• last year
Muir says tap water for 60% of Derry taken downstream of Mobuoy dump is rigorously tested for safety


00:00Can I ask the Minister what steps are being taken in relation to the safety of drinking water?
00:07I thank the Member for her question. The safety of drinking water is something of
00:12paramount importance, and I think it is an important question that you have asked. Safeguarding public
00:16health, ensuring safe drinking water and reducing the environmental impact of this crime are
00:21paramount. My Department is committed to protecting the water quality of the River
00:25Fawn in partnership with Northern Ireland Water to safeguard drinking water in the north-west.
00:30My officials have put in place a comprehensive environmental monitoring programme at the
00:34Mabui site. This includes site and riverbank inspections, detailed monitoring using
00:40international quality standards of on-site groundwater and surface water, together with
00:45daily laboratory testing of water quality at the Northern Ireland Water drinking water
00:49abstraction point. Northern Ireland Water monitors water abstracted from the River Fawn,
00:54water at various stages of treatment and final water supplied from the Kilmarney Water Treatment
00:59Works. Monitoring data is shared and interpreted by both NEA and Northern Ireland Water.
