on the lid.
00:52:09This talisman in Taoist books is a very common talisman usually used to preserve items.
00:52:16Do not let the aura leak out.
00:52:19Zhuang Thursday HAC opened the lid then tilted it down slightly poured out about a drop of slightly sticky milky white liquid onto the ladle then carefully closed the peach wooden lid then put the ladle into the pot and stirred just for a moment.
00:52:35Afterwards the already fragrant flavor is enhanced one level higher.
00:52:40Zhuang Thursday HAC tasted the soup again it was really fresh and fragrant almost impossible to compare with the taste of the previous meat soup.
00:52:50If the previous meat was said to be top quality then the meat was added with a drop of clear liquid.
00:52:56The other has half of the immortal product.
00:52:59Waiting until the drop of clear liquid was completely absorbed into the meat Zhuang Thursday HAC turned off the fire prepared to scoop the meat out of the pot and conveniently retracted the peach wood tube into space.
00:53:13The clear liquid inside the peach wood tube is actually peach jade.
00:53:18Wood grown from peach seeds can preserve peach jade.
00:53:22This is something Zhuang Thursday HAC accidentally discovered.
00:53:27When he cut a piece of peach wood to make a talisman he felt that the aura left in the peach wood was very complete a hundred times more abundant than the top quality peach wood sword he bought in the shop before.
00:53:40It could also be a copy.
00:53:42Peach wood s trunk has the effect of locking the spiritual energy.
00:53:47It always stays in the peach wood and will not dissipate.
00:53:51When Zhuang Thursday HAC used jade he thought about whether peach wood has spiritual energy and could preserve the aura in jade.
00:53:59So after that he was able to cut a piece of jade meat and put it in a temporary peach wooden tube to test.
00:54:06Unexpectedly the result was beyond his expectations.
00:54:09The jade meat was placed in the tube for three days and the peach skin and peach meat were evenly transformed into a milky white liquid it cannot be said that the jade aura did not completely dissipate but after three days there was still eight or nine tenths of it left this result made Zhuang Thursday HAC happy.
00:54:28Next he thought of a magic lock engraved all around the peach wooden tube so that even if the peach jade is left in the tube for two months the spiritual energy in it will still be very full except when the lid is opened it will leak out a little.
00:54:42A little bit out there will be no more secretions but that little bit of spiritual energy is not worth mentioning compared to the rich spiritual energy in jade.
00:54:52During the three years of siege because of the large amount of red residue supplied plus the green residue of a few level three zombies the peach tree in my hand grew from the previous three branches into six branches the entire peach tree in my hand.
00:55:07Like a mushroom the branches were now thicker and the leaves were thicker than before.
00:55:12Moreover each of the six branches will now bear a jade peach.
00:55:17After three years plus eight newly ripened fruits the peach tree in his hand has ripened a total of 23 fruits of which Zhuang Thursday HAC has already ripened.
00:55:28Use eight fruits
00:55:30After discovering that peach wood can store peach jade use a drop every day when cultivating.
00:55:36One fruit can roughly last for more than two months.
00:55:40This method of using a peach wooden tube to store jade not only greatly reduces the amount of spiritual energy entering the body but also reduces the stimulation of the meridians and the danger of going into evil spirits and chew carefully and swallow slowly.
00:55:56Can also absorb more than two parts of the spiritual energy in the jade peach it can be said that it is one step and two conveniences no longer half as dangerous.
00:56:06At the same time the black leopard also benefits a lot.
00:56:10It has no interest in anything other than meat but if meat is added it enjoys it very much and the fertilizer that feeds the peach tree is largely its own work so normally Zhuang Thursday HAC adds a drop or two to the meat and the black leopard eats it until the skin and hair of the whole body is shiny and smooth extremely dazzling.
00:56:30Zhuang Thursday HAC scooped most of the meat into the pot scooped up some of the remaining rabbit meat scraps and gravy from the bottom of the pot and poured it over another bowl of rice making it his lunch.
00:56:43When he put the pot down he saw the black leopard had arrived.
00:56:47The extremely wild figure with a bit of elegance seemed to be patrolling his own territory looking between Zhuang Thursday HAC and the pot of meat then his mouth opened slightly spitting out a few things with some meaning of giving.
