Power Book II- Ghost Season 1 Episode 6

  • 3 months ago
Power Book II- Ghost Season 1 Episode 6


00:00Previously on Ghost.
00:01Give me the goddamn watch!
00:02Hurry up!
00:03You help me solve that, and I can get you out of here.
00:04It's time for me to go back to my cell.
00:05These days, you know the name of the game is convenience.
00:06I want to do the same with Tudor.
00:07It'll be run through an app called Course Correct.
00:08The people that want drugs, they'll order the premium package.
00:09Each order will come with a real study guide so we can cover our base.
00:10Yo, F, I didn't know you was here.
00:11What's up?
00:12What's up, my nigga?
00:13You're on the same basketball team as me.
00:14You're on the same basketball team as me.
00:15You're on the same basketball team as me.
00:16You're on the same basketball team as me.
00:17You're on the same basketball team as me.
00:19It's not cousin Zeke, right?
00:20Zeke's your cousin.
00:22And you must be Jamal.
00:23Babe, that's not Jamal.
00:24Don't talk to him.
00:25Just observe and report.
00:26Observe and report.
00:27You got it.
00:28Oh, yo.
00:29Oh, hey.
00:30Are you okay?
00:31I'm fine.
00:32I'm fine.
00:33I'm fine.
00:34I'm fine.
00:35I'm fine.
00:36I'm fine.
00:37I'm fine.
00:38I'm fine.
00:39I'm fine.
00:40I'm fine.
00:41I'm fine.
00:42I'm fine.
00:43I'm fine.
00:44I'm fine.
00:45I'm fine.
00:46I'm fine.
00:47Are you okay?
00:51I had to do it.
00:54Kane is the nigga you need to worry about.
00:56He's the shooter.
00:57If it's an emergency, you knock over every piece on the board, eh?
00:59It's like we got our own bat signal or something.
01:01So if I back off the recusal and we go to trial, we work together.
01:06It's a deal.
01:07Three St. Patrick's going to jail.
01:18I never took a straight path nowhere.
01:33Life's full of twists and turns, bumps and bruises.
01:36I live, I learn.
01:37I'm from that city full of yellow cabs and skyscrapers.
01:40It's hard to get a start in these parts without paper, homie.
01:43I grew up in hell, a block away from heaven.
01:45That corner ain't 15 minutes, it move a seven.
01:48Pure snow, baggage and watch it go.
01:50Occupational options, get some blow or some hoes.
01:53Shoot the ball or the strap, learn the rap or the jack.
01:55Fuck it, man.
01:56In the meantime, go ahead and pump a pack.
01:58This my Regal Royal Flow, my James Bond bounce.
02:01That 007, that 62 on my count.
02:03I'm an undercover liar.
02:05I lie under the covers, look a bitch in the eyes and tell her, baby, I love it.
02:09You're my inspiration.
02:10You're my motivation.
02:11You're the reason that I move it with no hesitation.
02:18I just come from the poorest part.
02:22Bright lights, city life, I gotta make it.
02:24This is where it goes down.
02:29I just happen to come up hot.
02:32Legal or illegal, baby, I gotta make it.
02:45What are you wearing?
02:50All right.
02:51You're just mad because you can't pull this off.
02:53Look, you know what?
02:54Accurate as that may be, I thought we were trying to keep our little arrangement under wraps.
02:59Look, you and I can be seen together out in public.
03:01I mean, it's all plea negotiations as far as anyone's concerned.
03:04And every single time, our negotiations break down and we go back to court.
03:09And every single time, our negotiations break down and we go back to court.
03:13To put Tariq St. Patrick away.
03:16But we gotta get the right jury.
03:18Ah, I've got some thoughts on that.
03:24Impressive, even.
03:25Thank you.
03:26Mine's digital.
03:27And bigger.
03:30Who are the most likely to let Tasha go?
03:32They need to look like me.
03:34You know, the minute Tasha walks, I'm putting the cuffs on Tariq.
03:39Right there in the courtroom.
03:40She won't be happy.
03:41And she may even suspect you're involved.
03:43Tasha can get as mad at me as she wants to.
03:46From the comforts of her own home.
03:48I'll have the W in my pocket, and you'll have your killer.
03:51Everybody wins.
03:53Except Tariq.
04:00Well, I'm in class.
04:01It won't take long.
04:02I'm going to trial, Tariq.
04:04I told Davis that I want to take a deal.
04:06What? No.
04:07He said no, okay?
04:09He still thinks that we can win.
04:11I don't understand it, but that's what he says.
04:13All right, then we gotta trust him.
04:15If anyone's gonna step forward, it's gonna be me, not you.
04:17Well, I hope he's right.
04:19I hope neither one of us has to go to jail.
04:21I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go.
04:24Well, look who's on time for once.
04:26Making the rest of us look bad.
04:28Yeah, Tariq, what are you doing here so early?
04:30I'm trying to catch up.
04:31Shit, nigga, it's gonna take more than one day to do that.
04:33Hey, well, you did the reading, right, bro?
04:35What side you on?
04:37What did you say, Tariq?
04:40Oh, I'm sorry. I was just asking.
04:42No, I'm glad to start the debate early.
04:44So what about it, Roshandria?
04:46Locke believed that people were fundamentally just.
04:49Would you agree?
04:51He tripping.
04:52One trip to the hood, and you can tell that Hobbs is right.
04:55People are just out for themselves.
04:57And Lauren, would you agree?
04:58Well, I'd like to think that Locke has a point,
05:00but I actually think we construct our own societies and rules
05:04to keep ourselves from our fundamental nature.
05:06Which is?
05:07Well, some people are better than others,
05:09but everybody's just out for themselves.
05:11That's not true.
05:13People help each other all the time.
05:15Like, what about that scene in The Dark Knight
05:17where the two boats, inmates and citizens,
05:20don't blow each other up?
05:22It's a movie.
05:23We're taught that murder is wrong.
05:24We're taught that. It's not natural.
05:26Locke is clear about the division between right and wrong.
05:31Society has rules, and we all know them.
05:34Every society, every person.
05:36Even little kids.
