• last year
Have you ever wondered how visually impaired pupils learn alongside their peers who can see? Our GirlZ Off Mute teen reporter, Gladys Gorwor in Liberia, who is visually impaired, spoke to her classmates to find out about their experiences. #GirlZOffMute #DWAfrica #77Percent
00:00Hello, I'm Gladys and this is my first report for the girls of Muse for my country, Liberia.
00:11I am going to show you how Liberia's education policy makes it possible for students who
00:17are visually impaired to learn alongside students who can see.
00:27So Joyce, what really went through your mind when you had the chance to welcome a student
00:36with a disability in your class?
00:38Firstly, I started and thought, like, how is he or she going to write their notes, get
00:46their assignment done, do their test, or write their test and their courses.
00:52It was shocking to me to see a blind student or a disability student sitting with me because
00:58I've never sat there with one before.
01:01So Cynthia, what about you?
01:02What really ran through your mind when you had the chance to sit in class with students
01:08with disabilities?
01:09A lot went through my mind, actually.
01:12I was like, who are going to help the blind students or who are going to help them write
01:17their test or anything?
01:18And I actually volunteered to help a lot of them.
01:21How has the transition been, moving from a school for people with special needs to
01:26this one which accommodates everybody?
01:29I was very, very excited so that I could go out and make a difference because some people
01:35have the belief that blind people are nothing in this society.
01:39And some also say that blind people cannot learn, they do not have the ability to do
01:44what other people have to do.
01:47So based on this reason, I have decided to come and learn so that I can change the mindset
01:52of these people.
01:54Have you made any friends yet?
01:56At first, when I came to Best Friends Academy, I had a lot of friends.
02:02Some of them came around me and they wanted to know who I am.
02:05Some of them asked me a lot of questions, like timeout, how can you write, how can you
02:11get your notes done, and how can you read?
02:14So based on the conversation, we got to know each other better.
02:18Coming back to you, Sue Joyce, how has it been for you sitting in class with students
02:23who are visually impaired?
02:26Well, it has been a tough time because blind students are already a good friend to you.
02:33If you are close to them, they are good to you.
02:35Sitting in class with them, hearing them read the note the way you read, hearing and seeing
02:41them bring their assignment the way you take yours from your house and bring it.
02:46Cynthia, what about you?
02:48Yeah, I've had a good time with blind students.
02:52They're so nice.
02:53A lot of kids don't really hang out with them because these days kids want to be cool or
02:59hang out with other kids.
03:01Blind kids are actually really nice.