00:57:01Then turned around without looking at Zhuang Thursday HAC's reaction went directly to the water base and raised his feet to wash in the water like a human and after soaking the water wiped his feet on the black towel next to him that Zhuang Thursday HAC prepared for him.
00:57:18Once his four legs were dry he walked to the soft goat hair cushion spread next to him and waited for Zhuang Thursday HAC to serve the meat and vegetables.
00:57:28This is also because of Zhuang Thursday HAC's pampering.
00:57:33After finding a way to live in death his treatment of black leopards has completely changed from being raised casually in the past to being raised meticulously now jumping three levels in a row directly.
00:57:45Continuing from the owner to the employee if you say you don't have any worries that's a lie.
00:57:51However Zhuang Thursday HAC is a person who can do what he says and what he doesn't know for sure.
00:57:58Although the black leopard's temperament is becoming more and more strange in reality as long as it fills its stomach eats well and sleeps well it basically won't be irritable and when it comes to eating Zhuang Thursday HAC is very self-sufficient believe.
00:58:14Things like bringing rice to him or even feeding him two pieces of meat Zhuang Thursday HAC smiled and didn't care.
00:58:22The black leopard is extremely intelligent.
00:58:26After being together for a long time except for not being able to speak Zhuang Thursday HAC treated it as an equal human being.
00:58:34However at this time we need to adjust it a bit.
00:58:38Just imagine it as a pet.
00:58:41Let's ask whose house has a pet without having to feed it like that.
00:58:46Let a piece of leg bone climb to the top bring the pot in front of it originally wanted to pat its head but obviously the black leopard is now no longer able to caress its head nor is it like it likes it anymore pretend like before.
00:59:00It completely rejected Zhuang Thursday HAC's childlike caresses except when bathing.
00:59:07So Zhuang Thursday HAC withdrew his hand stood up went to the table picked up a bowl of rice and gravy took a pair of clean chopsticks and one person and one newspaper began to eat.
00:59:19The meat was added with extremely fresh jade liquid.
00:59:23The meat which was originally very ordinary also became full of aura very delicious to eat and it was eaten in less than a moment.
00:59:31Zhuang Thursday HAC finished eating and turned around to collect two handfuls of green residue and two green pearls the size of a fist that the black leopard threw on the ground into space.
00:59:43Then his eyes looked towards the figures outside the peach tree gone a lot compared to the zombie dynasty three years ago.
00:59:51Zhuang Thursday HAC didn't understand how the zombies of the tide would spread out in just a few days and then stick around for more than two years like buffalo leather candy but based on the dozen or so green pearls that the black leopard had brought back intermittently for nearly a year the zombie level was high.
01:00:09The three outside parties whether original or later were almost all hunted and killed.
01:00:15Even if there were two or three left it would be difficult to gather that many more zombies.
01:00:21This also caused many human hunters to appear near the border of the small town for nearly half a year.
01:00:27However although the tide of zombies has dispersed the zombies that originally lived in the town are still not small in number.
01:00:35Those small groups of several people will absolutely not dare to drive in.
01:00:40A place so dense with zombies is harmful to them.
01:00:44For them if there is ten there are eight or nine who come in and don't come back.
01:00:49Therefore Zhuang Thursday HAC's life has been extremely leisurely for the past half year.
01:00:55Most of his time is spent cultivating and drawing talismans.
01:01:00The space is filled with peach wood talismans.
01:01:03Drawing talismans on a piece of peach wood filled with aura the probability of becoming a talisman is nearly one million even the intermediate level talisman in the seven stars talisman he has already succeeded in more than five two more and he can display it.
01:01:19An intermediate level seven star formation I just don't know how powerful it is.
01:01:25Thinking about that central palm talisman it probably won't be too bad.
01:01:30However in the past three years the black leopard massacre in the zombie dynasty has also caused a serious decrease in zombies.
01:01:39Although before that he almost lost his life in the zombie dynasty but the zombie dynasty is for Zhuang Thursday HAC.
01:01:46Currently it has become a protective belt.
01:01:49A few days ago there was a squad that was not afraid of death but actually rushed in everything in the town was withered but there was a huge green peach tree growing so eye catching how could it not make them angry they are skeptical.
