True Story of New Year's Eve

  • 3 months ago
"Welcome to our channel, your gateway to the most spine-chilling tales and unnerving true stories. Today, we present a story: "Shadows in the New Year's Eve". Get ready to be on the edge of your seat as we delve into this unsettling narrative. But be warned—comfort is the last thing you'll find here."
00:00Welcome to our channel, your gateway to the most spine-chilling tales and unnerving true
00:06Today, we present a harrowing true story.
00:09Shadows in the neighborhood.
00:10Get ready to be on the edge of your seat as we delve into this unsettling narrative.
00:14But be warned comfort is the last thing you'll find here.
00:17It was a cold, crisp night as John pulled up to Matthew's house.
00:21The moon hung low in the sky, casting long shadows across the empty street.
00:25He climbed out of his car, his breath forming little white puffs in the air, and made his
00:30way up to the door.
00:32The key turned easily in the lock, and he pushed the door open, stepping inside.
00:36The house was deathly silent, the air thick with an unsettling stillness.
00:40The curtains were drawn, casting the runes into a dim, eerie light.
00:45John shivered, his arms wrapping around his chest as he tried to fight off the unsettling
00:49chill that seemed to have taken hold of him.
00:52He walked through the living room, noting the familiar furniture and knickknacks that
00:56had been a part of Matthew's life.
00:58It was strange, he thought.
01:00How empty it all seemed now.
01:01There was no sign of Matthew's usual clutter, notebooks, or DV discattered about, no discarded
01:07clothes on the floor.
01:08The house felt cold and lifeless, as if it had been stripped of its soul.
01:12As he continued his tour of the house, he began to hear strange noises coming from upstairs.
01:17A creek here, a groan there, as if the old house were stretching and settling after its
01:22long slumber.
01:23It was unnerving, to say the least.
01:25John hesitated for a moment, debating whether or not to investigate, before finally mustering
01:31up the courage to climb the stairs.
01:33At the top of the landing, he paused, listening intently.
01:36The noises seemed to be coming from Matthew's bedroom.
01:40He took a deep breath, squared his shoulders, and pushed the door open.
01:44The room was even colder than the rest of the house, and icy chill-ceeping through his
01:49The bed was made, the sheets tucked tightly beneath the mattress.
01:53The pill is plumped and perfect.
01:54It was as if Matthew had just stepped out for a moment, leaving everything just as it should
02:01But John knew that wasn't the case.
02:03Something about the room felt.
02:05He couldn't quite put his finger on it.
02:07The air had a strange odor to it, like something was burning, but not quite.
02:12It was unsettling, to say the least.
02:14He turned his attention back to the rest of the room, taking in the posters on the walls,
02:19the books on the shelves, the clothes in the closet.
02:21It was then that he noticed it.
02:23A small, innocuous looking box sitting on Matthew's desk.
02:27He walked over to it, curiosity getting the better of him, and picked it up.
02:31It was made of plain, unadorned wood.
02:34With a small, brass lock securing its shut.
02:37There was no label, no markings of any kind.
02:40He hesitated for a moment, debating whether or not to open it, before finally giving in
02:46to his curiosity.
02:47The lock clicked open easily, and he lifted the lid.
02:51Inside, he found a number of strange, arcane looking objects, a handful of crystals, a
02:57few scrolls of parchment, and a small leather-bound book.
03:01He couldn't quite believe what he was seeing.
03:03Was Matthew, a wizard, a sorcerer?
03:06He had no idea.
03:07As he stood there, lost in thought, he heard a creak from the hallway outside.
03:12He spun around, heart racing, certain that someone was there.
03:15But when he looked back out into the hallway, there was no one to be seen.
03:19The house was still deathly silent.
03:21He shut the box quickly, replacing it on the desk, and hurried back downstairs.
03:27Something was definitely wrong here.
03:30And he didn't want to stick around to find out what it was.
03:33As he grabbed his coat and prepared to leave, he couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding
03:37settle heavily in the pit of his stomach.
03:40Whatever had been going on in this house, whatever secrets Matthew had been keeping,
03:45it was clear that he had stumbled into the middle of it.
03:48And now he was left to wonder how deeply he was entangled.
03:51As the night wears on, the girl reveals herself to be more sinister than John could have
03:57She confesses to stealing a key from the house earlier.
