• last year
दिल्ली की रहने वाली अर्शिया ढींगरा पिछले कई वर्षों से कूड़े के निस्तारण पर काम कर रही है, और पृथ्वी को बचाने में अपना महत्वपूर्ण योगदान दे रही हैं. अर्शिया ने इस बार घर में बेकार पड़ी वेस्ट मटेरियल से कई ऐसी सुंदर पेंटिंग्स बनाई है जो नई पीढ़ी के बच्चों के लिए प्रेरणा स्रोत है.


00:00What is your name?
00:02Arshad Hingra
00:03Arshad, what is your detail about the work you are doing?
00:07I have made a sustainable mat for the environment
00:11which I have collected from home
00:13and made a mat out of the waste
00:16and there are many uses of it
00:18if I give it to underprivileged people
00:20or if I apply it at home
00:22so I have given this mat to many people
00:25and secondly, I have taught many paintings
00:28to underprivileged women
00:30as you just saw
00:31I have to take my culture forward
00:33that's why I have taught them
00:35because they don't have the resources to do all this
00:38so my idea was that I have to create awareness
00:41and explain to them what waste segregation is
00:45so I have to take this further
00:47In what range are you doing this
00:49and how many people are you connected with?
00:52I have done this NGO through Dr. O.P. Bhalla Foundation
00:57I have made this mat for around 50 people
01:01and I have given it to them
01:03and the 50 plus paintings
01:05with the help of 25 women
01:08we have made these paintings
01:10and whatever money we have collected
01:12we have given it back to them
01:14like 2.5 lakhs that we have collected
01:16we have collected the total amount and gave it back to them
01:18Is there any waste?
01:20Or do you give it to the workers?
01:23The waste from which I have made the mat
01:25like these Maggi packets
01:27polythene bags
01:28all the household items
01:31I have collected them and made this mat
