• l’année dernière


00:00I'm in Psalm 91 verse 16.
00:27We're going to go for approximately 30 minutes.
00:34This is from Psalm 91.
00:36We'll go through the whole Psalm at the end of the message.
00:40With a long life, I will satisfy you and show you my salvation.
00:48And so I've been asking the Lord to give me long life, but I don't want a long life with
00:55I don't want a long life with no money.
00:58I don't want a long life without a roof over my head.
01:01I don't want a long life with no teeth.
01:04I can do with no hair.
01:07I don't want a long life blind, deaf.
01:10I want quality in my long life.
01:14So I receive long life with quality.
01:19The thief comes not but for the steel to kill and destroy, John 10.
01:23But I have come that you might have life, shout, and I have it abundantly.
01:29You may be seated.
01:30Wish somebody long life.
01:32Live long.
01:34Live long.
01:35Proverbs 3 verse 1.
01:38My son, do not forget my law, but let your heart keep my commandments.
01:46So commandments is not just a choice, it's of your heart.
01:51Your heart has to keep the commandments because sometimes you can keep the commandments of
01:58the Lord out of a legalistic, in a legalistic way, but your heart is not convinced.
02:06And so when you love the Lord, you have to love him with your whole mind and with your
02:10whole heart and with all your energy and with all your resources.
02:14Proverbs 13, 22.
02:17A good man, a good woman, a good family leaves an inheritance to their children and their
02:24children's children.
02:25And the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just.
02:32And so in terms of the subject today, stretch your life.
02:38It has to stretch to affect generations, perhaps unborn to time, or for those that
02:46have grandchildren, their children and their children's children.
02:50And so when the Lord was dealing with Solomon, after he sacrificed over a thousand bulls,
02:56he appeared to Solomon at night who had asked for wisdom.
03:02And God said, because you have not asked for things like money, the life of your enemy
03:10and so on, he says, I'm giving you all the things like wisdom, understanding, heart,
03:18and so on.
03:19I'm giving you wealth.
03:20And then also he says, because you have asked this thing and have not asked for yourself
03:27long life, I am granting that.
03:30I am granting you long life.
03:33And so if God is going to grant something that you haven't asked, imagine what he will
03:38grant when you do ask.
03:41So if you ask God for long life, ask him for long life with quality.
03:47Are we tracking Tandi?
03:49All right.
03:50So basically I put a few definitions together, pulled out a couple from a dictionary or two.
03:56Life is basically the existence of an individual human being with a living soul.
04:05So we wanted to differentiate between life of an animal, an insect and define human life.
04:15Life is a being of organic matter that possesses life that has the ability to reproduce itself.
04:25The meaning of life is the quality that distinguishes a vital and functional being from a dead body.
04:33I think that's Webster.
04:35Life is the essence of an entity that causes it to exist.
04:41That's me.
04:43Life is an environment that causes and encourages vibrant life forms.
04:51That's me again.
04:52Life is a plethora of living organisms that are able to coexist in a balanced ecosystem.
05:01I put that together as well.
05:04Life is the quality that distinguishes a vital and functional being from a dead body.
05:10That's Oxford.
05:12Life must be experienced and life must be lived.
05:18Life must be experienced and life must be lived.
05:24Call your name and say live your life.
05:25Tudor, live your life.
05:28Live your life.
05:30So last week, but one, thereabouts, was the commemoration of D-Day, which was the 80th
05:39anniversary of the Allied forces storming the coasts of Normandy.
05:47Several thousand soldiers were killed.
05:49Germany had occupied France.
05:52Quentin's family ran away to the south of France.
05:56And it was there that the Allies, assisted with the Americans, the British mainly, began
06:06the liberation of Europe from the tyranny and the dogma, horrendous demonic dogma, of
06:12Adolf Hitler.
06:14And so D-Day then is a very important milestone in terms of the free world where people are
06:21able to live their lives without being dictated to.
06:26That does not mean that we do not subscribe to governmental order and structure, but within
06:32a free and fair society, government provides the structures and the tools for you to make
06:40responsible decisions pertaining to your life and its quality thereof and thereto.