04:00And when John tries to call Matthew, he discovers that his friend is out with friends, to an
04:06he-breaded to come home.
04:08The girl taunts him, reveling in their helplessness.
04:10Then, in the dead of night, the chilling knocking echoes through the house.
04:15John and his guests huddle together in fear, dialing the police as they hear footsteps
04:19creeping closer.
04:21The knocking grows louder, and soon it seems as if someone or something is trying to break
04:25down the front door.
04:26John's heart pounds in his chest as he peeks through the curtains, half expecting to see
04:31a masked intruder on the other side.
04:33Instead, he sees nothing but the darkness beyond.
04:36The girl, sensing his confusion, chuckles menacingly and says, maybe it's just the wind, or a
04:43But I've seen stranger things happen in this house.
04:45The knocking continues unabated.
04:47And soon it seems to shift to the back door.
04:50John and the girl exchange worried glances as they listen to the faint sounds of splintering
04:55They hurry to the kitchen, where they find the back door hanging off its hinges.
04:59Fear and anger surge through John as he realizes they are not safe here.
05:03He grabs a nearby kitchen knife for protection and gestures for the girl to follow him.
05:07They race upstairs to Matthew's room, barricading the door with furniture.
05:11John paces the room, his knuckles white as he grips the knife.
05:15The girl stands in the corner, watching him with a malevolent glare.
05:18You know, she says, her voice cold and calm.
05:21I think we should face this together.
05:24Before John can respond, she lunges at him, her hands clawing at his face.
05:28She stumbles backwards, falling over a chair, and drops the knife with a clatter.
05:33The girl advances on him, her breath hot against his neck, and whispers, there's no one coming
05:38to save you, John.
05:39This is our home now.
05:41As terror washes over him, John realizes that the girl must be some kind of deranged
05:45cultist or serial killer.
05:47He scrambles to retrieve the knife, but before he can stand up, she's on top of him, her
05:52hands around his throat.
05:54He struggles for breath.
05:56Blinking the world growing dark and distant.
05:59Just as he's about to black out, he hears a click.
06:02And then the girl's body goes limp.
06:04She slumps to the floor, a small dart protruding from her neck.
06:07Blinking in confusion, John looks up to see a figure in a black hoodie standing in the
06:12The figure removes the hood to reveal a familiar face, its detective Harris, who had been assigned
06:17to the case earlier that day.
06:19You shouldn't have come here, he says, his voice stern but relieved.
06:23You could have gotten yourself killed.
06:25As paramedics arrived to tend to John's injuries, detective Harris tells him about
06:29the girl.
06:30Her real name is Sarah, and she was Matthew's sister.
06:33She had been living in a mental institution, but had escaped a few days ago.
06:38It seems that she had been obsessed with her brother's new friends and had been following
06:42them, planning to kill anyone who got close to him.
06:46The ordeal leaves John shaken to his core, but he's grateful to be alive.
06:50As he's loaded into the ambulance, he can't help but wonder what else Sarah might have
06:54done if detective Harris hadn't shown up when he did.
06:57The night has been a living nightmare, but at least now it's over.
07:01Or so he thinks, as he drifts off into an uneasy sleep.
07:04Haunted by the memory of Sarah's twisted smile and the feeling of her cold, clawed hands
07:09on his skin.
07:10As the police officers frantically search the house, their flashlights illuminating the
07:15darkened corners and casting Yuri's shadows on the walls.
07:18John and his guests huddle together in the living room.
07:21The officers confer in hushed tones, clearly perplexed by the situation.
07:25After several tense minutes, one of the officers approaches John and informs him that the girl
07:30had indeed given the intruders a key to the house.
07:33John feels a wave of panic wash over him as he realizes that they are now trapped inside
07:38with a known assailants.
07:40The officers assure them that they will remain outside and keep watch throughout the night,
07:44but John and his guests decide that they cannot leave the house unprotected.
07:48They both feel a sense of responsibility towards Matthew's dog and towards ensuring
07:53the safety of the house itself.
07:55Reluctantly, the officers agree to remain outside, and the three of them settle in for
08:00the long night ahead.
08:01As the hours tick by, the silence inside the house is broken only by the occasional creak
08:06of the floorboards, or the distant howl of the wind outside.
08:10John and his guests exchange nervous glances, their hearts pounding in their chests as they
08:15strain to hear any signs of movement beyond the door.
08:18The tension is palpable, and the air feels thick with fear.
