Sweet little lies

  • 3 months ago
Sweet little lies
00:02Is that you?
00:03It's Anna.
00:04She's looking for you.
00:05I'm sorry.
00:06I crossed the line.
00:28Yeah, me too.
00:30Okay, I'll be there.
00:31I answered the call by mistake.
00:32I'm sorry for that.
00:33Did Anna misunderstand everything?
00:34No, no, no.
00:35I already explained to her everything.
00:37I'm your husband.
00:38You're my wife.
00:39It's normal that we can walk together.
00:58What's on your face?
01:06The morning of my second wedding anniversary started not the way I wanted it to.
01:12And the reason becomes clear.
01:15I'm pregnant.
01:25I want...
01:26I want to tell you something.
01:27I'm filing for divorce.
01:32You what?
01:42James Taylor is sick and in early termination of the marriage contract.
01:45I know we were supposed to be married for three years according to the contract, but Anna returned early, so...
01:55So you're leaving me?
01:57I'm releasing you from this obligation. And look, honey, finally you can be free. You can live your own life.
02:05I promise. I'll agree to any terms regarding the property division.
02:12Do you really want this?
02:19It's good that we didn't have a child together.
02:23Yeah, of course. It's all for the best. We will do worse without any unnecessary problems.
02:31After that conversation, I couldn't bring myself to tell James about the... pregnancy.
02:39Suddenly, I felt nauseous again.
02:44Are you okay?
02:46Yes, I... I need to go.
02:51I felt miserable locked in a room in my own home. How long had I been sitting here? An hour, two?
02:59My thoughts were interrupted by James.
03:05Hi. You know the fact? Grandpa will never agree with divorce if I'll mention to him about it.
03:14So, it's better for all of us if you'll do it.
03:21Okay, I'll do it. But don't make it seems like our decision.
03:29I was just a girl from a troubled family. My mother was a nurse, and my father was a gambler.
03:35Such a family could never match up to the glorious Taylor's family.
03:40One day, my mother witnessed a terrible accident and selflessly saved two people, James's father and grandfather.
03:51In return, the grandfather promised to take care of me. And when I was left an orphan, he arranged my marriage to his grandson.
04:10You shouldn't be upset. I warned you before we get married that I have my own love.
04:17Yeah, you're right.
04:20Why is your face so pale? Are you alright?
04:24It's not serious. Don't worry. It's just like I've got this period.
04:48They're the same. There's been a slight problem with your anniversary gift. So, I've ordered a new one, and Alex will deliver it to you soon.
05:07When James left, I fell into a deep sleep for a while.
05:18Hello, ma'am.
05:19Oh, hello.
05:21And this is given to you by Mr. James Order.
05:24Well, thank you, Alex.
05:27My pleasure.
05:29Last month, I saw a pair of jade earrings in a jewelry store that would perfectly match the jade bracelet grandfather had given me.
05:37Emerald green, beautiful and delicate. I fell in love with them at first sight.
05:43James had promised to give them to me on our anniversary.
05:48The gift box was elegantly wrapped, but it wasn't the gift I was expecting.
05:54Please, pass on my thanks to James.
05:59Certainly. I'm free to go?
06:02Yeah. Thank you.
06:03Thank you.
06:04Alex, wait.
06:06I baked this cake, so...
06:08Oh, no, no.
06:09I'm really sorry, but Mr. James precisely asked me not to bring anything.
06:14I meant sweets.
06:20You do love cakes, ma'am, don't you?
06:24Oh, yes. Yes, don't worry.
06:28I'll keep it. Thank you.
06:30Thank you.
06:39I always knew that James didn't have a sweet tooth.
06:43That's why I had personally prepared this cake.
06:46It was vanilla, but not sweet at all.
06:58Hello, James. Thank you for your gift.
07:01I won't be coming back tonight.
07:03Oh. All right.
07:07So, candlelit dinner?
07:10Bye, Emily.
07:11I couldn't believe it.
07:13On the day of our second anniversary, my husband was having a candlelit dinner with another woman.
07:20This fact instantly made me feel defeated, hopeless to the core.
07:25I had already completely lost in this competition with Anna.
07:30I felt a wrenching pain in my stomach from the egg allergy.
07:39No one in this world knew about the allergy except my mother.
07:43I promised myself that this was the last time I would be this crazy and desperate.
07:48I was sick.
07:53I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
07:57Daddy doesn't love Mom, but we're gonna be okay.
08:04On this night, I tossed and turned for a long time.
