Becchetti (FNEC): “ Abbiamo intrapreso un percorso che ha una valenza culturale, civile e politica”

  • 4 months ago
(Adnkronos) - “In questi sei anni di cammino abbiamo provato a compiere un percorso che ha una doppia valenza culturale ma anche civile e politica - spiega all’Adnkronos Leonardo Becchetti, direttore del Fnec e co-fondatore NeXt Economia - Con il Festival dell'Economia Civile di Firenze abbiamo messo in evidenza il fatto che questa società ha una carenza fondamentale, che è quella di comprendere quanto sia importante l'azione dal basso della società civile e questo corrisponde anche a una visione dell'economia diversa che si sta affermando progressivamente sul campo: una visione dell'economia dove la persona non è homo oeconomicus ma una persona ricca di relazioni e felice quando è generativa, quando ha un impatto sociale e ambientale. L'impresa non è solo massimizzatrice di profitto ma è un'impresa che ha come obiettivo l'impatto e non solo il profitto e l'azione politica non è solo dall'alto ma è anche dal basso”.

“Abbiamo firmato un manifesto con piu di 300 colleghi che vogliono mettere in evidenza il fatto che l'economia deve aprire le finestre, deve superare delle gabbie e deve assumere degli indicatori di benessere diversi. Noi misuriamo col Festival dell'economia civile da anni la generatività delle province italiane, cioè la capacità di aiutare i cittadini ad avere una vita ricca di senso, di felicità, mettendo in atto quelli che sono i loro progetti.”


00:00In these six years, we have tried to take a path that has a dual cultural but also civil and political value.
00:18First of all, as a civil economy, starting with the Festival of the Economy of Florence,
00:24we have highlighted the fact that this society has a fundamental deficiency,
00:30which is to understand how important action is from the bottom of civil society,
00:36and that this also corresponds to a different vision of the economy that is progressively taking shape on the field.
00:42A vision of an economy where the person is not an economic man, but a person rich in relationships,
00:49who is happy when it is generative, when it has a social and environmental impact.
00:53The company is not only maximizing profit, but it is a company that aims at impact and not just profit.
01:00And political action is not only from above, but also from below.
01:05These fundamental principles of civil economy have become the guiding principle of a path that,
01:11and this is the meaning of the next event in Perugia, on June 20 and 21,
01:16has become a path that has involved many colleagues, sensitive economists,
01:20because we were always told, well, you will think about these things in two or three years.
01:24Instead, we have signed a manifesto with more than 300 colleagues
01:28who want to highlight the fact that the economy must open its windows,
01:32it must overcome barriers and it must take on indicators of different well-being.
01:37We have been measuring the generativity of Italian provinces with the Festival of the Economy for years,
01:41that is, the ability to help citizens have a meaningful and happy life,
01:45putting in place their projects.
01:49This event in Perugia, very important, which will be at the helm of a scientific conference,
01:54a festival that will bring together the scientific community with the citizens,
01:57with the heirs of civil society, then leads us to the Festival of Florence,
02:01on October 3 and 6, where we will continue this path.
02:05The aim of the next few years is to increase the critical mass of civil society.
02:12It is an extraordinary period, we have many networks, we have Next, we have Asbis,
02:18we have the Forum for Equality and Diversity, we have Simbola,
02:21many networks of sensitive citizens who, at this time, must highlight a fact.
02:26The most beautiful actions in politics today are made by civil society,
02:31I think of the reform of the Constitution, I think of the work in prison,
02:35which will soon become a national law, but which was born thanks to the commitment
02:39of many good practices of women and men entrepreneurs.
02:42And all this must have the ambition of creating a different relationship
02:47between civil society and politics, a relationship of complementarity,
02:51but where the role of citizens is always greater, because participation,
02:54active citizenship, this is the lesson of the civil economy,
02:58are the foundations of happiness.
03:00The central theme is that of participation, because on participation we play everything,
03:04both at the personal level and at the level of society and politics.
03:09Today there is the risk of creating a society where there are many lonely people,
03:14sad, the keyboard lion, resentful, who simply try to understand
03:20who could be the new leader.
03:22Instead, politics is something else.
03:24Today, in our territories, we see it, and so, when administrators have a problem,
03:29they call civil society, there is the shared administration,
03:33so the idea that the third sector, profit, administration, must solve together
03:37fundamental problems, such as the fight against poverty, health problems, etc.
03:42So participation is the key word, both for the success of the political life
03:47of this country, and also for the satisfaction and wealth of meaning
03:50of our personal lives.
03:52Well, I believe that the central theme is to go through this phase
03:56of digital and ecological transition in the best possible way,
04:00in a way that is socially sustainable.
04:03Alex Langer said it, the green revolution will only be possible
04:07when it is socially desirable.
04:10So today the big challenge of the right and the left is to keep together
04:14the needs of the green transition with social sustainability,
04:20avoiding that this falls on the shoulders of the weakest,
04:23which creates further inequalities.
