Home and Away 8280 18th June 2024
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00:07Know that me snooping on your phone wasn't cool, but Levi I kind of had every right to be paranoid
00:13He did lie about talking to Imogen if there's no trust, and I'm not sure where this is going
00:19He gave up everything to be with you, and now you're just questioning the relationship
00:23Maybe just try and see things from his point of view. Thank you for being so lovely. Oh, you're welcome
00:29I got caught up. I didn't think you were seeing patients yet. No, that's still ages away, right?
00:34There's an experimental treatment that they've started over in Canada, but it'd be close to a hundred thousand dollars
00:41There's a lot going on if I push too hard. I might spook her
00:44Maybe you could do a crowdfunding page when you're ready. Hi. I'm Bronte
00:49I have a pretty rare autoimmune disease, and I just found out that I don't have very long to live
00:55Hmm you're good. Hey, hey, it feels like it's getting worse so much faster. Maybe I'm not ready to die right
01:07Here you go
01:14Hey, did you hear from cash? Mm-hmm thought it'd be home last night. Yeah, that was the plan, but then he called me
01:21Just after midnight, and he sounded very drunk
01:24Happy drunk or? Hard to say. He'd just been to a funeral, so good point
01:29Yeah, but there was music playing and I could hear Remy in the background
01:34So it sounds like they may have sorted things out. Oh, thank God. Yeah, it was so awkward having them hate each other
01:40Tell me about it
01:43So, how was the funeral?
01:47He didn't say much, but he said he was glad he went. Good.
01:55Hmm I should get ready for work. Oh, no
01:59Who am I gonna play with?
02:01Come with me. I'll distract you until cash gets back. Oh
02:06Thank you, but no, thank you
02:09Mackenzie won't be working. Seriously, I just I don't know how you can be in the same room with her
02:12And like I said, she won't be there. Yeah, she's not on today. Come on
02:17What do you say?
02:20What else are you gonna do?
02:23I have plenty of stuff to do. Thank you very much. Oh
02:26Right. I do
02:30Okay, fine, but if you change your mind, it's not gonna happen. Suit yourself
02:50Just so embarrassed breaking down in front of Xander like that
02:55It's alright love. Don't worry about it. He understands
03:00Just got on top of me all of a sudden, you know
03:04Morning doll
03:05Everything. All right. Oh, yeah will be
03:09Xander was around last night helping Bronte set up a crowdfunding page and all got a bit much for her. I
03:17Collapsed right in the middle of him filming me like an idiot. Did you go to hospital?
03:22It's all a part of the illness. Just have to learn to live with it
03:25As long as I am living that is now you listen to me. We've spoken about this
03:30I'm gonna get you to that trial
03:33How can I say the video that Xander took?
03:39Yeah, I mean it's no point really but
03:44God come on
03:48Bronte enough of this you can have another crack when you're feeling up to it in the meantime. Let's get you eat
03:59I need your help
04:03Gosh hey, I wasn't expecting to hear from you so early. Okay, when you coming home
04:11Yeah, yeah, yeah, of course that's fine you get some sleep and I will see you maybe later this afternoon
04:20Love you, too
04:25Hey big boy, thank you. Hi. Yes. Sorry. I've been a bit busy. I didn't think you were working today
04:32Well, it was a last-minute thing and you're a sleepy sure waking me up. Yeah. Well, I figured you've got a big day
04:37Organizing your new team. Yeah, there is a lot to do. So I figured I'd give you the space you need, right?
04:43Well, it hasn't started yet. So why don't we get some breakfast or go for a walk talk?
04:47Oh, look, I really am kind of run off my feet
04:50Mac what's going on? You haven't been yourself in days. What do you mean? I'm fine. Hey
04:58What are you doing here you weren't rusted
05:01Yeah, um, one of the waiters called in sick, so I figured you could use an extra pair of hands
05:04Who called in sick a new guy?
05:07Um, hey, we should probably sort this out. So are you going I might hang around for some breakfast. That's right
05:15Yeah, sure. Great
05:20What's going on between you two nothing
05:26Hey, you change your mind I
05:30Thought she wasn't working. So did I why don't we go out onto the balcony? No, thank you eat it
05:40When I got Leah's message, I just thought things were slow I didn't realize I was this slow
05:45She said not to rush in Oh love we're partners we should be there together
05:51Anyway, I'm gonna jump in the shower and head over. I love you're not hungry. Sorry
05:57It's all right, but you got to try and keep your strength up. I will promise. Let me get that. Thanks doll
06:05So business gonna be okay
06:08Irene's a fighter and her partner Leah she is too. So they'll find a way through it. I hope so
06:14How about we try and work out a way to help you what do you mean I
06:20Think you should post the video I
06:24Couldn't well hear me out. I know it makes you feel self-conscious, but seeing that happen to you. It's heartbreaking
06:31It's humiliating is what it is. Isn't the whole idea behind the video to make people understand what you're going through
06:38yeah, of course, but this is
06:40I'm sorry. I can't I can't do it. It's just doesn't feel right
06:47Well, then let me do it do what let me speak on your behalf
06:56Wait, so you can't just leave I have to check on Eden
06:59You need to sort out whatever's going on between you and Levi. No, I told you there's nothing going on
07:03He's clearly hanging around until you talk to him. So talk to him
07:15I'm guessing there's still no chance of that walk. Yeah, sorry for the city really needs me to stay
07:20You've been in a weird mood for days now, and I need you to tell me what's going on
07:24I don't know how many times I can say it. I'm fine. Yes, that's become your favorite word recently
07:31Except you keep making excuses not to be around me. You still are
07:35So if I've done something wrong, just tell me
07:40Okay, you win, okay, wait, wait, wait
07:48Hmm so I saw you the other day at the hospital with that patient
07:55okay, and
07:58And you're being super supportive and comforting her and it was just very familiar picture. I
08:05Was reassuring her that's what doctors do except you were no doctor
08:09So, let me get this straight you saw me in the hospital with a patient what a shocker great sarcasm
08:14That's really old. I was doing my job. Don't you get it?