08:07And just when I was almost falling asleep, Samantha called.
08:19James and I are on Third Avenue.
08:22He's completely wasted.
08:24He's not with Anna?
08:25Come and meet us. We're coming from the garden.
08:30James was very drunk, sleeping in the backseat.
08:33He looked as handsome as ever.
08:35I thought that some people in this world remain perfect even when they were drunk.
08:40Like James.
08:43Samantha? Why is he so drunk?
08:45Wasn't he supposed to be with Anna?
08:49Do you really want your husband to spend a night with another woman?
08:53Husband is just too much.
08:55We already agreed to divorce.
09:00Come to your senses.
09:03Have you lost your mind?
09:05What divorce are you talking about?
09:07Are you really ready to let him go?
09:09That he's ready.
09:12And I recall that you were not very invested in this marriage.
09:15What happened?
09:16I admit I didn't like you at the beginning, but...
09:19You two are married and...
09:22And you need to make an effort until...
09:24You know...
09:25Until what?
09:26Until Anna interferes.
09:30You're nothing like her and that's your huge advantage.
09:38This is your husband. Take him home and let me go.
09:43Samantha helped James out of the car and then left.
09:48As we approached the house's entrance, we encountered James' father, Mark.
09:55Dad? What are you doing here?
09:58Well, well, well.
10:00Your wife has dragged her intoxicated husband.
10:05He's disgraceful.
10:06Dad, please. Don't blame James.
10:09In our celebration, he had a drink or two.
10:12In every toast in our honor.
10:15It would have been great if there was a reason.
10:20Maybe... Maybe you would like to come in?
10:23I didn't intend to come so late.
10:25But your grandfather and I got held up with the work.
10:30This is a small gift from us.
10:32Thank you.
10:33Thank you, Dad.
10:35Thanks, Grandpa.
10:36We wish both of you happiness and love.
10:40Oh, thank you so much.
10:43Thank you.
10:51Don't let him embarrass you.
10:55Thank you.
10:57I dragged James to the shower and was about to leave when, suddenly...
11:07Can you stay with me tonight?
11:10James embraced me by the waist.
11:12My heart raced uncontrollably.
11:15It felt like it was going to explode.
11:18I couldn't take it anymore.
11:20James embraced me by the waist.
11:22My heart raced uncontrollably.
11:25It felt just like the first time I had seen him.
11:28With butterflies fluttering wildly in my stomach.
11:32My heart softened and suddenly I couldn't bear to push him away.
11:37I thought this might be our last night together.
11:40Tomorrow we would be divorcing and there would be no chance of sharing the same bed anymore.
11:46Let this night be our last memory.
12:01Emily? Is that you?
12:05It's Anna. She's looking for you.
12:11I'm sorry, I crossed the line.
12:26Yeah, I'm in town.
12:30Okay, I'll be there.
12:34I answered the call by mistake. I'm sorry for that.
12:38Did Anna misunderstand everything?
12:42No, no, no. I already explained to her everything.
12:47I'm your husband. You're my wife. It's normal that we can walk together.
12:53Honey? What's on your face?
13:04Oh, I have a slight allergy.
13:07I've taken some meds and this allergy will pass in a few days.
13:11Are you sure? It looks serious.
13:13Yes, don't worry. I won't delay to visit grandpa.
13:17We manage everything right now and you can be with Anna.
13:26I don't think that it's a right moment to visit grandpa.
13:30Because he's ill now and it's gonna be dangerous for him.
13:35You think it will be better to tell him about our divorce after celebration?
13:39No, no, no. I think it's gonna be better to call doctor and show him your face.
13:46While the doctor was examining me, James was pacing from side to side like a pendulum, creating an anxious atmosphere.
13:54So maybe you know what caused the allergy?
13:57Yes, it's food allergy.
13:59Did you have medical treatment before?
14:02No? I just wonder when you'll learn how to lie.
14:05This morning you say you've already taken pills.
14:08I'm sorry.
14:10So, you have to take these pills urgently. Three pills, two times per day, okay?
14:18Sorry. Can I take any other treatment with no pills?
14:23Listen, these are safe. Don't worry.
14:25You don't have any heart conditions or anything I should know about, right?
14:32Okay, then you're safe.
14:33Emily, come on.
14:39James, can you get me some water, please?
14:41Sure, honey.
14:49I'm pregnant.
14:53Can I take these medications?
14:56Why didn't you mention this earlier?
14:58Of course not. If you're pregnant, then I...
15:03I have to switch you to this typical treatment. Take this.
