• last year
Bear Grylls 'to stand down as chief scout' after he baptised Russell Brand in Thames


00:00You got baptized with Bear Grylls, right?
00:15Yep, I only get baptized by the SAS.
00:18I need special forces to baptize me.
00:20My mate Joe stood on a nail or a bit of glass or nearly lost a toe, Bear Grylls straight
00:26Okay, we're going to the hospital.
00:28We're going straight to the hospital.
00:29And then he like got my mate Joe's foot in our kitchen sink, washed it off, he goes,
00:33Russell, we're going to the hospital.
00:34And then he got in and took out like some strong antiseptic, poured it all over Joe's
00:37foot and goes, Joe, the next few seconds are going to require you to be a man, poured this
00:43stuff all over his foot and then bound it up.
00:45And when we arrived at the hospital to get the stitches, the people in the hospital were
00:49like, whoever bound this foot up did a really good job of it, man.
00:53And I was like, yep, that's Bear Grylls, baby.
00:56When Bear Grylls binds your foot up, it stays bound up.
00:59So like it was like a baptism, a healing.
01:02We almost saw the whole of the New Testament in a 20 minute period.