08:21It's not long before they begin to notice strange whispers and the flickering shadows
08:25of movement outside the windows.
08:27The intruders have circled the house, and they are now on the other side of the yard,
08:32hidden in the darkness.
08:33John and his guests exchange terrified glances, realizing that they have nowhere left to run.
08:39They take turns peering out of the windows, straining to catch a glimpse of their assailants,
08:44but the darkness seems to swallow them whole.
08:46As the night wears on, the whispers grow louder and more insistent, like a chorus of
08:51ghostly voices calling out to them from the shadows.
08:54The intruders continue to circle the house, moving ever closer, their intentions unclear.
08:59John's heart pounds wildly in his chest, and he begins to wonder if they will make it through
09:04the night alive.
09:05Desperate for a way to defend themselves, John and his guests frantically search the
09:09house for weapons.
09:10They find an old baseball bat and a rusty kitchen knife, feeling a small measure of
09:15relief at the prospect of being able to fight back.
09:18But as they arm themselves, they can't shake the feeling that it might not be enough.
09:22The intruders seem to know the house better than they do, and their numbers seem to grow
09:26with every passing moment.
09:28Time loses all meaning as the night wears on, and John finds himself slipping in and
09:32out of consciousness, his exhaustion battling against the terror that grips him.
09:37He can't help but wonder if Matthew will even recognize the house when he finally returns.
09:41Will there be anything left for him to come home to?
09:44The thought is enough to send a shiver down his spine.
09:47Finally, just as the first hints of dawn begin to streak the sky, they hear a commotion outside.
09:53The intruders appear to be arguing amongst themselves, their voices raised in anger.
09:58John and his guests exchange nervous glances, not daring to hope that this might be the
10:02end of it.
10:03As the sun begins to rise, revealing the intruders to be nothing more than a group of drunken
10:08teenagers who had wandered onto the wrong property.
10:11Relief washes over them in waves.
10:13Shakily, they unbarricade the doors and windows, allowing fresh air to flow through
10:18the house once more.
10:20The dog, sensing that the danger has passed, trots out into the yard, tail wagging excitedly.
10:26John collapses onto the couch, his heart racing and his muscles aching from the tension of
10:30the long night.
10:32His guest sits down beside him, taking his hand in reassurance.
10:35As they wait for Matthew to return, they can't help but wonder what drove the intruders to
10:40their home in the first place.
10:41But for now, at least, they are safe.
10:44As the first rays of dawn filtered through the dusty curtains, casting a warm, golden
10:49light onto the cold floorboards, John finally let out a shaky breath.
10:53The wait of the long night seemed to lift from his shoulders, but he knew the ordeal
10:57was far from over.
10:59He glanced over at his friend Matthew, who was pacing back and forth in the living room,
11:04his expression the mixture of shock, disbelief, and fear.
11:07The house had been eerily quiet since the police had arrived, and the two of them had
11:11managed to get a few hours of a fitful sleep in the early morning hours.
11:15But now that the sun was up, they both knew they couldn't put off dealing with the aftermath
11:20any longer.
11:21They had to face the truth about what had happened while they were gone.
11:24John got to his feet, rubbing his tired eyes, and made his way over to the window.
11:29He pulled back the dusty curtains, revealing the bleak, overcast sky outside.
11:35The grass was wet with dew, and the trees were swaying gently in the breeze.
11:39It looked like it might rain later in the day.
11:42He turned to Matthew, who had stopped pacing and was now standing beside him.
11:46You okay, man, he asked softly.
11:48Matthew shook his head, his expression grim.
11:51No, not really.
11:53But at least it's over, I guess.
11:54He took a deep breath, then continued, so what do we do now?
11:59Call the cops again.
12:00The landlord, let's start with breakfast, John suggested.
12:03We can call someone later.
12:05Once we've had something to eat, he gestured towards the kitchen, where the smell of bacon
12:10and eggs was wafting from the stove.
12:12I already made some.
12:13Matthew nodded, forcing a weak smile.
12:16Thanks, man.
12:17That sounds good.
12:18The two of them made their way into the kitchen, their footsteps echoing through the empty
12:23As they sat down at the kitchen table, the smell of food filling the air, they both tried
12:28to shake off the lingering sense of dread that had followed them since they'd returned
12:33He sat in silence for a while, lost in their own thoughts.
12:36Finally, John broke the silence.