15:06Thank you.
15:07So, get well soon. Thank you very much.
15:10Thank you.
15:11Have a nice day.
15:12Thank you.
15:14What is this? Why did the doctor change prescription?
15:20Typical treatment will be also effective.
15:23Oh, no, no, no.
15:24Look, you're all right.
15:27It's gonna take longer if you wanna show up at grandfather's birthday like this.
15:31He will think that I abused you.
15:33Don't worry. I will explain him everything.
15:35No, no, no. I should go and bring back the doctor.
15:38No, no. Please, wait. Please. It's me.
15:41I told him to change my medication.
15:44I didn't wanna tell you, but...
15:47I had...
15:50...stomach aches.
15:52These explanations were enough for James.
15:55I wanted to get rid of the rash as soon as possible,
15:58so I started applying the medication.
16:02Are you sure you don't want me to help you?
16:06Take it, if you wanna help.
16:10Ask politely.
16:17Darling, please. I can't reach my back.
16:21Could you help me?
16:22Why are you playing so weird?
16:25I'm not playing.
16:26I can't reach my back.
16:28Could you help me?
16:29Why are you playing so weird?
16:32But you said ask me nicely.
16:37James pretended to be annoyed, but his heart was racing.
16:41I knew him well, so I could almost read his mind.
16:44He thought, could he handle it if I was so tender with someone else?
16:49James's fingers gently touched my skin, tickling me.
16:53His breath on my ears was irresistibly enticing.
16:57But we were interrupted by the driver.
17:02Sorry, the car is waiting by the gate, sir.
17:05Oh, we will go to the mall.
17:08Aren't you working today?
17:09No, grandfather's birthday's soon, so we need a gift.
17:16As soon as we entered the store, I heard a familiar voice calling out to us.
17:22I turned and saw Anna.
17:24I was shocked, almost unable to believe my eyes.
17:27Anna was sitting in a wheelchair.
17:30How could this happen?
17:31I had never heard anyone mention that she had a disability.
17:35I thought she was a dancer.
17:38Astonished by this revelation, I stood there for a while, unable to react.
17:47Are you cold? I'll give you my jacket.
17:52Thank you.
17:54I'm so glad that you're here.
17:56I came to pick out some birthday presents for your grandfather.
18:01Um, will you help me with that?
18:03Of course.
18:05Thank you.
18:07Sandy, can you please hand me some water?
18:10Oh, yeah.
18:13Oh, I'm sorry, ma'am. Looks like I've run out of water.
18:16Oh, no worries. I'll get it.
18:19As soon as James left, Anna released Sandy.
18:22Left alone, I wanted to speak, but Anna beat me to it.
18:28Looks like you really didn't know about my condition.
18:33Of course not.
18:35Everyone kept quiet on Grandfather's command.
18:40Who in this family would dare to disobey his direct orders?
18:45What does Grandpa have to do with this?
18:47Your mother saved him, and he was willing to do everything for you to be part of his family.
18:55Even blackmailing his grandson, or breaking up lovers, or...
19:05I got into a car accident two years ago, when I was driving to your wedding, and I almost died.
19:13I was supposed to finish this nonsense, but I ended up with a disability.
19:22No, I don't believe you. Why he would lie to me?
19:26Before our wedding, he told me that it was a voluntary decision, and that you two were no longer together.
19:37We are not together?
19:42It was a compromise.
19:44You know?
19:46Because if he hadn't agreed with the wedding, his grandfather would have sent me abroad forever.
19:53So that's why he planned it all out, and you will have no disagreements with the divorce.
20:01You're lying.
20:02Oh, yeah?
20:13Oh my God, what's going on here?
20:15She pushed me, and she said that she will not sign any papers.
20:22Are you okay?
20:23Since when is it acceptable for a mistress to hug another woman's husband?
20:30In public.
20:31Mom, what are you doing here?
20:32Me? I shop here, and what's your excuse?
20:36A married man embracing another woman.
20:39A married man embracing another woman.
20:41Mom, I'll explain here.
20:43No need.
20:44And do me a favor, do not call yourself my son if you're planning on doing this.
20:49What is she doing here with you?
20:51Linda, I'm sorry. I wanted to pick a birthday gift for Grandfather and James.
20:58He knew what he liked, so that's why we're here.
21:02You are not invited to the party.
21:05And as for the gift, we all know what Grandpa wants.
21:10A great grandchild, which has nothing to do with you.
21:20Mom. Mom, wait.
21:22And you, you should keep yourself together if you still want to carry the tailor's name.