08:18That is exactly how we started
08:29I don't even know how to respond to that. Levi wait
08:42Well, they are
08:44That's great news Marilyn
08:46No, we have fine here getting a you rest up and we'll see you when you get back in. Okay. Bye. Oh
08:55My god father this is not good. No, it's not we have had three customers all morning
09:02Please tell me two of them went Theo and Justin. No, we're just keeping Leah company. That's all
09:08But in good news Marilyn is home and she's feeling better. Oh, that's great
09:12I'm gonna try and get over to see John tonight. But in the meantime, what are we gonna do about this?
09:18I don't know. But if this keeps up we're in real trouble
09:21Mind you you can't blame people for being jumpy about coming back. The coastal news did a real number on us
09:28How are we supposed to fight that?
09:33We're gonna get out of here, okay, where are we going exactly just good stuff to do. Okay. Thanks
09:44Oh, wow, that was a quick look
09:48The girl that's staying with me Bronte. Yeah
09:51Xander and Harper set up a fundraising page for us so she can get to Canada for the treatment. She knows. Oh, that's great
09:59Yeah, yeah, well she's getting worse we've got to do something for a real quick
10:15So you want me to do some sort of blitz on social media
10:19Irene gave me the idea when she said we couldn't compete with the coastal news article. So
10:25So we have to hit up every local page that we can find we have to hit up the council the surf club
10:30We've got to let them know the diners back. Oh, but if people aren't coming because of the contamination
10:35How's advertising you're gonna help? We just need to get people back into the diner. Okay, it doesn't matter how we do it
10:41We can use your socials. We can use lyrics. Yeah. All right, let's do it
10:49I am so sorry. I swear Mackenzie was not supposed to be there. It's fine
10:55No, but I don't want you thinking it was some kind of ambush. I don't something. No, I don't I don't you
11:00This is not on you. Mackenzie is the problem. She thinks you can just show up whenever she wants and
11:04Pretend like nothing ever happened
11:07Well, it is her restaurant. She kind of can yet still I mean does she think you're just gonna forget what happened what she did?
11:15Oh and do not even get me started on Levi he just sitting there like he belongs
11:23What I
11:24Hate how angry this makes you. Oh, hey, there's just a lot going on right now all the stuff with cash and
11:30Remy plus I'm unemployed and rent is due. So my brother and his mistress are way down on my list of things to worry about right now
11:38Honestly, I think I'm just feeling sorry for myself and you know, it's quiet without cash here. So
11:43He'll be back soon, yeah
11:48Come on
11:49Alright, let's go for a walk get some air
11:53Don't you don't you have to go back to Seoul? I'll get there for the lunch rush
11:58Come on
12:22Mackenzie hey, hey
12:24Hey, how's it going? This is Bronte. She's staying with us for a bit. Hi. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too
12:31Have you heard from Donna? No, no, I haven't have you know
12:36No, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude I just um, I need to keep walking. Yeah
12:41Yeah, I'll catch up with you. Okay. I'll see you. See ya
12:49She okay? Not really. She's staying with us because she has a terminal illness. Oh
12:55No, poor thing. Oh
12:58What are the doctors doing for her? Not much now. She's run out of options here. What do you mean here?
13:04There's a clinical trial in Canada. We're helping her raise the money for it. Wow, that's so cool
13:11Is there anything that I can do to help?
13:13We could donate. We've set up a fundraising page for her. I can send you the details. Yeah, please do. Thanks. Oh
13:22She must be so scared
13:25I don't know how that feels
13:28Come and have a coffee with me. No, thanks. I'll make sure Mack and Levi aren't there. Still none
13:34Okay, how about a how about a free breakfast then? Take away? Dine-in offer only?