12:38You want to tell me what happened?
12:40He asked, his voice low and serious.
12:43I mean, between you and that, girl, Matthew looked up, his expression pained.
12:48It's not much to tell, he began.
12:50We were together for about a year.
12:52We met at a party, hit it off right away.
12:54She was.
12:55Different from anyone I'd ever known.
12:58Smart, funny, beautiful.
13:00I thought she was the one.
13:01She paused, taking a sip of coffee before continuing.
13:05But things started to change about a month ago.
13:07She became distant, moody.
13:09She started accusing me of cheating, of seeing other people.
13:12I tried to reassure her, to convince her it wasn't true, but nothing I said seemed to
13:18John nodded, understanding only to well the pain of a failed relationship.
13:22And then she started acting like she was.
13:25Like she was what?
13:26Matthew finished, his voice tight.
13:28Like she was crazy.
13:29Yeah, that's about right.
13:31But first, it was just little things.
13:33Hearing noises, seeing shadows.
13:35But then it got worse.
13:37She started following me, showing up at my work.
13:40I tried to talk to her, to make her understand that I loved her.
13:43But it was like she was possessed or something.
13:45He shook his head, looking down at the table.
13:48I should have seen it coming, I guess.
13:50I should have known something was wrong.
13:52John reached across the table and placed a comforting hand on his friend's shoulder.
13:56You couldn't have known, man.
13:58And it's not your fault, either.
14:00He's the one who did all this.
14:02Not you.
14:03Matthew looked up, his eyes glistening with inch tears.
14:06I know, but it's still hard.
14:08To think that I actually loved her, you know?
14:10And now I don't even know who she was or what she wanted.
14:13He took a deep breath, composing himself before continuing.
14:17I just want to put all of this behind me, you know?
14:19Get back to normal.
14:22John couldn't help but think that things would never be the same for either of them.
14:25The memories of the past night would haunt them both for a long time to come.
14:29But he also knew that they had to face the world together and support each other as
14:33best they could.
14:35Well, he said, forcing a smile.
14:37At least we have each other.
14:38We'll get through this, okay.
14:40Matthew managed a week's smile and return.
14:43Yeah, he said, his voice barely above a whisper.
14:46Yeah, we will.
14:48They finished their breakfast in silence, each lost in their own thoughts.
14:52Outside, the sky continued to darken, and the distant rumble of thunder could be heard
14:56in the distance.
14:58It seemed as if the world was echoing the turmoil they both felt inside, but they were
15:02together, and they would find a way through the darkness together.
15:05As they cleared the table and began to wash the dishes, John glanced over at his friend
15:10and gave him a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder.
15:13It's going to be alright, Matthew, he said.
15:16We'll get through this.
15:17And though the words might have sounded hollow to anyone else John meant every one of them.
15:22Because in that moment, as they stood together in the quiet of the kitchen, he knew that
15:26they had no choice but to believe them.
15:28As the first rays of sunlight streamed through the windows of Matthew's empty house, John
15:32awoke with a start.
15:33The weight of the previous night's events pressed down on him like an anvil, making
15:37it difficult to catch his breath.
15:39The house was still, the silence deafening in contrast to the terror that had filled
15:43it only hours before.
15:45He glanced over at Matthew, who was curled up on the couch, his face etched with exhaustion
15:51and fear.
15:52They had spent the entire night locked in the study, huddled around a flickering candle,
15:57trying to stay awake and protect each other.
15:59The intruders had tried several times to break down the door, but they had managed to hold
16:04them off until dawn.
16:05Now, as the sun rose higher in the sky, they could finally breathe a sigh of relief.
16:10John stood up slowly, his joints stiff from the cold and the tension.
16:14He stretched, wincing as his muscles protested, and then walked over to the window.
16:19The neighborhood was quiet, the only movement alone car meandering down the street.
16:24It was hard to believe that just a few hours ago, they had been fighting for their lives.
16:29He turned back to Matthew, who was now slowly stirring awake.
16:32You okay, man?
16:33He asked, his voice hoarse from deceuse.
16:36Matthew nodded, then winced as he struggled to sit up.
16:39I'll live.
16:40Thanks for staying with me.
16:41I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't been here.
16:44He looked at John, his expression and mixture of gratitude and confusion.
16:49You know, that girl, she wasn't my girlfriend.
16:52I've never even met her.
