Aldi has come out on top for the cheapest grocery prices, beating Coles and Woolworths in a Choice review.
00:00So, Choice is releasing data today that shows that in terms of value for money at the supermarket,
00:04Aldi is the clear frontrunner, and we established that by doing mystery shops at 81 stores across
00:11the country.
00:12We looked at 14 different products that make up a pretty typical basket, and Aldi's basket
00:16on average came in at $51.51, which was about 25% cheaper than Coles or Woolworths.
00:23One of the key takeaways that was kind of interesting is that Coles and Woolworths aren't
00:26so different, so their pricing is quite similar.
00:29You know, if you exclude specials, there's only 75% difference between the baskets at
00:33Coles and Woolworths.
00:34My number one tip is just not to shop on autopilot, which is something so many of us do, but it
00:39is really important if you're looking for the best deal to be really mindful as you
00:43move around the supermarket, consider different categories, so, you know, what's the price
00:47of frozen versus tin compared to fresh?
00:50You know, actually look at house brands where you might not have considered them previously.
00:54They often typically perform better than often the more recognisable brands.
00:59You know, take the time to actually look at unit pricing, which kind of helps you level
01:02out where the best deal might be found, but again, all of those things require you to
01:06kind of be very conscious as you move through the supermarket and deliberately think differently
01:11than you sometimes might otherwise.