21:28When Linda left, Anna deliberately tossed her hair back over her shoulders to show me her earrings.
21:34I recognized them immediately.
21:36Jade, just like the ones James had promised to give me for our anniversary.
21:42Where did you get these earrings? They're so lovely.
21:46Oh, thanks. I found them at James' place the other day, where he gave them to me.
21:58I'll stay with Anna.
22:00You better go with Alex, I'll ask him to take you home.
22:14When I returned home, I thought that my pregnancy was an incredible accident, since we always use double protection to prevent it.
22:22My thoughts were interrupted by the butler.
22:24Excuse me, miss.
22:28Miss Tyler's called. Said to expect her in ten minutes.
22:32Oh, thank you, Robert.
22:39Hello, James?
22:40Hello, it's me. I'm very sorry, but James can't talk to you right now. I'll ask him to call you later.
22:46Not getting a response from Anna, I hang up the phone.
22:49I felt hurt. It seemed like James was inseparable from Anna.
22:53It was evident that he wanted a divorce as quickly as possible.
22:56If not for his grandfather, we could have had the divorce papers that very morning and become complete strangers.
23:05Oh, hi, Mom.
23:08I know you want a divorce.
23:13But Grandpa is ill, so should you do anything to upset him, I will never forgive you.
23:21Mom, I would never hurt Grandpa, but James and Anna...
23:27Anna, stop it!
23:30Do not worry about that girl.
23:35No one in the Taylors family would ever accept a girl like that.
23:40Your job is to keep James.
23:45Regardless of whether you end this marriage full up or money.
23:58I do hope that you will give me a grandchild soon, so I can be proud of my son again.
24:06So I can be proud of my son again.
24:10I didn't know whether to tell James that his mother had somehow found out about our divorce.
24:16As soon as Linda left the house, I called James and ordered him to come to the family home.
24:22Okay, I'll be there.
24:28Sweetheart, go ahead with your shopping.
24:32When you're ready, I'll ask the driver to take you home, okay?
24:35Okay. Don't worry about me, I'll take care of myself.
24:49Miss, why did you ask him to stay?
24:54Aren't you afraid he'll fall in love with his wife?
24:59Fall in love?
25:01No. In two years of marriage, James didn't fall in love with her.
25:08So I only have to wait one more week until their divorce.
25:15In the family mansion, Linda was already waiting for her son.
25:19Have you ever given a thought how your wife must feel when you pride your mistress in front of her?
25:30I know about the divorce.
25:32It may also remind you that your grandfather is very sick.
25:38And should your antics hurt him even a little bit, I shall forget that you are my son.
25:45I don't want to hear this.
25:46Anna is not as simple as you might think she is.
25:50I know she has hidden intentions.
25:53And if you just listen to me for once...
25:57Thank you for the tea. That's enough.
26:00Have a good day, mom.
26:03James came home seething with barbaric anger.
26:07I could barely get up from the couch.
26:10Oh, you came back.
26:12Look, I need to tell you something.
26:15Mom seems to know about our divorce.
26:17Oh, really?
26:18Didn't you tell her?
26:20Weren't you the one who raided us out?
26:22What do you mean?
26:23Of course not.
26:25It was the secret between me and you.
26:27What do you want, money?
26:29Don't say that.
26:32Anna was right.
26:36If you don't want a divorce,
26:40If you don't want a divorce,
26:42why don't you just tell me?
26:45Why did we play this game?
26:47I offered you to stay your conditions.
26:50Even if you want to take a half,
26:52you agreed her.
26:54And then you told my mom and grandpa.
26:57I'm not playing with you.
26:59Don't judge me by yourself.
27:04Why did you marry me?
27:09Answer me.
27:11James' silence was tormenting me.
27:14I felt like I was going insane,
27:16waiting for an answer.
27:18I couldn't breathe properly.
27:20Someone was digging a deep pit in my heart
27:23and blood was slowly pouring out.
27:25It was so painful that I physically felt
27:28cramps in my lower abdomen.
27:30I couldn't stand on my feet.
27:32James rushed over to me.
27:34The pain grew stronger and I fainted.
27:37I fainted.
27:56I woke up when they brought me to the hospital
27:59and all I could think about was to save my child.
28:03Doctor, please.
28:05Save my child.
28:06I'll try to do my best,
28:07but I can't promise you anything.
28:09Save my child.
28:12Save my child.
28:18Please, don't tell my husband that I'm pregnant.
28:32Click the link in the description to install now.