06:48And so also during D-Day celebrations, there were a handful and becoming less and less
06:54a handful of individuals that actually were on the front line that went into storm Normandy
07:0380 years ago.
07:04Many of these individuals are in their late 90s.
07:08There's a few people in their 100s.
07:10And so there was, interestingly, there was a couple there, he had just turned 100, she
07:18had just turned 99, both of them, their spouses had passed away, this couple tied the knot.
07:24They got married on D-Day and she said, oh, I'm so excited because I can't wait for us
07:29to consummate our marriage at 100.
07:33So I looked at you and I said, there's hope for all of us.
07:38And so it was just a little twist to the story.
07:40It was romantic.
07:41It was wonderful.
07:43But again, here are individuals that have gone through so much in their lives and have
07:49endured so much in their lives.
07:52Imagine this guy went to the war, he was 39 years old.
07:57He was 40 years old.
07:58The honey was 39 years old.
08:01If you were 39 years and under, raise your hands.
08:05Raise your hands high.
08:08Imagine going to a world war at the age of 39 and then going all the way to live to be
08:15100, to get married at 100 years old.
08:18It's quite amazing.
08:20But again, quality of life.
08:22And so what are some of the secrets to a long life?
08:29And so here's just a handful of secrets to a long life.
08:32And the list is endless, really.
08:34Eating healthy.
08:35And somebody recommended a plant-based diet.
08:41No smoking.
08:45Limited intake of alcohol.
08:49Paul said to Timothy, take a little wine for your stomach's sake.
08:53Turned to your neighbor and said, you are not Timothy.
09:04Get enough sleep.
09:07You know, back to Timothy there.
09:11You know, some of the old remedies.
09:14Because my chest is not giving me too much leeway.
09:18It's just a problem.
09:20And so the old remedies, you make like a little cocktail.
09:23You put in a shot of brandy, whatever the case might be, with ginger and stuff.
09:28You shake it up a bit and you chaya and you go to bed.
09:32But that's maybe once every decade.
09:37Get enough sleep.
09:38We don't sleep enough.
09:40Lack of or loss of sleep is not a good thing.
09:45This was an interesting study.
09:46People tell me that coffee is bad for you.
09:48The study I did said that coffee is really great for you.
09:52It expands and enlarges your life and so on.
09:56So Diana will be toasting today with lots of coffee.
10:01Of course, there are secrets to a long life.
10:05Create a vision and a strategic life plan and push towards getting that vision accomplished.
10:12Manage your money.
10:13Manage your resource.
10:15Say manage energy.
10:17Say manage energy.
10:19Say manage energy.
10:21Manage your time.
10:23This is important.
10:24Take time to rest, including taking a holiday, vacation, a break.
10:28Consider taking a sabbatical.
10:30That's something that some of the guys in the CAA are requesting or recommending that mom and I do.
10:37And so we're just working on our 50-year ministry documentary.
10:43And we're considering next year doing a significant sabbatical.
10:48Maybe three months.
10:49I'll take you to Greece to go see all your relatives and so on.
10:54So it's Greece, the Great Wall of China, and so on, the Taj Mahal.
10:59So get well, get ready, because in our sabbatical we're going to do the things we wanted to do.
11:05Consider a number of things in terms of the way you feed your soul, feed your mind.
11:14These are parts of our behavior.
11:16To be honest.
11:17A man, a woman of integrity.
11:19To be a person that tells the truth.
11:23Don't tell lies.
11:25No kuchemaism.
11:29Tell the truth.
11:31At all times.
11:32The whole truth.
11:33And nothing but the truth.
11:34So help you God.
11:36Find joy.
11:37Practice peace.
11:38Practice peace.
11:40Practice peace.
11:41Minimize stress.
11:43Especially on the roads.
11:46Practice forgiveness.
11:48Show compassion.
11:50Secrets to a long life.
11:52Cultivate a positive mindset.
11:54Thinking positively can help you live longer.
11:58Optimism reduces a lower risk of heart problems and challenges.
12:06Most sicknesses that people have are because of fear, stress and a negative emotion.
12:14And of course there are several ways in which you can test your level of optimism.