16:53John felt a chill run down his spine at Matthew's words.
16:56What do you mean?
16:57I mean, Matthew said, rubbing his eyes.
17:00She was just some weirdo who came out of nowhere.
17:03She knew my name, and she knew about us, about you.
17:06She must have been following me or something.
17:08The implications of what Matthew was saying settled heavily on John's shoulders.
17:12If the girl wasn't Matthew's girlfriend, then who was she?
17:16And why had she been so desperate to get into the house?
17:19The questions swirled around in his head, making it difficult to focus.
17:23They decided to wait until they could talk to the police before discussing it any further.
17:28For now, they needed to make sure that everything was in order.
17:32John checked on the dog, who was sleeping peacefully in her bed, and then began to make
17:36some coffee.
17:37The smell of brewing coffee filled the kitchen, and soon Matthew joined him, rubbing his eyes
17:42and trying to wake up.
17:44As they sipped their coffee and tried to make sense of the night's events, they heard
17:47a loud knocking at the front door.
17:49John exchanged a worry glance with Matthew, but then forced himself to calm down.
17:54It must be the police, they thought.
17:56They hurried to the front door and opened it, revealing to uniformed officers, standing
18:01on the porch.
18:02The lead officer introduced himself as Officer Thomas, and they explained what had happened
18:06the previous night.
18:08As they spoke, John couldn't help but notice the look of disbelief on the officer's face.
18:13He seemed to be having trouble processing the story, as if it were some bizarre fantasy.
18:17Finally, Officer Thomas thanked them for their cooperation and told them that they would investigate
18:22the matter further.
18:23As they walked away, John and Matthew exchanged another worry glance.
18:27They both knew that something was still very wrong.
18:30Over the next few days, John and Matthew tried to return to their normal lives.
18:35But the events of that night continued to haunt them.
18:37John struggled to concentrate at work, and Matthew found himself constantly checking
18:41over his shoulder, as if he were being watched.
18:44They both knew that they needed answers, and they were determined to find them.
18:48The police investigation dragged on, but it yielded little in the way of concrete results.
18:53The intruders had managed to disappear into the night without leaving any trace behind.
18:58The only lead they had was the girl, who had vanished without a trace.
19:02Despite the lack of progress from the police, John and Matthew refused to give up.
19:06They began to conduct their own investigation, pouring over old photographs and searching
19:11through Matthew's personal belongings.
19:14It was during one of these searches that they found a key hidden away in an old shoebox.
19:18The key didn't look like any they had seen in the house before.
19:21Curiosity getting the better of them.
19:23They decided to try it in Matthew's car.
19:26To their surprise, it fit the ignition perfectly.
19:29When they turned the key, the engine roared to life.
19:31But more importantly, it gave them an idea.
19:34That night, they snuck out of the house and drove to a secluded spot near the woods.
19:39They carefully removed the license plates from the car and switched them with plates
19:43from a different vehicle that they had stashed in the trunk.
19:46Then they burned the plates and dumped the remains in a nearby dumpster.
19:50With the car now effectively disappearing from Matthew's life, they hoped that it would
19:54throw the police off their trail.
19:56They decided to wait a few days before reporting the car stolen, just to be sure.
20:01In the meantime, they continued their investigation.
20:03They searched through Matthew's computer files and discovered a series of encrypted files,
20:09labeled only with a string of random characters.
20:11Using their combined knowledge of computers and encryption algorithms, they managed to
20:16crack the code and reveal the contents of the files.
20:19What they found chilled them to the bone.
20:21The files contained photographs and videos of Matthew, taken without his knowledge, as
20:26well as a detailed journal of his every move over the past few months.
20:30It was clear that someone had been following him, studying his habits and waiting for the
20:34right moment to strike.
20:35As they continued to dig deeper, they uncovered a disturbing point.
20:38The pattern of stalking and harassment all aimed at Matthew.
20:42It seemed that the girl who had broken into their house was just one piece of a much larger
20:46and more sinister puzzle.
20:48They decided that they needed to confront Matthew about what they had found, but they
20:52also knew that they needed to be careful.
20:54The next day, they arranged to meet Matthew at a nearby park.
20:58As they walked through the trees, they couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding.
21:02Whatever was going on, it was clear that they were in danger.
21:06When they finally reached Matthew, they told him everything they had found.
21:10His face pale, he took a seat on a nearby bench and listened in silence.
