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Shan e Haram - Bachon Ki Milad | Kids Segment | 15th June 2024 | Waseem Badami | Hajj Special Transmission | ARY Digital

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00:30Like Ramzan, we don't have small kids, but we have some big and small kids with us.
00:40How are you all?
00:42Alhamdulillah, we are fine.
00:44Happy Hajj to everyone.
00:46Thank you.
00:48These three kids recite so well.
00:51So let's start this segment with recitation.
00:55We will listen to each and every one of them.
00:59And at the end, we will listen to two verses of Band-e-Asi.
01:03Okay? Inshallah.
01:04So first, we will listen to some verses of Surah Al-A'la.
01:55Surah Al-A'la.
03:16Surah Al-A'la.
03:36You recited so well.
03:38Tell me, the Eid that comes near Hajj, is it Bakra Eid or Ramzan Eid?
03:47Bakra Eid.
03:49Who told you?
03:51No one.
03:53Then how did you know?
03:55I found out myself.
03:58Who told you?
03:59I did it.
04:02From whom?
04:03I did it.
04:06From whom did you find out?
04:08There was a child.
04:10He said that Bakra Eid will come.
04:12I found out from him.
04:13What was the child's name?
04:15The child's name was...
04:17I don't know.
04:20The child's name was...
04:21I don't know.
04:25I don't know. Ata?
04:26Yes, my cousin.
04:30He comes to my house.
04:31I also wanted to go to his house.
04:35Now I will...
04:38If I get half an hour from you, I will tell you everything about his family.
04:43Which aunt, which uncle, who he fought with, everything will change.
04:46Thank you very much.
04:47He told you everything correctly.
04:49Very nice.
04:50Listen, what do you think?
04:53Is it okay?
04:54Are you sure?
04:55Thank you, thank you, thank you.
04:57Yes, let me talk to her.
04:59Assalamualaikum, how are you?
05:01Assalamualaikum, how are you?
05:04Is everything okay?
05:05Thank Allah.
05:06Can we listen to a poem by Naat?
05:09Will you hold the mic yourself?
05:10Here you go.
05:11Very nice.
05:12One poem.
05:13All the children will listen to one poem by Naat.
05:41SubhanAllah, SubhanAllah.
06:02Wow, wow.
06:10Wow, wow, SubhanAllah.
06:15Wow, wow.
06:33Wow, wow.
06:45Wow, wow.
07:15Wow, wow.
07:17SubhanAllah, SubhanAllah.
07:27Wow, wow, SubhanAllah.
07:39SubhanAllah, SubhanAllah.
07:45Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow.
07:47He has done a great job.
07:49How are you?
07:50How are you?
07:51Are you fine?
07:53Can you sing a verse of a song?
07:55My love for Madinah is not as good as your love for me.
08:05My love for Madina does not match my master's love for Madina
08:20Subhanallah, Subhanallah, wow!
08:22My love for Madina does not match my master's love for Madina
08:34How can I love Madina?
08:51Subhanallah, Subhanallah
08:53My love for Madina does not match my master's love for Madina
09:18Wow, Subhanallah
09:50My love for Madina does not match my master's love for Madina
09:57Subhanallah, Subhanallah, wow!
09:59My love for Madina does not match my master's love for Madina
10:01Subhanallah, Subhanallah, wow!
10:04How are you? Are you okay?
10:06Which poem are you reciting?
10:09The glory of the Ka'bah, the view of the Ka'bah
10:26Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest
10:34When I see you, I see you equally
10:43Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest
10:50The glory of the Ka'bah, the view of the Ka'bah
10:59Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest
11:06Subhanallah, Subhanallah, wow!
11:08This is a question
11:10Which poet wrote this poem?
11:12Do you know?
11:14Does Nimra know?
11:18I gave the wrong name knowingly
11:25I will give you an option
11:28Did Sabyuddin Rehmani write this poem?
11:33Or did Fasiuddin Sarwardi write it?
11:38Sabyuddin Rehmani
11:40Is the answer correct, Nimra ji?
11:42The answer is absolutely correct
11:44Okay, let's listen to a poem from you
11:46The door of mercy is open for everyone
11:59There is no lower rank here
12:10No one is free from the meanings
12:20Questions are standing in queues
12:32When I went to Madinah for the first time
12:42My heart was in a state of anguish
12:51Subhanallah, Subhanallah, Subhanallah
12:53Thank you very much
12:55I really like one of his poems
12:57I am a servant and a helper
12:59Let's listen to two of his poems
13:01And then we will go on break
13:25Allah listens to everyone
13:41I am a servant and a helper
14:08And He is the Creator
14:13He listens to everyone
14:20Subhanallah, Subhanallah
14:22I am a servant and a helper
14:31Maula, Maula
14:35I am a servant and a helper
14:41One gesture from you is easy and difficult
14:53Maula, Maula
14:55One gesture from you is easy and difficult
15:08One wave rises and I am on top of it
15:19Maula, Maula
15:22I am a servant and a helper
15:30Then you come to quench my thirst
15:46Then you come to quench my thirst
16:03I have been sick for years
16:13Maula, Maula
16:16I am a servant and a helper
16:23I have been sick for years
16:51I am only yours
17:01Maula, Maula
17:05I am a servant and a helper
17:11Subhanallah, Subhanallah
17:13What to say, Jazakallah
17:15You all read very well
17:17And I request you all to remember me in your prayers
17:20And in the end we all pray
17:22Today is the day of Hajj
17:23May Allah enable us all to go to Hajj
17:28And may Allah enable us all to go to Rauza-e-Sarqar-e-Dualam
17:35Many thanks to all of you
17:37Nasriyat is going on
17:38We will come back after the break
