Hajj ke Hawale se Zati Tajurba | Maulana Kumail Mehdavi | Shan-e-Haram | Hajj Special Transmission 2024
#Hajj2024 #WaseemBadami #ARYDigital #ShaneHaram
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#Hajj2024 #WaseemBadami #ARYDigital #ShaneHaram
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#ARYDigital #HajjMubarak #hajjspecial
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00:00So, all of us, all of us, all of us, all of us, all of us,
00:03we are not among those fortunate ones who are present there today.
00:07But come, let us make you talk to such a fortunate one,
00:12so that we can have a spiritual connection
00:15and we can have a very useful conversation, InshaAllah.
00:18So, stay with us, stay a permanent part of our Shah-e-Ramadan.
00:20Obviously, you all know, you don't need any introduction.
00:23Maulana Kumail Mehdi Sahib is present there to perform the Fariz-e-Hajj.
00:28And a little while ago, obviously, all the Hujjaj-e-Kiram are busy performing the Hajj.
00:34But when they were present in the Ka'bah,
00:37we gave them the opportunity and they are still present with us.
00:41Maulana Kumail Mehdi Sahib, thank you very much.
00:43May you be blessed with many blessings.
00:46May Allah bless you once again with the blessings of the Fariz-e-Hajj.
00:51I don't want to take up too much of your time.
00:53First of all, everyone is watching us right now.
00:55There are innumerable people, there are crowds, there is a rush.
00:59There are people everywhere.
01:01But tell us a little about that scene or take us to that scene.
01:06When this was the Ka'bah, obviously, it was not like this.
01:09It was definitely not like this, but this was the place.
01:12And there, somewhere around, it was not a crowd of thousands or lakhs.
01:16In fact, there were two people.
01:18There was a father and a son.
01:20And the construction of the Ka'bah was going on.
01:22There was a father who, by the command of God, was telling his son to help him.
01:26And come and raise these walls.
01:28Then this Ka'bah was built and people were called to Hajj.
01:31So I want you to take us to that scene which was thousands of years ago.
01:38And tell us the story of the construction of the Ka'bah briefly.
01:43Yes, Waseem, right now I am near the Ka'bah in Masjid-ul-Haram.
01:47And there are thousands and millions of people here who are living in Tauheed.
01:49Those who have come for the blessings of Fard-e-Hajj.
01:52The foundations of the Ka'bah had already been laid by Hazrat Adam A.S.
01:55The proof of which is that when Hazrat Ibrahim A.S.
01:57left his wife, Hazrat Hajra and Hazrat Ismail A.S.
02:00when they were in the state of Shirkharghi.
02:02When he left them here, he said,
02:04Rabbana inni askanto,
02:05O Lord, I am leaving some of my progeny
02:10in that valley where there is no population and no crops.
02:16But in the future, I will leave them near the house of your respect.
02:20It means that the house of his respect, his signs were already there.
02:24Hazrat Ibrahim A.S. lifted those signs, those walls by the command of Allah.
02:28He left them there.
02:29Ismail A.S. was in the state of Shirkharghi.
02:31He was suffering from the intensity of thirst.
02:32And there, the miracle that is still going on was revealed.
02:36When Ismail A.S. rubbed his feet,
02:41so much water was released from there that Hazrat Hajra comes and says,
02:45Zam, Zam, this is the word of the Hebrew language,
02:48it means stop, stop.
02:50So much water was coming.
02:52And till today, that well is still going on.
02:53May Allah be pleased with it.
02:56The water of Zamzam, which also has healing,
02:58for which there is a prayer,
02:59Allahumma ja'al huwa'in ilman naafi'a wa rizqan wasi'a wa shifa'an min kulli ta'in wa sukhum
03:03Whenever you drink Zamzam, pray this prayer.
03:06Now when the elephants will come back,
03:08the believers who could not come to Hajj for 12-14 years,
03:11they will also be distributed Zamzam.
03:13So you can also pray this prayer in your city, in your country,
03:15that Lord, for me, call this Zamzam as ilman naafi'a.
03:18It is not ordinary water.
03:19Lord, for me, call this Zamzam as shifa'an from all diseases.