05:38That's 100% cap.
05:41I mean, I agree.
05:44Professor Milgram, you know what I mean.
05:46There's a bright line between good and evil,
05:49right and wrong, and we know that
05:51because we as humans are fundamentally and naturally good.
05:55Think about it, Tariq.
05:56Who is right, Locke or Hobbes?
05:59Are we fundamentally good or bad?
06:02What about your friends, your family?
06:06I'll pose the question to all of you.
06:09Make it more personal.
06:11Are you fundamentally good or bad?
06:16Now, gentlemen,
06:18having been through pre-trial motions with you,
06:21I can only imagine how intense this jury selection is going to get.
06:26May I suggest some decorum here
06:29so that neither of you ends up with the bats in charge or in contempt?
06:33If the U.S. Attorney can remain civil, then so can I.
06:37It'll be a challenge, Your Honor, but I will do my best.
06:40Thank you.
06:42It's about to go down.
06:46Peremptory challenge, Your Honor.
06:48Juror number 49, you are excused.
06:50Challenge because the juror isn't following the conversation, Judge.
06:53Thank you, sir. You are excused.
06:55I believe there's a very clear line between right and wrong.
06:58Challenge because, Your Honor.
07:00Mr. Sachs, any objection?
07:01No, Your Honor.
07:03Mr. Sinterman, you are excused.
07:05And you don't have any specific feelings about narcotic sales, Dr. Quinones?
07:09I do.
07:11I abhor the violence that comes along with this scourge in our neighborhoods.
07:15But so many of our young women and young men,
07:18they feel they have no choice.
07:20It's hard to see if someone has economic advantages,
07:23how they could end up in that life.
07:25But the working poor have limited opportunities.
07:29I have no objection to Dr. Quinones, Your Honor.
07:37He seems thoughtful and intelligent.
07:40I agree, but...
07:44I presume you have no objections, Mr. McLean?
07:48No, Your Honor.
07:50Well, Dr. Quinones, you are selected.
07:53Please wait in the jury room for further instructions.
07:56This juror is acceptable, Your Honor.
07:58Thank you. Juror number 20, you are accepted.
08:00The government has no objection to this juror, Your Honor.
08:02Thank you. Juror number 22.
08:04Your Honor, preemptory challenge.
08:05Juror number 12.
08:06No problems here, Your Honor.
08:08Accepted, Your Honor.
08:10Preemptory challenge here. No objection, Your Honor.
08:11I see no issue here, Your Honor.
08:13Mr. Sachs.
08:14I like this one, Your Honor.
08:16That was surprisingly cordial, gentlemen.
08:19And interesting.
08:21Members of the jury, you are excused until Wednesday
08:24when we will start bright and early.
08:38What the fuck is that jury?
08:40What are you talking about?
08:42I think we're in great shape.
08:43Not for Tasha.
08:45Those millennials aren't going to cut her any slack
08:47for going along with her husband, and you know it.
08:49The best we've got is a mistrial.
08:50First of all, a mistrial is not a loss.
08:53In fact, that's a win in my book.
08:55There's not going to be a mistrial, Stephen.
08:57We're in great shape.
08:58Tasha St. Patrick is a beautiful woman, Sachs.
09:01A couple of those nerds you impaneled will vote not guilty
09:03just to see if they can get a fucking date with her.
09:05I'm not worried.
09:07You shouldn't be either.
09:08I promise you, we will get the right result.
09:11I've never known you to play for mistrial.
09:12You always play to win.
09:13Paula, don't worry.
09:15I promise you, we will get the verdict we should.
09:18This is the right jury.
09:19I know what I'm doing.
09:20You better.
09:21Now, can you please get me prepped for Sachs' first witness?
09:31Who the hell is Francis Johnson?
09:36I can compel you to testify.
09:39You can't compel me to do shit.
09:42You know, maybe you should get a lawyer, Mr. Johnson.
09:45I don't need to pay a lawyer to tell you no.
09:47I could do that for free.
09:48No person shall be compelled in any criminal case
09:51to be a witness against himself.
09:52You memorized the Fifth Amendment.
09:54Got a lot of time to read in here.
09:56Thought I might need it someday.
09:57You can get me in the courtroom,
09:58but I ain't gonna say shit to help you.
10:00Besides, I don't know nothing anyway.
10:02That's bullshit.
10:03You know everything.
10:04I'm sorry.
10:05Who are you again?
10:06You know who I am, nigga.
10:07I'm Black motherfucking Santa Claus,
10:09and I'm about to give you the gift of the century.
10:11Just need you to hire me first so we can talk in private.
10:15And I'll do it for free.
10:16I already told Sachs no.
10:18I won't testify no matter what he offer me.
10:20What if I can get you out of here, though?
10:21Charges dropped.
10:23Make Sachs send you home with an apology.
10:25He's talking to no cop.
10:26I'm not a cop anymore.
10:28Thanks to Sachs, I'm suspended.
10:30Told you to stop pulling niggas away from the men.
10:32Guess I learned my lesson.
10:33I want to get Sachs.
10:35You want to go home.
10:36We can both get what we want.
10:38You're going to go to Sachs and tell him you want the deal.
10:40Blanca's going to tell you exactly what to say
10:42when you're on the stand.
10:43What you can get away with.
10:45What won't exactly be perjury.
10:48I don't trust him, man.
10:49Then trust me, nigga.
10:52Look, you want to go home or not,
10:54you help me,
10:57you'll be back home in Queens moving weight
10:59by the end of the week.
11:04Just make sure it's all set.
11:06See you.
11:09Where y'all going?
11:10To the bar.
11:11Hey, y'all hear me?
11:12To the bar.
11:13You need me?
11:14No, I can't.
11:15Just some accountant stuff,
11:16shifting some product around, that's all.
11:18I'm taking Drew and Diana.
11:19They're going to help me out today.
11:20I don't know why Owl can't do all that.
11:22What we paying for anyway?
11:23I pay Owl.
11:25Ain't no we in it.
11:26Seems like folks been forgetting who we are.
11:28Ain't nobody forgetting nothing.
11:29I mean, Owl don't really need our help, Ma.