21:14When they finished, he took a deep breath and let it out slowly.
21:17I had no idea, he said finally.
21:20I mean, I've been feeling a little weird lately, but I never thought it was anything
21:24like this.
21:25He paused, looking troubled.
21:27Do you think it's someone from work?
21:29Or maybe someone I went to school with.
21:31John Ann Matthew exchanged a worried glance.
21:33They had no idea who was behind all of this, but one thing was clear.
21:37They needed to be careful.
21:39They couldn't trust anyone anymore.
21:41As they sat in the park, the weight of their knowledge pressing down on them like a leaden
21:45cloak, they knew that their lives would never be the same again.
21:48The police investigation continued, but it seemed unlikely that they would ever find
21:52the person responsible.
21:54In the end, John and Matthew decided that they would have to take matters into their
21:58own hands if they wanted to find any answers.
22:01They began to keep a low profile, changing their routines and being extra careful about
22:05who they talked to.
22:07Weeks turned into months, and still they found no sign of their stalker, but they knew that
22:11they could not let their guard down.
22:13The memory of that night in the study, huddled together in fear, was seared into their minds.
22:18A reminder of the darkness that lurked just beyond the safety of their everyday lives.
22:22As they continued to navigate this new and certain world, they clung to each other for
22:28People for the bomb that had been forged through their shared ordeal, but they also
22:31knew that their relationship would never be the same.
22:34The trust they had once taken for granted was gone, replaced by a wary weariness that
22:39colored every interaction.
22:41And so, they lived their lives in a state of constant vigilance, always looking over their
22:46shoulders, always wondering when the next attack would come.
22:49But they were determined not to let fear rule them.
22:52They would find their stalker, they would bring them to justice, and they would finally
22:56be free.
22:57Even if it meant risking everything they held dear.
23:00The sun streamed through the windows of Matthew's empty house, casting long shadows across
23:04the dusty floorboards.
23:06John and Matthew stood together in the living room, their faces pale and their hearts still
23:10raising from the previous night's terror.
23:13They had barely slept a wink, but the events of the night continued to haunt their dreams.
23:17The air in the room was thick with Uni's intention.
23:20Do you think she's really behind all this?
23:23John asked, glancing nervously at the door.
23:26Sarah, I mean, Matthew shook his head.
23:29I don't know, man, she's been acting so strange lately, but I never thought.
23:34He trailed off, his voice cracking.
23:36We need to find out what's going on.
23:38Together, they began to search the house for clues.
23:41They started in the bedroom, looking through Sarah's belongings.
23:44Matthew's eyes widened as he found a stack of old photographs hidden under his bed.
23:49In the photos, Sarah was posing with a group of strangers in various occult rituals and
23:55These can't be good, he muttered, handing them to John.
23:58As they continued their search, they discovered a hidden panel in the wall behind a bookcase.
24:03Inside, they found a secret room filled with even more evidence of Sarah's involvement
24:08in something sinister.
24:09Shelves lined the walls, adorned with ancient artifacts and forbidden texts.
24:14The air was thick with the scent of incense and fear.
24:17This is, this is insane, John bressed, his heart racing.
24:21What do you think she's been up to?
24:22Matthew's face was pale with chalk.
24:24I don't know, but it's clear she's been using my name to cover up her tracks.
24:29We need to find out what she's been doing and why she's involved with these people.
24:33They spend hours combing through the room, searching for any clue that might lead them
24:37to the truth.
24:38As they worked, they grew increasingly certain that Sarah was not just a part of some cult
24:42or secret society.
24:44She was at the center of something much larger and more dangerous.
24:48Finally, they found a hidden safe tucked away in a corner of the room.
24:53After struggling to open it, they discovered a trove of incriminating evidence, documents
24:58detailing financial transactions, plans for elaborate rituals, and even a map leading to
25:03a secret underground lair.
25:05Stunned and shaken, they called the police, who arrived to arrest Sarah and begin investigating
25:11her network of associates.
25:13As they waited for the police to arrive, John and Matthew huddled together on the couch,
25:17trying to process the enormity of what they had uncovered.
25:20I can't believe I ever trusted her, Matthew said, his voice shaking.
25:24She's been using me this whole time.
25:26John squeezed his friend's shoulder.
25:28It's not your fault, man.
25:30She's just, she's a really good actress.