01:02:02Fortunately they were attacked by two level three zombies.
01:02:06They suffered heavy losses in personnel.
01:02:09In the end they had nothing to gain and ran away.
01:02:13This also instantly made Zhuang Thursday HAC calm down.
01:02:18Before he had absolutely no idea.
01:02:21He had planned to rest here for so long but for him who practiced drawing talismans every day three years seemed to have passed in the blink of an eye.
01:02:30Once he got used to it he actually thought it would be better to rest here for the rest of his life.
01:02:36Although the place is a bit small it can still be considered as the world's original desert on the day of destruction.
01:02:43However if that is the case this external peach origin being exposed will not be what Zhuang Thursday HAC wants.
01:02:51It will also make him understand that the so called external peach origin at the end of the world is basically just a flower in a mirror a moon in water all it takes is one as long as the old days still exist in this world there will be no foreign origin.
01:03:06Not only him there are also people who can survive at the end of the world.
01:03:11The sudden appearance of other people made Zhuang Thursday HAC wake up and feel that it was time to go out to sea.
01:03:19One is that so much time has passed I don't know if old man Weilu Hai and Niu Niu are right have all safely arrived at city B.
01:03:27Secondly each time the peach tree bears fruit once the next time the ripening time will be longer the red residue and green residue have been used a lot in the past three years but the peach jade still ripens very slowly.
01:03:40If I can get the dregs of a level 4 zombie I don't know if I can speed up the ripening of the peach jade or if I can get dried bean curd like in my previous life.
01:03:50Thinking of this Zhuang Thursday HAC checked the peach jade in the air time.
01:03:55Over a period of 3 years thanks to the nutrients of a large amount of red residue and more than 10 piles of green residue the peach tree in my hand bore fruit a total of 5 times the first time 3 fruits the second and third times combined were 10 fruits.
01:04:11The fourth and fifth times are also 10 balls a total of 23 balls.
01:04:17Because the spiritual energy contained in peach jade becomes more intense each time Zhuang Thursday HAC only used 5 fruits and felt that the absorption of meridians was a bit difficult.
01:04:29When he learned that using a peach wooden tube he could store used peach jade.
01:04:34Every time he practices he will only absorb one drop the amount of one drop is equal to 5 previous times of practice.
01:04:42Not only is it economical but it can absorb the full aura in the jade without wasting a bit.
01:04:49After using up 15 jade fruits there is space left for 8 plus the 2 piles of green residue in hand 6 jade peaches on the tree can ripen within half a month plus these 6 for a total of 10.
01:05:024 fruits enough for him to practice for a year.
01:05:05Now if you want to leave you can actually do it at any time but after many years of habit Zhuang Thursday HAC tends to set a departure time after everything has been prepared.
01:05:16Next he finished washing the pots and dishes dried his hands and then touched the trunk of the peach tree.
01:05:23This tree had been in surplus for 8 months and the spiritual energy inside had gradually decreased.
01:05:30It could probably last for about a month.
01:05:33Zhuang Thursday HAC thought about it in addition to drawing a little talisman to prepare he also collected a large amount of red beads preparing for the black leopard to use to add energy the next day.
01:05:45According to the black leopard's current body not only does he have 4 meals a day but he also has to eat a large pot of red pearls.
01:05:54If it's green pearls he needs to eat one pill every 3 days to be able to replenish his energy it's daily consumption.
01:06:02Although there has been some preparation in space the amount for half a year to a year is not enough and then there is also food along the way for the black leopard and myself although the road to city B is not far eating it doesn't cost much but when you get to city B if you don't prepare some food in advance I'm afraid it won't be easy to make it on the spot.
01:06:23The problem of food in the end of the world still exists.
01:06:27Even though city B is more filling than other bases the quality is no longer within the reasonable range of what we can eat.
01:06:35But based on the black leopard's pickiness I'm afraid he won't even take a glance.
01:06:41Also thanks to Zhuang Thursday HAC's foresight that the black leopard's appetite will increase in the future.
01:06:49Before the end of the world he used hundreds of thousands to buy a large amount of meat.
01:06:55At this time the meat is filling up the space and it is not necessarily that there will be no shortage of meat.
01:07:02What to feed it?
