Shrouding The Heavens Ep.62 English Sub

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Shrouding The Heavens Ep.62 English Sub
00:00Episode 10
00:12The fairy is here. Why haven't you shown yourself?
00:16It's been a while.
00:18I didn't expect you to have changed from a nobody
00:21to a man who can make the Mechnimals feel at ease.
00:28Don't make fun of me.
00:30I think you know why I'm looking for you.
00:34I also want to discuss a top-secret matter with you, little brother.
00:39Let's meet in the old place.
00:52Come out.
00:53I don't have time to play hide-and-seek with you.
01:00Episode 10
01:12Where is the target?
01:14If you want me to open it, you must give me a result.
01:22Are you going to tell me or not?
01:25Do you want to open the Sand Realm?
01:28Then don't blame me for being merciless.
01:46Peacock King, I think you've already expected this day to come.
01:52I just didn't expect our little grudge
01:55to cause two ancient clans to fight each other.
01:58It seems that the Ji family has no descendants since the world was created.
02:04Human and demons are incompatible.
02:07Grudges will never be erased.
02:09Eight hundred years ago, you were in the south.
02:13Today, I'll teach you how to fly in the south.
02:25Ji's Style of Flickering Light
02:42Watch out!
02:48Ji's Style of Flickering Light
02:50has joined forces with Xuan Yuan Valley.
02:56Ji's Style of Flickering Light
03:01It's really a generation after another.
03:04It's ridiculous that you want to deal with me with such a shallow formation.
03:09It's most appropriate to leave it for you to slaughter the chickens and dogs.
03:14Peacock King, you trespassed into Ji's family and killed my clan.
03:17This grudge is in heaven.
03:19Let's settle it today.
03:25Ji's Style of Flickering Light
03:49What's wrong?
03:50Is your heart aching?
03:56Do you still have time to joke?
03:58Hurry and leave this place.
04:00You go first.
04:01Leave from the back of the valley.
04:04Remember not to go north.
04:05That's the Fire Domain.
04:07But you...
04:08Pangbo and Princess Yan Ruyu have already gone to the North Domain.
04:13This is the end.
04:14If we are fated, we will meet again.
04:21I will go to the North Domain.
04:23Don't break your promise, Xingzi.
04:32I went to Yan'an to watch the sunset
04:34during the battle between the Da Nang.
04:36Now I have to find another jade door
04:38and go to the North Domain.
04:45Don't be afraid.
04:46I will give you a good beating.
04:50You old hag.
04:53My love.
05:12I have some regrets.
05:14I should have killed you when I saw you.
05:18Killing a dog like you,
05:20you will never end?
05:21I will give you three punishments.
05:23杀我众人!Kill all of my people!
05:40第二阵 透血大虚空手!Second move, Spiral Strike!
05:53第三阵,你竟敢觊觎机甲明月,如何能留灵!Third move, how dare you covet the Moon of the Mechnimals!
06:13你这些莫须有的罪名,我可不认!I won't let you get away with this!
06:17压减魂力!Decrease your power!
06:20你这只死老太婆!若是想杀我,何必说这些废话!You damn old woman! If you want to kill me, why do you have to say such nonsense?
06:26今日定让你生不如死!I will make you suffer!
06:33小贼,拿你包!Thief, take your bag!
06:49来吧,死老太婆!借这火玉地神教杀你!Come on, old woman! I will kill you with this Fire Jade Earth God!
07:20你身后便是火玉!小贼,你无路可逃!跪下,我便赏你一具全尸!Kneel down, and I will give you a whole body!
07:40想让我跪?你还没这个本事!If you want me to kneel, you are not capable enough!
07:46追!别让他跑了!Chase him! Don't let him run away!
07:57月小弟,你若这般横闯火域,可是自寻死路!Little brother Yue, if you break into the Fire Jade like this, you will die!
08:04是你,也是来凑热闹的吗?Are you here to make trouble?
08:07岂敢!我只是担心月小弟你不知火玉凶险!How dare you! I'm just worried that you don't know the danger of Fire Jade.
08:13不忍见你远命于此,特来助你破局!I can't bear to see you die here, so I'm here to help you break through!
08:21说吧,什么条件?Tell me, what's your condition?