11:31You just mad because of the party.
11:33Y'all been spending way too much time
11:34up at that damn Stansfield.
11:36You sent us up there.
11:37You go up there, Zeke's up there.
11:39Zeke ain't you, and Zeke does what I say.
11:41Zeke does what he wants.
11:43He ain't in nobody's bed,
11:44he ain't supposed to be, is he?
11:46Zeke ain't the one keeping secrets.
11:48I'm going to be in the car.
11:50Get y'all shit, and let's go.
11:52Who's she talking about sleeping in the car?
11:54I don't know.
11:57Who's she talking about sleeping in somebody's bed?
12:00Oh, D, you let this nigga Tariq hit?
12:05And even if I did, it ain't none of your business.
12:08You ain't nobody's daddy.
12:09I'm your brother, okay?
12:10And I know what's best for you, and he ain't it.
12:12Drew, you better tell him it's not about me.
12:13Shut up.
12:14Wait, wait, you saying you knew about this?
12:17Fuck, Drew.
12:19How you let this go down between her and Rick
12:20and you don't say shit?
12:21I know how to keep my mouth shut.
12:23Ain't much of that going around now, is there?
12:30You know you can't be fucking this kid,
12:32especially now that we in business with her.
12:34Listen, Ma's right.
12:35Fuck him, Kane, all right?
12:36I already told you to take your fucking hands off me.
12:54Left us in class.
12:56Thank you, Tariq.
12:57I didn't even realize I dropped that.
12:59Yeah, you was too busy giving Ashley a piece of your mind.
13:02It's because she's so naive.
13:04No, I bet you her life is pretty easy.
13:06No wonder she thinks people are fundamentally good.
13:09Why not?
13:10People got a lot of secrets.
13:11You know, maybe it's easier for her to think that way
13:13because she's been through some shit.
13:15You don't know.
13:16You're right.
13:17I don't.
13:19But why do you always think like that?
13:21Why do you always think like that?
13:23That people have secrets?
13:25Well, because people got secrets.
13:27Like you?
13:28You never answered the professor's question, Tariq.
13:31Are you fundamentally good?
13:34Or bad?
13:35Why do you care?
13:37If I'm bad, does it change anything?
13:40If I'm good, what does that mean?
13:43How good are you?
13:52Malcolm, I'm so sorry.
13:53I totally forgot we were supposed to meet today.
13:55You forgot I was in town this weekend.
13:57That's troubling.
13:58Almost as troubling as this.
14:00You're Insta-stalking me for pictures now?
14:02You were tagged.
14:04You know you can't be seen in pictures inebriated, Lauren.
14:06I'm in college.
14:08You're old enough to understand.
14:10You know, I'm starting to think that we should talk about you transferring to Georgetown next semester.
14:16Jamal, right?
14:19You two seem to be spending an awful lot of time together.
14:21Is she helping you with math?
14:22My name is Tariq, bro.
14:24And I was just dropping off something that she left in class.
14:27Looks like you got your hands full.
14:30I'll text you later, Tariq.
14:38He wants full immunity.
14:39Johnson won't testify unless I give him a walk.
14:42But the charges against him are state and federal, which means...
14:45You need my help to make it all go away.
14:48How important is this guy to your case?
14:50You want me to win?
14:51Give two-bit the deal.
14:53I promise he'll deliver.
14:54Yeah, I've read his file.
14:55Okay, Blanca Rodriguez couldn't turn the guy.
14:57What makes you think he'll cough up for you?
14:59You've read a file.
15:00I've heard his story.
15:01It's good.
15:04Any worry on Cross?
15:06You mean regarding your precious James St. Patrick?
15:09Nothing relevant at all.
15:13Let me see what I can do.
15:17Hey, Jimbo.
15:19It's your old pal, Steven Ott.
15:23Listen, I needed a little favor from you.
15:25An inmate named Francis Johnson hasn't gone to trial yet,
15:29but we could really use your help on this one.
15:36Some bullshit right here.
15:38My artist.
15:39This is Al, and them nephews are his.
15:41Why we gotta do they job?
15:42Because you're spoiled.
15:43Running around, money in your pocket, clothes in your back, cars.
15:46And ain't none of it coming from you.
15:48It's from me and your father busting our asses to make sure this business keeps running.
15:52All this is work.
15:53But you? Spoiled.
15:55So what y'all gonna do is,
15:57Diana, Tally, I need these vans logged and totaled.
16:00Them bricks in that corner need to be broken down.
16:02That's you, Drew.
16:04Oh, yeah.
16:40I already told you, I'm sorry.
16:42What do you want me to do now?
16:44I want you to stay away from your new little friends.
16:47I know it worked out this time, but from now on, no interaction at all.
16:50Stay away from Stansfield altogether, actually.
16:53Uncle Nancy, I can't do that.
16:55My boyfriend's Tariq's roommate.
16:58What is wrong with you?
16:59I wanna keep seeing him.
17:02That's actually what I'm trying to say.
17:04Look, I know you like this kid, but
17:07St. Patrick could be into some deep shit.
17:10His family, his associates.
17:13If this goes where I think it's going,
17:14there could be a lot of collateral damage.
17:16Are you talking about Brayden?
17:18Because he's not a...
17:19Whatever you think Tariq's into,
17:21it's got nothing to do with him.
17:23How can you be sure?
17:24Because I know him.
17:26You don't.
17:28Okay, look.
17:29I know. I know.
17:30I got you involved in this in the first place.
17:32Yeah, you did.
17:34Now I'm in love.
17:37No, you're not in love.
17:38You don't even know what love is.
17:40And you do?
17:41Whatever you've got with that
17:43real doll in your closet, Uncle Nancy,
17:45that's not love either.
17:49Her name is Rebecca.
17:51You know what?
17:52She was a gag gift from your moms.
17:54Anyway, look.
17:56I know this is hard,
17:58but you'll meet someone else.
18:00You will.
18:01Ideally, someone who's not living
18:03with a potential target of a criminal investigation.
18:07Don't tell Brayden I said that.
18:09I won't.