12:17Practice morality, integrity, generosity, spirituality.
12:21And then sickness and diseases come as sometimes a result of high levels of stress and so on.
12:30But in this season of cold and flu, manage your body well.
12:34Zinc is good if you don't have a budget for those kinds of things.
12:38Lemons, oranges, everything that's high in vitamin C, consume that.
12:43A lot of spinach for iron.
12:45And I'm not a dietician, just domestic knowledge.
12:48Check your medicines, you know.
12:50Medicines are not like taking Smarties.
12:52I'll take this color, this color, this color, this color.
12:57Make sure that you are checking your meds and so on.
13:00This will definitely help because some medications can actually hurt the body.
13:04Chemos and those kinds of things.
13:06Slide 14.
13:09Understand muscle weakness.
13:12And so exercise does help.
13:14Every day just a few squats, sit-ups and so on.
13:17Those really, really do help.
13:20Make sleep a priority.
13:23We don't get enough sleep.
13:24Make sleep a priority.
13:26And please, if you're taking anything to help you sleep, there's all kinds of natural things you can take.
13:32I take something that is a concern for mom, but she can fall asleep like this.
13:38I was going up the stairs the other day, just up the stairs, and I forgot what I was going upstairs for.
13:44So I went down to ask her what was I going upstairs for.
13:47She had bailed out.
13:48She was sleeping.
13:49So I stood there.
13:50I've got somebody that knows what I'm going upstairs for.
13:52I don't know what I'm going upstairs for.
13:54What am I going to do?
13:57And so poor sleep does damage one's health.
14:00Manage your weight.
14:02Eat properly.
14:03Manage your weight.
14:04That helps with exercise.
14:05There are certain things that people shouldn't eat.
14:08Some people just look at food and they blow up.
14:12And sometimes metabolism isn't working adequately.
14:16And so be constantly aware of that.
14:19Chocolates, sweets, Mrs. V, fizzy drinks for some of you shouldn't.
14:26That's not a good thing.
14:28And so if you know there's something that causes you to blow up,
14:31make sure that you manage your diet so that you keep a constant weight.
14:36I would advise that if you have a challenge with managing your weight,
14:40find someone that is tough that you can be accountable to.
14:47And so I'm coming to the house today with a scale.
14:51We're going to be weighing ourselves.
14:53All those that have put on weight this week are going to be fined.
15:04My general weight is 67 kg.
15:06At the moment I'm 64.5.
15:08And don't intend to carry things around that Chi Chi was not married to.
15:16And some women are living with parts of your husband that weren't at the altar.
15:30Slide number 18, I've got to hurry.
15:32Plan multigenerationally.
15:35And so at CAA, Apostle Thabo Mesenya was sharing that the king of Thailand
15:42put together years ago, put out a plan to attract foreign investors.
15:48And said to the foreign investors in this 100-year plan,
15:53after a year you'll give back to the government in Thailand 1%.
16:00And then after 40 years it will have been a year, every year you give back a percentage.
16:06So that after 100 years, Thailand, the government, owns 100% of the company.
16:12And with this 100-year plan, so many people had come in, foreign investors,
16:16invested, invested, to where Thailand was lifted eventually out of poverty.
16:21And so I was studying the Rothschild family.
16:25They generally, from the end of the 16th century coming to the 17th century,
16:32this old man was a property investor, a banker, asset management,
16:36and the Rothschild fund became the richest fund in the world.
16:40But the Rothschilds, in the 50s, 1850, Nathan was to marry his cousin.
16:49But before they married, the parents made them commit and sign a 100-year plan
16:56for the Rothschild financial plan, money, investment, endowments, and so on.
17:03So you have to have a very long plan.
17:07And so the Rothschild money now is $10 trillion.
17:16They invest the interest from that and live off the interest of the interest.
17:25$1 trillion is a lot of money.
17:30$10 trillion, that's stupid money.
17:34Here is a diagram you can research just for yourself.
17:38The fund, their finances began in 1763
17:44and goes all the way how they invested their revenues.
17:47Just Google it, you'll find it there.
17:50I also have studied the Kennedy money.