08:25你知道我的条件!You know my condition!
08:31好!今日你助我逃出魔掌,他日,我便和你回妖光!Good! Today, you help me escape from the Devil's Palm, and I will return to the Demon Light with you the next day!
08:38此火玉,火焰无根无羽,沉寂深处!This Fire Jade, the flame has no roots, and the dust is deep!
08:45第一步,你去设法点燃火玉!The first step, you try to ignite the Fire Jade!
08:50点燃?你是嫌我死得不够快吗?Ignite? Do you think I'm dying too fast?
08:54小活命,就按我说的做!Little living life, do as I say!
09:02点燃,点燃!Ignite, ignite!
09:07打破天网!Break the net!
09:16闪火呢?Where's the flame?
09:18跟我一样!Follow me!
09:19打破天网!Break the net!
09:35烈焰席卷高天,有瞬息间隔!烈焰席卷高天,有瞬息间隔!You can see the distance between the flame and the sky!
09:38你要借此与机甲拉开距离!You have to distance yourself from the machine!
09:41然后呢?And then?
09:43用尽全力,向下直冲!利用烈焰彻底摆脱!Use all your strength, and go straight down! Use the flame to escape!
09:50天啊!Oh my god!
09:59小贼,还妄想通过地势逃脱!Bastard, you still want to escape through the terrain!
10:19迟迟在!It's not too late!
10:33这不知天高地厚的东西!此处已是火域第四层!This is the fourth floor of the Fire Realm!
10:40向下你必将化为灰燼!向上由我机甲杀阵,进入你死无葬身之地!You will be turned into ashes! I will kill you with my machine gun!
10:50叶凡,还活着吗?Yefan, are you still alive?
10:54托圣女的福,仍有一细…这究竟是何等鬼斧神功啊?Thank you, Goddess Tosha, but there is still a little bit left. How powerful is this?
11:05荒谷以前,此地先民曾以锻法炼器为生,好不慎点燃无根之火,万年的璀璨传承,轻刻间变化作眼下的火力。In the ancient times, the people of this land used to make weapons out of broken metal, so that they could easily ignite the fire.
11:13万年的璀璨传承,轻刻间变化作眼下的火力。我瑶光仙子曾在第五层炼器,并与某处基石刻有传送密法。利用此法,便可一路无阻,直抵瑶光。By using this method, we can travel without stopping, and reach the bottom of the Moonlight.
11:39终于可以甩开他们了!I can finally get rid of them!
11:43什么贼!你跑不了了!What a thief! You're not getting away!
11:54死老太婆,真是阴魂不散!That old hag is really haunting me!
11:58怪不得你对此地了如指掌,原来是有瑶光的贼人与你暗通狂情!No wonder you know so much about this place. It turns out that there are thieves in the world who are in cahoots with you!
12:12这费劲的! Would you like to try that?
12:29如今你天人难助Currently, there's no way you can defeat them.
12:32I'd like to see if you can withstand my Jijia Divine Body
12:37and this fiery flame.
12:43Go to hell!
12:52You don't even dare to look down.
12:55Then I'll stop at the entrance.
12:59Ye Fan! Ye Fan!
13:01Wake up!
13:11Where am I?
13:13What can you see?
13:21Is this the unfinished Qi?
13:32Purple fire.
13:34Qi? Purple fire?
13:36Is it the rootless fire?
13:38I think it's because you used the Great Void Skill
13:40and accidentally got burned to the sixth level.
13:42Then do you have a countermeasure?
13:46This rootless fire can destroy everything.
13:50Even an immortal has to retreat for three lives.
13:53But I...
13:56It's just a fire.
13:58You've gone too far.
14:01Ye Fan, what are you going to do?
14:04Get out of the way!
14:26It's you.
14:28It's you.
14:30Shang Yu!
14:34What's going on?
14:43This is a small scientific journal.
14:46The Fire Domain is in the southern territory of Jin State.
14:49There are no grasses here.
14:51The fire has been burning for a long time.
14:54It never ceases to burn.
14:57The fire of the Fire Domain has a mysterious power.
15:00It is the blood of the strong.
15:02But this is not a peaceful place.
15:05The fire deep in the Fire Domain can even burn into the gods.
15:09If you rush in, you will only be turned into ashes.