01:07:04It's just that with this level of pickiness making food is a bit troublesome but it can still be done after a month of preparation.
01:07:12After thinking about it he then took out a few large blocks of processed pork grabbed a knife and started chopping.
01:07:19The black leopard behind him looked at Zhuang Thursday HAC's back his purple eyes locked on him more and more deeply.
01:07:27Wherever he went his eyes would follow staring without blinking not knowing what was going through his mind.
01:07:35HAC Baio did not skimp on his food rations at all.
01:07:39When Zhuang Thursday HAC told him that if he wanted to go to city B he had to prepare some food
01:07:46so he hunted two small pots of red pearls a day ago turned into five small pots a day.
01:07:51The zombies outside have been hunted and killed in large numbers.
01:07:56Fortunately although the zombie dynasty has dispersed there are still many zombies and there are people in the peach trees
01:08:03so zombies surrounding the peach tree every day are not the number few hunting and killing is not difficult.
01:08:09Zhuang Thursday HAC drew talismans in the morning and made food in the afternoon.
01:08:15Black leopards like all kinds of meat a meal of meat with a drop of peach emulsion is a bit luxurious
01:08:21the current peach jade is not the peach jade that the peach tree originally produced
01:08:26the spiritual energy contained inside is dozens of times more.
01:08:30Sometimes the spiritual energy in a drop of peach emulsion is also extremely rich.
01:08:36Normally Zhuang Thursday HAC will take five drops of peach emulsion and dissolve it in spring water.
01:08:42After diluting it store it in another peach wood tube.
01:08:46When cooking scoop out a spoonful or two the smell of meat will carry aura eating it will be delicious.
01:08:53Normally black leopards will eat even the meat juice without leaving any leftovers.
01:08:58Fortunately the dishes and utensils in the space were endlessly used containing more than 10 pots each day.
01:09:05In less than half a month the space he had specifically designated to store cooked meat was already more than half filled.
01:09:12Zhuang Thursday HAC used a special method of adding peach emulsion to marinate dried beef and dried rabbit meat.
01:09:20After drying half of it he fed it to the black leopard.
01:09:24Obviously it tasted several times better than dried meat with a little pre-dried salt.
01:09:30Here even a picky black leopard will eat cleanly with great respect.
01:09:35So for half a month the peach tree was hung with dried meat that had been cut and pierced with string sometimes swaying with the wind giving off the scent of autumn's desolate fruit.
01:09:45Zhuang Thursday HAC's own food on the other hand is much easier to make.
01:09:51Normally he rarely eats food from packaged bags upholding Chinese tradition and likes to eat rice.
01:09:58Next is to make some quick food that is both energy saving and convenient.
01:10:03Use seaweed looted from the supermarket cover it with a layer of freshly cooked rice then spread another layer of shredded cucumber egg tarts green vegetables and pieces of smoked pork leg then roll and cut into pieces.
01:10:16Bring basically one piece at a time put it in a box take it out when you want to eat it it belongs to the essential energy saving items of traveling that makes people burst into tears even for a short time.
01:10:29While going to the toilet putting a piece in your mouth can also relieve hunger.
01:10:34I'm describing making bento sushi v then make some cooked fish dumplings and shrimp dumplings and put them in the space.
01:10:42These things are both nutritious and convenient to eat.
01:10:46One bite at a time one tea cause any problems.
01:10:50People pay attention a month passes very quickly in the busyness.
01:10:55Zhuang Thursday HAC collected some semi dried meat hanging on a tree into space.
01:11:01He did not expect them to be so dry that even a little bit of water remained.
01:11:06As long as they had a little hardness they would be fine and put them in space unspoiled.
01:11:12After that I also collected some usable items bathed the black leopard once one person one leopard on a bed on a land and slept early.
01:11:21As the day dawned he heard the peach tree make a very small creaking sound and Zhuang Thursday HAC and the black leopard immediately woke up.
01:11:30Zhuang Thursday HAC is a disciplined sleeper.
01:11:34When he wakes up he immediately puts the mattress and blanket into the space.
01:11:39Knowing that at this time the peach tree has used up all its spiritual energy it is time for them to leave so he puts his things back in order.