18:10And I'm going to prove to you
18:12that he's not mixed up in any of this.
18:14He's a good person.
18:16Just like you.
18:21I'm not breaking up with him.
18:26Skids, I got your eight million fucking 911s.
18:29What's the emergency?
18:30Where's my stuff?
18:31What stuff?
18:32Don't fuck with me, Tracy.
18:33Don't fuck with me, Tracy.
18:34There were, like, how many pills in there?
18:36You're the only one who could have taken it.
18:38Okay, okay.
18:39So I took it.
18:40Dude, my boys wanted a good time,
18:42so I came through.
18:43What's the big deal?
18:44That was my shit, Tracy.
18:45My shit.
18:47So sorry.
18:48No bueno, dude.
18:49You know the rules.
18:50What's mine is mine,
18:51and what's yours is mine, too.
18:53I need it back.
18:54All of it.
18:55Right fucking now.
18:56Or you have to pay me for it.
18:58Seriously, I'm not fucking around.
18:59Oh, you want to do this?
19:00Let's go.
19:03Fuck you.
19:04And Trace pins the skin on you.
19:06Come on, you fucking piece of shit.
19:07I'll fuck you up.
19:08I'll fucking kill you when I get up.
19:10What the fuck is y'all doing?
19:11This is Tariq's room, right?
19:12You stay here?
19:13Hey, hey, hey.
19:14Hey, we're having a familial discussion,
19:16so why don't you table whatever ghetto bullshit
19:18you have with Tariq?
19:24The fuck you say?
19:26Why don't we all just chill the fuck out?
19:28Tariq's not here.
19:29I can see that, white boy.
19:31Now, where is he?
19:32Because I need to talk to him about something.
19:33I don't know.
19:35His schedule is fucked.
19:36The kid's carrying, like, 20 credits
19:38or some shit like that.
19:39Crazy, right?
19:40I mean, I told him to drop something,
19:42but you know how our boy is.
19:47Listen, why don't we all just chill the fuck out
19:49and put the gun away?
19:52Kane, right?
19:54Tariq told me about you.
19:56Listen, we're all friends here.
19:57In fact, we're actually partners.
19:59What the fuck you say?
20:01Who the fuck are you?
20:05I'm Brayden, Tariq's...
20:09He never mentioned?
20:10No, he never said shit.
20:11But I see he got my name in your mouth, huh?
20:13We're all on the same side.
20:15We work together.
20:16You know what I mean?
20:17I don't know what you mean.
20:18Shut the fuck up, Trace.
20:22Listen, if you're here for money,
20:24I'm just missing a little of this stuff.
20:25Just give me some time.
20:26I'll go get it.
20:27I'll bring it to you,
20:28and we'll be all cool.
20:30You know, and then we'll
20:31maybe one day laugh about meeting like this, huh?
20:34It look like I'm fucking laughing at you?
20:36You know my name and my business,
20:37and now you saying you ain't got my fucking money?
20:41Y'all got me fucked up.
20:45You know what?
20:46We're gonna take a nice little ride.
20:48Come on, let's go.
20:49Let's go!
20:50We're gonna take a nice little ride.
20:51Come on, let's go.
20:52Let's go!
20:54Wait, wait, wait, wait.
20:55No phones.
21:14Now what?
21:15Do the coke.
21:16What do you think?
21:17What do you mean, do the coke?
21:19You're already moving pills
21:20and weed up this Tariq shit.
21:21And we short as fuck, by the way.
21:23Yeah, well, Monet,
21:24I'll be back down here any time,
21:25so you better just...
21:30It's Everett.
21:31He wants to see me.
21:32That lame-ass closeted nigga?
21:34Zeke's teammate?
21:35Drew, you wanna go see him,
21:36but you didn't wanna claim him with Kane today.
21:38I don't talk about my niggas with Kane,
21:39and you shouldn't either.
21:40So you let him think I slept with Tariq?
21:42You will eventually.
21:43No, I won't.
21:45He don't like me like that.
21:49And I don't like him like that, neither.
21:51Shit, you ain't gotta lie to me, darling.
21:57Okay, but I gotta get out of here, so...
21:59You need to stay put.
22:00You know Monet will kill you
22:01for even thinking about it.
22:11Damn, he thirsty.
22:14I'll get him.
22:23Riley, what the fuck?
22:26Okay, first, the door was open already.
22:28This is absolutely not a B&E.
22:30What do you mean the door was already open?
22:34Oh, shit.
22:35I'm sorry, here.
22:37I was totally not looking through your stuff,
22:39if that's what you think.
22:41Riley, what the hell are you doing here?
22:44Meeting your stupid roommate, I thought.
22:46Well, he's not here, obviously.
22:47No, I see that.
22:49I was just looking for something to write a note on.
22:51On my side of the room?
22:53So, do you actually know where he is?
22:56Because if you made me come all the way over
22:59and just forgot, I'm actually going to murder him.
23:01I don't know where he is.
23:02Okay, Riley?
23:03He's usually here 24-7, with you.
23:06I don't know where he could possibly be.
23:08What are you doing writing notes anyway?
23:09Why don't you just call him?
23:11Because why don't I just fucking call him?
23:13Yeah, sure.
23:39Is this some sort of wingman bullshit?
23:41Because if he's with some chick, just tell me.
23:44Riley, please. Please, Riley, I'm trying to figure something out.
23:47Just let me think.
23:49I don't know where he is.
23:54Then I'll just wait here until he comes back.
23:56No, no, no, no. You go home.
23:58Alright, I'll have him call you.
24:01I'm not going anywhere.
24:38Open that shit up.
24:40No, no, no, no, no, no. What? Come on.
24:43Hey, y'all in the game, right? Let's see y'all play.
24:46That's a big no way, bro.
24:48Look, I'm sure you don't know this, but Brayden and I are Westons, dude.
24:56Which means we can't get involved in, like, anything illegal.
25:01So, dude, how about this? How about we all go back to Stansfield?
25:04Dude, I've got a Rolex sitting right on my desk.
25:07I've got a Rolex sitting right on my desk.
25:09In my dorm, it's all yours if you want it. I'm serious, dude. We could just...