03:22With the means of this Zamzam, grant me wisdom.
03:26So this is the place from where this well was also released.
03:29A little ahead of Hajra,
03:31so that well was actually present at that place.
03:35When Hazrat Ismail A.S. became young, Ibrahim turned back.
03:38And then Allah said that now raise the walls of the Ka'bah.
03:40So it is here, for Ibrahim al-Kawa'idah min al-bayti wa Ismail Rabbana taqabbal minna.
03:45It is very important.
03:46When Ibrahim and Ismail were raising the walls of the Ka'bah,
03:49their action was calling out and saying,
03:51Lord, when we are accepting this building as Your command,
03:55accept it.
03:57That is, they were not saying it with their tongue,
03:59Rabbana taqabbal minna.
04:00Their existence was giving this warning
04:02that Lord, accept this action.
04:04This is the basis of action.
04:06The basis of action is that the action is accepted in the court of Allah.
04:10So, our Hajj is also a prayer that
04:12may Allah accept the Hajj of all the pilgrims,
04:14of all the Muslims who are gathered in millions from all over the world.
04:19And Ibrahim al-Kawa'idah min al-bayti wa Ismail Rabbana taqabbal minna.
04:21All the Hajj is the revival of the Sunnah of Ibrahim.
04:25So, Ibrahim al-Kawa'idah min al-bayti wa Ismail Rabbana taqabbal minna.
04:27He also made a sacrifice here,
04:28by slaughtering his son.
04:30And a stone was sent from heaven to help Hazrat Ibrahim al-Kawa'idah min al-bayti wa Ismail Rabbana taqabbal minna.
04:34Which is still preserved in the Maqam-e-Ibrahim.
04:36Behind which all Muslims pray after Tawaf.
04:39The stone had caused a load to be lifted for Hazrat Ibrahim.
04:42The stone could be lifted by helping Hazrat Ibrahim
04:46by pulling the walls of the Ka'bah.
04:48As a result, the stone has been Buttoned with SIGNS of the footprints of Hazrat Ibrahim.
04:53The footprints of Hazrat Ibrahim are still present on that stone.
04:57So, here two stones at least have come from heaven.
05:00One was sent from the Maqam-e-Ibrahim and the other one was from Hijr-e-Aswad.
05:03The one sent from heaven by Allah,
05:06it was said that the stone that came from a higher level
05:08and put your hand on Hajar-e-Aswad, Allah Allah, it is as if you are shaking hands with Allah.
05:14Allahu Akbar.
05:16So this is the place where all the memories of Hazrat Ibrahim A.S. and Hazrat Ismail A.S. are present.
05:22And Hajj is to revive the Sunnah of Auliyaullah, the Sunnah of Ibrahim A.S. and the Sunnah of Ismail A.S.
05:27Hazrat Hajra, where she ran between Safa and Marwah, there are still green lights present.
05:32There are green lights present.
05:34At least the people of Malad, they run a little.
05:38Because when Hazrat Hajra used to run there between Safa and Marwah in search of water for Hazrat Ismail A.S.
05:44So she did not get water.
05:46And when she went a little intoxicated, she could not see Ismail A.S.
05:50So she used to run a little.
05:52The little that she used to run, Allah Almighty made it obligatory for everyone to do Hajj till the Day of Judgment.
05:58And made running Sunnah.
06:00The Sunnah of a woman is obligatory on all men.
06:02Now you will notice.
06:04So there is such a big message in this.
06:06That if Allah likes the Sunnah of a woman, then it becomes a proof for men.
06:12And it becomes a Sunnah for men to follow.
06:16So may Allah Almighty accept our Hajj.
06:18And the Sunnah of Hazrat Ismail A.S., Hazrat Ibrahim A.S. and Hazrat Hajra.
06:23The real thing was that both should be accepted.
06:25May Allah enable them to follow the Sunnah of acceptance.
06:28Yes, what to say.
06:29Okay, Maulana Sahab.
06:31Again, this is the same place.
06:33Obviously, in so many ways, it has a lot of historical significance.
06:37The place where you are standing.
