TOTAL REALITY Full Movie David Bradley Sci-Fi Movies

  • 3 months ago
### Film Review: **Total Reality (1997)**

**Release Date:** April 3, 1997 (US)
**Genre:** Action, Science Fiction
**Runtime:** 1h 40m
**Tagline:** A Deadly Mission from the Future

#### Overview
"**Total Reality**" is a sci-fi action film that follows Anthony Rand, a roguish soldier portrayed by David Bradley, on a high-stakes mission across time. Tasked with pursuing a ruthless general to prevent a cataclysmic event, Rand's journey is a thrilling race to save the universe.

#### Direction and Writing
Phillip J. Roth helms the film as director, story creator, and writer, bringing a cohesive vision to this time-travel adventure. The screenplay, crafted by Robert Tossberg, attempts to blend action-packed sequences with the intricate narrative threads typical of the science fiction genre.

#### Cast
- **David Bradley** as Anthony Rand: The film's protagonist, Bradley's performance as a determined and resilient soldier anchors the movie.
- **Ely Pouget** as Cathy Easton: Pouget's role adds depth to the cast, although her character's development is somewhat limited.
- **Thomas Kretschmann** as Commander Tunis: Kretschmann delivers a solid performance, bringing a menacing presence to the antagonistic commander.
- **Misa Koprova** as Wingate: Koprova's portrayal of Wingate adds another layer to the ensemble, though her character's arc could have been more fleshed out.
- **Brian Faker** as Frankel: Faker's role, while minor, contributes to the film's narrative.
- **Melik Malkasian** as Uriah: Malkasian offers a notable performance, albeit within a constrained character framework.
- **Geof Prysirr** as Congressman Jerr: Prysirr's character provides a political dimension to the plot.

#### Review
"**Total Reality**" dives into the well-trodden territory of time travel and universe-saving missions, aiming to carve out its niche within the genre. The film's premise is compelling: a soldier from the future trying to avert a disaster by chasing a villain through time. However, the execution, while earnest, suffers from several missteps.

- **Action Sequences:** The film excels in delivering high-octane action scenes, with well-choreographed fight sequences and special effects that, though dated by today's standards, were ambitious for the time.
- **David Bradley's Performance:** Bradley's portrayal of Anthony Rand is a standout, offering a blend of rugged determination and emotional depth that keeps viewers engaged.

- **Story Development:** Despite an intriguing setup, the narrative sometimes feels rushed and disjointed. Certain plot points and character motivations could have been explored in greater detail.
- **Supporting Characters:** While the main cast delivers adequate performances, several supporting characters lack depth, serving more as plot devices than fully realized individuals.
- **Production Value:** The film's budgetary constraints are evident in some of the special effects and set designs, which might detr