25:19Get your ass out of my car and sell my shit.
25:21Trace, get out of the car.
25:25Are you kidding me?
25:27Trace, shut the fuck up. Get out of the car and just do what he says.
25:38We're just gonna leave him there? He's not ready for this. Let me go with him.
25:43Nah, you get your own corner.
26:20What's up, buddy?
26:30Hey, guys. It's cold as fuck out, am I right?
26:36No, not only is it cold as fuck, but my brother's acting like a little bitch.
26:39Left me out here stranded with no phone, no money, no way home.
26:43Soap, get you an Uber, dawg. That's what y'all do, right?
26:46Yeah, I would normally do that, but like I said, no phone.
26:50Damn. Dude just assed out, huh?
26:55All I got is me, myself, and this one awesome blunt.
27:01Yo, who taught you how to roll up, man?
27:03Bro, I taught myself. Look at it. That's fire.
27:07But because of this night, I'm out here with no fire.
27:11So, I'd be willing to share if one of y'all could help me out.
27:14Is you for real with this shit, white boy?
27:16How long you been a cop, man?
27:17What, like I'm a fucking narc? Nah, nah, nah, nah.
27:20I'm just a dude out here having a shit night, trying to thug it out with some smoke.
27:25Can you help a brother out? That's all I'm saying.
27:32Man, spark us up, bro. Let's go. Let's go.
27:36Okay, it's like a fucking movie.
27:39It's like Die Hard, dude.
27:41It's like fucking Die Hard.
27:42Fucking Die Hard 3.
27:49Oh, fuck.
28:09I'm here. What you want?
28:12I know. I got freaked out.
28:16With your sister and everything, we need to finish that conversation.
28:19Unless you change your mind about telling the truth, I'm not sure what there is to say.
28:22I'm not the only one who didn't tell the truth.
28:25You ain't say shit about being Zeke's cousin.
28:28You know what happens to me if Zeke finds out about us?
28:31It's not gonna change how he sees you. As long as you hit your shots, he's good.
28:37This ain't even about Zeke.
28:39It's about you not being okay with who you are.
28:41I'm good with myself.
28:44I just want a pro career, too.
28:52Isn't there anything you want?
29:01There's something that I want.
29:26Yeah, this shit is fire.
29:27I know, right?
29:28Full-on Ivy League weed, baby. Top shelf.
29:31So check it. Rayo Trench.
29:33Not usually supposed to do this, but...
29:36The fuck you doing out here with all that?
29:37It's a long-ass story.
29:39But if y'all looking to buy, I can cut you a fat-ass discount.
29:45Let me call some folks.
29:47Fuck yeah.
29:48I'm gonna call Ben's.
29:49Pass that shit.
29:53This is a mess.
29:55Do you play?
29:57But I ain't playing you.
29:58Well, we can do that.
30:00I don't play you.
30:02I ain't playing you.
30:03Well, we can sit here staring at each other all night.
30:07Or we can play.
30:24So can I ask you something?
30:27Where do you think Brayden is?
30:30I have no idea.
30:31It's not like him to just disappear.
30:34It ain't.
30:36I keep waiting for him to bound it and just yelling something stupid.
30:39Of course you are.
30:40I really care about Ntarik.
30:43I know.
30:44Which is why, like, if he's in any trouble...
30:48Or if you know about him being in any trouble...
30:56Look, I don't know anything.
30:57Like I said, you move.
31:01We gotta figure this shit out, Ev.
31:05It doesn't just go away because this part works.
31:10I don't know if we can.
31:11People judge what they don't understand.
31:16People suck.
31:20But that's how the world works.
31:25I can't just go out there and tell them I'm gay and...
31:28Start shooting for the spurs.
31:29It doesn't work like that.
31:32Shit, hold up.
31:37No, it's nothing.
31:39It's my tutor.
31:43Course correct.
31:48Tutor, huh?
31:51Study guide.
31:52Study aid.
32:10Oh, hell no.
32:12Oh, no, he didn't.
32:13I told him.
32:14Didn't I tell him not to touch that phone?
32:15Yeah, you told him.
32:16Me too.
32:17I told him not to go and I told him you wouldn't like it.
32:20But if you really want to get him back...
32:23I mean, I might know where he went.
32:24Yeah, he went where I told his ass not to go.
32:27Who cares if he's acting like what I say ain't law no more?
32:29Ma, I didn't go.
32:30I'm sitting here.
32:31I mean, unless you want me to go get him, or are you going?
32:33I can't.
32:34I gotta work.
32:35All right, then I'll make him come back.
32:38I'm gonna need that phone, though.
32:39I mean, he ain't answering you, but he'll answer if I call.
32:43Two hours.
32:44You hear me?
32:45Both y'all, back at the house in two hours.
32:57Thank you.
33:15I'm out, guys.
33:16I hope not.
33:17Have a good night.
33:33Good job.
33:34Look like you made some friends.
33:36I'm not scared of people, Kane.
33:38But Trace is.
33:40Can we go get him now?
33:42Yes, Miss Daisy.
33:50Hey, wait, wait, wait.
33:51Hey, dude.
33:52Do you have a phone?
33:53I could really fucking use a phone right now, man.
33:57Yo, Blanquito.
33:59¿Qué tienen en la bolsa?
34:00No, I'm sorry, but I don't really habla.
34:10Oh, shit.
34:12Somebody about to feel it.
34:13No, no, no.
34:14Let him catch it.
34:15We're just stomping on you back at your school.
34:17He's my brother.
34:18Nobody gets to fuck him up but me.
34:19I hear that.
34:20Wait, wait, wait.
34:21Here's the thing.
34:22Here's the thing.
34:23Come on.
34:24He's no match for them.
34:25I got some serious shit.
34:26They're about to take your shit
34:27and you won't make any money off of it.
34:28I'll go fucking sell it if you want.
34:32Hold up, hold up.
34:33No, no, no, hold up.
34:34Wait a second, man.
34:36All right.
34:37Go get him.
34:45Yo, look.
34:46Where you at?
34:47Where you at?
34:49Oh, okay.
