00:00is it strange? it rarely happens to be honest. people think we haven't spoken
00:08and you've got to be very careful what you say about private conversations but
00:12at the end of the season we'd given him an offer. it had a date
00:18for him to respond which he signed and agreed. that was long
00:23since passed. I spent an hour and a half, two hours with him at the end of the
00:29season and talked through what he wanted to do and he literally said he'd
00:33no idea what he wanted to do. he couldn't decide, wasn't sure what to do. he was at
00:38an age where maybe he thought a change would be good because he'd been
00:42with us all his career and on the other hand depending which day he woke up he
00:46wanted to stay and he'd let us know and since then the only communication is I
00:51sent him a message on... sorry that's not quite true. there was a flurry of
00:56activity the weekend before for various reasons I don't want to go into and
00:59I did speak to him. nothing to do with this footballer's contract and I then
01:04sent him best wishes for his wedding last Friday and he sent me back thanks
01:09a million. but there's nothing really for me to add or say because I'd spent a
01:16lot of time with him. we know where each other stood. I've said publicly we've been
01:21planning without him and that's what I'm planning to do.
01:25how's that going? would you be signing a player if they agreed and
01:29Alan still wasn't fully sure? yeah I've got two players I met last week
01:34both of whom are midfielders, both of whom are exciting and if we signed those two
01:40we wouldn't be bringing Alan back in whatever he said.