Es importante tener la referencia de qué significa técnicamente "ola de calor", ya que en diversos medios de comunicación, e incluso en reuniones se suele emplear el término, sin tener con claridad conocimiento real. Para poder afirmar que está presente este fenómeno meteorológico, el valor de la temperatura máxima debe estar dentro del máximo histórico extremo, por un periodo de por lo menos 30 años, para la fecha en cuestión.
00:00How about users of a network wave of heat is present in a region when the maximum value of the
00:10temperature that occurs occurs in a period of at least three consecutive days and this is located
00:17within the maximum historical average that occurs in a region, that is, we could be
00:23having for a certain place a maximum of 48 degrees that historically does not occur but
00:29over the consecutive days the value of the temperature tends to decrease, hence it will be
00:33very important to review the statistics of a place to be able to dare to mention that the
00:39condition that is occurring in a place is precisely a heat wave for this reason as well
00:46as also for the information that we have available for you, we ask you to stay
00:50aware of our updates and that you follow us on the internet portal. Thank you very much