Embark on a magical adventure with the official “Caught Off Guard” clip from Netflix's romantic comedy series, Miss Night and Day, Season 1, directed by the acclaimed Lee Hyung Min. Starring a stellar cast including Jung Eun Ji, Choi Jin Hyuk, and Lee Jung Eun, this series promises a captivating blend of romance and mystique. Don't miss out—stream Miss Night and Day now on Netflix!
Miss Night and Day Cast:
Jung Eun Ji, Choi Jin Hyuk, Lee Jung Eun, Yoon Byung Hee, Jung Young Joo and Baek Seo Hoo
Stream Miss Night and Day now on Netflix!
Miss Night and Day Cast:
Jung Eun Ji, Choi Jin Hyuk, Lee Jung Eun, Yoon Byung Hee, Jung Young Joo and Baek Seo Hoo
Stream Miss Night and Day now on Netflix!
Short filmTranscript
00:02lalalala like that
00:06Oh yes, like that
00:10lalalala like that
00:14Don't cross the line
00:16lalalalala like that
00:24Why is this guy here?
00:31Oh, God.