17:53The Kennedy money is quite interesting.
17:55The Kennedys have, in terms of their revenues,
17:59their Kennedys are in the trillions of dollars.
18:04And this incredible family, as their money and their portfolios have increased,
18:13individually, each of the Kennedys are multi-multi-millionaires.
18:17Their fund, corporately, is in the trillions of dollars.
18:22But the old man planned for long life.
18:27Say planned for long life.
18:30In background study, two countries, Norway and Canada,
18:35discovered petroleum oil at the same time.
18:38Canada has a greater reserve.
18:41They extract petroleum from sands.
18:46It's called dirty crude.
18:48So they have to put pressure on the sands to extract the crude.
18:53And it's thick black, but it's dirty.
18:55The refining process is a lot more expensive.
18:58But in its abundance, Canada potentially does have more capacity in terms of crude.
19:05Norway, on the other hand, has ocean crude.
19:09And both countries, when they accessed their crude,
19:14began to make a lot of money, of course.
19:16And so what Norway did was, Norway put a dollar aside for every barrel of oil they pulled out.
19:24At the beginning of this year, Norway, from that plan, when they hit crude,
19:29Norway's fund now is $1 trillion in surplus.
19:34Canada is $17 million.
19:39And yet they produce more.
19:41Say, long life has to have a long term plan.
19:47Come on, you're sitting on the front row.
19:49Don't be so boring.
19:51Long life has to have a long term plan.
19:57So when you ask God for long life, you have to stretch your life.
20:02You have to stretch your life.
20:04Very quickly, Tudor, what are the agents that shorten a lifespan?
20:10First, apply to your own life, a family, a building, a car.
20:15A car.
20:16Number one, neglect.
20:18Look after your car.
20:19Look after your body.
20:20Look after your house.
20:21Look after your clothes.
20:24Look after your clothes.
20:26Look after your health.
20:41Refusal to advance and grow.
20:44No vision.
20:45No strategy.
20:46No plan.
20:47Diminishing morality.
20:48Diminishing spirituality.
20:50War and conflict.
20:52War and conflict is not just what's happening in Gaza, Israel, Ukraine, and certain countries in Africa, Sudan.
21:00It's ridiculous what's happening there.
21:02There's so much resource there.
21:04Everybody can be blessed.
21:06But you see women running with children and living in tents.
21:09That's crazy.
21:11And so wars have got to end.
21:13Wars have got to end in your families.
21:15Wars have got to end in your life, in your head.
21:19End it quickly.
21:21And so Deuteronomy then, in Deuteronomy 11 and verse 18,
21:28it says you will teach your children principles and you will put them what they call frontlets.
21:33Frontlets are like a set of glasses like this.
21:36They will put them on and on the frontlets will be inscribed there on the pieces of paper
21:43the laws of the Lord, the concepts, the fundamental concepts,
21:48the pillars of fundamental faith, behavior, and culture.
21:52And the children have to wear those so that they don't see a wilderness
21:57and they don't see a desert.
21:59They don't see lack.
22:00They only see the promise of God.
22:02And he says when the children do that, verse 21,
22:05that your days might be multiplied and the days of your children
22:11in the land which the Lord has sworn to give your fathers to give them.
22:15And the days of heaven upon earth might be multiplied.
22:20And so rehearsing the word of God will stretch your life.
22:25Psalm 113 verse 5,
22:28a scripture that Mom Mandaza shared with Pastor Chichi,
22:31which thank you, Mom, for that scripture, which I've started praying almost every day.
22:35Verse number 7,
22:37He raises up the poor out of the dust.
22:39He lifts the needy out of the downhill that he may set him with princes,
22:45even with princes of his people.
22:48He makes the barren woman to keep house and to be a joyful mother of children.
22:54Praise ye the Lord.
22:55And so in times when your life is broken and down,
22:59God is able to raise your life and stretch your life.
23:03You may be born in a place that's a dump.
23:06Where were we a few weeks ago?
23:09We were driving through a neighborhood.
23:11And as we came through the neighborhood, there was a mountain of rubbish.
23:15Like from here to the Hyatt, Old Meikle's new Hyatt,
23:19just a dump of rubbish.