01:11:48Then washed his face a bit waited until the whole peach tree turned from green to dry he waved his hand and immediately retracted the peach tree into space.
01:11:58At this time the zombies outside had obviously discovered that the peach tree had disappeared.
01:12:04When they saw someone inside they suddenly showed their rotten hands and rushed forward only to see the person slightly lift his hand suddenly a few peach wooden nails appeared shot out in all directions followed by a heavy explosion the nearest group of zombies all had their heads blown off spraying the zombies behind with yellow brains all over their faces.
01:12:25In three years Zhuang Thursday HAC has long practiced the technique of throwing peach wood nails quickly and accurately.
01:12:33A peach tree the trunk of the tree is the part that can be used to make talismans cut into three inch pieces the rest are a few small branches there is no waste all are cut with a knife into sharp peach wood nails two ends about the size of an apple seed.
01:12:48This thing has great damage to zombies.
01:12:51As long as you practice the correct technique when you throw it out inject a little spiritual energy into it it can be packed into the zombie s head like tofu.
01:13:01A zombie hit by a peach wooden nail will move slowly almost losing the ability to walk.
01:13:07If a little more magic power is added to the peach wooden nail when thrown it will explode directly in the zombie s head.
01:13:15Peach tree is one of the few materials to restrain evil spirits.
01:13:19If a normal wooden nail has one part of the damage it will have ten parts so the effect is extremely good a peach tree nail can explode the brain funeral child.
01:13:29During the two years Zhuang Thursday HAC made countless preparations if he encountered a zombie tide again he would no longer be afraid.
01:13:38Taking advantage of the light exposure on the horizon he took out from space the Hummer H1 that had been converted before the end of the world.
01:13:47After one person and one newspaper got into the car they repeatedly hit several zombies and disappeared into the herd of zombies.
01:13:56Behind there was only a bookshelf divided into two halves and newspapers all over the ground.
01:14:02After leaving the town and walking east for two hours the sky was already bright beyond Zhuang Thursday HAC s expectations.
01:14:11That is the closer we got to city B the fewer zombies there were and the convoy encountered more and more slowly.
01:14:18When passing each other people from several convoys saw Zhuang Thursday HAC alone in the car and all showed surprised faces.
01:14:27Zhuang Thursday HAC thought for a moment and understood that most of the teams that could get out of the city were self formed there were really few people like him alone and it would inevitably make people feel a little more concerned.
01:14:40After all although this car is not a good car the overall solidity is still not bad and driving alone young rabbits will be hit by people.
01:14:49Going to a remote corner seeing that no one was there he stopped the car.
01:14:54At this time there were only more than 10 miles left from the base of city B.
01:14:59In a situation where there weren't too many zombies walking wasn't much of an adventure but the black leopard was a bit eye catching.
01:15:07Zhuang Thursday HAC simply called it into a pet sized animal.
01:15:12For the current black leopard this is extremely uncomfortable.
01:15:17Fortunately before leaving Zhuang Thursday HAC informed it in advance and in order to make it compromise he also agreed to all kinds of benefits and places.
01:15:27In the place of cutting land for money at this time it reluctantly agreed to respond with dissatisfaction.
01:15:33After shrinking down it's a little bigger than a cat it's whole body is mottled with black and yellow it really looks a bit rustic ordinary and unattractive but it's eyes are very fierce.
01:15:44Zhuang Thursday HAC is very satisfied with this effect.
01:15:49It is now early October the weather is cold Zhuang Thursday HAC is wearing a slightly thick leather jacket resolutely keeping the black leopard in his lap on his shoulder is an ordinary bag with only two sets of shoes.
01:16:03Two sets inside clothes and mineral water biscuits as a pose.
01:16:07A single person like that would rarely have a car stop even if he wanted to rob he looks so poor he would be too lazy to express his thoughts and he would be safe along the way.
01:16:18There were quite a few people walking along the road most of them coming from other bases looking for refuge.
01:16:25Currently there are quite a few bases across the country but most of them are just a group of people gathered together everyone is careful the protection method is also very simple encountering powerful zombies.
01:16:37Basically more than half of the casualties will die and the soldiers will disintegrate.
01:16:43Especially now after three years countless small lifeless bases have all been eliminated by zombies leaving only the remaining bases that can survive for long term protection in the true sense.