13:40Still no. Oh, why not? Because you're only offering me because I'm broke
13:46About that. I have a solution for you. Really? Yeah, I'll give you a job
13:50Hang on. Whoa, I need to get my hearing tested. Too many loud gigs, obviously. For a second there
13:55I thought that you said you wanted me to work at Salt with my brother's mistress. Hear me out
14:00I'll organize the rosters and make sure you and Mac are never on at the same time. Look, you said it yourself
14:06You can't stop her from showing up whenever she wants. Work with me here. Eden, I'm just trying to help you
14:22That was all a bit crazy, right? That's one way of putting it
14:31I'm sorry
14:35Me too
14:37But I have to be clear here. I
14:40Can't spend the rest of my life being tested by you. I
14:44Know I know
14:47Do you?
14:49Because if you don't trust me, this isn't gonna work and I know how difficult that must be
14:55Given how we got together
14:57You know, I met this um woman today
15:00she's um
15:02really sick and
15:04She's so scared. I could see the fear in her eyes
15:07And I remember that feeling
15:11And it made me realize how grateful I am
15:19I promise I will never hurt you. I want to believe that so much. I do
15:30But my whole life
15:34They've been making promises to me that they can't keep
15:39I'm not those men
15:46Don't let the past
15:49Take away from what we have right here right now
16:02Think about it. I will I
16:05Mean really think about it. Don't just forget I ever offered the second. I walk out the door. Hey, I will
16:12Good cuz I can talk to Mac. Oh, no, don't do that. Don't do that. What? No, I mean it
16:17I just I would rather her not know how pathetic I am
16:20What do you mean?
16:23It's bad enough that I'm in this situation, but you offering me charity. That's just oh
16:28Oh, excuse me, my best friend is not charity
16:36Okay, I will think about it I
16:40Won't really think about it
16:46Thank you, all right gotta go I
16:54These are the table six love. Thank you. We cooked enough food
17:00This is different. It's incredible. I just appeared out of nowhere. I don't recognize my mom. How's it gonna be? Okay?
17:12Thought things were slow
17:14Auntie are you here by yourself with her? She's gonna meet me at home
17:18But I just wanted to come by and thank you for your incredibly generous donation love. I'm happy. I could do it
17:25Um, is this body? Oh, sorry. This is Leia. Oh your business partner. Hey and her very handsome husband Justin
17:34It's nice to meet you both I can't even tell you how wonderful Irene has been to me love
17:40I just wish I could have donated more
17:42Excuse me
17:46Gabi I
17:49Don't know how you and Theo got so many people here, but I'm assuming it's his social
17:55But I love you for it and I want to pay it forward was it babe
17:58I was thinking maybe that we could donate to the prom team. That's the least that we could do. Yeah, let's do that
18:10What are you doing chef said you took off yeah, I did I'm sorry, um, I just had something I had to sort out
18:17You and Levi, okay
18:19I'm not an idiot. I could see that things were tense. Yeah. No, you're right. They were
18:24But we're good. We sorted it. We're good. Okay
18:28So actually, um, there's something I wanted to run by you
18:34Okay. Um
18:35Well, how would you feel if salt donated a couple of grand to a really good cause?
18:40What kind of cause?
18:42Well, I met this girl who's staying with Irene and she has a terminal illness and if she doesn't raise the fun
18:48She needs for treatment
18:50She'll die
18:52That's terrible and I just thought maybe if we could help in like any little way, yeah, um, so so what's brought this on um, I
19:01Think it's what people did for me
19:04You know that raising all that money for art research. Yeah. Sorry. No, no. No, it's not stupid. It's not let's do it
19:10Let's do it. Let's donate really? Yes
19:24Sending you strength from Leah and Justin. Oh, that's so nice of them five hundred dollars too much
19:34Everyone here is so nice. That's why I ended up sticking around. Whoa
19:40Who's salt it's a lovely little bar and restaurant above the surf club though. We'll take you there one time. Why do you ask?
19:49They just donated two thousand dollars, why would they do that?
19:53the lady on the beach
19:56She owns the place and I was telling her about you. I hope that's okay. Yeah. No, of course
20:01I just I can't believe how generous people are around here. I told you love
20:06This is the place to be if you're in need we're gonna get that money for you in no time girly
20:19What you got there I just some stuff I left in Kesha's room
20:26You okay? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm just making this easy for you
20:32Don't get mad, but I just I don't think I can be around you right now
20:35What is that me? I'm sorry, okay, you can't just say that and walk away
20:38I I saw you hugging Mackenzie and and look I know that you have to keep the peace
20:42I just I didn't think it's my business part. Yeah, and I totally get that
20:46But I just thought that our friendship was more important Eden eat away. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine
20:52You made your choice and I I totally respect that and now I am asking you to respect mine
21:09Things have changed I have an idea
21:12It turns out my bloods showed up benzene. You could see from the diner, too
21:17I didn't even know she was exposed. No neither to die
21:19Well, maybe I can take a look at the report help you understand everything. Thank you, but it's not necessary
21:24So you got this person that's so desperate to live that they're willing to travel halfway around the world for a clinical trial
21:30But then when you a doctor is there offering to help her she says no
21:35Doesn't make sense, right?