23:20And there were tons of people in there rummaging through the rubbish.
23:25It's never God's will for any person to eat rubbish,
23:29harvest in rubbish and be in rubbish.
23:32Don't you never say, don't be a rubbish.
23:37Sisters and brothers, God wants to stretch your life.
23:41Shout, stretch my life.
23:44Stretch my life.
23:47Go with me to slide number 24.
23:52I want every person here to commit to long life.
23:58Use your name and say, Tudor, commit to long life.
24:05Are you going to pray for me today?
24:07Commit to long life.
24:09You have to be true to yourself.
24:12Even to their own self, be true.
24:15So when you commit to long life,
24:18there are things that you ought not to do.
24:23There are practices you ought to cease from participating in.
24:28Birds of a feather flock together.
24:32You might have to change the crew.
24:34That brew, stay away from that bunch.
24:37Commit to having a life that will benefit your children and their children's children.
24:45Commit to a long life.
24:48And it means you have to be disciplined.
24:51You have to commit to serving the Lord.
24:54As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord.
25:00I was driving home about three months ago.
25:04And generally at Samora and now ED,
25:08that traffic light, there's vendors there.
25:11And I get to know them or got to know them
25:14because every now and then I'll give them a couple of dollars a piece.
25:19But as I was going, traffic light was of course not working.
25:24An assigned traffic policeman was there to direct the traffic.
25:29And so I was trying to squeeze through.
25:33But I saw a man standing and he was just looking at me.
25:37And he was holding a huge picture frame.
25:40And he wasn't looking at anybody, he was just looking at me.
25:44So I was praying that the traffic cop would allow me to squeeze through.
25:49But as we were trying to go through,
25:51we stood in front of my car and struck me.
25:54I was like, Asia, come on, let me through.
25:58So the man came with that picture frame and said,
26:01I made this for you.
26:04The plaque was as for me and my house.
26:08We shall serve the Lord.
26:11I said, how much is it?
26:13He said, it's $80.
26:15I said, I don't have money right now.
26:17He says, take it, put it in your car, I'll get the money at some point.
26:21I said, do you know where I am?
26:23He says, we all know where you are.
26:26So I thought, okay.
26:29So the next day at about 10 o'clock,
26:32this individual came to the office and Jossie or Jackie made the money available.
26:38On my way home or to the land,
26:41when I got to the intersection,
26:43I didn't see the man there.
26:45So I asked the general guys,
26:47I was describing the guy,
26:48they said, there's no such person that we know that's here.
26:52It's possible that they that know where I am,
26:55put together a plaque to assure me that as for me and my house,
27:02we shall serve the Lord.
27:04Commit to serving the Lord.
27:06Give someone a high five.
27:08Say, make a commitment.
27:10Commit to being spiritual.
27:13Commit to prayer, praise, worship, and fellowship.
27:17Commit to managing your life.
27:20Commit to eating healthy.
27:22Commit to living happy.
27:24Happiness is a choice.
27:26Commit to living in joy.
27:28Commit to a lifestyle of forgiveness.
27:31Commit to a lifestyle of love.
27:34Commit to a lifestyle of compassion.
27:37Commit to managing and investing your resources.
27:40Commit to developing and growing and loving your family.
27:47Turn to someone and say, if you don't have family,
27:49I'll be family to you.
27:51Come on.
27:52Tell someone if you don't have family,
27:55I'll be family to you.
27:57But tell them there are rules when you become a family member.
28:02I'm not inviting you to be a family member
28:04if you don't live by my rules.
28:07These are the rules in my family.
28:11Someone say rules.
28:13There are rules.
28:14I commit to abiding by the rules.
28:17Everybody standing.
28:18He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High
28:23shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
28:26I will say of the Lord,
28:28He is my refuge and my fortress.
28:31My God in Him shall I trust.
28:34He shall deliver me from the snare of the fowler
28:37and from the noisome pestilence.
28:39He shall cover me with His feathers and under His wings.
28:43I will trust.