01:16:55In which city B base is used as the vanguard.
01:16:58There are liquidators on the main roads.
01:17:01On the way you only need to hand over a few good points to be able to reach the goal all the way.
01:17:07There are not a few survivors who come here from every possible way almost every day.
01:17:13A middle aged couple got down from a cross country vehicle then thanked the people in the car waited for the car to drive away then the two of them turned around filled with excitement and walked towards the base of city B as he.
01:17:26Walked he looked everywhere obviously very satisfied with the situation of not many zombies in city B the woman's face looked happy as she touched her belly the man was even more careful.
01:17:38After walking a bit I saw a stone bench in front with some newspaper spread on it.
01:17:43There was a person in his twenties with a white face wearing a black leather jacket and a pair of leather pants of the same color on his thighs black wearing leather shoes sitting on top eating something.
01:17:55A man and a woman saw someone so they walked over and found a place to sit.
01:18:00It's noon now we should probably eat something and there's only a few miles left from city B so there's no need to rush.
01:18:08The man took out something like bean curd from the cloth bag.
01:18:12One piece was broken into two halves more than half for his wife half for himself to eat.
01:18:18After all the woman was pregnant.
01:18:21When the two of them walked over Truong Thursday HAC raised his head and glanced but didn't he pay attention he was still holding dried meat in his hand the leather jacket zipper was half open feeding the black leopard inside.
01:18:34When a black leopard is small its appetite is also quite small but it still requires a large bowl of dried meat to be full.
01:18:42After stuffing it to prevent outsiders Truong Thursday HAC pulled up the zipper then gently patted the black leopard in his shirt then took out his food.
01:18:52Before they were separated most of the food that old man way and Lu Hai had made over the three years had been eaten leaving only half a bowl of tortillas.
01:19:01Truong Thursday HAC conveniently took a piece out and opened his mouth.
01:19:07Take two large bites to fill your stomach.
01:19:10A man and a woman were eating gray bean curd curiously looking at Truong Thursday HAC on the other side.
01:19:17They saw that he was alone.
01:19:20If you look closely it seemed like he had something in his heart.
01:19:24Then he saw him taking a piece of flour cake.
01:19:28The golden corn appeared and the two people's eyes suddenly brightened.
01:19:33Before the end of the world no one would take things like cornflakes thrown on the street but after the end of the world the price was very expensive ordinary people could not afford to buy them most people ate bean curd made from powder from bean scraps genetically modified to squeeze out all the previous oil to put it mildly its bean cake to say it less harshly its the animal feed used to raise pigs in the house.
01:19:57Although it has enough nutrients for the body s needs when eaten in the mouth the smell raw beans make people nauseous it can't really be said to be delicious.
01:20:07A euro I young man are you coming from city be a euro the 40 year old man asked enthusiastically.
01:20:14Truong Thursday HAC did not expect that he would talk to him but at the end of the world although there is robbery the vast majority of people are still friendly.
01:20:24After thinking about it he answered no I am from the bottom of my heart.
01:20:29Just get a ride here a euro after hearing this the two of them were immediately surprised and said so are we.
01:20:36Nom said we came here from city D my wife has a baby in her womb.
01:20:41We just happened to meet a car to the base of city B delivered some food and immediately followed here.
01:20:47We also heard that the base of city B was B has food and clothing children and pregnant women have a safe place to live for the child s future no matter what they must find a way to come here.
01:20:59That s right young man what base are you on.
01:21:03Truong Thursday HAC looked at his wife s belly which was only slightly big wearing loose clothes otherwise not too eye catching so he casually named a base a euro so young man why do you want to come to city B do you want to come to develop a little or a euro a euro a euro I am looking for friends a euro a euro in a euro a euro nom was obviously still not finished a euro.
01:21:26Currently people from many bases want to go to city B but there are too few hitchhikers and I am also a little worried because my wife is pregnant.
01:21:35Knowing the driver he was reluctant to give a ride thanks to his grandfather and grandmother.
01:21:41Looking at the young man s appearance he must have lived in city C which is not bad this corn cake is not what our people have.
01:21:49I can t eat it my wife has been pregnant for so long she can t even eat a single bite.