25:32I mean, who knows how many other people she's gotten close to like this.
25:37The police finally arrived, and Sarah was taken into custody.
25:40As they were led away in handcuffs, she shot a venomous glance at John and Matthew, her
25:45face twisted with rage and betrayal.
25:47The truth was out, and there was no going back.
25:50In the days that followed, John and Matthew testified against Sarah at her trial.
25:55They recounted their discoveries and the evidence they had uncovered, helping to put
25:59her away for a very long time.
26:01But even as they watched her be led away in shackles, they knew that their ordeal was
26:05far from over.
26:06The network of people she had been involved with was vast and influential, and there were
26:11still those who sought to continue their dark work.
26:13We did good, you know, Matthew said to John, as they left the courthouse.
26:18We stopped them from doing whatever it was they planned.
26:21We saved lives.
26:22John nodded, but he couldn't shake off the feeling that there was still more to be done.
26:27Something about the way Sarah had looked at them.
26:30The way she had promised them that it wasn't over.
26:33It chilled him to the bone.
26:35As they drove away from the courthouse, he glanced in the rearview mirror, half expecting
26:39to see her sinister face still watching them, waiting for the chance to strike again.
26:44John and Matthew stare at Sarah in disbelief as she sits across from them in her cramped
26:49The air feels thick with tension and fear.
26:51They've been digging through her things, finding evidence of her involvement with the
26:55intruders and their sinister plans.
26:57Now, they demand the truth.
26:59You were just using them.
27:01Matthew asks incredulous.
27:03You had no idea what they were really after.
27:05Sarah looks at them both in turn, her eyes darting back and forth between them.
27:09She takes a deep breath and exhales slowly.
27:12Look, she says.
27:14I knew they were up to no good, but I needed the money.
27:17They made it seem like it was just a small job.
27:19They said they just wanted access to the house.
27:22John leans forward, his elbows on his knees.
27:25And what about the artifact?
27:26You knew about that, too, didn't you?
27:29Sarah looks away, her face pale.
27:31Yes, she whispers.
27:32They told me it was valuable.
27:34They said they'd pay me well if I helped them find it.
27:37Matthew glances at John, his brow furrow.
27:39They both know that if Sarah is telling the truth, then the intruders must have been after
27:44something specific.
27:45Something hidden in the house?
27:47They decide to push her further, hoping she give up more information.
27:51Where did they think it was hidden?
27:52John asks his voice steady and calm.
27:55Sarah hesitates, her lips trembling.
27:57In the secret room, she says finally, the one behind the bookcase in the study.
28:02John and Matthew exchange a knowing look.
28:04They remember the hidden room vividly.
28:06It was filled with strange artifacts and occult symbols.
28:09They'd found an old map hidden behind a book that seemed to show the location of the secret
28:15Can you take us there?
28:16Matthew asks his voice firm.
28:18We need to find this artifact and put a stop to whatever they're planning.
28:22Sarah's eyes widen in fear.
28:24I can't, she whispers.
28:26They'll kill me if they find out I've betrayed them.
28:28John leans forward, his voice gentle but insistent.
28:31Sarah, we can protect you.
28:33We can make sure they don't hurt you.
28:35But we need your help.
28:37We need to know where the artifact is hidden.
28:39Sarah looks at them both, her expression torn.
28:42After a long moment of silence, she stands up and nods slowly.
28:45Alright, she says, her voice shaking.
28:48I'll take you there.
28:49The three of them leave the apartment and make their way through the city streets.
28:53As they walk, Sarah tells them more about the intruders and their plans.
28:58They were part of a secret society dedicated to finding ancient artifacts like the one
29:02they'd found in the house.
29:04They believed that the artifact held incredible power and that they could use it to take over
29:08the world.
29:09Finally, they reach the house.
29:11John and Matthew exchange nervous glances as they follow Sarah through the front door.
29:16They make their way to the study, their hearts pounding in their chests.
29:20Sarah leads them behind the bookcase and reveals the hidden passage way leading to the secret
29:25The three of them descend the creaky wooden stairs, the flickering light from Sarah's
29:29phone casting eerie shadows on the walls.
29:31The secret room is just as they remembered it, filled with ancient artifacts and forbidden
29:37But among them, they spot the object they've been searching for, a glowing, otherworldly
29:42crystal embedded in a carved obsidian pedestal.
29:45As they approach the pedestal, Sarah's eyes widen in fear.