28:44I will not be afraid of the terror by night,
28:47nor of the arrow that flies by day,
28:49nor for the pestilence that walketh in noonday,
28:52nor for the destruction that wasteth in darkness.
28:55A thousand shall fall at my side
28:59and ten thousand at my right hand,
29:01only with mine eyes will I see the reward of the wicked.
29:06Because you have made the Lord, which is my refuge,
29:09even the Most High, my habitation.
29:12There shall no evil befall me,
29:15neither shall any plague come near my dwelling.
29:19He has given His angels charge over me
29:23to keep me in all my ways.
29:27They shall bear me up lest I dash my foot against a stone.
29:31I'll tread upon the lion and the ant,
29:34and the young lion and the dragon.
29:36I will trample under feet
29:38because He has set His love upon me.
29:41I will set Him on high
29:43because He has known my name.
29:45I will deliver Him.
29:46He shall call upon me and I will answer Him.
29:49I will be with Him in trouble
29:52and deliver Him and honor Him.
29:54Shout it now!
29:55With long life!
30:00Shout that again!
30:07Shout it one more time!
30:13I'm stretching my mind to living long.
30:18I plan to live over 87 years old.
30:23I'm pushing towards 97.
30:26That means I've got 30 good years.
30:30Turn to your neighbors and stretch your life.
30:33Stretch your life!
30:36Stretch your life!
30:38Don't be satisfied with nothing.
30:40You've got to stretch your life.
30:42Don't be satisfied with normal.
30:45Stretch your life.
30:47Don't be satisfied with mediocrity.
30:50Stretch your life.
30:52Don't be satisfied with rubbish.
30:54Stretch your life.
30:57Don't be satisfied with a little worship.
31:03Give it all.
31:05Put your hands together as we give Him a praise.
31:09I want now to pray for every individual that's 50 and above.
31:22Raise your hand.
31:24We've got a whole church.
31:31Put your hands down.
31:3339 and below, raise your hands.
31:36But that's the same people.
31:4250 and above, raise your hands.
31:44Don't be embarrassed.
31:46Raise it high.
31:47Raise it high.
31:48There are some things that only old people get.
31:52Some things only old people get.
31:56So Father, for every man and woman, 50 and above,
32:01I thank you for stretching their lives.
32:06Stretching our lives.
32:08Stretching our lives.
32:10Cause us every day, in one day,
32:15to do the things that people will take a month to do.
32:18Say, stretch my life.
32:23For every person that's 39 and below,
32:25for every step that they take,
32:27I will take, for every 10 steps that they take,
32:31I will take one step.
32:33Come on, 50 and above, keep those hands up.
32:35It's a prayer for you.
32:37It's a prayer for you.
32:38So you youngsters, you take 10 steps, I'll just take one.
32:41In the words of Trevor Noah, I'll meet you there.
32:43We shall be there.
32:44We shall be there.
32:46For those that are 50 and above, here's my prayer.
32:49For every $10 that the younger person spends,
32:52you will spend one because you have learned wisdom
32:55on how to make your dollar work.
32:57You're going to get a lot of bang out of your buck.
33:00Shout, stretch my life.
33:02Shout, stretch my life.
33:05Anybody that's involved in innovation here,
33:08innovation, creativity, innovation,
33:12please can you invent a micro bed
33:15where people like Danzo and myself
33:17can jump into the micro bed,
33:21we press, eight hours sleep, press,
33:25and it goes like eight minutes in the micro bed.
33:28For eight minutes we get up after having eight hours of sleep.
33:31Amen, I need a micro bed.
33:37Amen, don't laugh.
33:39When the guys are using tins with string,
33:41they said it would be a smartphone.
33:43Don't laugh, amen.
33:44You will thank me for the micro bed.
33:47I pray that every person 50 and above
33:49that you'll have rest in your head,
33:51rest in your emotions, rest in your life.
33:55That young men's wars will never be fought by you.
33:59Young men's battles and young women's battles
34:02will never be fought by you.
34:04Things that happened way, way, way in the past
34:08when you were a young woman, young man,
34:10will not be resurrected to torment you.
34:12I pray for long life, quality life,
34:15blessed life, and expedient life.
34:18All the women, clap your hands.