06:39If I fast forward and bring you forward.
06:42We were talking about Hazrat Ibrahim A.S. and Hazrat Ismail A.S.
06:46Let's talk about Fakhr-e-Ibrahim.
06:48Let's talk about Fakhr-e-Ismail.
06:50Sarkar-e-Dawlam S.A.W.
06:52The same Master S.A.W.
06:54That these are the streets of Mecca.
06:56This is the area around the Kaaba.
06:58And there is so much oppression and oppression.
07:01You are tolerating the disbelievers of Mecca.
07:03The situation is so bad.
07:05People are oppressing you.
07:07And you even have to migrate.
07:09You go to Madinah-e-Munawwara.
07:11Then the situation changes.
07:13And you come back to the same Mecca.
07:15You come back as the conqueror of Mecca.
07:17But you show great forgiveness.
07:20And you declare forgiveness for everyone.
07:23I want you to tell the story of the construction of the Kaaba.
07:27The story of the freedom of the Kaaba.
07:29Like we call it the conquest of Mecca.
07:31Tell us about that.
07:33So that we can see these scenes.
07:35And try to understand that scene.
07:38The Prophet S.A.W. was the son of Ibrahim.
07:42Ibrahim raised the walls of the Kaaba.
07:45And the son of Ibrahim, Muhammad S.A.W. conquered the Kaaba.
07:49And that victory was with the mercy of the Prophet S.A.W.
07:52When the Prophet S.A.W. went to Madinah.
07:55There was no bloodshed in Madinah.
07:57The people who lived in Madinah.
07:59When the Prophet S.A.W. migrated.
08:01They came to believe in the Prophet S.A.W. after listening to the verses of the Qur'an.
08:04So it is written in history.
08:06Madinah was conquered by the Qur'an.
08:08And Mecca was conquered by the mercy and morals of the Prophet S.A.W.
08:11Not even a drop of blood.
08:13Not even a scratch.
08:15And the whole of Mecca was accepted by the Prophet S.A.W.
08:18And when the Prophet S.A.W. entered Mecca.
08:21Some people had great desires.
08:23They had a lot of memories in their hearts.
08:25They said,
08:27Today is the day to take revenge.
08:29Because this was the Mecca when thorns were spread in the way of the Prophet S.A.W.
08:32This was the Mecca when stones were thrown at the Prophet S.A.W.
08:35This was the Mecca when stones were thrown at the Prophet S.A.W.
08:37This was the Mecca where the companions of the Prophet S.A.W.
08:41They were broken with stones on their chests.
08:45So all this happened in this Mecca.
08:48Many hearts had many memories.
08:50Today is the day to take revenge.
08:53Today is the day to take revenge.
08:56Today is not the day to take revenge.
08:58The Prophet S.A.W. had such mercy in Mecca.
09:00That Mecca was accepted by the Prophet S.A.W.
09:02And the same verses about Prophet Yusuf S.A.W.
09:06That his brothers threw him in the well.
09:10And tried to kill him.
09:12So when he went to Egypt after Prophet Yusuf S.A.W.
09:14His brothers arrived and said,
09:16We were among the sinners.
09:18Prophet Yusuf said,
09:20Today there is no harshness on you.
09:22There is no revenge.
09:24Because the Prophet S.A.W. is the heir of all Prophets.
09:30He is the Seal of Prophets.
09:32So there is the Sunnah of Prophet Yusuf S.A.W.
09:34There is the Sunnah of Prophet Abraham S.A.W.
09:36There is the Sunnah of Prophet Moses S.A.W.
09:38Anyway, the idols were broken here.
09:40Mecca was conquered.
09:42And the idols were buried at the door of Bani Shaibah.
09:45From where the people used to come to perform Hajj.
09:49They were dug and buried there.
09:51So that when the pilgrims pass by,
09:53they pass by crying for the idols.
09:55And I wish that even today the pilgrims
09:57cry for the idols of their souls.
09:59And reach Allah's service.
10:01And raise the voice of love.
10:03Lord, I am present.
10:05We break the idols of our ego.
10:07We break the idols of the world.
10:09We break the idols of jealousy.
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