34:50Playing like that.
34:51I'm coming up for you.
34:52How you drift?
34:53How you drift?
34:55Oh, man.
34:58You better come back.
34:59I'm about to be gone.
35:02Uh, Drew?
35:03Your sister's back.
35:05Ma sent me to get you.
35:06You ready to go?
35:08I'm gonna take a shower.
35:10Seems like you're out past your curfew.
35:13Pinker, I got your text.
35:15With the picture.
35:17Some little geek just shows up.
35:18Hands off some school stuff
35:19with a bunch of our product in it.
35:21And your man, he know about this?
35:23No, he don't think it has anything to do with us.
35:27I didn't let on.
35:28You sure?
35:29He ain't in this, Dee.
35:34He ain't in this, okay?
35:38So this is a secret way
35:39Tariq's been moving our product?
35:41I guess so.
35:42Monet's gonna love hearing this.
35:44I don't know, it might just save your husband
35:46a beating you about to get for bucking her.
35:49I don't think we should tell her.
35:52This is what she wanted to know, Drew.
35:54We tell her now,
35:55and we're both out of trouble for good.
35:57But what if she don't like it?
35:59What if she thinks it's way too out of her control?
36:01Oh, my God.
36:02If she shuts down Tariq,
36:04then we have no excuse to come back up here.
36:07No more effort for you.
36:09I'm serious.
36:10Don't tell her.
36:11Drew, just go home, okay?
36:13Monet said two hours, and she meant it.
36:15Go home.
36:17Where you going?
36:18I got a stop to make.
36:19Don't tell her, Dodge, seriously.
36:32Has he ever stayed out all night before?
36:35With you.
36:36So he'll be back.
36:37And if not?
36:38Wait, no.
36:39You're not spending the night here.
36:40I don't trust you.
36:41Is that why you won't tell me where Brayden is?
36:45I'm sorry.
36:46About what?
36:47The drink.
36:48At the party.
36:50It was meant for Brayden,
36:51and when I saw you all faded like that,
36:53I just didn't know what to say.
36:54Wait, what are you talking about?
36:56What drink?
36:57What do you mean I was faded how?
37:05We need to talk.
37:06Let's go inside.
37:07Get drunk out here.
37:09You got somebody in there?
37:10What? No.
37:12Yo, did King come by here earlier?
37:14I don't keep track of that nigga.
37:15I don't know where he is.
37:16What about Drew?
37:17Boy, Drew ain't thinking about you right now,
37:19and I didn't come up here to talk about my brothers.
37:21I came up here to talk about course correct.
37:25I know, Tariq, all right?
37:27I fucking know.
37:28What do you know?
37:29What does this have to do with me?
37:30Somebody at this school is using this tutoring app to move product.
37:34And by somebody, I mean you,
37:35and you need to tell me the truth.
37:36Chill, chill.
37:38Look, Tariq, all right?
37:40It's smart.
37:41No exposure, no competition.
37:43I think it's perfect.
37:45I just don't know what Monae would think, though.
37:47You ain't gotta tell her.
37:48She won't understand this.
37:49None of y'all get that lying to her is worse than telling the truth.
38:19Same as lying to me about whatever you got going on in here.
38:22There's nothing going on in here.
38:23It didn't sound like nothing.
38:26Oh, I know.
38:27It's that bougie bitch, right?
38:29From the party?
38:31She in there?
38:32Damn, you smashing already, huh?
38:35It's not even like that.
38:39So then what's it like?
38:41What's it like, Tariq?
38:43You know, I thought you were so different.
38:46You look good on the outside,
38:48but inside, you're just out for yourself.
38:52Doesn't matter who you hurt.
38:54Dime, listen, I need you to trust me, all right?
38:57I need you to trust me that Lauren's not in there,
38:58and I need you not to tell Monae about this course correction.
39:02You need to stay by your phone.
39:05Course correction,
39:06that's what I'm talking about.
39:08I need you to stay by your phone.
39:09You need to stay by your phone.
39:11Course correct is really interesting.
39:13Monae's probably gonna give you a call.
39:40Yo, take me home, right now.
39:42You actually did better than I expected.
39:44What the fuck?
39:46I almost got killed.
39:47He's actually right.
39:48I thought it'd be worse.
39:55Yeah, I don't see nothing.
40:10What do we have here, gentlemen?
40:12You two, get out.
40:14Go stand by my car.
40:24Boy, you're off the leash.
40:26This is the second time I had to cover for you in the streets.
40:29I ain't your boy.
40:30All right.
40:31No more names.
40:33I'm gonna go.
40:34I'm gonna go.
40:35I'm gonna go.
40:36I'm gonna go.
40:37All right.
40:38No more names.
40:40And I know damn well she didn't okay whatever you're doing here.
40:42Nigga, take that bass out your voice when you talk to me, all right?
40:45You ain't my dad.
40:46What's on your mind?
40:47You think Monae needs this kind of smoke?
40:49What smoke? Ain't shit happen.
40:50People been reporting two white boys leaning on the corners here.
40:56Sound like people need to mind their fucking business.
40:58That's what you need to do.
41:01You're lucky I found you.
41:03You're lucky whoever tuned up that one boy didn't quit his job.
41:06Look, Tariq had my name in their mouth so I had to school him a little.
41:09And what you in my face for?
41:11You work for me.
41:13You really don't get it, huh?
41:16We all work for your father, kid.
41:19You, me, Monae too.
41:23This shit?
41:24This is bad for business.
41:27You know what business is, right?
41:30It's what men do.
41:32Go home.
41:33We're done for the night.
41:37I don't know Francis Johnson.
41:39Street name is Two-Bit.
41:41He worked for Tommy.
41:42He ever met you?
41:44You ever spoke to him?
41:45No. I mean, he's seen me before but we never actually spoken.
41:52But he might know Tariq.
41:55Tariq was hanging with Tommy a lot before he left.
41:57Sax won't bring up Tariq. He's irrelevant.
41:59Are you sure?
42:00I'm sure, Tasha. You got nothing to worry about.
42:03Now, get ready to look innocent.
42:05We've got court in the morning.
