Adorable family of blue tits turn town hall BIN into their home

  • 4 months ago
A local town hall welcomed new residents - after a family of blue tits turned a cigarette bin into their family home.

The birds built a nest in a bin attached to Kettlesing Millennium Village Hall in North Yorkshire.

A note had been placed on the bin warning smokers to dispose of the cigarette butts elsewhere.

The bin is now home to three baby blue tits - each with their own 'hole' to peek through - and an adult female.

Local resident, Elise Key, 35, spotted the nesting chicks before teaching a Pilates class.

She quickly snapped a video and incredibly managed to capture the moment their mum returned to feed them.


00:00Hello baby. Oh baby, I can't wait to play out. Hello baby, hello baby. Hi baby. Sorry
00:20mummy, go on then. You're so cute. She's giving him food, I've got it Maggie.