01:21:55The woman next to her also said yes that cornflakes need a lot of bean residue to exchange but is city C that rich.
01:22:03I heard it s even worse than city D not long ago it was attacked by a zombie tide the surrounding walls collapsed and many people died right.
01:22:12Before Truong Thursday HAC only lived in city C for a period of time.
01:22:18After the base was disbanded he never came again.
01:22:22He was not too clear about this matter but after hearing that he immediately stopped chewing and eating cake corn.
01:22:29Because it was used to suppress hunger old man way made it quite large thick and big Truong Thursday HAC took three bites and still had half left thinking about it was ok since the other party said so there was a pregnant woman so he conveniently broke off the portion he didn t want to eat.
01:22:47This was enough for a woman to eat.
01:22:50He didn t say anything else just handed it over directly take it.
01:22:55The couple s eyes lit up when they saw the cornflakes.
01:22:59The woman quickly said why don t you feel ashamed like this.
01:23:03The man also said young man eat it yourself we re just talking.
01:23:08Let s just say your sister in law is fine.
01:23:11But he hesitated a bit thinking about the child in his wife s belly he swallowed his saliva and took it with both hands thank you young man let s drink soy sauce.
01:23:21Phew he even gave us food he s really a good person.
01:23:25When Truong Thursday HAC heard the words good people the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.
01:23:31The enthusiasm of this couple.
01:23:34Truong Thursday HAC who had been frugal for a long time was really a bit uncomfortable so he stood up put on his bag and said we re almost at the base you guys eat slowly I ll go one step ahead.
01:23:46A euro wait a minute young man a euro the man quickly pulled the woman the woman put away the corn cake took the bag and followed we can slowly eat on the road let s go together also to have friends.
01:23:58Truong Thursday HAC stopped footsteps but thinking that there were only four or five miles left he didn t say anything.
01:24:06Along the way men and women always talked and often asked Truong Thursday HAC two questions.
01:24:13After walking for about an hour the people we met on the road gradually began to increase.
01:24:19There were also quite a few cars stopping on the periphery mixed cars of all brands and large trucks but without exception they were all gone.
01:24:28After being renovated there are still some people with their car windows rolled up sitting in the car eating food and looking out and there are also people walking like them.
01:24:38After walking for a while city BS base was also in the distance a man and a woman both looked a bit dazed excitement clearly visible on their faces.
01:24:48Although Truong Thursday HAC had been to five bases in his last life it was still the first time he saw the appearance of city B base with his own eyes which was obviously majestic and vast beyond his expectations.
01:25:02The entire base wall is newly built tall and thick and has the appearance of an ancient military base.
01:25:09The structure also has some feelings of not being in harmony with modern architecture but it is still massive.
01:25:16Much more practical the city gate also has some design methods based on the ancient city gate adding some modern technology absolutely harmonious as soon as the city gate is closed 10,000 people cannot open it.
01:25:30Every time the city wall is not far away there will be a high platform with soldiers guarding it and also equipped with infrared remote control rays.
01:25:39If there is any situation the warning system will be activated.
01:25:44Proceed with the fastest processing
01:25:47Because the zombies on the outskirts of the base had all been surrounded by hunters and eliminated them completely so many people were outside the big door.
01:25:57Every time there was a place there would be a group of people in groups of five or three or sitting
01:26:03Or travel
01:26:05At this time the main door was not open
01:26:08At the side door on both sides there were two groups of people lining up
01:26:13It must have been the entrance to City B when Truong Thursday HAC and a man and a woman passed by there were at least a dozen people on each side
01:26:22Just as he was about to go to the other side at this time a man in his 30s wearing a work ID card and fully armed walked over glanced at them and said in a cold voice do you have proof
01:26:34Can you confirm the identity of City B base
01:26:38The man next to Truong Thursday HAC immediately said this chief officer my wife and I are from City D we have proof of identity from the base of City D
01:26:48After speaking he took out a piece of paper what
01:26:52That soldier didn't he bothered to look at him raised his finger and pointed to the place where dozens of people were struggling to line up and said this place is City B proving the identity of any other base is useless
01:27:05Go over there and line up honestly
01:27:08This is the entrance of the base residence not where you stand