42:14Braden and Trace Weston, right?
42:17Thank you. We appreciate you getting us out of there.
42:20It's the job, kid.
42:21Who was that guy?
42:23I know his name is Kane but you seem to know him.
42:27Just a local troublemaker.
42:29Now, I'm supposed to technically take you all in for distribution.
42:33Why don't we all decide right here and right now
42:37that this night never happened and we're not going to tell anyone about it.
42:41I'm good with it.
42:44We got kidnapped, Braden.
42:46We should press charges or call mom and dad.
42:48We're gonna keep our fucking mouth shut so he doesn't come back.
42:53Got it?
42:54Copy that.
43:08I said two hours.
43:09Drew's back, right? I did what you told me to do.
43:12You know why I'm so hard on you and Drew?
43:14Because y'all are good.
43:15Both of you.
43:16Even as babies in school.
43:18I don't give a shit about you.
43:20Because y'all are good.
43:21Both of you.
43:22Even as babies in school.
43:24On the playground.
43:26You were good kids.
43:27Good to me.
43:28Good to Kane.
43:29Good to each other.
43:31And it's easy for you to get hurt out there.
43:33And I don't want you hurt.
43:35Ma, I have a good reason why I'm late.
43:37Both of y'all started acting up when I sent you to Sandsville.
43:40Drew and that nigga he's all caught up with and now you and Tariq.
43:45I went to go see Tariq.
43:46But I figured out how he's moving our product at Sandsville.
43:49I pressed him on it and he said it's true.
43:53It's a tutoring app but there's no real tutoring.
43:55It's just how they get product to the buyers.
43:57And Ma, he's charging these rich kids triple the price and they don't even blink.
44:01So anybody that tries to snitch, they blow up too.
44:05Smart little nigga.
44:06Yeah, but he didn't want me to tell you.
44:08He said you wouldn't understand.
44:09And you're telling me this because you want me to shut Tariq down.
44:12Why would I do that?
44:14Why would you want me to do that?
44:19Did you sleep with Tariq, Diana?
44:21Is he your first?
44:22Nothing happened between us.
44:23Then you'll get over it.
44:25From now on he's business.
44:26That's it.
44:53Where the hell were you?
44:54It's a long story.
44:55You couldn't have brought your phone?
44:56Trace wanted us off the grid.
44:57Do you have a clue how worried I was?
44:59Trace is an idiot.
45:00It was some superior bar crawl.
45:01He needed a wingman.
45:02I don't know.
45:04That's your story?
45:05Stupid dude bro bar crawl?
45:07The stupidest.
45:08Trust me.
45:09Okay, that's some bullshit but you're back and I'm happy and I don't care.
45:13Come on.
45:16My place.
45:18I think I pretty much overstayed all welcomes.
45:22Tomorrow you're coming to brunch with my mom's.
45:25Two minutes or I come back and move in here permanently.
45:34What happened?
45:35Fucking Cain bro.
45:36Holy shit.
45:37That dude is crazy.
45:38He took us to Queens and made us sell on the block.
45:40Like a corner boy?
45:42Damn man, you good?
45:43Am I good?
45:44I'm rich.
45:45I made so much fucking money so fast.
45:47I mean, I had to give it all to Cain but I earned that shit.
45:50That was my money, not my mom and dad's.
45:53I fucking loved it bro.
45:55Being out there, they fucking loved me.
45:58You're not doing that shit again bro.
46:03You think Trace is going to keep his mouth shut?
46:05Told him he had no fucking choice.
46:07Damn right.
46:08I gotta go.
46:09She's going to fucking kill me.
46:10Go kill her.
46:12Later dog.
46:23You want to tell me about these white boys Cain had on the corner?
46:26You want to tell me why you sent Cain up here?
46:28Somebody could have gotten killed.
46:29That whole shit.
46:30I didn't send him Tariq.
46:31Cain was on his own tonight.
46:33I didn't send him.
46:34I didn't send him.
46:35I didn't send him Tariq.
46:36Cain was on his own tonight.
46:38Yeah, I don't know whether to believe that or not.
46:40I don't lie.
46:41I don't have to.
46:42Diana told me about course correct.
46:44I knew she would.
46:45Want me to explain it to you?
46:47No explanation needed.
46:48I know way more than what I need to.
46:50We good?
46:51Yeah, we good as long as Cain don't come up here again.
46:53He won't.
46:56The names are Brayden and Trace Weston.
46:58I ran them.
46:59The Brayden kid is younger.
47:00He went to high school with Tariq.
47:02These kids are rich and connected.
47:04But something happens to them, half of NYPD is here,
47:06and it's a national story.
47:08I know.
47:09Cain is out of control, Mo.
47:12You have to get him in line.
47:14If you can.
47:15What the fuck you mean if I can?
47:16He's your son, but you're not a man.
47:18You may not be able to get him back in line.
47:20And you can.
47:21If you let me off the leash.
47:22Cain is not your son.
47:24He's Lorenzo's.
47:26Just like I'm not yours.
47:27I'm Lorenzo's too.
47:30Next time Cain fucks up,
47:32maybe that's who you should call.
47:34Don't call me.
47:44Mr. Johnson, you have specific knowledge
47:47of the workings of the so-called ghost crew, do you not?
47:50You were a member?
47:51I never heard of the ghost crew, that's hilarious.
47:55You're saying now you weren't part of the drug organization
47:58run by Tommy Egan, street name Ghost?
48:00Tommy Egan?
48:01Who that?
48:02Mr. Johnson, we discussed your testimony.
48:11You recognize that picture?
48:13I said I would tell you what I knew.
48:15What I know is,
48:16ain't no way a white guy like that
48:18runs a major drug organization in Queens.
48:21Mr. Johnson, we believe you were deeply
48:24and intimately involved in Egan's drug organization.
48:26You are the last man standing
48:28in a multi-million dollar operation
48:30that ran in all five boroughs of New York
48:32for over 15 years.
48:34Not me.
48:35You were arrested in a warehouse
48:37that belonged to one of his holding corporations.
48:39That was a setup from a crooked cop.
48:41A crooked cop?