29:48Please, she whispers, don't take it.
29:51They'll come after you.
29:52John turns to her, his expression hard.
29:54We have to stop them, he says firmly.
29:57We can't let them use this artifact for their own twisted ends.
30:01Matthew Knott's in agreement.
30:02We'll find a way to destroy it, he says, his voice steady.
30:06And we'll make sure they never hurt anyone again.
30:08They stand together, facing the pedestal and the ancient artifact within.
30:12The fate of the world hangs in the balance.
30:15As their hands close around the crystal, a blinding light fills the room, and a deafening
30:20roar echoes through the chamber.
30:22When the light fades and the sound subsides, they are left staring at an empty pedestal.
30:26The artifact has vanished, destroyed in a fiery explosion of magic and power.
30:31Sarah looks at them in disbelief, tears streaming down her face.
30:34Thank you, she whispers.
30:37You saved us all.
30:38John and Matthew exchange a solemn look before turning back to Sarah.
30:41You're not out of the woods yet, John says gently.
30:44The intruders will be coming after us now.
30:47We need to find a way to protect you and make sure they don't find us.
30:51Together, they formulate a plan to stay one step ahead of the intruders.
30:55They know that they can't fight them alone, they'll need help from the authorities.
30:59But first, they need to find a way to expose the secret society and bring them to justice.
31:04As they leave the secret room, their journey to uncover the truth and save the world has
31:09only just begun.
31:10The trial of Sarah and the intruders dominated the news for weeks, with the public fascinated
31:15by the sort of details of their conspiracy and the ancient artifact they had been seeking.
31:19John and Matthew, still struggling to come to terms with what had happened, found themselves
31:24reliving the nightmarish events every time they took the stand.
31:28They described the fear, the isolation, and the unexplainable occurrences that had plagued
31:33them during that terrible weekend.
31:34The defense team, led by a slick and charismatic lawyer, did everything in their power to discredit
31:40John and Matthew, painting them as gullible, and naive young men who had been duped by
31:44an opportunistic criminal.
31:46They attempted to spend the story as a tragic case of youthful indiscretion, arguing that
31:51Sarah was merely a troubled young woman who had been taken advantage of by her own
31:56In the end, however, the prosecution's case was too strong.
31:59The judge found Sarah and the intruders guilty on all counts, sentencing them to lengthy
32:04prison terms.
32:05The artifact, which had been confiscated by the authorities during the investigation,
32:09was placed in the custody of a specialized museum for steady and safekeeping.
32:14As John and Matthew left the courtroom, they felt a mixture of relief and unease.
32:19The immediate danger had passed, but they couldn't help but wonder if there were more
32:22secrets yet to be uncovered.
32:24They had been changed by the events of that weekend.
32:27Their innocence shattered and their trust in others forever altered.
32:31Over the following months, they tried to return to their normal lives.
32:35John threw himself into his studies, determined to make something of himself despite the lingering
32:39shadows of his past.
32:41Matthew struggled to maintain his relationships with friends and family, feeling a sense of
32:46disconnection from the people he had once considered close.
32:49It wasn't until they received an unexpected letter from the curator of the museum that
32:53their curiosity was finally peaked again.
32:56The letter informed them that the artifact they had discovered in the hidden room had
33:00been identified as a powerful talisman, capable of granting its possessor immense power and
33:06control over the supernatural world.
33:08Intrigued and concerned, they arranged a meeting with the curator, who filled them in on the
33:13artifacts, history and the dark forces that had been seeking it.
33:17The curator warned them that there were likely other such artifacts hidden throughout Maplewood,
33:22waiting to be discovered by those who were not prepared to face the consequences.
33:26As they left the museum, John and Matthew felt a new sense of purpose.
33:30They knew that they couldn't simply forget what had happened and move on with their lives.
33:34They had been given a glimpse into a hidden world, and now they felt compelled to uncover
33:39its secrets.
33:40Together, they vowed to continue their investigation, determined to uncover the truth about Maplewood's
33:45dark past and protect their friends and family from the dangers that still lurked in the shadows.
33:50Thank you so much for joining me on this cinematic journey.
33:53If you enjoyed this video and want to see more like it, don't forget to hit that like
33:57button and subscribe to my channel.
34:00Have you experienced a spine-chilling horror that left you trembling?
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34:11Until next time, happy movie watching!