48:42Blanca Rodriguez.
48:43You got her kicked off the force a little while ago, right?
48:45She set me up.
48:46I was looking for work.
48:47She lured me there on a job interview,
48:49and boom, pajamas and patackies,
48:51all for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
48:53So you have no information?
48:55No information about Tommy Egan.
48:58You realize that lying on the stand
48:59is a violation of your plea arrangement?
49:01Actually, you gave me transactional immunity.
49:04As long as I show up,
49:06take the stand,
49:07and answer your questions to the best of my ability,
49:09I've held up my end of the deal.
49:12I got a lawyer now.
49:15Seems like it.
49:17One last question.
49:18In your travels looking for work,
49:21you ever meet anyone in the St. Patrick family
49:24reminding you that you were wearing
49:26James St. Patrick's watch when you were arrested?
49:29I never actually met Mr. St. Patrick or his wife,
49:31but I think once I helped out his son, Tariq.
49:38No further questions, Your Honor.
49:44How did you help Tariq?
49:46Helped him get home after he got lost.
49:48And was my client part of that effort,
49:51helping Tariq get home
49:53after he got lost?
49:56Not to my knowledge.
49:57Like I said, I never met your client before.
49:59And to your knowledge,
50:01she was not the queenpin of any drug organization
50:04of which you were aware?
50:06If some lady was running some big drug organization,
50:08I would have heard about it.
50:09As far as I know,
50:10she's just the wife to that dead Lieutenant Governor nigga.
50:17Excuse me, Your Honor.
50:18I mean, James St. Patrick.
50:21That's all, Your Honor.
50:22No, actually, wait.
50:24Do you know how Tariq got lost?
50:26I hear he got mixed up with the wrong people.
50:28And as far as you know,
50:30my client did not know these wrong people.
50:34Mr. McLean, I have no knowledge of your client
50:36and any criminal activity at all.
50:38No further questions.
50:53You still up?
50:54You're supposed to be my rock.
50:56You're supposed to follow the rules.
50:58You're supposed to set an example for Drew and Diana.
51:00They're your kids, not mine.
51:02You think about what could have happened
51:03if you got picked up with two rich white boys in your car
51:06and two bags of product.
51:07Did you think about that?
51:08Ma, they knew my name.
51:11Okay, so I had to scare them.
51:12I had to get them under control.
51:13Matter of fact, Tariq put my name in that kid's mouth.
51:15The nigga wouldn't even know me
51:16if you hadn't brought him into our shit.
51:17Are you so fucking mad about Tariq?
51:19You forgetting what we out here for, Kane?
51:21To make money and not get caught.
51:23You bringing those boys where people know you.
51:25You got them in your car with you while you driving.
51:27The fuck is you thinking?
51:29Ma, you're shutting down all our primeras.
51:31Giving way to Tariq so we can do what?
51:33Settle some fucking white folks?
51:35We got queens on lock.
51:36What do we need them for?
51:37Boy, I don't need to explain to you
51:38what I do or why I do it.
51:39Not to you, not to any fucking body.
51:41I'm running this shit, Kane.
51:43Not you.
51:44You always want to do shit your way, Kane.
51:46Put yourself first.
51:47But as long as you are in my house,
51:48you will fucking listen to me.
51:50This ain't your fucking house.
51:51This is Dad's house.
51:52Everything you got comes from him.
51:53This is his business, not yours.
51:55What the fuck you just say to me?
51:56I'm saying if he was here,
51:57ain't none of this shit happening.
51:58Boy, let me set you straight on some shit right now.
52:00Your father's in jail for 25 years.
52:0225 years since it, and it's only been 10.
52:05He can get parole.
52:06He can get out.
52:07Good behavior.
52:08And when he does, all this bullshit
52:09with you and Tariq,
52:10and you and that cop nigga.
52:11Don't you put your fucking hands
52:12off me.
52:13Kane, what the fuck is wrong with you?
52:36You have to do something.
52:39I don't know.
52:43That you built out there.
52:45All this shit up.
52:46She's making all these changes.
52:49Shutting down El Bloque.
52:50Creating enemigos that we don't need.
52:59See, but Papi, she ain't listening.
53:03You trying to be a man.
53:05I see that.
53:07I feel that.
53:09A man's got to know his swing.
53:13Out there,
53:14Monet is me.
53:19I know you're not swinging on me, right?
53:22So you follow the fuck back.
53:24Do what she tells you.
53:48Don't forget that you are my soldier, son.
54:49I've been living out of bullets.
55:06Don't you ever put your hands on my wife again.
55:24Hey, Ma.
55:25How was court?
55:26Do you know Francis Johnson?
55:28Oh, yeah.
55:29One of Tommy's men.
55:30Yeah, yeah.
55:31I've seen him before.
55:32He was part of the plan to get you back from Vincent.
55:33He brought you up in court today.
55:34Why would he do that?
55:35I don't know, Reeve.
55:36Is there any way that Davis could know what really happened?
55:39Any way at all that he knows about you getting mixed up with Vincent?
55:42Or about you and Ray-Ray?
55:43Anything at all?
55:44No, Ma.
55:45There's no way.
55:46Look, you were the one that said we have to trust Davis.
55:47I know.
55:49I know.
55:50I did say that.
55:51And the testimony didn't make me look good.
55:54So then that's all that matters.
55:55Look, Ma, don't worry about anything.
55:56Everything will be fine.
56:00I just hope you're right.
56:11You got your ass handed to you today.
56:13Witnesses lie.
56:15It happens.
56:16Well, I can't walk anyway.
56:17So if I go back to gym now, I'll look like a fucking idiot.
56:19We just let a violent felon back out on the street and got nothing for it.
56:24I'll make this right, Steven.
56:26You have my word.
56:27Why doesn't that make me feel better?
56:47Why are you talking shit?
56:48I'm making money.
56:49I'm making money.
56:50I'm making money.
56:51Get it?
56:52Why are you talking shit?
56:53I'm making money.
56:54I'm making money.
56:55I'm making money.
56:56Get it?
56:57I'm fly like when you go to court.
56:59I stack money like it's a game.
